Viewing the 'Free: My favorite 4 letter word' Category
August 15th, 2006 at 07:45 pm
The Hunter Douglas survey I participated in is truly paying off. I had my doubts, and wasn't holding my breath for the package to arrive.........but arrive it did...this morning.
One more thing to go on the TO DO list, is to get these installed, then I can complete the survey about ease of installation. And, they are mine to keep if I like them, or return them for $50.00. I'm all done whining about surveys that don't seem to pay off!!!
I'll continue to do the silly little surveys to get entered into the "sweepstakes", which I never expect to win.....because, that's how I believe I got into this event with the blinds. I was sent an email on this one, it wasn't through the typical survey sites I have signed up for.
Whatever the reason, I'm excited to be getting free blinds, as that is the only price that would be in my current budget for something that isn't really a necessity here. (no window coverings on any windows here, as there is no one that can see in here anyway) But, blinds for the sun in my room would be a real treat. Gone with the white sheets here!!! 
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Free: My favorite 4 letter word
August 14th, 2006 at 03:35 pm
This is just too easy. I responded to a freecycle item over the week end, (a huge bolt of sheer fabric,) thinking it might work to finish out the window treatments in my bedroom........
And, as luck would have it, the fabric belonged to someone I've begun to sew for & she quickly emailed me saying I was first to respond and she would bring the "good" with her today when she comes for her order. (that isn't even started yet!!! Thank goodness it is just hemming drapery panels)
Nice deal and I don't even have to drive for it. I had enough sheer fabric to do my slider but nothing left over for the windows, so I'm hopeful this new bolt will be adequate. I'm going to tea dye both pieces so they are similar in color, just want an off white, creamy neutral sort of affair and the tea should do the trick & if course it is in my price range of FREE.
Coffee's done, I'm heading to work.....which consists of shuffling out to the sewing room where I can open up the big door to the gardens, have my coffee, listen to some great music and make money at the same time. Not a bad day "at work" at all.
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no $pending day,
$ IN,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
sewing & knitting
August 10th, 2006 at 12:13 am
I don't even remember this one exactly......I'm just getting too old to keep all the details straight on the things I'm signing up for. (thank goodness I quit the trial offers that needed to be cancelled, huh??)
I got an email just now, saying Thank you for your participation. Amazon gift card info enclosed. This one is for $10.00 and has to do with a cell phone survey. All I can think of is it must have looked like one of the surveys & an entry in a sweepstakes.....which I have been doing a few of....and it turned into this. Nice, however it happened.
So, now I'm up to $125 at Amazon. For just some emails and a couple surveys. I will be filling out more of these surveys at this point!! Pretty habit forming when they actually start producing something other than "thank you, your name has been submitted into the Whoop de do Sweepstakes"
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$ IN,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word
August 9th, 2006 at 05:10 am
I've passed from an Insider to a Guru tonight at InsiderPages.com. I have completed 50 reviews this past week, don't have to have them completed until the 14th, so I'll do a few more just for insurance.
Don't want my offerings not meeting the criteria by just a few and missing the $50 Amazon G/C. Way too good to pass up.
Since I've lived in the same county most of my life ........this seems like such an easy task to me. I did have to work tonight to find the last 5 businesses......especially since there is a list of catagories that qualify for this campaign.
So, I'll review the list during the next couple days and see if there are any I've missed. (also will my eyes peeled for ideas as I'm out running errands tomorrow)
Since I'm opinionated and I like to write, this project seems to be just the ticket!
Can't wait to have the gift certificates to use for Christmas shopping.....Shop from home and not even spending my own money, it doesn't get much better!!!
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Free: My favorite 4 letter word
August 5th, 2006 at 06:51 pm
Thanks to my dad & his years of hauling other people's excess lumber home; I've now got a stack of Free To Me lumber for the Navy man to create wonders with.
We went scrounging in the back forty of my parents home, an acre of stuff I just can't adequately describe here. Anyone remember the TV show, Sanford & Son?? Think that, but switch from auto parts & junk to lumber, anything wood and then some junk. All in piles, all covered, all in great shape.......and after 40-50 years, all really difficult to get to.
We worked hard for FREE this time. But, the lumber was in great shape, albiet covered with spiders & occasional critter droppings...the price was right.
The first item getting built here is a work bench for the garage. The framework is done, supposedly the top gets cut and attached this afternoon. I've got the vice and a grinder that will get put on and then we will be ready for inspection I think! Even the bolts for this event are from Dad's stash......we also poked around all of his shops and workbenches!!
