Home > It Must be the Heat

It Must be the Heat

May 18th, 2006 at 02:48 am

I've lost it. Just had people put their dinner dishes in the dishwasher, only to find out they were all clean. Well, they WERE all clean, prior to dinner. So, we've got Twice Washed Dishes. A brand new cycle.

I'm tired from the heat here, being a Pacific NW native, I can't hardly function when it gets this hot. Only 77 it says today, but someone is lying. It's hotter than that here.

I did part of my errands today, spent just over $100 at the hardware store, which seemed horribly high, but there were some things on the bill that made it go up fast. I did get some more veggie seeds and got another couple rows of things in and watered. Looking forward to next week and promised I can skip this 2-3 times a day watering chore.

Repeat sewing customer called, appointment set up for tomorrow. Good, good, good. Potential house share person coming to look around on Friday. We've visited on line and now on the phone a couple times, she sounds like it just might work. I'm so used to sharing my home with anybody that arrives, it just isn't a concern with me. But, I might just be way too weird for her!!!

Must call the local paper tomorrow, it came in the mail today & my ad isn't in. Drat. The deal was for it to run continually until I cancel. Seems like having something happen like it is supposed to is becoming a rare item!

Weaning people off Netflix here. Changed our plan to 2 at a time. I don't think anyone is going to notice.
Hit the outlet bakery for this month, have a freezer full of carbohydrates now. Found out an unadvertised special they run all the time, 25% off things if you buy 5 from the same section. I had, but didn't do it on purpose........Will plan on it next visit. Had a coupon for 1 item free, got 2 addition free items since my total was over $20.00. It pays to only go once a month.

5 Responses to “It Must be the Heat”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    My poor son said the bank temp read 101 today...and he doesnt have air conditioning in his work truck...Frown

  2. boomeyers Says:

    You guys have MY weather! I have been thinking about you all as the rain falls and falls and falls and we pull the parkas back out! Will try to send it back to you from St. Louis!

  3. markio26 Says:

    we have had constant rain the last two days..... yuck............

  4. LuckyRobin Says:

    Up in my little corner of the PNW it was 83 according to my porch thermometer, which is in the shade, so I am sure it was hotter. Fortunately there was a breeze most of the day. That helps some.

  5. contrary1 Says:

    I could have danced with the weather man last night.............he said there was a week of SHOWERS in our near future!! I've got my umbrella at the ready! Smile

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