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September 23rd, 2006 at 03:37 am
Met with my new knitting student this AM and wow, will I ever be earning my money with her! She is not a quick study, fun but wow, I had to take each and every part of my movements apart with my hands to try to get her to do the same thing.
She warned me she was uncoordinated, but I was not prepared for this amount of disconnect between her brain and her fingers.
By the time I got home this afternoon, she had already called here asking for more help!
I guess I can look at it as job security?? If she doesn't get discouraged & quit that is.
Gave a presentation for the other part time job, to potential foster parents.......still no word if that job is continuing. Stopped at the sewing machine store to get a couple parts for my old machine and got offered their teaching position there. Told him I would think on it, but I'd rather just do my classes solo & not hook up with a store. So, it's probably not going to be added to my numerous part time events I already have going.
Did spend money on my 2 parts for the machine, but will be able to make that back within a month I think. Both are parts I can't find, but know I had at the old house. So, it's a stupid expense in my book, but I was tired of having to make do.
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sewing & knitting
September 8th, 2006 at 01:54 am
This one was easy! The same firm as last time, so perhaps I only had to do the refiguring of things on my PC the first time. Anyway, this was as simple as point and click..... I was in line and ready to wait for the survey to begin.
The product in question was something for small dogs & I certainly have one, so I can thank the Chihuahua for this $20.00. A nice bit of extra money for just sitting here and discussing a potential product. I had enough down time while others were answering, I took a couple phone calls and started writing a letter. But, a totally painless way to add to the coffers here.
I've got all the rest of my chores done for the day........except anything on my landlord 101 list. Forcing myself to make another phone call as soon as I quit here! I promise. Really.
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$ IN
September 7th, 2006 at 04:04 pm
I am seeing the survey "business" begin to pick up! I remember reading others blogs & thinking "how do I do that??" With patience and a bit of tweaking on my answers....I'm definately noticing a difference in the number of surveys I'm being offered as well as the amount of them that moves on to a 2nd level.
I did receive a check this week for a survey, granted it was only $5.00 but that sure beats the surveys I was doing for that not so fantastic Sweepstakes Entry!!! Then, this AM I've already completed a survey for $6.00 (will need to wait to see that one) and this afternoon I'm scheduled for my 3rd interactive survey for $20.00.
I couldn't get connected to the first one I tried, but the 2nd was easier and the survey was actually fun. So, we'll see how I do today......... The requirements for my PC settings are what threw me the first time, and the window to get online with the company is pretty small, but definately worth it in my opinion. I'll work for $20.00 an hour, with no commute & no expenses!
Since I'll be staying home again today; it's another No Spender here! Making money too.........Gotta love this! Have a few chores to do today, something needs to find it's way into the crock pot and I'm going to mow the lawns. (one benefit to it being so dry & hot here for so long.....the lawn just didn't grow, so WAY less mowing, thus.....less gas needed)
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$ IN
September 7th, 2006 at 03:09 am
Feels like this is my comfort zone; spending nothing all day. I can do this forever I think. I would have been great as a pioneer, not complaining a bit about living a long ways from "town".
I've often had this thought; I've been born a few generations later than I would have chosen. (if I had been given an option!) I think I could hold my own if I was plopped down in a different era........making my families clothing, putting up food for the winter, gardening as if our survival depended on it......the whole works! Anybody else feel like this, or am I the only odd duck?
Anyway.....digressing here and totally enjoying the fact that I can let my mind wander. (another benefit to retirement!!)
Truly spent nothing today, and made money too. My knitting student paid me a sizeable tip, over and above my hourly fee.....a nice surprise!! She is hooked and will be a regular. I hope she rounds up some friends & neighbors now and we can turn this into something a bit bigger! Too fun.
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sewing & knitting
September 6th, 2006 at 03:09 pm
I filled up yesterday when I found gas at $2.79 a gallon. Who knew I was going to think that price was an absolute bargain??
It's been over $3 for so long here in WA that I was almost getting used to needing $50 to fill up. Even with my limited driving life here, I was feeling the added expense for gas. Using only $30 yesterday felt like I had hit the jackpot!
Heading out today (already using up some of the cheap gas) to teach a private knitting lesson. Still can't get over making money doing something so fun! It ought to be illegal!
