Viewing the 'no $pending day' Category
June 10th, 2006 at 06:06 pm
I can't come up with a name for what I did this AM. I had appointments with a couple people as well as a stop at the recycle plant for our county......
Everything I picked up was free. So, it really isn't shopping....but what is it exactly? Certainly better than yard sales, as there was no money spent!
I got the back of my van full of paint, not exactly the color I was remembering it was, this seems darker. But, when something is FREE, it is amazing just how fast I can change my mind! This is exactly the color I want to paint my house. At least, I'm going to paint a sample swatch somewhere, and look at it for a bit. If it is really too dark, I'll mix some white into the whole batch. I also picked up a big bucket of white........as well as a great green to give some life to my bedroom.
I had a response re; my Wanted post for sheet rock, so stopped and picked up a couple half sheets. Now, I just need to collect the tape & mud stuff, as well as figure out how to texture the patches when they are finished. When this project is done, I'll head back to town and get some more of the FREE paint to liven up this all white place I bought.
Picked up my FREE plants too....... 2 huge sacks of Iris; plenty to share a bag with my mom this week end.
Heading to the garden, to get busy! No kids for almost 2 hours, an infrequent luxury for me!
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no $pending day,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
Frugal Gardening
June 10th, 2006 at 03:00 pm
I'm just hooked. Today I'm squeezing in another Freecycle pick up.....more free plants from the person I met with last week. One hook up can turn into a regular connection with gardeners. We've all got plants to share once we get started. Todays gift is to be Iris!
Our local Freecycle group only allows Wanted posts on Saturdays, so today I'm asking for sheetrock and any supplies to do some repairs/patching with. Hoping to have a stash of free items for my Navy guy to repair the holes in my walls here when he gets here. I'm in the process of removing an old intercom system from this house, so each room will be left with a small hole by the door.......... Oh, so attractive.
I've got one more stop when I'm at the free plant house........it is near our county recycling offices. They give away great paint, and I'm hoping to load the van with 5 gallon buckets of my favorite blue/gray color. I've got housepainting on my list this summer & there is no better way than with FREE paint!
Off for a day of no spending, other than the gas to get back & forth.
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no $pending day,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
Frugal Gardening
June 9th, 2006 at 06:39 pm
I've had kids living with me for the last 33 years.......and today is the last day I'll have to set my schedule to match the school bus. Can't think of a celebration big enough!!! 
For the last decade, I've had special ed kiddos, so I needed to be outside to put the kids on the bus, as well as in the driveway when it pulled up in the afternoon, to receive the kids. I'll bet I have spent more time on or near my front porch than most of you!!
As I logged in to my email this AM, I found another book had sold at Half.com. That finishes off a series of books I had posted. I'll have to take it to the post office today, as the schedule is going to be unpredictable until my kiddo moves, now that school is out.
Got a phone call too this AM, one of those congrats types, I have won a stereo system & a week end at my choice of 4 resorts....IF I listen to a presentation on the resorts. Since I don't have to go more than 10 miles for the thing, or spend more than 2 hours and since I know I won't buy anything, I set up an appointment. After July, I could actually go away for the 4 days they are offering.......
Got 2 more pre survey questionaires this AM......says they will contact me if I'm chosen for the product eval, as well as a paid survey. Would be nice if these come to pass.
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no $pending day,
keeping track
June 7th, 2006 at 06:20 am
Busy day. Still working at my moms, but we're staying close to the computer, getting updates on the new baby all the time. Pictures as well as emails from the parents. So far, all is well.
Worked in moms gardens all morning, then she remembered her bank was offering a retirement seminar for women so we quickly cleaned up and headed for town. The afternoon was great. Free (wonderfully catered) lunch, great speakers and a nice workbook to figure assets/liabilities and net worth. The theme was "growing your retirement". The featured speaker was a landscape archetect. Great slides, the garden theme seemed odd at first, but since we barely had the dirt out from under our nails......we got used to it.
Went directly from there to a store, my mom had to buy baby gifts. (I had my hand made gifts done already, so no money on my part today) Mom was getting jazzed up re; her gardens after seeing our work this AM, then the slides this afternoon, she bought a ton of plants.
Got most everything planted when we got home, she cooked dinner, I dug, planted and watered. Things look soooo nice. Hope to have pictures before I leave tomorrow. The water feature we planned, didn't happen. The old container wasn't water tight, so we ended up planting in it instead.
Thanks everyone for the good grandma wishes re; our new little guy. I'm so used to working with kids having kids, this is a new venture. A couple that has been married now for a few years, has a home, their own business, a foster license with other kids placed in their home........and now a planned for baby. Pretty fun to watch when it's all in the proper order.
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no $pending day
June 5th, 2006 at 06:09 am
I'm gathering up my brain cells after a horrid week end with the autistic one. Have escaped for some R & R at my moms house........No phone, no cooking, it must be heaven.
We've got our TO DO list pretty packed again, but it is all different stuff than I would be doing at home, so it is a break.
I'm giving my mom a perm tomorrow AM. I've been doing this for her since I could barely reach the top of her head when she was sitting down. She really wanted to save some money!!!! To teach me how to do her hair ...I must have been about 6??? we figure. Anyway, it has been decades now, and I'm pretty good at it these days. I should figure out how much money she has saved over the years! Too bad she never learned how to cut my hair, now that would have been a deal.
We're off to the thrift stores again tomorrow afternoon, mom got a bunch of bargains last week end and she is anxious to try again. We're searching for some odd things to put in her new gardens...... Garden art sorts of stuff.
