Home > Business Picking Up

Business Picking Up

July 17th, 2006 at 10:35 pm

Advertising takes it's sweet time, but I can see my efforts paying off. I have been an avid freecycler and every time I have picked something up, I have left a business card with a thank you. So far, 2 of those folks have called for sewing! I'm getting 2 calls per week on the ad, and 1 appointment out of those. So, the machines & I have become aquainted again after a gap of about 15 years! I'd forgotten how much I really enjoy sewing. My brain is playing some 'catch up' too, some things that should be no brainers, are taking me a minute to decide what to do! With practice, I'm hoping my brain cells line up and come to work on a regular basis here!

The part time foster parent recruiter job is turning out to be really fun! As an added task, they asked me to contact all the local law enforcement departments & arrange booth space for the National Night out Against Crime on Aug. 1st. I do feel like I'm going over the 10 hours a week at this point.......need to watch this, or I won't have time to sew!

Just stopped for a customer bringing draperies to hem. Nice easy job. I've got 2 other customers scheduled for this afternoon, one paying and another drop off & fitting. I need to get more organized here, as to where people go, fitting room, tables to lay things out on......Thinking it might be time to sacrifice the so called living room here.

Just realized by writing here, that I haven't placed the 2nd ad I had on my goal list. Will call on that right now.

Back to work!!!

1 Responses to “Business Picking Up”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    I'm glad this is going so well for you. I am hoping to learn to sew this fall when both kids are in school full time. It's a skill I never really picked up despite taking it in home ec. in middle sschool.

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