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$ IN
September 6th, 2006 at 01:18 am
Yes, the chihuahua is a happy camper today. He finally got mail.......and free too! He is not a fan of dry dog food, so I haven't sent for those samples, but today our Cheech got his very own Schmackos Bakon Stripz (I guess they are presuming dogs can't spell!)
He's loving them, no matter how they spell bacon!
I got a $5.00 check for a survey too, which is just free money in my book. Answer a few questions on line and wait patiently. OK, forget about the survey totally, and be surprised weeks later at the mailbox, is more like it. This isn't a quick buck, that is for sure. But, it is free.
Added my $5.00 to the rest of my monies collected over the first week of the month here............and I had a sizeable deposit. Not like it used to be when I was truly working, but it seems to be working. I'm starting month #3 now.....
Cut the housekeeper back to 2 X a month, to cut costs as well as make a bit more sense. Since we don't have a fulltime kiddo now, there really doesn't seem to be as much of a need and the smaller bill will come in handy too.
Did a presentation for the part time job...went well. Just getting into the swing of this...still don't know if we get to continue after Sept 30th. After pouting for a week or so, I've really got busy with my clients and have been workiing faithfully, even tho it might all be for nothing. Only 1 more paycheck guaranteed from this job.......definately praying it will magically get funded for the coming year.
Blew my no spending streak by buying 6 plastic dishpans today. Had to look at 3 stores for them. I guess no one washes dishes anymore?? I won't be using them for dishes, but they make dandy nesting boxes for my chickens! The Navy man is building the racks for these to slip into...so I needed the pans for him to measure. This way, the whole deal will slide out to be emptied and washed. I've never had a chicken coop so efficient! This project is taking an absolute age, no idea when there will be chickens in the coop.
A very productive day so far........now I just need to do something towards my landlord role and see if I can make some more progress in that regard.
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Free: My favorite 4 letter word
August 30th, 2006 at 10:46 pm
Can't believe August is almost a done deal. I was out today and saw the trees beginning to take on some fall color already. Once that happens, whoosh......it will be Christmas and then the new year. I need to remember to take time to enjoy life and not get caught up in all the busy stuff.
I moved the things out of the antique booth up north....and wouldn't you know, August was my best month there! Took everything out none the less and will re price with the others stores price tags and pop them all into the other booth by next week.
Finished a quick little survey on line for an easy $5.00 today. Nice surprise. I don't usually qualify for many of these.
Even tho I paid the mortage this month for the old house (the new tenants are working & paying for repairs in exchange) I'm still doing OK budget wise. More money in than money out and that is always a good thing.
I've continued to keep my automatic savings funded, as well as my money market and my stocks......so far so good. I can stop these if things start to feel tight, but I would rather cut anything else first.
Finished off my month with a quick trip and lunch with my kiddo that moved out in June. Just a couple hours with him and I'm totally exhausted. A nice reminder why I'm retired.
No new plans for Sept, just keeping up with all my little part time jobs and spending the bare minimum on monthly bills.
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keeping track
August 25th, 2006 at 03:53 pm
I have tried some of the pay to read sites, along with some of the survey sites but haven't paid much attention to them actually. They do seem easy here, if I'm on hold for something, I can click my way through a list of them pretty quickly. But, I truly was doing it mindlessly until yesterday.
I got an email asking if I wanted a pay out.....and when I checked a pay out of what....I had $23.00. A pleasant surprise for sure. Of course I said yes, a check would be just dandy.
The things I've learned on this site range from huge to tiny little things like reading emails for pennies! But, my little mindless on hold activity has now added $23.00 to the coffers here. Not bad!
Thanks to all here that continue their generous sharing of tips, ideas and websites. Never think "we" out here aren't paying attention. I thought I was pretty frugal prior to starting to read the blogs here, but wow, I truly was just starting out compared to some of you. It would be fun to know just how much I've saved and how much money I've earned directly related to this site........but nope, that's not an exercise I would do. (numbers make my brain fry) But, I can see by yesterdays surprise that the pennies truly do still add up!
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$ IN,
August 16th, 2006 at 03:01 pm
Adding up the Amazon gift certificates again here. I just got notification this morning; my reviews for Insider Pages got accepted and my $50.00 will be arriving in the mail shortly! TA DA! That was an easy do.
Just review businesses I have frequented and let Insider pages know when I was finished. I like the whole project.....I get to write, I get paid and in the process, I can let others know about some local businesses that could use the free advertising.