We're using my entertainment book and planning to go out to dinner tomorrow night... just haven't decided where yet. Then, Tuesday, we have an appt with the financial advisors at our bank, to discuss where she should/could put the procedes from the 2 lots she just sold.
If the weather cooperates, a little gardening is on the agenda too, hoping to set up a tiny water feature for her. If so, I've got my camera & will post pics. She is pretty wow-ed when it comes to seeing any of her garden on line. Too fun!
Going to continue to take total advantage of my break.....don't need to be back home and at work til Wed noon. (I do need to get a jacket cut out and basted while here....a customer is coming for a fitting right away on Thurs morning.)
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no $pending day,
Frugal Gardening,
sewing & knitting
June 1st, 2006 at 02:47 am
For the first time in my life, I've kept receipts for everything I've purchased this month. Also kept a tight rein on the checks written....
Paid the normal bills online, and wrote 5 checks for the month of May. Spent a total of $792.98 between checks and cash expenditures for the month. (the largest bill is the housekeeping, which I pay for my moms too) So, not bad at all. Didn't have any receipts for things that didn't have a purpose, nothing I couldn't account for.
I did learn that I need to close off the file of receipts each month, I have been tossing them in a folder on my desk for the last 4 months, and that wasn't the easiest method. I don't think I need to repeat this exercise, as there isn't any out of control spending, nor money disappearing, etc. My receipts should just go in the to be filed section, and put in the proper places during the month. It was nice to know that my 'feeling' about what I was spending, was right on.
I'll still continue to pay bills online, as that is one of my favorite things this computer does for me. I'll write fewer and fewer checks each month, as I add regular bills to the online account. And, I'll continue to cash one of my smaller paychecks each month, using that money as cash in my pocket. I always have most of it left by the end of the month........and either make a deposit with the extra or choose to not cash the next check.
I paid bills today, giving another payment to the 2 zero interest CC accounts. The balance was just over 10,000 when I started with the two (nasty leftover business/sister situation)............and todays total for the 2 cards is $8663.17 I am making progress! With the huge cut in my income this summer....I'm not going to see major changes in this total, it will still be going down, but not by much each month. Frustrates me to have something so negative hanging around....but, I see no other way.
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no $pending day,
keeping track
May 31st, 2006 at 03:14 pm
The planets must have been alligned right last night, as we've had a financial 'awakening' here at my house. The person that shares my house.....not the bills.......has just agreed to cover half the expenses for the house each month. Good thing I was sitting down. Good thing I don't suffer from a weak heart or something. I am stunned....and impressed with her....Finally!
So, my share of money to magically make appear by the first of every month is approx $1300. I can do that. If we could just find a 3rd person to add to the mix here, it would be even nicer. I continue to advertise & tell everyone I run into.
Along the lines of monthly expenses & this housemate person .........we've started a new habit. She is the one that goes to the storage unit auctions and has just mountains of stuff she sells. But, she has never really got off the couch to do much active "selling". She was more the wait til some prospective buyer just happened to come to the door type....
So, the new deal is.........every morning, we have our coffee at my desk and I read the Craigs list WANTEDS to her & respond to all the posts that match some of her junk. I've got her so busy, the couch thinks she's moved. And, her cell phone battery did die for the first time she said! This weeks hot items are a collection of 70's era speakers and a bunch of tires! Who knew?
Aiming for a no spend day today, I've been gone for a few days so there is a bit of a back log on my TO DO list here. Gardening of course........and getting the van packed with things for the weekly re stock trip to the antique booth.
And a big TA DA..... I've got leaf lettuce mature enough to pick to add to the salads tonight. Makes my day to pick free food. The cost of the seeds, under a dollar, we've got our own water......didn't need to fertilize, so it adds up to pretty close to free food in my book. Now, I just need to remember to sow some more salad greens every other week to keep us in greens for the remainder of the summer.
Off to preview the Wanted posts on Craigs list...........time to see who is "shopping"!!
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no $pending day,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word
May 31st, 2006 at 02:41 am
I jumped right back to work this AM after leaving my moms........had 3 days there, getting waited on and spending almost nothing.
Picked up a freecycle item.........free chicken wire for the on going coop project here...then, got a MUCH needed hair cut from my sewing customer. She has referred my name & number to more people over this holiday week end too....yeah. And, she does a fine haircut too!
Then, I was close to the bank & thought I would swing in & make a deposit and see if I could check with their financial advisors to get a better deal on some money I have in their platinum savings account. I know it isn't in the wisest place, but I rarely have time with no kids.........so this was my first oportunity. Listened to some info, took a self evaluation thing to see where I fall on the risk assesment....(Very risky, I am!) I knew that from the last time someone walked me through those same questions. Anyway, bottom line, the person I needed to speak to only works Wed, Thurs & Fri.........in the afternoons. Of course. So, that means I can't get anything different done with this money until July, unless something odd happens to my schedule.
I didn't have to do anything to get the interest rate increased on the accounts I do have. The bank person just changed those, said I qualified for a special deal due to the number of accounts & $$. Wonder how long I was missing out on that??
I will meet with the person when schedules permit, but I'm just not all that comfortable with someone else telling me what to do with my money. Mom & I talked about putting our accounts together & having a bigger sum, wondering if that would be any help?? Just thinking and wondering at this stage, but both of us feel we're not in the right place with these little pots of money.
