This heat wave has to give way to our usual NW weather pretty darned soon, or there will be casualties! We aren't geared for these kinds of temperatures and are fading fast out here.
My productivity rate has slumped to nothing. No, I take that back, I started the dishwasher this AM. I did get up before the sun came up and finished an order for a sewing customer too. The sewing room was OK at that time of day. But, the rest of the day is looking like a sit in front of the fan, read a book sort of day again.
I am going to attempt washing the pots & pans that have collected since the thermometer has sky rocketed here in WA. Putting my hands in hot water seemed excessive & I've been putting it off.....but the kitchen looks nasty, so today is the day.
Getting paid for the sewing order this Money IN again. It's a no spend day here........with nothing else on the schedule.
Meals are pretty much out of the garden these days, so they aren't costing much. When I don't have kids to feed, I've been enjoying just veggies for most meals. Too yummy!
OK, free time's over, I am heading to the kitchen to clear out the last 3 days of mess & clutter.
When Is It Going To End?
July 24th, 2006 at 04:38 pm
July 24th, 2006 at 05:49 pm 1153763386
July 24th, 2006 at 05:58 pm 1153763904
July 24th, 2006 at 10:02 pm 1153778551