I think I might even use some of my Amazon money this week, I've got a birthday gift for the room mate person here to figure out. She's pretty easy to buy for, so I just need to find her something on Amazon & it's free to me!
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$ IN,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word
August 14th, 2006 at 03:35 pm
This is just too easy. I responded to a freecycle item over the week end, (a huge bolt of sheer fabric,) thinking it might work to finish out the window treatments in my bedroom........
And, as luck would have it, the fabric belonged to someone I've begun to sew for & she quickly emailed me saying I was first to respond and she would bring the "good" with her today when she comes for her order. (that isn't even started yet!!! Thank goodness it is just hemming drapery panels)
Nice deal and I don't even have to drive for it. I had enough sheer fabric to do my slider but nothing left over for the windows, so I'm hopeful this new bolt will be adequate. I'm going to tea dye both pieces so they are similar in color, just want an off white, creamy neutral sort of affair and the tea should do the trick & if course it is in my price range of FREE.
Coffee's done, I'm heading to work.....which consists of shuffling out to the sewing room where I can open up the big door to the gardens, have my coffee, listen to some great music and make money at the same time. Not a bad day "at work" at all.
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Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
sewing & knitting
August 13th, 2006 at 08:03 pm
Off to another day at my part time job, which today......will mean sitting in the shade at a riverside park, talking up Foster Parenting.
Not a bad deal at all. And, I can take my knitting & finish a project or two for another of my "ventures". I'm going to supply some hand knit & crochet items for an ebay store just to see if there is a market for this type of thing.
So, outdoors........knitting and chatting.......and get paid. Doesn't get much better than that!
The new boarders will start dinner & I will help when I get home......This live in help is very handy.
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$ IN
August 11th, 2006 at 03:36 pm
Well, the new couple moved in last night and so far, all's well. They get up at 3 something to get themselves to work (only 1 vehicle, so lots of driving for her).
Forgot to mention the best benefit of this entire arrangement.........she is a massage therapist, licensed in CA, but here she needs to go back to school for additional hours. But, she is bringing her table tonight and offered to share her talents!!! I'll have to bite my tongue or I'll let her have the room here for nothing!!!
This is sounding like my deal with the horses........I get to have them here on the property and don't have to pay for them...Oh, wait....the horse lady PAYS ME.
This is sounding sort of similar...but it is temporary! I did ponder the idea of going to rent their apt. they are waiting for, so they would have to stay here and I could get my massage here while they PAY ME. (seeing a trend here........???)
Anyway, Day 1 of the temp. people and at this point, I like them both. Very fun couple and funny too. Animals lovers, gardeners and gone most of the time. I need to find something they want/need to trade for my massage now...... Will keep my ears open & see if we have something on their list.
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$ IN,
August 11th, 2006 at 12:01 am
Well, the renting out of the spare bedroom didn't actually work out with a full time person...........but, we've got the room rented out for the next 17 days. At almost the same rate we had it advertised for too!
This will be interesting, I felt like we could do anything for 17 days. It's a young couple that thought they had an apt. sewed up, but can't get in it until Sept 1st, due to some painting & carpeting work. They were going to camp in a local park, but advertised on Craigs list since they have a cat & didn't know how well that was going to work 'camping'.
They both work and have a long commute, so I doubt we'll see much of them. I'm so used to having other people in my house, it won't make a bit of difference to my daily life here.
If all goes well..........it should be a win/win situation. They have a place to stay and I get some help with the bills this month. Works for me!
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$ IN
August 10th, 2006 at 12:13 am
I don't even remember this one exactly......I'm just getting too old to keep all the details straight on the things I'm signing up for. (thank goodness I quit the trial offers that needed to be cancelled, huh??)
I got an email just now, saying Thank you for your participation. Amazon gift card info enclosed. This one is for $10.00 and has to do with a cell phone survey. All I can think of is it must have looked like one of the surveys & an entry in a sweepstakes.....which I have been doing a few of....and it turned into this. Nice, however it happened.
So, now I'm up to $125 at Amazon. For just some emails and a couple surveys. I will be filling out more of these surveys at this point!! Pretty habit forming when they actually start producing something other than "thank you, your name has been submitted into the Whoop de do Sweepstakes"
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$ IN,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word
August 8th, 2006 at 02:23 am
Finally got accepted and made it through the pre question sort of stage for not one, but 2 surveys. Both happened today.