Mom's going to a finance seminar for women this coming week, I can't go, so I told her to take great notes & we would look at them together next chance we got.
Did some work getting an apartment of moms cleared out........now ready to get new toilet set, carpets cleaned and then a day with my Oh So Great Housecleaner!! She will be ready to rent the apt then........for more money than she ever has too. Way to go Mom! She is also going to rent the garage seperately I think, as I've been sending her Craigs list postings, & she has seen how dear garage space is around her area....she could ask lots more than just offering it as a bonus to the tenant......for nothing.
It will feel good to sleep in my own bed, but I'll get a rude awakening tomorrow AM when I'm back to cooking here!
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no $pending day
May 27th, 2006 at 04:25 pm
I'm heading to my moms again, for a 3 day break. I will be taking one of my "boys" with me, but he is an easy guy to be with.
So, the biggest treat of all, is the no cooking feature! Mom loves to cook & I don't do any of that when at her place. I trade and handle all the little things that cropped up on her TO DO list.... Still working on the touch up paint project there.....just can't seem to get that tackled.
Also helping her come up with a formal letter for one of her tenants she wants to have move. We need to do some research into the landlord/tenant act, so we follow the law with timing, etc. Her tenant knows this is coming, and has mentioned it to my mom, so it isn't going to be a nasty situation, but we still need to follow guidelines, etc.
Will also help get her apt. spiffed up to rent. She had some work done this week & is ready to put the sign up. I think I've got her convinced to ask the going rate for her rentals for the first time in ages. She has always been WAY under market on these, but now she has to hire any repairs done (dad used to do them) and the property taxes are so much higher.........she needs to make the rent cover the costs.
We have plans to go walking with friends over the week end and a short trip to the beach just for fun. Also, a shopping trip to the local thrift stores; we're looking for clothes for mom and yard art for her new garden area we're putting together. Mom says she can never find anything at the thrift stores, but LOVES a good bargain, so I'm going with her to see what the glitch is.
I've also got an outdoor job to finish up there, some drain tiles I had removed a couple weeks ago to find a clog in the system .... Cleaned it out, but didn't put everything back. Need to finish that up.
So, a change of scenery, no autistic kiddo, someone else doing the cooking.........sounds like heaven.
Not coming home til Tuesday!!!
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no $pending day
May 25th, 2006 at 10:17 pm
I feel like I'm back in business today. I've already had one sewing customer this morning, a new one.....and I've also completed her job. She will be returning this afternoon to pick it up.
Just got a call from new customer #2, she is on the way, got a little lost. She will be waiting for her order, or leaving postage so I can mail it to her when finished.
And, my first customer in this new venture is coming to pick up another order this afternoon.
So, 3 people in one day. TA DA. Feel like I'm on the right track. The ad has been in the paper 6 times at this point, 2 of todays people are from that ad and the other is from Craigs list, so I need to continue with that too.
Just getting back to this entry, have had customers all day! So fun! And I get paid for it. Gotta love that. And, I didn't have to go anywhere, nor did it cost me anything. All good things. And, I met some very great people in the process.
One more pick up this afternoon for an order that is all finished, then I can call it quits and get started on the "other" job for the day...my kiddo's bus will be here in 15 minutes.
Just tossed a loaf of banana bread in the oven, getting my kiddo ready to go camping this weekend, and buying treats is out of the question. Have cookies done already.......now we just need to get him packed this evening and I get 3 whole days without him. Can't hardly wait.
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no $pending day,
$ IN,
sewing & knitting
May 21st, 2006 at 04:45 pm
I'm limping along here........haven't attempted to put my foot with the broken toe into a shoe yet, so still shuffling along in slippers.
Still all 3 boys today......it is looking like a LONG day to me. One of the boys is just out of sorts, started right off at 5AM-ish being horrible. I've tried almost all the distractions I can come up with, getting tired of creating new and amazing things to re direct him with.
We've been blessed with a terrific woman to share the house as soon as our full time kiddo moves out. I'm excited to see how the changes affect the household.
I notice things all the time that will be different for me & really can't imagine the huge sigh of relief that will come with this big change. No more walking on eggs.......no more horribly loud "singing", no more food/meal oddities to deal with. I can't see July 1st coming fast enough!
Discovered yesterday, our cable TV is all out of whack. At least, it is for me. I'm expecting the repair person today, to tell me it is something stupid that I did or didn't do. Honestly, I'm so short on brain cells, nothing would surprise me. My TV is acting like it isn't hooked up to cable, the main TV in the rec room doesn't pay any attention to what channel you select, it is just random but, fortunately the autistic kiddos TV seems to be working just fine....(thank you Jesus!!!)
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no $pending day,
keeping track
May 20th, 2006 at 03:14 pm
Isn't that a wonderful thing? At least, I think so, but I am a morning person through and through.
I did get a nights sleep, thanks to some good drugs (thanks to all who sent well wishes re; my stupid toe accident yesterday)...
I did get the rent check from the tenant (although missing the requisite late fees).....
My toe isn't throbbing any longer...YEAH.
And, it's barely raining, the best kind for the garden AND I don't need to go out and water this week end.
And, the autistic wonder kiddo, is doing fine today. That's the usual pattern for us, if he has a meltdown, then he's good for awhile.
I did meet the potential house share person yesterday, feel pretty good about the match. We did pass her inspection too. Will make my decision today, making use of my LIFE RULE about waiting 24 hours before making major deisions.
It's a no spend day here, tomorrow too (& yesterday for that matter). If I'm busy here and don't go anywhere, it is easy for me to not spend.
