Viewing the 'no $pending day' Category
February 18th, 2007 at 08:53 pm
I have no idea how many years it's been since I've had anything closely defined as a vacation. Decades for sure. So, this planning stage is getting me jazzed up to be headed south.
My mom & aunt have done this same trip for years.........every year, the same roads (no freeways), mostly the same hotels, and many of the same restaurants. Not my way to travel, but this particular trip is for them, so who am I to complain?
However, they called me last night, as they had a "thought". They were wondering if I could get them cheaper prices for anything if I did it on line? Duh.... Yes, lots cheaper. So, with the phones a buzzing, and me on line.......we've got the Las Vegas nights booked, and tentative nights in Oregon on the way down. There are many more nights to book, but they need to refer to their travel journals to see exactly which hotels they want to use this time....then I'll have another go at Hotels.com.
They may be able to gamble & pay for some of this trip, but I'm frugal enough, I should be able to cut the cost of the trip before we even head out!
I've got to hit the sewing room to come up with a couple new things to wear before I start packing. Not much of my regular uniform here is vacation ready. The fabric I got in the Craigslist trade is going to come in very handy. I've got some pieces set out that are in the 'thinking' stage. We won't have room to take much, but I just want a couple summery type things to go with my usual jeans & sandles.
Also putting in an online order for some yarn to take with me on the trip....I would be a crazy person if I didn't have things to do when we stop for the night.
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no $pending day
February 17th, 2007 at 11:20 pm
I did more than survive.........I hardly noticed I had surgery. Nice. I've been the "nurse" many times with kids having oral surgery & they always made the entire ordeal look pretty nasty. So, of course, I had those mental images in my head before heading out Wed.
But, either I had a better dentist, or I'm just older & it didn't bother me as much or something........ The stay in the hotel was heavenly; took goodies for the tub! Had knitting with me (finished my sock) and a great book (also finished).
On a real plus side of this event.....I am down 5 more pounds, and feel like I can keep this up! I'm being very vigilant re; eating things that are good for me...and then I start walking again on Monday AM, which can't hurt either. Walking & dropping pounds; both of them on my goal list!
The next step in the process will be after my trip in March....which will give me time to heal up. I'm crossing things off my list of 2007 goals here.... Getting my teeth "done" will be complete sometime in August I believe...if all goes according to plan.
Anyway, I'm back home and to work this weekend with my one remaining young man here for 2 days. I've been working in my sewing room and finally finished up my felted bag. (odd pic to post along with oral surgery topic!) Love the bag, not so wild about the handles....will try this version out and switch if I run across anything that feels better in my hands.

The Navy man is finishing up another of the big windows inside today....that means 3 rooms are done with the new trim and sill treatment. Next step will be dragging out the painting stuff and getting some color on the walls, as well as the new trim. Can't wait to make that change.
Back to work.....the sun's out, it's 58 degrees and my garden is calling!
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no $pending day,
sewing & knitting
February 12th, 2007 at 03:23 am
The 4 boarded horses are gone........so the pastures can rest after being so totally beat up. I have learned much in the year they were here....not enough, but I'm a whole lot more knowledgeable when it comes to pasture keeping!
And, not surprising.......but according to the Master Plan.....guess what wandered into my life today? Two horses. Yep. A woman was here to purchase a truckload of items I had listed for the room mate person....and she was just jazzed about the pastures, etc....said she was moving and needed space for her 2 critters in March. That will give the space just time enough to start looking a bit better and then she can move in.
Two horses and more than twice the monthly rent. Not a bad stroke of business....to say nothing of the truckload of items she paid cash for today.
I now have the opportunity to tune up my boarding contract, to cover the things I learned during this past year. Hoping to close up some of the vague areas and add in things like what happens if they don't move out on the appointed date!
Crossing my fingers that tomorrows mail brings the balance of the tenants rent money for Feb. It would be very nice if that situation resolved as easily as the livestock event did.
Sewed, picked up a freecycle item and spent no money. Very productive day all round!
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no $pending day,
sewing & knitting
February 11th, 2007 at 06:02 am
I have always been frugal.....raised in a frugal home with 2 parents who were both raised the same way. If you needed something, you figured out how to make it. If you wanted something, you waited.....sometimes for years. You used all of everything, didn't throw much away, but recycled.......before it was a word and gave most old things new life as something else.
Spending time here at my house this week; it has really hit me. No one else in this place has an ounce of frugality in them. People use paper towels like they just magically appear on the holder (no, I'm not buying these.....but others here do). Food is bought, not always even cooked......and tossed out without a thought. Things break and no one even thinks about fixing them; it's one quick toss into the trash. (and no, we don't have trash pick up either!)
I'm still frugal......because I don't think I could sleep at night if I wasn't.
Seeing the opposite types of choices played out in front of me by so many people has me befuddled. Besides the navy gentleman, I'm the only one here that owns anything valued over a few hundred dollars. They are the ones purchasing multiple meat entrees for ONE meal. I'm the only one with en emergency fund. No one here has enough money to buy gas at the end of their pay period.
How is it that frugal is hard to learn, even when people don't have the basics? I'm so stumped. Beyond stumped.
I am getting better about keeping my mouth shut. I still FEEL like handing out free advice about a frugal lifestyle, but I don't. (that's pretty amazing all by itself, now that I think about it!)
I'll just continue opting for my re usable rags instead of paper towels, stick to my soup for dinner at least weekly and keep working on stacking up the firewood so I can be assured of a cozy home next winter. Hopefully, examples will do what lectures can't.