Got paid $4.00 for watching Good Morning America today.......at least 30 minutes of it, (which was easy, since I usually watch this while slicking up my room) Had to log in and answer a dozen questions anytime today prior to 10PM. Done, easy. Way easy.
2nd one, was a whole lot longer. Tons of questions earlier in the week. Can't even remember them specifically, because in my mind, they were both the same survey. Got all the way to this afternoon before I realized there were two of them.
Had to log in at a certain time this afternoon, not as easy as it sounds. I had qualified for one from the same company last week and I didn't get logged in in time, so they told me Thank You Very Much & I was done. I started earlier on this one, had to make quite a few adjustments to my PC in order for the thing to load. Was interactive this time, about food, which was hard since it was right before dinner for me.......and it made me really hungry!!! Lots of pictures of yummy food. Anyway, 60 minutes.......which flew by actually, and $20.00 for this one.
Now, if the new blinds actually show up from the Hunter Douglass survey, I'll really have a good month for this catagory of money making. I was beginning to think I was way too old, didn't buy near enough stuff or something......I haven't qualified for a survey since I started filling them out 5-6 months ago. Good thing I'm not easily discouraged, huh??
Also squeezed in a sewing customer among the events of the day....and she is bringing another couple jobs when she picks this current one up next Monday. Love these kind. Repeats before I even get the first order done!
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sewing & knitting
July 24th, 2006 at 05:38 pm
This heat wave has to give way to our usual NW weather pretty darned soon, or there will be casualties! We aren't geared for these kinds of temperatures and are fading fast out here.
My productivity rate has slumped to nothing. No, I take that back, I started the dishwasher this AM. I did get up before the sun came up and finished an order for a sewing customer too. The sewing room was OK at that time of day. But, the rest of the day is looking like a sit in front of the fan, read a book sort of day again.
I am going to attempt washing the pots & pans that have collected since the thermometer has sky rocketed here in WA. Putting my hands in hot water seemed excessive & I've been putting it off.....but the kitchen looks nasty, so today is the day.
Getting paid for the sewing order this afternoon......so Money IN again. It's a no spend day here........with nothing else on the schedule.
Meals are pretty much out of the garden these days, so they aren't costing much. When I don't have kids to feed, I've been enjoying just veggies for most meals. Too yummy!
OK, free time's over, I am heading to the kitchen to clear out the last 3 days of mess & clutter.
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sewing & knitting
July 23rd, 2006 at 05:46 am
The rent got paid today from the Navy man and he paid more than we had agreed upon. I had heard him say he had rented space for his boat that he brought up from CA with him and I asked him if he thought we didn't have room for a boat??? Heavens. There is probably an acre of space just leveled, clear and covered in gravel, specifically for parking.... I offered for him to bring his boat and keep it right here, so he could use it anytime he was free. So, that is the new plan, but he felt he needed to pay for that....... I didn't even argue! 
No money out today. Felt like I was spending money as I've had 3 fans running most of this evening, trying to keep the house from hitting 80 inside. Pretty sure we won't notice an increase in useage, there are enough other areas I have cut to the bone, so it should even out.
Fortunately, we had some cloud cover today, so it didn't get as hot as expected, but all true Seattleites are looking pretty droopy with this heat. We need to do a collective rain dance or something before this gets serious!
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$ IN
July 17th, 2006 at 11:35 pm
Advertising takes it's sweet time, but I can see my efforts paying off. I have been an avid freecycler and every time I have picked something up, I have left a business card with a thank you. So far, 2 of those folks have called for sewing! I'm getting 2 calls per week on the ad, and 1 appointment out of those. So, the machines & I have become aquainted again after a gap of about 15 years! I'd forgotten how much I really enjoy sewing. My brain is playing some 'catch up' too, some things that should be no brainers, are taking me a minute to decide what to do! With practice, I'm hoping my brain cells line up and come to work on a regular basis here!
The part time foster parent recruiter job is turning out to be really fun! As an added task, they asked me to contact all the local law enforcement departments & arrange booth space for the National Night out Against Crime on Aug. 1st. I do feel like I'm going over the 10 hours a week at this point.......need to watch this, or I won't have time to sew!
Just stopped for a customer bringing draperies to hem. Nice easy job. I've got 2 other customers scheduled for this afternoon, one paying and another drop off & fitting. I need to get more organized here, as to where people go, fitting room, tables to lay things out on......Thinking it might be time to sacrifice the so called living room here.
