Home > Writing for G/C

Writing for G/C

May 24th, 2006 at 08:24 pm

If anyone had told me a year ago I'd be writing for gift certificates I would have told them they were nuts. But, here I am, halfway through the current campaign with InsiderPages.

The latest deal is to write 50 reviews and receive a $50 G/C from Amazon. I can do that!! Actually have finished 27 in 2 I think I'll be OK. Project needs to be done within 2 weeks of starting it. I've finished all the reviews that are the kind I can think of right I'm having to do a bit more digging.

A quick look through my daytimer will jog my brain again tomorrow. And, if I can't come up with enough that way, I'll thumb through my file system here at the desk.

This will be a couple easy Christmas gifts I figure. I can get $50. to go a LONG ways!

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