Home > 3 day holiday

3 day holiday

May 27th, 2006 at 03:25 pm

I'm heading to my moms again, for a 3 day break. I will be taking one of my "boys" with me, but he is an easy guy to be with.

So, the biggest treat of all, is the no cooking feature! Mom loves to cook & I don't do any of that when at her place. I trade and handle all the little things that cropped up on her TO DO list.... Still working on the touch up paint project there.....just can't seem to get that tackled.
Also helping her come up with a formal letter for one of her tenants she wants to have move. We need to do some research into the landlord/tenant act, so we follow the law with timing, etc. Her tenant knows this is coming, and has mentioned it to my mom, so it isn't going to be a nasty situation, but we still need to follow guidelines, etc.

Will also help get her apt. spiffed up to rent. She had some work done this week & is ready to put the sign up. I think I've got her convinced to ask the going rate for her rentals for the first time in ages. She has always been WAY under market on these, but now she has to hire any repairs done (dad used to do them) and the property taxes are so much higher.........she needs to make the rent cover the costs.

We have plans to go walking with friends over the week end and a short trip to the beach just for fun. Also, a shopping trip to the local thrift stores; we're looking for clothes for mom and yard art for her new garden area we're putting together. Mom says she can never find anything at the thrift stores, but LOVES a good bargain, so I'm going with her to see what the glitch is.

I've also got an outdoor job to finish up there, some drain tiles I had removed a couple weeks ago to find a clog in the system .... Cleaned it out, but didn't put everything back. Need to finish that up.

So, a change of scenery, no autistic kiddo, someone else doing the cooking.........sounds like heaven.
Not coming home til Tuesday!!!

1 Responses to “3 day holiday”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Enjoy your visit Contrary1. I hope in between all those 'daughter do's" you get a little R&R.

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