Just realized by writing here, that I haven't placed the 2nd ad I had on my goal list. Will call on that right now.
Back to work!!!
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$ IN,
sewing & knitting
July 16th, 2006 at 09:06 pm
I had a great time at my moms, it feels like I'm really Out of Town somewhere.......when in reality, I'm only 40 something miles away. But, her house is right on Puget Sound, and when the weather is sunny, it is a pretty place to be.
Home looked good, and it felt good to sleep in my own bed after a week. Also found a nice suprise from mom, she had tucked $100 in my bag when I left, as a thank you for the work. Nice!
All sorts of chores had piled up here (while I was away doing moms chores) Funny how this works in life..... I don't mind it, but you never think of this when charting out your life. At least I didn't consciously anyway. I always knew I would be the dtr taking care of parents, it's why I have never moved away from WA state.
Hung laundry, ran the dishwasher, mowed lawns and cooked a bit ahead. Almost caught up with day to day stuff.
Spent a couple hours yesterday with my part time job here on the computer, getting the hang of their data base I think. My first paycheck from this job was here when I arrived back, nice!
We're adding in another couple folks in the back forty this month. A brother & sister that have an RV, no job due to a disability. I've met the guy whose property they are on currently, he swears they are perfect tenants. He has his property up for sale, so they need a new place to 'camp'. We're it until their name comes up for Section 8.
Had a builder make me an offer on a lot I have locally. Unfortunately, he is offering less than the county appraised it for. So, as attractive as the monthly monies would be on a real estate contract, I'm going to pass.
Heading to the sewing room this afternoon.....I have 5 orders for customers to finish up for this week (not including the dreaded black sparkly blazer)
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$ IN
July 14th, 2006 at 06:13 am
Since I had to work this evening, mom & I decided to have one more meal out and do it really early in the day. (I had to be in front of my first class on my own by 4:30)
So, moms favorite is Applebees......and off we went. She ordered a salad & I treated myself to shrimp! Absolutely yummy. We had taken 2 cars, so she went home to walk my dog & I went to work.
My situation didn't go as planned; my boss showed up, saying she wasn't sure I was going to be there! Gads, what part of my 2 confirmations didn't make sense to her? And, then.......the session wasn't what she had told me it was. She said 4 hours, it was just one of the little intro deals at the most 30 minutes. (we could have had a normal dinner anyway!!! )
On the home front.......moms day didn't go as planned either. She started getting sick! and sick....and sick. I told her she should be sure to let Applebees know, she said she couldn't do that. I went to the office, called and it took a bit of work to find the mgr, but he listened to my tale and then promised mom $50.00 in G/C in the mail tomorrow. Nice. I asked mom what she thought the phone call was worth, she guessed $10.00. I think she started to feel better as soon as she heard the amount of the G/C!! She is doing fine now......but had a miserable afternoon & evening.
Just goes to show.......those phone calls do work. No matter what. And, I really didn't start out to make her any sort of money, my concern was their salad greens &/or who was doing the wash & prep of them. The refund......plus some .......was just a nice idea and great customer service.
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$ IN
July 9th, 2006 at 10:27 pm
As ridiculous as it sounds, I found my shoes. I was looking for my walking shoes to hit the road with as soon as I was free this week.........and I couldn't find them anywhere. Well, this morning, while loading up the tools in my van to take to my moms (heading over to her place for the week, celebrating her Birthday and continuing the work in her yard)..........there were my walking shoes, along with my good pair of garden clogs.
I guess I stuck them in the pump house since it was winter, I couldn't garden, and I sure couldn't get out of here to go walking. It is funny how excited some tiny little thing can make me!!
So, I'm packing the shoes, hoping to get a walk in with mom while I'm there this week. Money saved here too, as I was thinking I would be buying a replacement pair.
Dropping the van off at the shop in the AM for the electrical difficulties, praying it is a simple (cheap) fix. Mom is picking me up, and then we head to her place. I'm taking the chain saw, as she has some saplings coming up where they really shouldn't be and they are WAY too big to transplant. Also taking my big sprayer to take care of her fruit trees this time.
I've worked like crazy today here at my place, getting caught up and trying to get my chores done before I'm gone for a week. Watering and mowing and more watering!!! With luck it will rain while I'm gone and my garden won't wilt.