My dad would be pleased to know some of his items are getting put to good use. He was a great one for 'seeing' the possibilities in found objects and just putting them away for later. No matter how long he worked each day of his life, he never did make it to the end of his TO DO list. We used to joke about it often!
It's going to feel good to use this work bench, long after the Navy gets done with his stint here..........
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Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
August 3rd, 2006 at 06:42 pm
I needed a thank you for an aquaintance & cashed in enough MyPoints to get a $25.00 G/C for Home Depot for the gentleman. He was thrilled, so it was just the ticket.
That left me with a meager number of points, however..........last night my aunt called & asked me to order flowers for her on line... Well, having learned from other MyPoints junkies, I did a simple deal of ordering the posies through 1-800 Flowers, off the MyPoints site. Whoosh........just like that, my point total is looking better and definately on the way back up.
I remember thinking "5 points for reading an email....that will amount to nothing!" when I started this venture. HA. I'm a convert.
Just the G/C for others is a painless little deal here. I can zip through my email list while taking phone calls, or updating lists for work....Like making money for just sitting here. Too easy. No gas to use up, I don't have to go shopping.......just easy money.
I'm no where near the advanced sort that some of you are on here, with the triple sorts of deals & the multiple site savings plans for things..... But, I don't do much shopping in the first place. I'm more than satisfied with my little place in the scope of things and will happily await my next total for another gift card!! 5 Points adds up fast....it's amazing how ones perspective can change.
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keeping track,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word
July 26th, 2006 at 10:59 pm
The phone has rung, with potential renters for the big house here. Yeah!!! Since I don't have a key yet from the current renters, folks are going to drive by this afternoon. Praying at least one of them just can't envision living anywhere else!!!
When the phone hasn't been ringing, I've been on it for my part time job......trying to contact local law enforcemtent offices. We're trying to get booth space at all the local Nat'l Night Out Against Crime events happening on Aug 1st...
Low Cost Fun Tip: Night Out Against Crime is happening nation wide, usually on Aug 1st in the evening. All free, tons of police vehicles, fire vehicles, all the canine units, live music, food......(pretty sure the food will cost something, but the rest is all free). Great summer activity, especially for those of you with kids that are police car/fire truck crazy.
I'm so enjoying the cooler temperatures here today. Spent some time in the garden, could stay outside long enough to hang the laundry.... how nice, I was getting pretty close to running out of clean clothes!!
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no $pending day,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word
July 14th, 2006 at 06:23 am
We all shared notes about how we hung white sheets on windows to keep the sun out when it was hot.........I've still got my lovely "set" of custom thumb tacked window coverings up. (You'd think, since I sew, I could come up with something a little more attractive, huh??)
Well, there may be something a tad more attractive in my future. I had responded to a survey about window coverings a couple weeks ago & did get a response, saying I would be accepted to the trial....and to watch for an email.
I have got to this point in other surveys, only to never hear back from them. Well, today.....Hunter Douglas sent me the directions as to how to measure my windows and where to send in the order. I will be properly impressed if I end up with 2 new window coverings! Measuring and ordering will be first on my TO DO list tomorrow when I go home.
I've got 2 windows in my room, which happens to be the room that gets the warmest.......so I am hoping I can get these to work in there. If not, the family room also has 2 windows...and that wouldn't be a bad alternative.
There will be a series of emails to see how I'm doing with the product, then after the test, I can either return them for $50.00 or keep the 2 window coverings. (not sure if it is blinds, shades or what, but the value is supposed to be $500.) Unless these turn out to be purple with green stripes and they have to be hung on circular windows or something.........I think I'll keep the product!
I'm anxious to see if this product testing/survey actually works out. I've become rather leary of the emails, as I can't count the number of them I haven't qualified for.
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Free: My favorite 4 letter word
July 3rd, 2006 at 08:40 pm
Well, did I ever make out like a bandit. My housemate brought home sacks and sacks of shoes and 6 of them fit perfectly. I've got all sorts of new footwear now....and I think one pair will work for my event I've got to dress up for. Will have to check this out when I try on the outfit....I may need something a tad more summery, but I'm motivated to make this pair work.
I love deals like this! I even got shoes I wouldn't normally look twice at. And, a couple pair to use for walking shoes at least to begin with. I may want to invest in this area......but for now, I'm off, and hmmmm walking (not running)
The day is looking like a no spend day here, doing all the now normal things to keep costs down to the bare minimum here.