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no $pending day,
lifes' rules
February 7th, 2007 at 10:38 pm
My life is certainly not boring. In fact, I'd like to try boring for a day or two. 
Sewing like a crazy woman here, taking on some jobs I had no business taking on....since they are the kind that makes me cranky for doing it in the first place. When will I learn to hold the line on the ones I really don't like?
Picked up 2 new knitting students; fun ones, that actually know how to knit but want to add to their skills. These always make me learn new things too.........so much the better.
The first of Feb came and went, and guess what? The 4 horses were still in our pastures. I had given notice to their owner to move them out by 1/31.....and apparently, she has no calendar! I have a call in to her but I'm pretty sure she won't call me back. I just can't imagine doing something like what she is doing....just ignoring my request, pretending we don't see her when she comes daily to feed???
And, if the horse bit isn't making me cranky, I got a LONG email from my renters (who were scheduled to start paying rent this month.........they had been repairing the house & property for me in exchange up til now).... They informed me they needed a new furnace, new water heater, and they would like the floor leveled in the upstairs... An exterminator for the ant problem (any hints Thrifty Ray??....I've already had an exterminator & still have ants) They were upset I had told them my electric bill was $150 a month (average plan) and their latest bill was over $700..... They want me to do something about one neighbor and a neighborhood dog.... They were miffed about my recent email letting them know I was going to list the adjoining empty lot, complaining it would increase traffic, disrupt their parking situation and generally mess up their lives. The last sentence was the topper however.........they only plan to pay less then half the agreed upon rent, as they couldn't consider paying the original amount with all the things that were wrong with the house/neighborhood, etc.
I had to sleep on this email for a couple days or my reply was going to be delivered with flames attached. I ended up with a decent sounding, but VERY firm response. I reminded them of our agreement and told them I wasn't in a place I could underwrite the property any longer. They did respond back this AM, saying they would pay the correct amount, and I agreed to get someone in to look at the furnace & hot water heater. I'm just not cut out to be a landlord. I hate this part of the job. Seriously thinking about selling the property .........and did tell the tenants that in my response. Surprised myself and told them if they didn't hold up their end of the agreement, to consider my email their 30 day notice to vacate.
Anyway..........life here is just sailing along. Still have a houseful of formerly homeless folks, with one additional gentleman added to the mix as of last night. Lots of my odd jobs are getting attention these days....
Times up, must head back to the sewing room.
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no $pending day,
keeping track,
sewing & knitting
January 31st, 2007 at 05:05 am
I have been thinking of how to enforce the equine move out day (tomorrow) and have drawn a total blank. Except for those "too weird, or possibly illegal" sorts of solutions.
The question of the day is.........Since I gave the horse lady her 30 day notice to vacate.........tomorrow is the day......AND, yep, you guessed it........all 4 horses are still grazing away in my pasture. Granted, she could pull up tomorrow, load all 4 critters and drive off...but, there are probably 20 truckloads of her things here on the property that need to be moved too. Way more than 1 days work, even if there was a moving crew of some sort.
Guess what I learned? My boarding & lease agreement isn't all it's cracked up to be. There is nothing in there about not leaving when asked. Zip. Lots of reasons I can ask someone to leave....detailed description of how I can ask someone to leave.......but no help whatsoever about what to do if I wake up Feb 1st and still see the critters outside my window here.
Anyone else have experience with something even remotely related?? I've thought of things like locking the gate to the property, making it very difficult to get in to feed the critters, but not impossible. And, keeping a sense of humor, calling her to ask when she is coming to get the herd & telling her I am primed to post a Free Horses Ad on Craigs list, just to see if I can light a fire under her. But, besides these non solutions; I'm drawing a blank. Telling her I will charge her by the day is a pretty empty threat, as I don't think she has any more money and how would I enforce that anyway....unless I truly did lock the horses in??
I'm so hoping tomorrow brings a positive end to this experience. Can't believe the horses have been here a full year at this point. Boy, have I learned alot (the least of it being the big hole I've got in the boarding agreement!)
On the financial front here.......I finished a sewing order & got paid.....I transferred some pretty big money (at least for me) into checking so I can pay for the dental work I'm getting started on. Another appt tomorrow...and I'm actually excited. I had listed a building lot for sale....got a couple of interested parties....and a phone call today from someone that wanted to buy it last year but couldn't come up with the financing. His message now says he has put together a package & wants to meet. Timing??? Perfect. Contacting him tomorrow; hoping this could be a solution for both of us.
Seems like today has really been two days...I'm tired enough! Attempting to go to bed & NOT think about horses tonight.
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no $pending day,
sewing & knitting,
January 29th, 2007 at 12:56 am
This retirement business has me busier than I would have ever dreamed........here I'm doing a weekly wrap up, since I obviously was just too booked to sit down here. 
Have been at my moms for the last 5 days, and with her current dial up situation, making daily entries here has been something that just wasn't worth the frustration. Amazing how spoiled I've become! Her keyboard just isn't "mine" either & my typing seems to take me forever compaired to my familiar set up at home. But, there is hope. I got mom to set up the appointment to get the package deal from Comcast, changing her phone and internet services...saving a big chunk of money monthly. Plus........no more dial up when I visit! (I did have an ulterior motive!)
I'm becoming more convinced each time I spend time at moms, I can't keep both places up to snuff on my own. I have hers in better shape than my place at this point.......so when I return home, the whole place looks like a collection of projects waiting for someone to get busy!
