Home > Gas Hits New Low Here

Gas Hits New Low Here

September 6th, 2006 at 03:09 pm

I filled up yesterday when I found gas at $2.79 a gallon. Who knew I was going to think that price was an absolute bargain??

It's been over $3 for so long here in WA that I was almost getting used to needing $50 to fill up. Even with my limited driving life here, I was feeling the added expense for gas. Using only $30 yesterday felt like I had hit the jackpot!

Heading out today (already using up some of the cheap gas) to teach a private knitting lesson. Still can't get over making money doing something so fun! It ought to be illegal!

3 Responses to “Gas Hits New Low Here”

  1. ima saver Says:

    I know how you feel. I use premium and this was the first time in ages that I filled up at under $3 a gallon!

  2. koppur Says:

    We hover just below $3 here in MA. Today I filled up at only $2.59!!!!!!! I never would have thought I'd be so excited about paying $2.59 a gallon for gas! =)

  3. contrary1 Says:

    Koppur: $2.59............what a deal!! I think the price was raised so high, so we'd all feel grateful........and truly be excited about ANYTHING below 3 dollars!! And, it's true, at least for me, I was thrilled silly!

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