I've learned our water heaters are so well insulated I can even leave them off for a whole day & still have enough hot water for us. Usually I remember to turn them on an hour or so every AM.
Sent in a form to be considered for a test panel. If accepted, it says you receive samples and thank you gifts. I could live with that.
Also completed the survey on the freebie list today, for the $10.00 G/C to Amazon. This puts me up to $73.00 just for Amazon now; and I can get that number to go a loooong ways.
I am a tad cranky with my sewing customer of the black sequined blazer fame. She called to say she can't wear it. Too big. Well, yes......it is a bit on the large side (could have something to do with the fact she is at least a 4X) but I made a mock up & she approved that.........now the exact copy isn't right. Drat. And, Darn. It will be just like starting over; except I need to take it all apart first.
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no $pending day,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
sewing & knitting,
July 2nd, 2006 at 07:06 pm
With my unencumbered life these days, I've begun responding to freecycle items right and left...........and getting some of them!
As I was off on another trip to pick up a soaker hose for my garden, I was thinking this is 2 days in a row that I'm on the road driving somewhere. I'm not sure what year it was when I ever did that!!! 
So, the gas expenses will rise a bit...although the prices are going down in our area. Under $3.00 these days, not by much, but no number 3 in the picture.
I do think the free items are still cheaper, even with the necessary gas to get to them, than actually going shopping. Coupled with the fact, I really HATE shopping, this is a good solution for me.
I also enjoy getting out of my house, I feel like I've been held captive or something! Plus, the network of others who think the same, want to control their spending and waste nothing, is a valuable idea in itself. I'm beginning to create a new circle of aquaintances who all enjoy gardening and are willing to share plants, tools and advice.
Zipped by the outlet bakery, but they were closed today. Poor planning on my part. The thought that I can just GO anytime here is a bit heady!! I'll have to remember to rein that in after a week or so! For right now, this is too fun to pass up.........
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Free: My favorite 4 letter word
July 2nd, 2006 at 02:06 am
I'm so excited today. Every little thing I do seems so simple & I've made it through my TO DO list that was as long as my arm...
Without the autistic kiddo, I'm just roaring through projects. I even asked for some things on Freecycle & got them.......and I can go get them without having to figure out some sort of magical method to get the kid in the car.
I'm copying a planter birdbath combo I saw in one of my free magazines last month, & tonight I'm supposed to be getting 2 of the major pieces to this event. Plus, I got an email from one of last months new gardener friends, saying she had more plants for me. I could tell her I'll be over this evening and not give it a 2nd thought!! Too fun. This is what my life used to be like!
I'm off......... going to stop on the way home & park at a trail head.......and take a bit of a walk. Hoping it is cooler then.
I want to be able to blog that I walked at least a couple times a week this month. Let's see how I do!
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no $pending day,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word
June 28th, 2006 at 03:59 pm
Like many of the rest of you..........the mail delivery has certainly perked up since joining this site. I have made it a point to participate in the free offers everyone so generously shares. At least 2 a day was my beginning deal with myself, then I increased it to a couple a day for my mom too........and now I can skim through the list and do all the offers I would actually use.
I was pleased this week to receive a coffee grinder as a gift from a private roasting company. My mom had just said hers was on it's last legs, and since her birthday is in July..........well....here you go. A gift, with all the trimmings and almost no cost at all. I've been saving a couple of the free coffee samples (have them tossed in the freezer), so I can include beans with the grinder as well as a like new "Mom" coffee mug I had picked up at the thrift store. The gift is now getting very fancy looking. Hmmmm, how about sticking in a couple chocolate samples?? Just the ticket. A basket and some colored celophane, a big bow and I've got something very nice to share.

I actually have more to give as a gift this year without spending.......than I normally would have done WITH spending. Go figure. I have been potting up some of the freecycle plants I had received, in pots I have received and will give those to mom too .... (potting double, as mom has a twin!)
I'm thankful our family has never been one to 'rate' gifts or calculate costs and need to compete through presents. We are more likely to "give points" for creativity and LACK of costs, which makes giving and getting gifts in our family tons of fun.
Consequently, most of us are on the prowl year round for ideas that will be Just Perfect for someone. Keep your eyes open, get those free offers headed your way and you can cut the cost of gift giving to almost nothing. Plus, the WOW factor of your gifts will go way up and you will turn what might be considered an obligation into a fun activity!
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Free: My favorite 4 letter word
June 20th, 2006 at 02:03 am
What a day. Should qualify for two days, it seems like it has been forever since I got up and tackled the morning shift here.