I managed a couple terrific freecycle deals for mom this week & she was more than thrilled. (definately where I got my Frugal genes from) New dishes for her; which led to reorganizing her kitchen so she can now use everything she owns and it is all located where she can reach it on her own. She is also set up with freecyclers coming to her place to pick up all the 'goodies' we purged from her cabinets.....so it will be good all round.
New people on the way this afternoon to look at the pastures. Still trying to decide IF renting them out is worth the trouble. Once I get the boarding insurance premium paid for the year, I've got to charge quite a bit to net me any profit.........not sure if this gal will be able to afford the new digs for her critters. We'll see ....
Glad to be home, anxious to get to work tomorrow......but not before heading out for my first walk with a Craigs list walking partner in the AM. Sunny weather here all week, so it should be a fun start to the week. Trying to set myself up for success, since I know I'll walk if I'm scheduled to meet someone at the trail...
No money out all week............Mom even filled up the gas tank in the van! (gotta love her!)
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no $pending day,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word
January 24th, 2007 at 05:41 am
I finally finished the painting project in my end of the house. Did the bathroom, and then the bedroom and one of the closets. Totally ran out of energy at that point. I have taken over the one closet as my desk area......so I painted that one.
I'm dealing with the latest cut in income here....which is better than I would have done in the past. Frantic is what I used to be when anything changed income-wise. I did send out a couple resumes, got an inquiry back, now not sure what the next step is. It has been decades since I truly searched for a job; this is new territory.
Did the dentist thing again today....I'm making a big step here in deciding to go ahead with the big project I had been saving up for. Pretty much a new do on my teeth.....All part of putting ME on the list for '07.
Freecycling with abandon this week, still clearing out old things from my bedroom project.....as well as collecting other items that can be put to use here at the 'ranch'. Sure beats spending money to take my old stuff to the dump.
Sold a book on Amazon.com this week. First in absolutely ages. Not going to get rich on this particular deal....but it is turning the free to us books into cash, so I'm not complaining. Also received a $24.00 check for surveys this week....a nice surprise. And, a letter saying I had overpaid my income taxes by a whopping $12.00; which is interesting since I didn't owe anything.... Will let the tax lady sort this one out.
Heading to my moms tomorrow for a bit of a break from this place. I get a bit cranky with no time alone here. Usually have the days to myself, but one of the renters here has been home all week........so it's time for me to take some R & R at moms' B & B. We have much to do anyway....one of her rentals is now vacant and we need to get to cracking on putting it into shape to advertise again.
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no $pending day,
keeping track
January 21st, 2007 at 07:16 pm
OK, it must be time for me to take a serious look at one of my security issues. I tend to get just a bit more than concerned when I have no idea how the income is in-coming. And, yesterday..........one of my last bits of regular income stopped as of this month.
My every week end young man will no longer be coming to my house. Yes, the very one that was going to switch to week days, not week ends and I was thinking of tipping my new found freedom filled life upside down for.........isn't going to be here at all anymore. (after a little more than 10 years)
Consequently, I had a bad nights sleep. (not helped by the fact the chickens are beginning to cackle the egg laying noises....they started during the night last night) Thinking about how badly I react when my financial security is jolted.......being more than creative about pulling together the income to replace the chunk that has now stopped???
I seem to be coming up with all sorts of ideas; none of which resembles a full time real job sort of event. Hmmmm. I think I've worked at home for so many decades the thought of doing something Out There just seems way too foreign.
I'd given myself one year to test this retirement from a full time job and I've got 6 months to go. Cushion money in the savings account still intact.....so I'm not hitting bottom yet.. But, wow, do I feel peculiar. No problem with the decision of what to do re; the young man..........the decision happened without me!
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no $pending day
January 20th, 2007 at 11:35 pm
I logged in to find I hadn't posted for a few days. Unheard of! I guess I've been playing catch up after the weather had us on shut down, stay at home mode for so long.
I've been working in my room every chance I get, and am at the point I will have to spend some bucks pretty soon to keep going forward. I did re do the dust ruffle at no cost.........refinished the armoire & added fabric so it matches my "master suite" to a T. Finished the pillows to the bed, so it looks very Princess & the Pea- like.. And, finally got the FREE window shades up on the window & slider. Wow, do they give the room some class. And, they operate magically almost. You have to pull them up, but they automatically go down. And, the cords all retract on their own, so nothing is hanging .... Way cooler than anything I could have done on my own. VERY worth being involved in the product test panel.
Sewed like crazy this past week, and have had a steady stream of customers as well as another trip to the retirement home where I now have a weekly appointment to handle their clients jobs. And, since the snow is gone, a Craigs list connection got here.....I'm trading with her, she wants 4 garments made out of fabric she was given and then I get the rest of the fabric. What a haul! There was a full mini van of fabric for me. I just got through sorting it all and I am guessing the value is well over $500. Not a fair trade by any means, but she didn't want the excess....so, I am the lucky recipient.
Also, before the last snow, I posted a Wanted notice on our local freecycle list asking for lamps. Got a flood of responses, so spent the last 2 days rounding up the lamps. What a wonderful, frugal deal Freecycle is. I've got light now for just a few gallons of gas and I've met another handful of great friends. Ulterior motive here is to spread the word about the sewing & knitting, as I send a thank you with my sig. line, as well as leave a business card with a thank you on peoples porches.
Put all this together and I've apparently missed a couple days........they have all run together. Also slipped a perm in for my mom yesterday....forgot that!