Taking the dreaded black sparkly blazer to my moms, will work on the tedious part of taking it apart while we sit & visit (and watch her beloved baseball games!!!)
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sewing & knitting
July 9th, 2006 at 05:36 am
No spending and money in!! Gotta love days like this.
Got paid for one of my week end guys, and got a check in the mail for the new gentleman that is parking a van in my carport. Only $50 a month, but heck, it pays another bill! (I'm going to cover the monthly bills one way or another!)
Finished a sewing customers order this evening, had a fitting this AM on another order..... Both will pick up this coming week which means Money In again!
I'm able to use up all the leftovers with this combo of kids. Didn't have to cook yet this week end, just took meals out of the freezer! And, I'm picking salads out of the garden for every meal now,which is so great. Not very exciting salads just yet, but for my crew.......if it's green, it's salad.
Spent a few hours working at my 'new' job, entering clients info onto a data base. New stuff for me. I fought with Yahoo mail to set up a mailing list, but ended up back in my familiar gmail account sending them manually. Yahoo wouldn't let me send the whole list at once anyway, but wouldn't tell me anywhere what the magic number WAS! I'm going to have to speed things up to keep within the 10 hours a week I'm getting paid for! Hopefully, once I get going at this I'll be a tad more streamlined at the process.
Enjoying my what seems like Free Time, without the full time kiddo. A full week under my belt and I've been able to do SO much here. Started tearing my bedroom apart, laying out new window coverings, getting ready to remove the popcorn ceiling and prep for painting. Too fun!
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sewing & knitting
July 1st, 2006 at 01:59 am
Wow, after a long afternoon, my last placement has moved out. His mother was an hour & a half late to pick him up, and naturally that left me seeing sewing customers with my guy here. (not as easy as it may sound)
Finally squeezed all his most important things into her little tiny car and off they drove. What a huge relief.
First thing on the agenda this evening was a shower. After loading that car, it was definately necessary, plus, showering is something I've had to do almost by appointment the last 15 years or so. All of my kids were in line of sight supervision when they were awake, so showering just didn't fit with that plan. It was absolute heaven not to have to fit it in a 30 second time frame~~
Passed along reams of paperwork too, which took a huge work load along with it. I won't miss working with Social Security one bit.
I can't wait to notice all the little things that I get to incorporate back into my life.........lots of things that I probably don't even notice any longer. One thing I can see just from sitting here at my desk, which is truly in what should be a dining room........is I have nothing...I mean nothing sitting around. When all the kids throw things, there really isn't anything here to pick up. A few pieces of furniture, but our house always looks like the people in it have not quite moved in yet. It does make cleaning easy, but it will be nice to bring a few of my things out of hiding and have them around me!!!
Such simple things are going to float my boat.
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June 29th, 2006 at 08:17 pm
Since I started my 2 part time jobs before my full time job was over........naturally, there would be some overlap. Well, call today Overlap Thursday!!
I've still got my full time kiddo, (until just before dinner tomorrow, which is a bummer since the state only pays for the day if they sleep here)
Then, tonight is the pick up appointment for the blazer (which isn't decorated with sequins yet) from part time job #1
And, just to top it all off....today is an opportunity to view someone else handling one of the meetings I will be in charge of with Part Time Job #2.
Plus, since I'm heading to the meeting (with the autistic kiddo) and I'll be just a stones throw from the "mommy" to the dog I've been caring for........we're taking the dog with us too.
Dash back home after the meeting, get dinner for the kiddo one last time (already done & in the fridge) and then off to the sewing room for hours of hand sewing sequins on this jacket. I knew I was cutting the timing close when I took this job on, but the money looked too good to pass up. She will pay me tonight, but said already........I'm not supposed to cash the check til after she gets paid on Sat. (Please let me never be in a situation where I need to ask someone to hold my check!!!)
I have learned some things........or remembered some things, not sure which. Too old to know the differenct these days!
I need to remind customers I can't create something wonderful unless they bring me wonderful materials. The things for this job are all from Wal Mart; I had no idea they even sold fabric. Poor quality, the wrong zipper, missing notions, and the wrong type of sequins. Even doing my best is going to look peculiar due to all the corners the customer cut prior to coming to me. Not sure how to explain this to future customers.....mulling possible ideas over in my head.
I need to remind customers to bring all their own supplies & notions......I'm not going to carry all the stuff here, most definately not enough room.
