Home > Survived Oral Surgery

Survived Oral Surgery

February 17th, 2007 at 11:20 pm

I did more than survive.........I hardly noticed I had surgery. Nice. I've been the "nurse" many times with kids having oral surgery & they always made the entire ordeal look pretty nasty. So, of course, I had those mental images in my head before heading out Wed.

But, either I had a better dentist, or I'm just older & it didn't bother me as much or something........ The stay in the hotel was heavenly; took goodies for the tub! Had knitting with me (finished my sock) and a great book (also finished).

On a real plus side of this event.....I am down 5 more pounds, and feel like I can keep this up! I'm being very vigilant re; eating things that are good for me...and then I start walking again on Monday AM, which can't hurt either. Walking & dropping pounds; both of them on my goal list!

The next step in the process will be after my trip in March....which will give me time to heal up. I'm crossing things off my list of 2007 goals here.... Getting my teeth "done" will be complete sometime in August I believe...if all goes according to plan.

Anyway, I'm back home and to work this weekend with my one remaining young man here for 2 days. I've been working in my sewing room and finally finished up my felted bag. (odd pic to post along with oral surgery topic!) Love the bag, not so wild about the handles....will try this version out and switch if I run across anything that feels better in my hands.

The Navy man is finishing up another of the big windows inside today....that means 3 rooms are done with the new trim and sill treatment. Next step will be dragging out the painting stuff and getting some color on the walls, as well as the new trim. Can't wait to make that change.

Back to work.....the sun's out, it's 58 degrees and my garden is calling!

5 Responses to “Survived Oral Surgery”

  1. Lux Living Frugalis Says:

    Glad everything went well. I like your purse. VERY NICE!! Of course I'd like it better w/black handles, but I like black everything! Smile
    I need a Navy man!!! Big Grin

  2. Bookie Says:

    Glad to hear the oral surgery came out well.

    That's a neat color/design scheme on the bag. The color transitiions are really intriguing.


  3. boomeyers Says:

    Glad everything went well! So happy you are getting something done for your self!
    58 degrees! Get out! We had another 2inches of snow today and it is windy and freezing! I'm jealous! Have fun in the garden!

  4. rusty@saving Says:

    my wife is having oral surgury done next year. the broken jaw and everything, and she is super nervous about it.
    the hand bag looks nice, you did a good job(like i know what i am talking about!)
    i was a navy man, and yes, we come in handy sometimes.

  5. daybyday Says:

    I love the bag. It looks so nice! Is this the scrumbling you mentioned on my blog?

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