Home > Weekly Update

Weekly Update

January 29th, 2007 at 12:56 am

This retirement business has me busier than I would have ever I'm doing a weekly wrap up, since I obviously was just too booked to sit down here. Smile

Have been at my moms for the last 5 days, and with her current dial up situation, making daily entries here has been something that just wasn't worth the frustration. Amazing how spoiled I've become! Her keyboard just isn't "mine" either & my typing seems to take me forever compaired to my familiar set up at home. But, there is hope. I got mom to set up the appointment to get the package deal from Comcast, changing her phone and internet services...saving a big chunk of money monthly. more dial up when I visit! (I did have an ulterior motive!)

I'm becoming more convinced each time I spend time at moms, I can't keep both places up to snuff on my own. I have hers in better shape than my place at this when I return home, the whole place looks like a collection of projects waiting for someone to get busy!

I managed a couple terrific freecycle deals for mom this week & she was more than thrilled. (definately where I got my Frugal genes from) New dishes for her; which led to reorganizing her kitchen so she can now use everything she owns and it is all located where she can reach it on her own. She is also set up with freecyclers coming to her place to pick up all the 'goodies' we purged from her it will be good all round.

New people on the way this afternoon to look at the pastures. Still trying to decide IF renting them out is worth the trouble. Once I get the boarding insurance premium paid for the year, I've got to charge quite a bit to net me any profit.........not sure if this gal will be able to afford the new digs for her critters. We'll see ....

Glad to be home, anxious to get to work tomorrow......but not before heading out for my first walk with a Craigs list walking partner in the AM. Sunny weather here all week, so it should be a fun start to the week. Trying to set myself up for success, since I know I'll walk if I'm scheduled to meet someone at the trail...

No money out all week............Mom even filled up the gas tank in the van! (gotta love her!)

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