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Odds & Ends

April 25th, 2006 at 05:28 pm

I'm still wrestling with the re fi or not to re fi question here........not even leaning one way or the other yet. I think I'll probably end up doing it, just to "hide" the cc bills in there. I hate to pay them, they aren't technically mine, they have so many negative emotions connected and they just make me cranky. I think I'm ready to pay for them to not be on my desktop monthly.

I received the refund from the IRS. Mind you, this is a refund I don't think I should be I'll put this into the ING acct. and just wait. I gave up trying to convince my tax accountant that my income was non taxable. She insisted, filed and here is the refund.

Also have a refund from auto insurance.......I raised my deductable on another vehicle. With the check from one of my clients and the other's time for a bank run. Will do that tomorrow, grouping a batch of errands. I used to do this, but now with gas hitting $3 here, it is imperative.

Heading outside to work in the yard. I'm to the point of needing to clear more garden space. I've no more room for the flower seeds I've purchased...and the new beds will mean less mowing.

Gads.........good thing I'm sitting down. I just got a email notification that I've made a sale on Hadn't sold anything since Jan. But, I went in this week and changed the price on each of my listings, thinking I had priced everything too high. Maybe that was the trick.... I'll already be at the post office tomorrow on errand this is terrific timing.

Better get to work........not much gets done around here while I'm at the computer!!

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