Home > Back to my No Spending Habits

Back to my No Spending Habits

December 28th, 2006 at 03:43 am

Everything is almost back to normal here after the holidays. Didn't spend anything today and don't forsee any expenses the rest of the week. I'm having guests overnight next week end, but things are all purchased for the meals/snacks. People are bringing things too, so no one has to pay for the entire spread.

Paid the end of the month bills (actually they are the first of the month bills) yesterday, so things are all caught up on that front.

Still working on my goals for 2007....I had the house to myself today, so there was some good thinking time to be had. The list seems to lean towards increasing the business, to bring in enough income to cover expenses as well as the improvements I want to make to this house. Need to get the goals more specific to get me on the path towards all that. Since I'm addicted to making lists, this is a fun activity for me, not a chore!

Enjoying some free time this week, as I didn't schedule classes or customers until after Jan 1st. Worked in the sewing room with a new sewing machine (gift from mom), cleared out the area for the sewing table construction project this week (courtesy of the Navy person) and have been knitting like a crazy woman. Will be felting a bag for me (don't usually knit for myself) tomorrow as I got it off the needles tonight. Anxious to see how it turns out!

Dog wants out...........times up here!

2 Responses to “Back to my No Spending Habits”

  1. Sunshine Suz Says:

    Hi Contrary,

    I was just wondering...the way all your jobs and projects are...being self employed...if you have health insurance?

    I am wanting to quit my full time job soon and get a part time job and do this and that on the side at home like you do. But one of the things holding me back from my semi-retirement is the cost of health insurance.

    I love hearing about all your ventures and frugal ways.

    Thank you.

  2. boomeyers Says:

    Have a great time with your company. Your sewing room sound like it will be fantastic when it is all together! Enjoy!

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