Kids have changed schedules here, so I'm faced with a crossroads sort of decision. My long time guy needs care now 5 days a week, not just on week ends. No more money, and I would not be able to do what I've just now got used to doing. Thinking and praying hard before talking with his mom on Monday.
Back to the paint bucket, working on insides of closets........not my favorite painting jobs but I'm always so thrilled when I get one done!
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no $pending day,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
sewing & knitting
January 16th, 2007 at 08:43 pm
I'm a new person. Got out yesterday & have myself a new haircut. What a change in my outlook! I usually keep my hair pretty short, heavy on the easy care bit.....and I was almost 2 weeks overdue for a cut. The longer it gets seems to be directly connected to my crankiness levels! This is a regular expense that is going to stay in the budget!
Painting again today; working on the armoire, one section at a time. Since I've got the paint out, I'm going to spruce up a table at the same time. I love to paint, but hate the clean up/set up time.....so I keep my roller & brushes in plastic bags & in the fridge when I'm not painting.
Read an article online somewhere this AM about how being organized is frugal. I am so sure this is true and am continuing to use up what I have or do without.....and if I haven't touched something since I moved here to the new house....out it goes. Either CL it or Freecycle it, but it's gone.
Another no spend day.....but no income either. Re read my 07 goals, trying to keep them in the forefront of my mind so the steps to reach them become 2nd nature.
Waiting for the warming front to hit the area.........listening for the sound of the snow melting..... Can not wait to see the grass again!
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no $pending day
January 15th, 2007 at 12:45 am
Finished painting wall number 3 in my bedroom this afternoon. Not enough paint to do the last wall..........so cut it in to not look stupid until I get out & pick up another gallon of paint. Love, love, love the new look. I've never had a green room.
I need to paint the headboard while I have everything out of the corner & undone. Will do that this evening.
Finished the pillow shams & the throw pillow for the bed, it looks great, although a bit of a mess until the bed goes back to the headboard, etc. Also need to take the dust ruffle off next sheet changing day, as it needs to be lengthened. Something about the carpet here, the dust ruffle is sort of high-water style & has always bugged me. I'm into DO-ing with what I have here this year..........so this is on my to DO list.
No money out today.......none in either however. Cleared out a couple bags of acrylic yarns to a freecycle person, which felt good. Trying to keep a handle on 'stuff' so it doesn't overwhelm the space I have here.
Can't wait for the weather to clear up this week..........I'm anxiously awaiting a haircut as well as the first of my dental appointments. All part of my Put Myself on The List program for 07. And, the walking partner I have lined up is ready to go too, when the ice melts... Plus, I need to pick up my free lamps... Busy week ahead!
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no $pending day,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word
January 12th, 2007 at 11:10 pm
I can see progress everywhere here! Love that.
I moved a temporary sewing room into the unused/empty dining room as it was WAY TOO cold in the garage to keep up with the deadlines that were looming. Lovely place to sew, but I can't wait to get back to my workspace when it warms up a bit. Have a steady stream of clients at this point, so small money coming in on a regular basis from sewing. Adding a knitting student every other week now for the last month or so too....
Room mate person paid another installment towards her half of the rent for Jan. She is just over the half way mark now, so she may make the amount this month.
Horse boarders received their notice to move out the end of the month....reminds me to take first & last when I come up with the next contract. Didn't this time, but I was negotiating the current agreement when I had used up all my brains; I can't be held accountable for anything. Have an interested boarder coming next week to preview the property...have not quoted her a price yet. I'm finding it difficult to come up with comparison prices; will keep asking around so I am in the right ballpark.
Dug through my paint and found the custom mixed stuff for my new to me piece of furniture. Think I'm starting that this afternoon....as I'm up to speed with the sewing.
Still frozen in here; there is no way I'm going to drive when it isn't necessary. So, spending held to a hard and fast ZERO today.
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no $pending day,
keeping track
January 8th, 2007 at 05:24 am
I subscribe to a weekly online newsletter that touts the Do rather than Buy philosophy and I decided it would be another addition to my 2007 Master Plan here.
Not that I buy much..........but the DO-ing part is where I need to light a fire under myself!
So, Step one was my bedroom. Since that is where I spend most of my time these days (other than the sewing room), I decided I needed to get off the pot and DO some of the things I had already set aside for projects in there.
I had received a free gallon of paint (really expensive paint no less) and have completed the walls & woodwork in my bathroom. Gave it almost a new look. I think I'm going to continue and paint the cabinets, since I really hate them like they are now. Can't mess them up in my opinion. Then, I've already got my bolt of to die for fabric for the room.......I'll finish the window treatments and a curtain for the gigantic closet in the bathroom before calling it done. (giant closet is the new home for the wished for bathtub)
I also remembered to post a Wanted note on Freecycle and got one response already. Started with dowels to use for my drapery project. (already have fabric for the entire house) If I remember to put something in each week, I should be able to fill in the gaps here and begin making a dent in the collection of supplies I DO have.
RE; My Goals and the plan to reach said goals.......... I did mail off the letters to the horse boarders, giving them 30 day notices. And, I've advertised on Craigs list for new critters. Just in case I had any doubts this was the right move.......tonight a stranger came to the door to let me know "my" horse had become tangled in her blanket. Called the owner, who came right away. Excuses a mile long as to why she is using blankets with hardware missing, and generally in need of repair! (she has asked over & over if I would fix the blankets!)
