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hard work=exhaustion

February 10th, 2006 at 03:22 am

Pooped. That's what I am tonight. I didn't sleep much last night & today I left home early (reminding myself all the grateful I don't have to drive anywhere to work), to go help my mom with her house. She is re doing most of the original home, getting ready to move back in this coming week. I painted closets for her as well as unclogged a shower drain, yukky. Moved many heavy objects, getting ready for the contractors to come back in & install the moldings.
In the process of working side by side with mom............we talked about lots of things, but finances were high on the list. She was very interested about this "blog" business as she called it. I learned so much from her and told her so today. Funny thing.........when we were discussing retirement readiness, etc.......a guy walked up to the door & he was from a local investment firm. We had to laugh! I don't know if he believed me when I told him we had been discussing finances & investments all day long! I'm sure he is more used to women saying they had no interest, or they would give his card to their husband.
We had a great talk about the difference between enthusiastically saving.......and just being cheap. My mom has a twin & I can see such differences between the two of them. My mom (& dad when he was living) were VERY frugal. But, they were also generous & thoughtful. My aunt & her family have ended up alone, no friends to speak of......and she complains about having to spend anything.
Being frugal allows my mom to be able to do things like totally re do her home, travel, whatever she wants.........
It's been a great lesson in contrasts with the two twins in my family. I tell my mom often, I'm sure glad she is the one that is my mom!!
It was a no spend day.......other than the gas used to get to moms' house. She also gave me several items to sell in the antique booth & a cabinet to use as one of the display shelves. Procurring things for free & then selling them! One of my favorite activities. Free is my favorite 4 letter word!
Heading to bed, hot pack already on my sore muscles!

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