My Points thoughts: I had gone into my account pages about a month ago, when I redeemed points for a Barnes & Noble g/c. Right when the announcement came that they had sold..... I noticed I had been pretty restrictive re; my interests so I changed those. Well, something was alligned right, since I've already surpassed the points I redeemed, in a third of the time. I haven't done any trial offers, so it's just the email reading level. Pretty OK with me. I'll be able to just repeat the same g/c since that's a store I can use to ship books from.
Have to actually cook today; the fridge is looking too bare to magically make meals appear from! This needing 3 meals a day for the bunch is just not fun for me. I would rather be doing anything but cooking; however, I'm too cheap to do this any other way then from scratch!
Better get to work here........not much gets done when I'm at the computer!
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no $pending day,
lifes' rules
May 20th, 2006 at 02:59 am
I can't even tell anyone how.....but somewhere this afternoon, during my autistic kiddos meltdown...... I broke my toe.
It's throbbing and I have it up with some ice on it. All the kids keep asking "what happened?" I have my toes all taped together which feels a tad better.
I have done this so often,I could break my toes off on a dotted line I think.
We survived the meltdown, I can't even remember what started it. During the event, he tromped through my newly planted rows of seeds, calling me all sorts of names. Have no idea what made him go off. Can't remember the toe either........do remember bringing the remainder of the seeds that were in my hand inside & they got put in a ziplock. And, then I went to my room for a time out......and to find an ice pack & tape for toes! He calmed down and has been great since dinner. Even went out and mowed the lawn for me. Always a puzzle & no answers. Exhausting.
Got my last call back from the state licensing board, re; my tenants. They are now being placed on probation. Not really sure what that means, but the state assured me they are still full with kids & being paid......so I should not have difficulty with rent checks. HA!
Can't wait til it is bedtime here. Going to take something for my toe & hope to go right to sleep.
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no $pending day,
May 19th, 2006 at 04:47 pm
I'm spending any bit of time I can scrape up in the gardens. Trying to get more of the veggies in, before it is really too late to bother with here.
It's a nice cool day today, so I can work longer without passing out!! But, having to fit my stuff in between kid stuff......Not always the best.
Still have peas & beans to get in and 2 more of the tomatoes to plant. Haven't been able to sneak away to get more veggie starts, so may have to pass on them. Foo.
Feeling better about my rental....but will continue to inquire as to the extent of their licensing problem. Wondering if this is the time to approach them about some part time work??
Listed a couple boxes of books on Half.com last night. Decided I can do them quicker one at a time instead of the multiple listing bit. For some reason, that way just takes me forever. I'm all ready for the flood of sales now! HA......... Let's see if I can sell 2 a month! That would be a new record.
I'm starting to list some odd ball things on Craigs list...we'll see how I do. This weeks offering; A wedding dress, train & veil. Found stashed in one of the storage units at auction. Getting some practice with my camera, that's for sure.
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no $pending day,
Frugal Gardening
May 18th, 2006 at 11:07 pm
Amazing, but true. I just got a package, saying I was a winner in the SC Johnson Clean Home Journal Sweepstakes! TA DA
I got a full size container of air infusions. (fancy name for air freshener, what will they call it next?)
Truly, I don't usually win anything, so this was pretty out of character. Must have been from one of the websites where I signed up for something free, as I'm not into sweepstakes.
On the bad news front: Still can't reach the tenants in the rental house. Did do some research and found the state had put a stop placement on the company....which would affect my house. Drat & darn. Waiting for a call from the state licensing dept, to see what's up. Hoping like crazy, they have the situation resolved and the company is still afloat.
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no $pending day
May 18th, 2006 at 03:48 am
I've lost it. Just had people put their dinner dishes in the dishwasher, only to find out they were all clean. Well, they WERE all clean, prior to dinner. So, we've got Twice Washed Dishes. A brand new cycle.
I'm tired from the heat here, being a Pacific NW native, I can't hardly function when it gets this hot. Only 77 it says today, but someone is lying. It's hotter than that here.
I did part of my errands today, spent just over $100 at the hardware store, which seemed horribly high, but there were some things on the bill that made it go up fast. I did get some more veggie seeds and got another couple rows of things in and watered. Looking forward to next week and promised showers........so I can skip this 2-3 times a day watering chore.
Repeat sewing customer called, appointment set up for tomorrow. Good, good, good. Potential house share person coming to look around on Friday. We've visited on line and now on the phone a couple times, she sounds like it just might work. I'm so used to sharing my home with anybody that arrives, it just isn't a concern with me. But, I might just be way too weird for her!!!
Must call the local paper tomorrow, it came in the mail today & my ad isn't in. Drat. The deal was for it to run continually until I cancel. Seems like having something happen like it is supposed to is becoming a rare item!
Weaning people off Netflix here. Changed our plan to 2 at a time. I don't think anyone is going to notice.
Hit the outlet bakery for this month, have a freezer full of carbohydrates now. Found out an unadvertised special they run all the time, 25% off things if you buy 5 from the same section. I had, but didn't do it on purpose........Will plan on it next visit. Had a coupon for 1 item free, got 2 addition free items since my total was over $20.00. It pays to only go once a month.
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no $pending day
May 15th, 2006 at 07:01 pm
I know there are those of you experiencing weather in the 80's regularly......however, for us here in the western part of WA state, this is really unusual. Supposed to hit 84 where I am today. I fade fast at 75.
