Home > baby steps

baby steps

January 24th, 2006 at 08:46 pm

Actually walked for an hour this AM. Gorgeous sunshine too, which we haven't seen here for at least a month. Feel great. When done, I checked out the booth rental at the Antique Mall..............and it's half of what I was paying last year.
I put my name on a list for an available booth when one comes up. It's more of an investment than the $20.00, but I'm going to consider it in the same catagory. Something I'm not doing now...........and something to earn more money.
I loved the antique booth for the last couple years...........great fun, met some great people, got out of the house & learned lots too. Plus made money! Can't beat that. Wonder why I didn't think of it right away?
With the surplus items that come in here from the storage unit auctions, the items will be free to me for the booth. I already have my tax number, so I'm just waiting for the call at this point.

As I was out, the van turned over 100,000 miles. Caused me to think about the van/mileage/service bit. I'm usually not thinking of the vehicle, I drive so seldom. Just want it to go & stop. But, I ran it through my SavingAdvice filter...........and wonder if I'm doing all I can to get the best mileage out of it? I don't have excess stuff in it, but wonder about taking out the back seat & leaving it in the garage? I don't have that many kids anymore & actually use the back to haul things it would be no inconvenience. Will have to check into basic maint. for the idea of what I'm supposed to be doing & how often. Any advice out there??

A positive day. Feel like I'm moving forward in many aspects!

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