Sent one week end boy home with stories of the power outage & no water no flushing event here. Told his mom, so she wouldn't wonder about us!
No spending ...........although no income either. Had an interesting question/comment today from one of the people here. She said she was going to town and did I need anything from the store? Told her no, but thanks. Everyone commented that I always say No.... Seems they are all running out for something all the time. I just haven't been raised that way. Runs to town were planned events, with lists. I don't need anything, so I don't go to town. Seems simple to me....but it sure confounds the natives here. It has caused me to think ...Again.... about the way I'm living. Simple. Uncomplicated. Cheap. But, living well nonetheless. I have everything I need....food, water thankfully, and all the clothes and other stuff I could ever use. I guess I'm more confused by how they can think up more stuff they all need, as often as they do... Someone is headed to town more than once a day here!! If I ever DO need anything....I won't have to wait long! 
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no $pending day,
keeping track
January 4th, 2007 at 07:09 pm
Yes, amazing as it is.........today is my one year anniversary here!! Didn't post daily, but darned close I think. The taking myself to task on a regular basis is not a new thing for me, but doing it in front of others sure was.
The magical things that have happened due to the posts are too numerous to mention. They happen all the time (and yet, I forget the power of this little event & don't post things sometimes until I've tried everything I think!) Maybe 2007 will get me posting things before they really are tangible, more in the idea/wish stage.......it sure seems to get the universe moving around my place.
Looking back, I can see where not much changed and on the flip side EVERYTHING has changed. I'm still the frugal, cheap, allergic to spending money person I've always been, but my life has taken a turn I wasn't prepared initially. Hindsight being what it is.......I guess I was more prepared than I thought I was, as I'm still here, life is still humming along and there haven't been negative rammifications to me retiring so abruptly.
My goals for 2007 have been committed here earlier this week, and I've got them copied off and posted in front of me at the desk. I can feel the momentum picking up, my enthusiasm and creativity are bubbling away steadily here.... (I really love all the things involved in starting a business!!)
I'm still gleaning bits of information from everyone here who posts or comments. I read many of your blogs regularly and feel like I would know you if I happened to run into you personally! I can't stress enough how much ANY post you make helps the rest of us......even if it seems unrelated or you're still mulling around an idea........ Reading of others paths here has been so valuable & I know I'm not the only one thinking this way! I just want to say "Thank You" for giving me gentle reminders and encouraging pushes to keep moving, for being my coaches and my cheerleaders along the way. I appreciate having a friendly space to share what is a huge part of life!!
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keeping track,
January 3rd, 2007 at 03:04 am
I made some itty bitty steps towards one of the BIG goals..........the building the business goal here. I'm horrid at posting the business ad on Craigs list, forgetting to do it on a regular basis; but I had one in yesterday and have 3 really great responses as of this afternoon. No appointments yet, but certainly some possibilities.
Also had a couple phone calls from existing clients, setting up appointments for this coming week.........people must be getting back into their normal schedules quickly after the holiday break.
Had my overnight holiday company until this afternoon, so didn't get much done re; "work". Did get a customers order ready to go for tomorrows appt. as well as my knitted purse off the needles & ready to take to my class tomorrow afternoon. Could hardly restrain myself from felting it, but wanted the student to see the before & after..........so I waited. Might get to it tomorrow night!
Have the new ad copy ready to go, will get it faxed in to the 2 existing papers I work with this week.
Got a freecycle full length mirror too ......picking it up tomorrow.....Have lots on the schedule tomorrow it seems. I have needed a good mirror for clients here; having left my nice one on the wall at the other house when I moved. I don't have a wall that seems likely for a mirror here; so still thinking of a way to make this work. Has to go somewhere, as it is too big to be a portable sort of event.
No spending today........got treated to breakfast for the 2nd day in a row, which is pretty unheard of here!
No walking either here today.......horrid weather, company; I'm full of excuses! Will aim for a walk tomorrow; along with all the other things on the schedule.
And..........I'm going to print out my goals & plan right now & put it in a plastic sleeve thingy to post in front of me here at the desk. I was thinking of coming up with some sort of way to track anything I do that is part of the "master plan".....even if it is simple hash marks. I'm a sucker for tracking progress, no matter how small. I'm also old enough to know it's the small things that add up to make big changes!
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keeping track
December 30th, 2006 at 05:12 am
Yes, one sale out of the two items I posted yesterday. Cash. In my pocket. And, some much needed table space cleared out in my sewing room.
No hits on the vintage linens yet. May have to bite the bullet and list them on Ebay. Have never done that yet, have had the account for years so am all set if I just decide to get motivated. It would clear out another box of stuff from the sewing area, teach me how to list something on line as well as put some more of that cash in my pocket. Maybe I'll divide it into 2 lots and then I can make mistakes on the first listing and do the 2nd one correctly??
No spending today. Met with a new client at a local retirement home. Advertising in their newsletter after meeting with the activity director. Apparently they had someone to assist residents with sewing, etc but currently are without! Timing is everything.
Picked up a freecycle coffee table.....thinking it is more my moms house than mine, but will make a great gift after a session with some spray paint. The wrought iron legs are black.....they need to be cream colored and it should be perfect for mom. This will be the 2nd free coffee table I've found for her! We shop periodically at more traditional sorts of places........like furniture stores!!! And haven't been able to find anything that seems to be IT. Free is good. She likes free almost as much as I do!