So, I was up at the crack of dawn this AM, have the laundry out and some of my new veggie garden planted. Wanted to come in when it started to get past warm for me.
I just need to remember to water again this evening, so my new seeds don't crisp up and die before they get a chance to provide the table with fresh produce here. Added onions, several kinds of lettuce, radishes, zuchinni's and cucumbers today. I'm so bad at keeping track of expenses for projects like this, but I can't imagine I'll have over $50.00 by the time I get it all in. Some of the seeds for todays work party were from last year, I finally uncovered them in the garden shed.
It's a no spend day here. I'm cooking once & tossing an extra meal in the freezer too.
Sold a book on half.com. I'm holding at selling one a month now..... Thinking seriously about taking a grouping of them down and posting on Amazon. The sale today went to a book store back east, which tells me I really had a low price on it.
Since yesterdays post about telecommunication expenses.......I really started the morning off aiming to switch to dial up. However, when I checked to see the price of phone service after dropping the cable modem, I wasn't going to save at all. Plus, (naturally) the cable co. gave me 6 months at a promo price, so now I'm cheaper than if I had switched to dial up.
Dropping the cable box in my kiddos room would only cut $5.00 from the bill, so I'm leaving that. When we rent out that room, we would most likely need to add the cable back in then, and of course there would be a hook up fee.
August is the renewal date for our cell phones; I will look into the pre paid minutes bit then. We only use them a couple times a week at the most, always have tons of time left, so we're really paying through the nose for this convenience.
Off to brew a pitcher of iced tea for the afternoon.
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no $pending day,
Frugal Gardening
May 14th, 2006 at 07:12 pm
I got my horsey fix this AM when the "horse lady" came to ride. I get to groom one of the horses now when they are going out.........what a fun way to start my day. I learn a couple new things each time and am getting my comfort zone back up to speed with the critters. All for no money too, can't beat that!
I'm working here today, but have things pretty planned out, so I'm on auto pilot already. Meals all under control (love that feeling) and it will be a no spend day here.
My dozer friend only charged me $140. to work for the day here. I need to do something nice for him, since he gave me such a deal price wise. I did tell him about my financial changes here, and apparently that made a difference on what he charged me.
REMINDER: Don't forget to mention budget constraints to people when you are needing to buy goods or services. The worst that can happen is nothing, the best is you get something free or at least reduced.
I just got a room full of vintage items brought in, so I've got plenty of work to do today & tomorrow. Cleaning and pricing, getting things ready to head to the antique booth on Tuesday. Better get to cracking here!
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no $pending day
May 13th, 2006 at 02:00 am
It's my Monday and I'm back at work after a delightful break at moms. (use the term break loosely.......we gardened, mowed and painted for 2 days)
I convinced mom to plant a couple bedding plants, including a Wave Petunia in a vintage metal wagon...too cute. She is more of a plant everything in a row gardener, so this was a huge leap for her. I do think it was her favorite thing we finished in our Mothers day work party! As soon as her plants start to take off, I'll post a picture here.
(for other cheap to free items to use as planters, check out the post at www.frugalgardening.com)
One kiddo back today, the full timer, the one that makes me nuts within 5 minutes. No breaks in sight now until perhaps Memorial Day week, and then it will be a long stretch with no breaks until he moves out at the end of June. I can tell I'm pretty much all used up; when I'm counting the days already!
I did get the TV guide sub. cancelled (thanks ImaSaver), my kiddo can't read it with the new format.
I also called about the no int. energy loans our power co. is doing for heat pumps/furnaces. Bottom line, I don't qualify. If my furnace worked at all, I would qualify. Since it is officially dead, no go. Seems dumb to me, but that was the final answer.
I did bring home the push mower, so the smaller patches of lawn will be mowed with Contrary1 power, saving gas and adding to my fitness program, such that it is (or isn't)
Found a great poem in a Mothers day post on another list I'm on..........I saved it and will unearth my calligraphy supplies to make a wall plaque for my foster dtrs baby shower. I didn't want to add to their stuff, but I wanted to take something to each of the showers....and this will be perfect for one of them (knitted blanket already finished for another). No cost, other than perhaps a frame, if I can't scare up one here. We have an agreement about 'gifting'. Neither of us enjoys spending money just to spend money. I have everything I need, they put 2 households together so don't need anything either and there are so many relatives waiting for this baby, it has too much stuff and it isn't even born yet. I need to ask if they are using cloth diapers & if so, I'll get a month of diaper service, as it would be a nice time saver at the beginning. With that, I would be done with the gifts and I can just sit back and watch my little gal with her little one, which is a pretty amazing thought!!
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no $pending day
May 11th, 2006 at 05:44 am
I've escaped to my moms again, for 3 days....and this time I have no kids with me. Amazing, but true. Can't remember when this has happened.
We spent today working on more projects to get her place back to how it used to look, prior to her renting (I use that term loosely....) it to her grandson & family for 2 years. (we have more than 2 years of work ahead of us to get it back to shape)
I planted all her mothers day flowers, unclogged a drain in her driveway (my nephew had apparently been disposing of his motor oil by dumping it down the drain) and I sprayed all her weeds, I know.......all the organic gardeners are gasping for air here! There isn't a way I can think of to keep 2 big places semi weed free without using some chemicals. So, I do. Apologies to all you organic folks.
We are pooped, but can see the differences with each day we put in. It is fun working together, but frustrating to see how my nephew treated this place. I lived here when my parents built the house, designed the yard and kept it like a park. I just don't get it.....how they could not take care of it when they were really blessed to be staying here. Beats me.