Just 2 boys today, but still cooked like a short order cook for the morning shift.
Exchanged my fabric for bulbs early on today (have those in the ground and half potted to share with my mom next month for her birthday!)
Then, shovels and boxes loaded I headed for my freecycle plant share lady....and WOW, I came back with every container I had; just stuffed with plants. I don't use the back seat in my van, so there is only the middle seat in........and the rest of the room was totally filled with plants. Some I know what they are, others are mysteries still. Her gardens were amazing for only being 10 years old.
I have spent the afternoon digging, planting and watering in a vans worth of plants here. I did pot up a couple more hunks of things to use with the fresia bulbs for my moms birthday the 2nd week in July. By then, they should look pretty nice & have recovered from being moved.
That's a good tip for any of you gardeners.......be thinking of what you can divide & pot up all the time. Have a couple things potted & set out in your gardens, so you can bring them in and get ready for gifting if necessary.
Contrary1, editor
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no $pending day,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
Frugal Gardening
June 19th, 2006 at 03:13 pm
Yes, it's another Freecycle morning here at my place. I advertised for plants again on Sat (the only day we can post WANTED's in our little group) and I've got several responses.
The first one also said they would like my extra sewing room stuff I had posted, so we're trading.........(not usually the way freecycle works) She gets fabric, thread and notions that were extras for me and I get fresia bulbs that she didn't need.
I can't wait. I've never had fresia in my gardens before. Have to do some research to see where they need to be planted.
As soon as the trade off happens, I'm off to another garden with my shovel in hand. This person offered to share whatever she had!! Too fun. I get to meet another local gardener, she gets to thin her things out and my garden grows!
I'll post pictures of the treasures & see if I get another mystery picture like I did yesterday. (still hoping someone recognizes the photo that showed up in my entry. Japanese gardens?? Anyone???)
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no $pending day,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
Frugal Gardening
June 18th, 2006 at 05:39 pm
As if fresh picked strawberries weren't yummy enough..........how about picking them right outside your front door?? And, if that didn't top all.......the plants were the same ones I got this spring for FREE!

From the tiny little scraps of plants that I stuck in the ground, I picked enough this morning that everyone had a bowl of berries with breakfast. And, yes....they do taste just like summer!

I'll admit this is my first strawberry patch of my own. I've helped in my parents patch, but have never put plants in at my own place. (no idea why, maybe it was leftover from picking strawberries that summer when I was 11) Talk about an easy plant to grow, I've really done nothing but add some water on days we've had no rain. And, I've resorted to a bit of slug bait (all organic gardeners can collectively gasp here) so we didn't have to share the berries.
If I made any errors with these plants it is where I planted them. I wasn't ready for them when they were "gifted" to me, so they got planted in 4 different places. Not convenient to pick or water this way. Also one of the spots was not totally weed free, but the plants had to get in the dirt. This area is a nasty garden now, weeds win when placed alongside berry plants I've discovered. Lesson Learned.
OK, this isn't the picture I loaded, I've done it twice, I didn't even take this picture. Supposed to be the photo of my yummy berries. Who are these people?? How did I get in their garden??? This isn't my garden.............
I'll try my photo one more time, 3rd time's the charm, right??
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all things food,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
June 13th, 2006 at 11:02 pm
Yumminess. The first strawberries are ripe. We had to share some with the birds I'm sure, but today we all got to pick & eat one! Totally delicious, and so worth the effort to keep the patch weeded & watered. (remembering to thank the person who gave us the plants!!!) Free food! Just can't beat that.
Also picking the first radishes today, they will jazz up the leaf lettuce we've been enjoying now for at least a week. Nothing like handfuls of this on a sandwich! Not exactly free, but the seed packets are about a dollar each and they will continue producing all the lettuce & radishes we can eat here for a few more weeks. I've got another planting in already and have seeds to continue through the growing season.
I can't imagine why everyone doesn't have some sort of veggie garden planted! Too much fun to have frugal food and get great (free) exercise at the same time.
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Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
Frugal Gardening
June 10th, 2006 at 06:06 pm
I can't come up with a name for what I did this AM. I had appointments with a couple people as well as a stop at the recycle plant for our county......
Everything I picked up was free. So, it really isn't shopping....but what is it exactly? Certainly better than yard sales, as there was no money spent!
I got the back of my van full of paint, not exactly the color I was remembering it was, this seems darker. But, when something is FREE, it is amazing just how fast I can change my mind! This is exactly the color I want to paint my house. At least, I'm going to paint a sample swatch somewhere, and look at it for a bit. If it is really too dark, I'll mix some white into the whole batch. I also picked up a big bucket of white........as well as a great green to give some life to my bedroom.