The sewing table project got started this afternoon.........all the lumber is cut & waiting for tomorrow to be assembled and screwed together. A beautiful 4' X 8' top to this event and 2 shelves the same size underneath. I'm going to be in heaven! (and I will have no excuse not to be organized with all that storage space!)
A good day all round!
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no $pending day,
$ IN,
sewing & knitting
December 28th, 2006 at 11:12 pm
I listed a couple things on Craigslist today and am hoping for some interest to generate some income as well as help clear out the sewing room for the upcoming construction project. I'm letting a serger go....as I have replaced it with a new model. I'm struggling with this, as I always like to have a back up (and truly, a back up for the back up if we're being honest)
I also packaged up over 100 pieces of vintage linens I have collected over the past few years, primarily to use in the antique booth........but now, hopefully.......out they go. I've given my notice on the antique booth, as the room mate person who was going to go in half with me........flaked out (as expected). If I'm working here at home with the sewing and then adding in the knitting classes.......the booth just wasn't cutting it. Took too much time for the piddly return. Not fun anymore either like it was when I was doing it before.
Sewed for a bit on the new machine; having trouble adjusting to it so far. Hopefully, I'll learn to like the new features and quit missing the ones they don't make anymore. (feel like my parents since I've been thinking things like "they just don't make things like they used to" today)
Woo Hoo...........just got a hit on the serger post. Crossing fingers & calling the woman.
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no $pending day,
sewing & knitting
December 28th, 2006 at 03:43 am
Everything is almost back to normal here after the holidays. Didn't spend anything today and don't forsee any expenses the rest of the week. I'm having guests overnight next week end, but things are all purchased for the meals/snacks. People are bringing things too, so no one has to pay for the entire spread.
Paid the end of the month bills (actually they are the first of the month bills) yesterday, so things are all caught up on that front.
Still working on my goals for 2007....I had the house to myself today, so there was some good thinking time to be had. The list seems to lean towards increasing the business, to bring in enough income to cover expenses as well as the improvements I want to make to this house. Need to get the goals more specific to get me on the path towards all that. Since I'm addicted to making lists, this is a fun activity for me, not a chore!
Enjoying some free time this week, as I didn't schedule classes or customers until after Jan 1st. Worked in the sewing room with a new sewing machine (gift from mom), cleared out the area for the sewing table construction project this week (courtesy of the Navy person) and have been knitting like a crazy woman. Will be felting a bag for me (don't usually knit for myself) tomorrow as I got it off the needles tonight. Anxious to see how it turns out!
Dog wants out...........times up here!
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no $pending day,
keeping track
December 18th, 2006 at 01:48 am
Watching the news (yes we have power!!), I'm continually reminded of all the reasons I have to be grateful here! Our power just flickered, but has been on continually.......amidst the Pacific NW storm of storms.
So many things I have that others are doing without this week........Basics like heat & food, etc plus all the other things that make life fun here. I wonder, with this huge wake up call, are people going to be getting themselves better prepared, once they get back into their homes and the power is restored? I am not putting any money on that one!
Power got restored to my moms; was out only 2 days, so she feels blessed. Invited her over here, but she is pretty well set for outages too........felt smart cooking on her wood stove! ( I think my household is just a tad too nuts for her to head this way if she has another choice!)
I feel a bit like this week has been one of those Universe Lessons ........I'm as prepared as I can get for most situations and nothing happened here on our street! Funny in a way........but what is/has happened here in WA isn't funny in the least. Reminds me of my mom telling me to always take an umbrella......then it wouldn't rain!
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keeping track,
lifes' rules,
December 11th, 2006 at 02:00 am
Talked to mom re; the 2 cc's left over from the sister person and the nasty business of 2005. The decision is to pay off the balance on both of them this month. Mom will foot the bill on these, coming to the rescue yet again.
I've paid on them for a couple years, so it isn't as though I've not pulled my weight on these....... And, truly, they aren't my bills. Both are made up of charges the sister person made after the business break up & the agreement to hold the line on any spending. (translated to sister speak; spend freely until caught)
Feels good to have made the decision, I know it will be nice not to see the bills come across my desk each month. I am trying hard to erase the nasty mess from memory & this will help.
No other money news..........No spending, no income. Anxious to get to work this week!
Posted in
no $pending day,
keeping track
December 2nd, 2006 at 04:52 am
Blast. A power surge, failure, bleep, whatever......but it was exactly as I pushed save & publish here with a current entry.
Was pondering the fact we are in December already, with just over 3 weeks til Christmas. Enjoying the low key approach this year, and the head start I have re; preparations.
Ventured into the sewing room today, since the weather was much warmer. (I'm in the garage, with no insulation & a space heater!) Got most of the work done on a couple Bed Buddies (rice filled sock affairs, to warm in the micro) to use for presents, plus a couple to use for back ups in case I need an extra gift somewhere. Frugal note here: I find I save money & time if I do multiples, no matter what it is.
Made a deal with the 2 young women that are staying here ........they wanted to know if I decorated for Christmas & I told them they could both do whatever they wanted to this year. I'll just watch! They were thrilled, as neither of them has ever had a house, nor a yard to decorate. The catch is they need to pick up, clean up and pack things away before New Years Eve. Sounds like a good deal to me!
I have tickets for a Holiday performance of a local chorus tomorrow night, planning on taking my mom & her sister to it as their Christmas gift from me. This is a gift to me too.......as I've not been able to do things like this with all the kids over the years. I had to limit my holiday things to stuff the kids would be appropriate at & then I really didn't get to enjoy much of it anyway with trips to the bathroom, meds & you name it. Can't wait for tomorrow....only adults! And a gift that 'fits' is the 'right color' and won't add any clutter around the house.
