Home > And Another Door Slams Shut

And Another Door Slams Shut

January 21st, 2007 at 07:16 pm

OK, it must be time for me to take a serious look at one of my security issues. I tend to get just a bit more than concerned when I have no idea how the income is in-coming. And, of my last bits of regular income stopped as of this month.

My every week end young man will no longer be coming to my house. Yes, the very one that was going to switch to week days, not week ends and I was thinking of tipping my new found freedom filled life upside down for.........isn't going to be here at all anymore. (after a little more than 10 years)

Consequently, I had a bad nights sleep. (not helped by the fact the chickens are beginning to cackle the egg laying noises....they started during the night last night) Thinking about how badly I react when my financial security is jolted.......being more than creative about pulling together the income to replace the chunk that has now stopped???

I seem to be coming up with all sorts of ideas; none of which resembles a full time real job sort of event. Hmmmm. I think I've worked at home for so many decades the thought of doing something Out There just seems way too foreign.

I'd given myself one year to test this retirement from a full time job and I've got 6 months to go. Cushion money in the savings account still I'm not hitting bottom yet.. But, wow, do I feel peculiar. No problem with the decision of what to do re; the young man..........the decision happened without me!

5 Responses to “And Another Door Slams Shut”

  1. JanH Says:

    Surely now another door will open! I totally understand the uneasiness. I get that every hurricane season--wondering what the next few months will bring and if my world will change....I try to keep reminding myself that change is not always isn't easy..loss of income is a big deal, though... take care.

  2. LittleGopher Says:

    You always have such creative solutions to the many aspects of your life, there is no doubt, you will do it again. Best wishes!!

  3. Frayed Buckeye Card Says:

    You are such a creative manager there is no doubt you will overcome this snag. How about those chickens that are about to lay? I wish I were as enterprizing as you.

  4. boomeyers Says:

    And another window will open. Just wait for it. You are very creative, you grow your own food, freecycle and you have your new business. If anyone can do it, you can!

  5. mjrube94 Says:

    I echo the sentiments above...Remind yourself of the good: it seems like your other endeavors are going well and you haven't tapped your emergency cushion yet.

    It's a bit early now, but you're such an avid gardener, is there a way to parlay that into extra cash (selling at farmer's markets and the like)?

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