Should be a no spend 3 days for me, other than using some gas when we go shopping tomorrow. We have some things mom has to pick up so we can continue on with the TO DO list here. I've got a couple gift cert. for restaurants, so we will most likely have a meal or two out, as it will be fun and a novel experience to not have any of my "boys" with us.
Dial up is becoming my best friend after being here.....but moms keyboard is making me crazy. I need to figure out what to do different on my PC to make the switch from cable to dial up.....I'm going to say I'll have this figured out before the month is over. Good goal.
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no $pending day
May 9th, 2006 at 04:09 am
I've contacted the woman who boards her 4 horses here, & she would love to extend the pasture out into where I usually mow. So, to save gas & time here....I'm accessing her 4 "horse" mower instead of buying this expensive gas for my john deere.
It won't make a huge difference, but it will cut back my lawn area by about 1/3rd.
I will attempt to find my dads old push mower this week when I go to my moms. Using this on the little patches of grass near the house will help too. I can hold off on the rest of the mowing, perhaps doing the big areas every other time.
Each small change will affect the big picture here. I was reading in a blog on another site, someone was poking fun at anyone cutting back on small items......saying there was no point. Jump right in to the big arena; investing & such. Well, I do some of that too, but if I didn't watch the little things, there wouldn't be as much $$ to manage. Makes no sense at all to me to not know where ALL my money goes.
A No Spend Day here..........did use a gallon of gas I imagine, when picking up my freecycle dresser. I'm only responding to items in my own community these days....limiting the gas I consume to pick up a "free" item. The dresser is great, it will clean up well & be close to perfect. I did pick up an office chair too, from the same freecycle woman....& it is going to be my "gift" to my mom for an early mothers day. We haven't been buying things for each other for years, but funny little things when they appear are more our style. Mom has been using a chair from her bathroom at her computer desk, wrong height, wrong color & no wheels obviously. With a little scrubbing, this new chair will do everything but enter info on her PC. It is pretty fancy, way better than mine. She will be jazzed.
I got paid from another client tonight, after just dropping a deposit off at the bank today. (naturally) Will take it on Wed, when I will be passing the bank on the way to moms.
Got paid from my first sewing customer too. Nice! She already has a 2nd job for me, most likely next Mon, as I'll be gone the rest of this week. Got the sewing room WAY more organized this morning; found I need a power strip, radio and a clock. Will poke around here, as I know we have all 3.
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no $pending day,
$ IN,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word
May 7th, 2006 at 07:26 pm
That is it for this week end. With the 3 guys here this week end (all with special needs) it has been non stop cooking, then cleaning up and planning the next meal while still up to my elbows in the kitchen sink.
One leaves this afternoon, giving me a break....then I'm on the downhill side and it gets easier.
Found an almost done meal in the freezer; cooked, seasoned turkey taco mixture.....hamburger buns too.....which equals Turkey Taco Burgers for dinner. The kids are wow-ed. Doesn't take much imagination to float their boat!! Lunch is leftover spaghetti & meatballs with Italian Dunkers (toasted garlic butter hot dog buns!!) Can you tell I've found all the odd bits in the freezer for the week end??
I'm melting dipping chocolate now, going to dip a bag of pretzels for dessert.
Mixed up a quart of Cream of Whatever soup mix (I don't buy Cr. soups for recipes)
As long as I've got to be in the kitchen anyway, I'm going to make my time count. I've searched the freezer & pantry this week end and come up with quite a few meals & projects.......I always get a frugal shot in the arm when I do this, so it's good for me!
As soon as the meals for today are on auto pilot, I'm headed to the garage to do some re-claiming work. I had my sewing room pretty well functional.......but other peoples things have been encroaching.
Looking forward to Wed, Thurs & Fri.....heading to my moms again, for our ahead of schedule Mothers day visit. (I have to work next week end too) I'll be working on her house & yard, but she does all the cooking so I get a delightful break from the kitchen duty.
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all things food,
no $pending day,
sewing & knitting
May 6th, 2006 at 04:24 pm
Wow, I'm duly impressed. My housemate person made just over $600. at her barn sale here yesterday. Plus, has an 'after sale' this morning and again tomorrow. People had to go to the bank, as she decided not to take any checks. So, there will be more.........she is selling a washer/dryer this AM and a baseball card collection tomorrow AM.
She did a much better job of advertising this time, pretty much a steady stream of vehicles coming in. Over half however, didn't buy a thing. Not sure why.........perhaps because she had too much stuff & nothing was priced? She's not the type to tweak anything to increase profits, so I'm not going to make suggestions.
The homeless gentleman has moved on, however his truck & trailer are still in the driveway. Pretty sure he doesn't have permission to park it anywhere else at this point. His excuse, he needs a ride back here to pick it up. (he has 2 vehicles........could only drive one)
Groomed one of the horses yesterday, with my autistic kiddo. What fun. I get my horsey fix and actually get paid for it (albiet, a bit late....she paid yesterday for April) But, it has solved an entry on my lifes wish list.....Have a horse. I tweaked this a tad, and yes.........I "have" 4 horses in the pasture; BUT........I'm not the one paying for them, rounding them up when they get out, repairing the fencing, buying the feed, paying for the vet or the farrier........ This system is much better; definately feeling older & wiser than I was when I put Have a Horse on my list. (last known actual list here is from 1982..... there were over 100 entries on my list then, I'm doing pretty good chalking them off!)