Only the first of December and I'm enjoying the holiday season more than ever. Think I'll dig out the Christmas CD's, sit back & knit and watch the decorations going up this week end. What a deal.
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no $pending day,
keeping track,
sewing & knitting
December 1st, 2006 at 06:40 am
I'm struggling with a situation pertaining to the last 2 cc bills from the business I used to have...........which is connected to the sister who caused the entire thing to end so badly....
My mom was asking me about my finances, and since we are truly pooling some of our funds at this point, I shared with her my need to pay off the final 2 bills from the business. She called today & said to be sure to write the check from the joint account (definately more her funds than mine at this point). As much as I would love to have these paid for, it certainly isn't my moms responsiblity. Although...(I can argue both sides quite well with myself here), she was the one who asked me to just give the business & inventory to my sister when the whole thing got nasty. So, following her directions, I ended up with WAY more in bills than I was expecting, as well as having no retirement plan to speak of and having to sell a piece of property & buy another and move.........and the list goes on and on.
So, the question remains, how often do I let my parents, (now, just my mom) bail me out? They have always been there, but I have always paid them back....this would be next to impossible unless we're talking lottery & I don't even play.
IF I write the check from moms account, that would mean I have no cc debt, except the one I keep for online purchases & pay off each month. Monthly bill no more than $250 these days, often times WAY less than that. I would love to have these gone....... Seems like I'm leaning more this direction all the time. Heading to moms for a few days next week, will have a decision by then.
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no $pending day
November 29th, 2006 at 02:46 am
Our snow is still here. Not just a little dusting, but a whole bunch of the white stuff.........everywhere. And, there is no thaw in the immediate future.
We're dipping into the teens tonight for our overnight temps....brrrrrr......... Cancelled one knitting class today and already cancelled the one for tomorrow.....hoping to get out of here by Thursday as I'm in bad need of my monthly haircut (which I have a half price coupon for & really want to use)
Week end kiddo still here, as his mom can't/shouldn't be driving in this weather, so still "working". Have almost caught up on my sewing projects too, with this enforced house bound situation.
Received several freebies in the mail today, along with $25.00 from a survey site. Did cash in MyPoints for a gift card for my sons' Christmas gift. Have some baking & sewing type gifts to work on, but I believe most of my purchasing is already done. Retailers had better not be counting on me to help their totals!
Chick update: All of the chicks are doing well, even under extreme weather conditions. Lowered their heat lamp and have been feeding them tons of food. They are all feathered out now, and are starting to look like grown up chickens, just in miniature. When the snow melts I'll get another picture...
Dreaming of spring, gardens, hanging clothes outside, walking the dog, sitting outside on the deck with a cup of tea watching the sun come up......
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no $pending day
November 27th, 2006 at 02:58 am
We don't usually get many snow days here in Western WA......at least where I live, but tonight we're getting blanketed! I'm not sure how one is supposed to measure snow, as it packs down as it lands....but it seems like we're in the 6" range right now and it's still coming down.
I've got nothing on the schedule for tomorrow, so it's fine by me. Will keep the fire going and finish some sewing projects (that's IF the power doesn't go out).
My gardens are all covered, the trees are dressed for Christmas and my yard never looked so good. One benefit of a great snowfall...........everything looks like perfection, no matter what it looks like on it's own...
Posted in
no $pending day,
Frugal Gardening,
sewing & knitting
November 25th, 2006 at 11:16 pm
I just received my usual reminder call from my mom (used to be from my dad when he was alive), giving me the run down on all the things I should be doing for the cold snap we are expecting tonight and tomorrow night. Had some of the things done, but she pushed me into action:
I just came in from unhooking all my hoses.......even the ones from the "back yard people". So, no water for them until the thaw. Covered all the faucets & wrapped them against the lower temperatures. Too cheap to buy those insulated little cap things.....just make my own with old towels, plastic & some twine. No money out....AND, mine stay on all winter without blowing off.
Turned the lights on in the pump house, hoping to raise the temp in there a bit during the day........note to self to get a small space heater out there over night too. The Navy man has already cut & installed covers for all the windows in the building, so no need to jury rig those this time....Nice! The idea of my pump or it's parts freezing doesn't sound like a good time at all.
Will leave a slow drip of water in my faucet furthest from where the water comes into the house overnight..... Also leaving all the under sink cabinet doors open overnight, so the pipes stay warmer.
My faucets in the back are those fancy kind that have a valve or something in them, keeping the water below ground I think, so it won't freeze back there. Will double check to see that they are all closed before it gets dark here.
I think that's it. I do all these religiously, not sure which combo of them prevents my pipes from freezing....but I'm not about to mess with the program. All I need is a plumbing problem! The thought spending money to fix something I neglected to handle when I could ......makes me nuts. I'll stick with my cheap fixes; even tho folks here think I'm being obsessive. (none of them would be responsible for getting things back to normal, so they aren't nearly as interested in all this as I am)
Off to add wood to the fire & brew another cup of tea.....Going to daydream about spring and better weather!
Posted in
no $pending day,
lifes' rules
November 25th, 2006 at 04:35 am
My week end is beginning to wind down......which is nice. I love the work leading up to the holidays and I truly love the company; but it is so nice to not cook and have a turkey sandwich all by myself with a book & some quiet music.