And, I still need to work on the space here at the house. I'm not satisfied with the changing area, nor the mirror situation. Actually, there isn't anything good about the space yet. My sewing room is fine, but I usually don't have people changing in there.........need to do some drastic re arranging of the house to make this work well.
Thinking of Wild Blue Yonder (Fern) today.......as are many of us here. Hoping her surgeon is playing the requested selections during surgery!! 
Praying for a successful surgery as well as a restful recovery period!!
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$ IN,
sewing & knitting
June 25th, 2006 at 08:26 pm
For a native Washingtonian, this heatwave we're having in the Pacific NW is just nuts.
My desktop weather thingy from Google, says it is 75 here, but my outdoor thermometer (which is in the shade) says it is 85 already. And, it's just now noon.
I watered the gardens at 6AM and will get them again this evening. Beyond that, I'm laying low, doing as close to nothing as I can. Only one kiddo here today and he's the super easy one. He is wanting to do some "work", but I can't send him outside in this, he would melt. So, cartoons for him and a book for me!
I've got another little bitty income source as of today too. I've been emailing a gentleman about RV parking here now for about a month and today he made it out here to pay his first months rent. What a cutie. He's tailor made for us. A tad on the slow side, or some sort of injury, but he will work out fine here. So, adding another $50.00 a month to the pot............for doing absolutely nothing but sharing space.
No money spent today, will use up leftovers for dinner. Found money hidden from mom when I did her hair yesterday. I'm also dog sitting her best friends little dog...too cute! Makes me almost want another dog. Both dogs are so wrapped up in each other neither of them is eating.
I'm getting glimmers of what life is going to be like next month, without the autistic wonder boy here. Very easy & uncomplicated. I can go places or have people over to the house without fearing a meltdown. Can't wait to start up some of the things I've had to drop since he moved in 4 1/2 years ago.....
Off to brew more iced tea........wishing I had some fresh mint! (one more thing to remember to stick in the garden one of these days!)
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no $pending day,
$ IN
June 9th, 2006 at 05:22 am
Feel like my sewing business is beginning........finally. Had a fitting today & it was perfect. Good to know I haven't lost ALL my brains this last 4 years with my Autistic Wonder Child!
Another fitting next Thurs, beginning to get into a routine here with the sewing.
Worked a bit in my sewing area....can't call it a room yet, as I'm carvng out space in the double garage. I added the power strip today, which enabled me to plug in more lighting, the clock so I know what I'm billing......as well as a radio for some company when I'm out there. Have a new to me book shelf so I unpacked a few more boxes that didn't have anywhere to go before.
Made a deposit, paid a couple bills online and got the baby gifts to the new daddy. He shared a bunch of pics with me which was fun. Baby dealing with a touch of jaundice; perhaps looking at a short hospital stay for this.
Sent an email reminder to my tenants at the other house; their rent is due here in 2 days. Got a reply this time, they promised the check would be mailed tomorrow. They also confirmed they were still planning on staying at the house, even with the current licensing difficulties they are having. I had asked about the status of the outdoor spaces & they chose not to answer that question. Will send it again as soon as I receive the check.
Participate in my first real survey; have $15.00 now in that account. Need $50 for distribution. I was beginning to think I was never going to qualify for anyones' survey! Did another online and received a $10 Amazon G/C. Nice.
I find it interesting when sitting down to write here; there isn't much that goes on in a day that doesn't relate to my finances in some way. I'm positive I do a better job of managing my funds when I'm really tuned in to them....so writing daily is a good tool for me.
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$ OUT,
$ IN,
sewing & knitting
June 3rd, 2006 at 01:08 am
After spending time listing my assets & liabilities.........and knowing I needed to list the CC balances, I've come to a conclusion.
Since I've got the cc's on zero interest for now.......I'll not be racing to pay them off. Duh, I wonder what sized timber needed to hit me over the head for this decision? (for those of you shaking your heads here, try- just try living with an autistic young man for the last 4 years and see if you remember your own name???)
I do have the funds to pay off the cards, but I'll be happy to leave them in an interest bearing account until the cards need to be paid off. Until then, I'll make the minimum payment on both cards that absorbed the debt from the business/sister situation last year.