Working hard this weekend, all 3 boys here full time. And, I just got an email from my teen helper person......he's not able to come. (his mom is the culprit this time!!) So, my autistic kiddo is on the edge, since this helper comes just to spend time with him. Drat & fooey. Anticipating a LONG day here.
Have my food all planned out, which makes life easier......looks like it is going to rain, which makes life harder (no one can/will go outside). It will be a no spend day; there is no way I would put these 3 in a vehicle and even go to the end of the road for the mail!
I've been racking up the freebies in the mail, seems like there is something fun every day. And, what's with the free cat food? I've been surprised by how much there is out there. (and my cats are looking quite satisfied too!) I haven't missed a day for ages in checking the list here....sending for all that would be appropriate for us.
I have received a couple emails from companies that had offered freebies, apologizing that they couldn't honor the request, do to their info being posted on freebie sites. Thinking on this lately. Not sure what my feelings are; I can understand the companies situations, but honestly it has been great to try out smaller sizes of things, as well as not have to pay for that. Will have to ponder this a bit more.
Posted in
all things food,
no $pending day,
lifes' rules
May 4th, 2006 at 03:37 pm
Feeling confidant my first customer will be here at the appointed time today....
I used to sew for a living, and am hopeful this will make up the difference between the part time income I will have and the monthly expenses it takes to stay in the current home here.
I love staying home, I like being creative and I am so spoiled about working when I want and how much I want....so this just might work. My only expense will be the continued advertising. Customers bring everything else. I do have a couple things I will need to do as appointments pick up. I didn't bring my full length mirrors (had them permently attached to the walls at the other house), so I will need to get something set up here. Also might need some signs once people get to my address, to direct them to the proper door.......... But, for now, I'm set.
The idea of not having my full time kiddo here is making me almost giddy with anticipation. He can use me up and wring me out in something like 10 minutes. Day after day of that level has me pretty much done in. Spending time in my sewing room, listening to music (of my choosing) and looking out the big picture window to the horse pastures and gardens sounds pretty close to heaven at this point. Gads, I can make money doing all that!!! Too fun!
Posted in
no $pending day,
sewing & knitting
May 2nd, 2006 at 06:38 pm
My first seeds put directly into the garden are up! I went away for 2 days and here they are...........same theory as a watched pot I think. I watched for sprouts daily and nothing. Left for 2 days and everything has popped up through the surface.
Lettuce in 2 big container gardens on the front porch sidewalk area.......looking great. Soon we will have salads on the cheap. Considering the seeds for the lettuce were under a dollar.....a very good value. I resisted planting the whole packet at once, my usual behavior.......and only put in 2 containers of greens. Will repeat in a couple weeks, for a longer period of fresh greens.
The tomato seedlings indoors are starting to look like plants, I'm going to purchase starts also, as I'm not confident these are going to be mature soon enough to produce much. Our growing season here in WA is pretty darned short. The squash seedlings are going to need planting within 2 weeks, this is new to me too........I've always bought starts for my veggie garden. Going the cheap to free route this year, I started my own from seeds I was going to toss into the compost pile. (feeling very frugal here)
And, my grass seed has also come up. Can't wait til all the patches are repaired......the lawn looks so bad with the big dirt patches.
Started the morning off with 2 loads of laundry hung outside, hot water tanks off, dinner just ready to be re heated.
A no spend day here......easy since I work here at home. Researching free or low cost online programs here, since working on moms dial up over the week end, I can't justify the cable modem here.... Way too spendy & nothing I do needs to happen faster.
Posted in
no $pending day,
Frugal Gardening
May 1st, 2006 at 02:56 pm
I've escaped to my moms again this week end. (getting better at this dial up bit here too!) 
She has been doing all the cooking, as she knows I hate it. When I'm working, it seems that is all I do. So, nice break here.
I did bring one of my week end kiddos with me, but he is a gem of a young man & loves coming to "grandmas". Plus he is alot of help. We worked outside most of the day yesterday & made great progress. It is fun to work in someone elses yard that actually has plants!!! Since the place has been a rental for 2 years, there is plenty to do. Even if the renter was a grandson, he just never got into taking care of anything. We designated an area to concentrate on and I think we're going to be able to finish that up this morning.... Nice to be able to help mom out too.
I've patched up the dings in her new walls.....she had things painted, then had the floors re finished. Will touch up all my spots prior to leaving today too. We can really see the difference our week end sessions have here... Nice.
Just gas to get here as money out this week end. And, the planned for free plants are ready to load up to take home. Nice bonus!
Hard to believe it is May already....time seems to be zooming by. I attempted to get my credit report today, following the Daily Tip...but the combination of dial up, and me not remembering I had an account apparently, left me without anything but a message saying I needed to pick a new log in name. So, I'll try that again when I get home. I know the credit report has errors on it this time, as I've heard about them from my mortgage folks. I have the OK for the re fi if I want to do it, and we had to get the credit report for that. So, I guess the goal needs to be .....get this stuff cleared up. It is the same stuff that came up last fall, I thought we had it taken care of then. Nope. Here it is again.
Other May goals:
1) Persist with advertising for new business....even tho it feels awful spending money & not bringing in any yet
2) continue advertising to rent space or a room
3) Tie room mate person up so she will sit down and meet with me re; household expenses & her share.
4) get the big veggie garden in and on it's way to providing much of our food through summer & on into fall.
