The planets must have been alligned right last night, as we've had a financial 'awakening' here at my house. The person that shares my house.....not the bills.......has just agreed to cover half the expenses for the house each month. Good thing I was sitting down. Good thing I don't suffer from a weak heart or something. I am stunned....and impressed with her....Finally!
So, my share of money to magically make appear by the first of every month is approx $1300. I can do that. If we could just find a 3rd person to add to the mix here, it would be even nicer. I continue to advertise & tell everyone I run into.
Along the lines of monthly expenses & this housemate person .........we've started a new habit. She is the one that goes to the storage unit auctions and has just mountains of stuff she sells. But, she has never really got off the couch to do much active "selling". She was more the wait til some prospective buyer just happened to come to the door type....
So, the new deal is.........every morning, we have our coffee at my desk and I read the Craigs list WANTEDS to her & respond to all the posts that match some of her junk. I've got her so busy, the couch thinks she's moved. And, her cell phone battery did die for the first time she said! This weeks hot items are a collection of 70's era speakers and a bunch of tires! Who knew?
Aiming for a no spend day today, I've been gone for a few days so there is a bit of a back log on my TO DO list here. Gardening of course........and getting the van packed with things for the weekly re stock trip to the antique booth.
And a big TA DA..... I've got leaf lettuce mature enough to pick to add to the salads tonight. Makes my day to pick free food. The cost of the seeds, under a dollar, we've got our own water......didn't need to fertilize, so it adds up to pretty close to free food in my book. Now, I just need to remember to sow some more salad greens every other week to keep us in greens for the remainder of the summer.
Off to preview the Wanted posts on Craigs list...........time to see who is "shopping"!!
housemate agrees to HALF!!!
May 31st, 2006 at 02:14 pm
May 31st, 2006 at 06:14 pm 1149099275
May 31st, 2006 at 08:01 pm 1149105717