I had a response re; my Wanted post for sheet rock, so stopped and picked up a couple half sheets. Now, I just need to collect the tape & mud stuff, as well as figure out how to texture the patches when they are finished. When this project is done, I'll head back to town and get some more of the FREE paint to liven up this all white place I bought.
Picked up my FREE plants too....... 2 huge sacks of Iris; plenty to share a bag with my mom this week end.
Heading to the garden, to get busy! No kids for almost 2 hours, an infrequent luxury for me!
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no $pending day,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
Frugal Gardening
June 10th, 2006 at 03:00 pm
I'm just hooked. Today I'm squeezing in another Freecycle pick up.....more free plants from the person I met with last week. One hook up can turn into a regular connection with gardeners. We've all got plants to share once we get started. Todays gift is to be Iris!
Our local Freecycle group only allows Wanted posts on Saturdays, so today I'm asking for sheetrock and any supplies to do some repairs/patching with. Hoping to have a stash of free items for my Navy guy to repair the holes in my walls here when he gets here. I'm in the process of removing an old intercom system from this house, so each room will be left with a small hole by the door.......... Oh, so attractive.
I've got one more stop when I'm at the free plant house........it is near our county recycling offices. They give away great paint, and I'm hoping to load the van with 5 gallon buckets of my favorite blue/gray color. I've got housepainting on my list this summer & there is no better way than with FREE paint!
Off for a day of no spending, other than the gas to get back & forth.
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no $pending day,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
Frugal Gardening
June 10th, 2006 at 02:18 am
A nice surprise this evening when someone knocked at my door. (doesn't happen often out here in the country)
It was the young man from a neighboring piece of property. He had a case of sparkling cider as a peace offering of sorts. He owns a paint ball field and tomorrow he is going to be having a huge event & wanted to let me know the noise level would be up a bit.
In the midst of the visit, he asked if I was the person advertising sewing in the paper?? He has slacks needing hemming! I never counted on a walk in customer base, but here he was! We set an appointment for a time when I wouldn't have my kiddo clammoring for attention.
Sparkling cider; definately not on my shopping list, a treat for sure here.
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Free: My favorite 4 letter word
June 8th, 2006 at 09:42 pm
Freecycle......it's my kind of 'shopping'. I unloaded my new desk I had picked up last week & is it ever great. I think it is going to work to streamline my office area. I haven't shopped for office furniture for a few years, but this thing must be over $500. Very nice.......and totally free.
Today, I picked up a couple boxes of iris, as well as a handful of perinneals in pots. Again, a freecycle item! Since this person was a gardener, I left them some of my squash starts, they said they hadn't found any yet.......So, it turned out to be a nice trade. Think there is more coming from this connection too.......they have asked me to stop by again Sat, as they are digging up more plants & dividing.
Also picked up a big box of picture frames and bulletin boards from another freecycler.......I am planning to use the frames for some of my calligraphy pieces for gift this coming year. Again: Free!
So, a little gas and about an hours time gives me many dollars worth of goods. And, it's so much more fun than any other kind of shopping to me. Garage sales run a close second!
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Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
Frugal Gardening
June 2nd, 2006 at 02:14 am
Looking back through the paperwork for May, as I noted, I wrote very few checks and kept the receipts for all cash purchases. Neither brought any surprises. This month I don't think I can do any better, I will still have to pay the few bills with checks as they aren't set up to do bill payer. I will most likely spend even less with the cash, as I won't be able to go anywhere pretty darned soon.
My kiddo was supposed to go to school until the 15th (which would give me free time during the day).....but as of today, it looks like a week from today will be his last day. Can't figure out a school district that can't come up with a difinitive Last Day. Drat! Anyway, this will put me at home with him, until he moves. His mom is actively looking for his next home......but has rejected them so far (as has my kiddo). Don't tell anyone, but he's spoiled! Been here with me for 4 years.....prior to that with his mom; so it is going to be a tough sell no matter what.
I asked the housemate person for summer shoes for me.......and by this afternoon, here they were. From one of her auctions....a new pair of Birkenstok sandles. Nice. Absolutely WAY better than what I was going to buy for myself. And, FREE....my favorite word.
So, one more thing off my list here.
For June, I'm going to continue sewing for a few customers, hoping to fit them in between autistic events here with the kiddo home. And, I'll try to pack anything he will let me, so he will be ready to move. Last time, he wouldn't allow any packing to be done until the truck was in the driveway, so not feeling very optomistic on this one.