I am so blessed, my family doesn't have 'issues' like so many I know. There are never incidents or personalities to work around. We have a terrific time, yesterday being no exception.....laughed so hard, played some great games of Upwords, scrabble and even rummy. Lots of free fun.
Grateful everyone enjoyed the conversation, food and fun and didn't care one whit about the mismatched corelle ware, dinner served right off the stove or the Freecycle table & chairs. The important things truly weren't 'things' at all.
Grateful that our Christmas celebration is as low keyed........so I've got no hurdles to leap, no entertaining/decorating/gift giving contests to participate in prior to 12/25. Looking forward to another house full of guests, great food and more of that free fun my family is used to.
Posted in
no $pending day,
keeping track
November 23rd, 2006 at 03:58 am
Living in the Pacific NW, I'm used to rain; but this is getting way past the ridiculous stage now. We've just shattered our own record of the wettest Nov. on record and there are days left in the month.
My yard is so wet I'm beginning to question how septic tanks work when the ground is so saturated. (Having it not work is not a pretty alternative) Hoping by some magic, the system still functions even tho we are all building arks here.
Beyond the rain, life continues here. I got paid for another months private knitting lessons, in addition to taking on an Emergency hemming job so someone could wear new slacks to their family dinner tomorrow. I had assumed my ad wouldn't pull anyone in this week due to the holiday, but it has been the busiest so far. Nice.
I'm up to speed for the dinner tomorrow, as well as the overnight company. Hoping to get to sleep early so I can be up with the chickens (literally) & get the pies in the oven before the cheesecake has to go in.......then the turkey, and on and on. Just need to get the clean linens on all the beds & I'll be good to go.
Sold another book on Amazon........plus received another invite to evaluate a product I had answered a survey about. Love those.
Did get the battery charged on the new Sonic Care toothbrush system & wow, I've never had cleaner teeth. What a deal this is. Even came with a travel case.
Hope everyone that will be observing Thanksgiving has a blessed day indeed!
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all things food,
no $pending day,
$ IN,
sewing & knitting
November 21st, 2006 at 06:15 pm
I am usually ready to add more potatoes to the pot, and set out more plates.....round up a couple extra chairs (we don't have dishes OR chairs that all go together...who cares anyway??), but today I'm doing a mini dinner; BEFORE the holiday. A new one on me.
Got a call last night from a friend who will be picking up the Autistic Wonder Child who used to live here, then they will both be coming here for of all things.......haircuts and the Mini Thanksgiving meal.
Fortunately, with a pantry & freezer up to par here, I set out a mini turkey tenderloin roast to thaw....and I've got oodles of pumpkin for a Pre Holiday pie. Can't imagine dealing with life without my well stocked larder here. Makes the odd seem almost normal. Anyone else offering hair cuts with their pies??
Knitting student cancelled today, so I have more time than usual.....love when things just seem to work out! I'm crossing things off the Master TO DO list and have time to spare. Heading to the sewing room for the afternoon while the pie is baking, have an order due next week, 20 small cushions for hand made rocking chairs from a local craftsman.
Back to work here............
Posted in
all things food,
no $pending day,
sewing & knitting
November 14th, 2006 at 04:07 am
My "Little Dinner" is getting bigger it seems. We were 5 adults which seemed small compared to previous years, but was just about right for the house I thought.
So much for what I thought. 
I learned that my one guy that comes on the week ends, didn't have his usual place to go on Turkey Day as he calls it. So, it would be just he & his mom, in their apt. (she can't cook, they don't really have a functional kitchen either) So, tonight I asked them if they would like to come for dinner then my guy can just stay for a long week end, so his mom still has to do just the 2 trips to my house. With about 5 seconds, she replied....."Sure!" They're bringing the beverages; so one more catagory crossed off.
Next, I get a call from my mom & yes, her twin is coming too. Early in the day to help with dinner & they will bring a salad, fresh veggie & 2 pies. (reminded them there were just 7 of us!!) They then asked if they could stay overnight......so we'll bump the kiddo out of his room, toss him in the living room on the aerobed and have the twins in the bedroom. Too fun. But, now we've got meals to plan for Friday!!!
So, my one little dinner has spread out to a couple days, several meals and we're up to 7 adults. (still haven't got a commitment from the new couple out back in the trailer.....planning in my head for 9, just in case.)
Love the pantry & freezer for holidays....as I've got many of the items I'll need already put away here. I will be spending some for the food, but nothing over the top. All my baking ingredients are already in the pantry, bread has been set aside for the dressing, other people are bringing items.........so I think I'm getting the turkey roast and whipping cream. Not bad!
Located the staple gun & received a free to me battery operated drill..........so I can finish the Re-Do on the Freecycle table event before Thanksgiving. I have free fabric too....the cushions are in great shape, so a little work and the set will be all ready to go. I actually LOVE the table & chairs .......couldn't have found anything new that I like as well. Gotta love it when that happens!
Fortunately, no one I know expects anything but a fun day here; so I'm not compelled to pit myself against Martha. We'll be reasonably cleaned up, the food will be outstanding & plentiful and everyone won't have to worry about a think. We don't stand on ceremony, or which fork to use...or any of that. (although I would love to set a formal table once before I die... )
So, it's looking like a no to low stress day.........plus I'm feeling really good about having others here that wouldn't have somewhere to go otherwise.... I used to think I'd like to go help serve holiday meals at the mission in town or something, then I finally realized I do that......just at home! (on a tiny scale)
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all things food,
no $pending day,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word