This one was easy! The same firm as last time, so perhaps I only had to do the refiguring of things on my PC the first time. Anyway, this was as simple as point and click..... I was in line and ready to wait for the survey to begin.
The product in question was something for small dogs & I certainly have one, so I can thank the Chihuahua for this $20.00. A nice bit of extra money for just sitting here and discussing a potential product. I had enough down time while others were answering, I took a couple phone calls and started writing a letter. But, a totally painless way to add to the coffers here.
I've got all the rest of my chores done for the day........except anything on my landlord 101 list. Forcing myself to make another phone call as soon as I quit here! I promise. Really.
Successful Survey........Another $20.00
September 8th, 2006 at 01:54 am