The personal cc will continue to get paid off each month. I'm still hassling over the 4 identical charges, on the same day last month.......that aren't mine. The company couldn't find the charge either, but so far, they haven't cried 'error' either. The 4 charges total a tad over $100 so I'm not giving up. I did get the trial membership charges taken off, as I had cancelled these within the 30 days. (note to self....don't do these again, at least until life here has settled down)
So, the decisions re cc's include:
-leave the big balances where they are, until the last minute, then pay them off.
-this leaves the cash in my accounts until the last minute......working at adding up interest income.
-keep a close eye on the personal cc account statements, not filing them until I have reviewed each line item.
-realized I am not a cc spender, I can actually make money with this situation.
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$ IN,
keeping track
May 25th, 2006 at 10:17 pm
I feel like I'm back in business today. I've already had one sewing customer this morning, a new one.....and I've also completed her job. She will be returning this afternoon to pick it up.
Just got a call from new customer #2, she is on the way, got a little lost. She will be waiting for her order, or leaving postage so I can mail it to her when finished.
And, my first customer in this new venture is coming to pick up another order this afternoon.
So, 3 people in one day. TA DA. Feel like I'm on the right track. The ad has been in the paper 6 times at this point, 2 of todays people are from that ad and the other is from Craigs list, so I need to continue with that too.
Just getting back to this entry, have had customers all day! So fun! And I get paid for it. Gotta love that. And, I didn't have to go anywhere, nor did it cost me anything. All good things. And, I met some very great people in the process.
One more pick up this afternoon for an order that is all finished, then I can call it quits and get started on the "other" job for the day...my kiddo's bus will be here in 15 minutes.
Just tossed a loaf of banana bread in the oven, getting my kiddo ready to go camping this weekend, and buying treats is out of the question. Have cookies done already.......now we just need to get him packed this evening and I get 3 whole days without him. Can't hardly wait.
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no $pending day,
$ IN,
sewing & knitting
May 24th, 2006 at 09:24 pm
If anyone had told me a year ago I'd be writing for gift certificates I would have told them they were nuts. But, here I am, halfway through the current campaign with InsiderPages.
The latest deal is to write 50 reviews and receive a $50 G/C from Amazon. I can do that!! Actually have finished 27 in 2 days.......so I think I'll be OK. Project needs to be done within 2 weeks of starting it. I've finished all the reviews that are the kind I can think of right off.........now I'm having to do a bit more digging.
A quick look through my daytimer will jog my brain again tomorrow. And, if I can't come up with enough that way, I'll thumb through my file system here at the desk.
This will be a couple easy Christmas gifts I figure. I can get $50. to go a LONG ways!
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$ IN
May 9th, 2006 at 04:09 am
I've contacted the woman who boards her 4 horses here, & she would love to extend the pasture out into where I usually mow. So, to save gas & time here....I'm accessing her 4 "horse" mower instead of buying this expensive gas for my john deere.
It won't make a huge difference, but it will cut back my lawn area by about 1/3rd.
I will attempt to find my dads old push mower this week when I go to my moms. Using this on the little patches of grass near the house will help too. I can hold off on the rest of the mowing, perhaps doing the big areas every other time.
Each small change will affect the big picture here. I was reading in a blog on another site, someone was poking fun at anyone cutting back on small items......saying there was no point. Jump right in to the big arena; investing & such. Well, I do some of that too, but if I didn't watch the little things, there wouldn't be as much $$ to manage. Makes no sense at all to me to not know where ALL my money goes.
A No Spend Day here..........did use a gallon of gas I imagine, when picking up my freecycle dresser. I'm only responding to items in my own community these days....limiting the gas I consume to pick up a "free" item. The dresser is great, it will clean up well & be close to perfect. I did pick up an office chair too, from the same freecycle woman....& it is going to be my "gift" to my mom for an early mothers day. We haven't been buying things for each other for years, but funny little things when they appear are more our style. Mom has been using a chair from her bathroom at her computer desk, wrong height, wrong color & no wheels obviously. With a little scrubbing, this new chair will do everything but enter info on her PC. It is pretty fancy, way better than mine. She will be jazzed.
I got paid from another client tonight, after just dropping a deposit off at the bank today. (naturally) Will take it on Wed, when I will be passing the bank on the way to moms.
Got paid from my first sewing customer too. Nice! She already has a 2nd job for me, most likely next Mon, as I'll be gone the rest of this week. Got the sewing room WAY more organized this morning; found I need a power strip, radio and a clock. Will poke around here, as I know we have all 3.
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no $pending day,
$ IN,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word