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Home..............and back to work

May 13th, 2006 at 02:00 am

It's my Monday and I'm back at work after a delightful break at moms. (use the term break loosely.......we gardened, mowed and painted for 2 days)
I convinced mom to plant a couple bedding plants, including a Wave Petunia in a vintage metal wagon...too cute. She is more of a plant everything in a row gardener, so this was a huge leap for her. I do think it was her favorite thing we finished in our Mothers day work party! As soon as her plants start to take off, I'll post a picture here.
(for other cheap to free items to use as planters, check out the post at

One kiddo back today, the full timer, the one that makes me nuts within 5 minutes. No breaks in sight now until perhaps Memorial Day week, and then it will be a long stretch with no breaks until he moves out at the end of June. I can tell I'm pretty much all used up; when I'm counting the days already!

I did get the TV guide sub. cancelled (thanks ImaSaver), my kiddo can't read it with the new format.
I also called about the no int. energy loans our power co. is doing for heat pumps/furnaces. Bottom line, I don't qualify. If my furnace worked at all, I would qualify. Since it is officially dead, no go. Seems dumb to me, but that was the final answer.
I did bring home the push mower, so the smaller patches of lawn will be mowed with Contrary1 power, saving gas and adding to my fitness program, such that it is (or isn't)
Found a great poem in a Mothers day post on another list I'm on..........I saved it and will unearth my calligraphy supplies to make a wall plaque for my foster dtrs baby shower. I didn't want to add to their stuff, but I wanted to take something to each of the showers....and this will be perfect for one of them (knitted blanket already finished for another). No cost, other than perhaps a frame, if I can't scare up one here. We have an agreement about 'gifting'. Neither of us enjoys spending money just to spend money. I have everything I need, they put 2 households together so don't need anything either and there are so many relatives waiting for this baby, it has too much stuff and it isn't even born yet. I need to ask if they are using cloth diapers & if so, I'll get a month of diaper service, as it would be a nice time saver at the beginning. With that, I would be done with the gifts and I can just sit back and watch my little gal with her little one, which is a pretty amazing thought!!

1 Responses to “Home..............and back to work”

  1. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Spending time with mom sounds great even though you were very busy!

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