I've escaped to my moms again, for 3 days....and this time I have no kids with me. Amazing, but true. Can't remember when this has happened.
We spent today working on more projects to get her place back to how it used to look, prior to her renting (I use that term loosely....) it to her grandson & family for 2 years. (we have more than 2 years of work ahead of us to get it back to shape)
I planted all her mothers day flowers, unclogged a drain in her driveway (my nephew had apparently been disposing of his motor oil by dumping it down the drain) and I sprayed all her weeds, I know.......all the organic gardeners are gasping for air here! There isn't a way I can think of to keep 2 big places semi weed free without using some chemicals. So, I do. Apologies to all you organic folks.
We are pooped, but can see the differences with each day we put in. It is fun working together, but frustrating to see how my nephew treated this place. I lived here when my parents built the house, designed the yard and kept it like a park. I just don't get it.....how they could not take care of it when they were really blessed to be staying here. Beats me.
Should be a no spend 3 days for me, other than using some gas when we go shopping tomorrow. We have some things mom has to pick up so we can continue on with the TO DO list here. I've got a couple gift cert. for restaurants, so we will most likely have a meal or two out, as it will be fun and a novel experience to not have any of my "boys" with us.
Dial up is becoming my best friend after being here.....but moms keyboard is making me crazy. I need to figure out what to do different on my PC to make the switch from cable to dial up.....I'm going to say I'll have this figured out before the month is over. Good goal.
mini vacation here
May 11th, 2006 at 05:44 am