Posted in
no $pending day,
keeping track,
Frugal Gardening
April 27th, 2006 at 04:45 pm
Racking up another No Spend Day here today. When you put a couple of them in a week.........and then at least a weeks worth of them each month, it really makes a BIG difference. Seems like a little thing, but.........as people here are mentioning often, it's the little things that add up to major changes; in numbers or in habits.
No gas used, no errands to run, not even an appointment on the calendar here at home. So.........my day stretches out for me to use as I see fit.
I'm soaking up the quiet here this AM.....yesterday afternoon and evening was nasty here. My kiddo had a mini meltdown......lasting a few hours, low intensity ...but I'm pooped. So, my choice today is to rest up for this afternoon when he gets back from school. Just when I think I'll miss the paycheck, we have a day like yesterday!
I had another person stop by last night (during the nastiness) to see about renting space to store his boat for a year. Not much money.....but something. He didn't strike me as a sure thing, maybe I just wasn't paying close enough attention, but he seemed shorter on brain cells than I did.
My tenant/room mate person.........never know what to call her, she is more like an old child that I need to keep working with... Anyway, she was complaining about her bedroom yesterday & how it is so full of paperwork and a total disaster. (I have for years offered to assist her with setting up a file system, she has brought home more file cabinets, file boxes, actual file folders and all the extras one would ever possibly wanta to set up a system). I offered again, she said today........I told her it was good I was sitting down... And, then asked what time?? Morning to her can be anything before dinner. It's almost 9, she has been up once and has gone back to bed, so I'm not optimistic about getting a start on this project today. I thought it would be a great time to figure out what she can do re; the finances here at the house.... She really has no idea how much money she has to work with each month. I can only guess at this point too.
I've got blossoms on my free strawberry plants! A few things are really starting to take off in the garden, maybe I'll have something to look at besides flat ground and gravel one of these days!
Posted in
no $pending day,
Frugal Gardening
April 25th, 2006 at 06:28 pm
I'm still wrestling with the re fi or not to re fi question here........not even leaning one way or the other yet. I think I'll probably end up doing it, just to "hide" the cc bills in there. I hate to pay them, they aren't technically mine, they have so many negative emotions connected and they just make me cranky. I think I'm ready to pay for them to not be on my desktop monthly.
I received the refund from the IRS. Mind you, this is a refund I don't think I should be getting........so I'll put this into the ING acct. and just wait. I gave up trying to convince my tax accountant that my income was non taxable. She insisted, filed and here is the refund.
Also have a refund from auto insurance.......I raised my deductable on another vehicle. With the check from one of my clients and the other 2........it's time for a bank run. Will do that tomorrow, grouping a batch of errands. I used to do this, but now with gas hitting $3 here, it is imperative.
Heading outside to work in the yard. I'm to the point of needing to clear more garden space. I've no more room for the flower seeds I've purchased...and the new beds will mean less mowing.
Gads.........good thing I'm sitting down. I just got a email notification that I've made a sale on half.com. Hadn't sold anything since Jan. But, I went in this week and changed the price on each of my listings, thinking I had priced everything too high. Maybe that was the trick.... I'll already be at the post office tomorrow on errand day.....so this is terrific timing.
Better get to work........not much gets done around here while I'm at the computer!!
Posted in
no $pending day
April 24th, 2006 at 01:17 am
I did my best impression of Betty Crocker all weekend & I'm ready to hang up my apron (If I wore one!!) With the 3 boys here, I barely had time to get cleaned up before the next meal had to be started. As long as their plates are full, they really don't care what they eat......so it is an easy (if non ending) gig. Doesn't help that I hate to cook!
I snuck out this afternoon, while a burrito bake was in the oven......and planted flower seeds I bought on line. Hoping to get out this evening & get everything a light drink, mostly to keep the trio of kittens out of the flower beds.
Got a commitment from one of the boys family to continue using me for respite as long as we both live here he said! Sounds like a permanent thing to me. Now, If I could just get them to use me every weekend instead of every other...
No spending day.........wouldn't have been time! 
Posted in
all things food,
no $pending day,
Frugal Gardening
April 22nd, 2006 at 06:21 pm
I've got a kettle of split pea & ham soup on ......the house smells delicious. (my kiddo calls this soup "just like baby food") Fortunately they all love it here. Brought the ham bone home from Easter dinner & tossed it in the freezer til I could locate my split peas. Found them yesterday & set them to soak. Soup for dinner tonight. How easy (and cheap) is that?? Yummy too. Hopefully, there will be extra for some lunches this week also.......that would be easier if someone DIDN'T like it. 
Bedding out on the line today.....gorgeous day here, although it was a frosty morning with ice on the bird baths!
I've found some of the planters & will be filling them with soil, so they are ready to fill with salad greens. Too cold yet, but I'm getting anxious. Having the containers all ready at least makes me feel a bit better.
I think I've held off mowing as long as I can. With gas prices so high, I'm just not going to enjoy this as much as I normally do, but it is starting to look like no one lives here!
Crossing my fingers, bowing to the east, praying, lighting candles ........all at the same time here. My autistic kiddo is on the edge today. (has been there for a couple weeks) But today feels awful to me..... My helper isn't coming this morning & my kiddo is trying hard to deal with that disappointment. I'm going to be the only adult here til late this evening..........so gearing up for a long shift today. 3 boys & me. Thank goodness only one is difficult. The other 2, always have been great, but by comparison, they are perfect! I've got as much done as I can, meals, laundry and I even snuck in a shower & hair wash... Wow, what a treat!
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all things food,
no $pending day,