I'll have my sewing ad all ready paid for in the paper to the north of me....don't want to start that until July, as I wouldn't be able to keep up until I've got my days to myself here...but, I'll be ready for it to come out the first issue in July.
New customer coming tomorrow morning. Big job........actually easy, but big money is more accurate. She can't buy what she wants in ready made, and she needs this garment.......Glad to oblige and relieve her of some of her money! 
Finished my reviews for InsiderPages and got my confirmation already (same day) of the $50.00 g/c for Amazon.com. Will watch MyPoints for any offers through Amazon and see if I can start putting together gifts for Christmas & birthdays this year.
I've added another "job" to my list here. I'm taking some items from the housemates auction stash and listing them on Craigs list. Been more than busy answering emails and showing the 'merchandise' to buyers. And, taking money!!! The best part.
No shortage of stuff to sell here; that is a good thing!
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keeping track,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
sewing & knitting
May 31st, 2006 at 03:14 pm
The planets must have been alligned right last night, as we've had a financial 'awakening' here at my house. The person that shares my house.....not the bills.......has just agreed to cover half the expenses for the house each month. Good thing I was sitting down. Good thing I don't suffer from a weak heart or something. I am stunned....and impressed with her....Finally!
So, my share of money to magically make appear by the first of every month is approx $1300. I can do that. If we could just find a 3rd person to add to the mix here, it would be even nicer. I continue to advertise & tell everyone I run into.
Along the lines of monthly expenses & this housemate person .........we've started a new habit. She is the one that goes to the storage unit auctions and has just mountains of stuff she sells. But, she has never really got off the couch to do much active "selling". She was more the wait til some prospective buyer just happened to come to the door type....
So, the new deal is.........every morning, we have our coffee at my desk and I read the Craigs list WANTEDS to her & respond to all the posts that match some of her junk. I've got her so busy, the couch thinks she's moved. And, her cell phone battery did die for the first time she said! This weeks hot items are a collection of 70's era speakers and a bunch of tires! Who knew?
Aiming for a no spend day today, I've been gone for a few days so there is a bit of a back log on my TO DO list here. Gardening of course........and getting the van packed with things for the weekly re stock trip to the antique booth.
And a big TA DA..... I've got leaf lettuce mature enough to pick to add to the salads tonight. Makes my day to pick free food. The cost of the seeds, under a dollar, we've got our own water......didn't need to fertilize, so it adds up to pretty close to free food in my book. Now, I just need to remember to sow some more salad greens every other week to keep us in greens for the remainder of the summer.
Off to preview the Wanted posts on Craigs list...........time to see who is "shopping"!!
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no $pending day,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word
May 30th, 2006 at 06:43 am
Yes, I went shopping, at a real store, not a thrift store, or garage sale. Spent actual money too, not a g/c. I had to meet my week end kiddos mom and as the schedule went, we were hours early. So, not being near my home, we headed to a store with a garden dept & I picked up some more veggie starts I didn't have.
Since shopping isn't a vice for me, I had a hard time wasting enough time in the store & we ended up almost an hour early at the pre appointed meet up site. (I had already taken said kiddo for a walk at the track)
I always have a tablet & writing utensil with me, so I spent the hour writing a couple articles and ideas for articles for www.frugalgardening.com Better use of time than staying in the store, in my opinion.
I was amazed at the stuff for sale in the store. Not sure when the last time was that I was in something that qualified as a store......definately last year. Been years, plural, since I've done anything close to a mall. Felt like I was wandering in another country.
I'm spending one more night at my moms, then heading home in the AM. Stopping on the way to pick up a load of chicken wire (thanks Freecycle) and then getting my much needed haircut. (my first new sewing customer is a hair stylist, so I'm going to her......needing to remember to thank her, she has already sent referrals my way!!)
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$ OUT,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
Frugal Gardening
May 9th, 2006 at 04:09 am
I've contacted the woman who boards her 4 horses here, & she would love to extend the pasture out into where I usually mow. So, to save gas & time here....I'm accessing her 4 "horse" mower instead of buying this expensive gas for my john deere.
It won't make a huge difference, but it will cut back my lawn area by about 1/3rd.
I will attempt to find my dads old push mower this week when I go to my moms. Using this on the little patches of grass near the house will help too. I can hold off on the rest of the mowing, perhaps doing the big areas every other time.
Each small change will affect the big picture here. I was reading in a blog on another site, someone was poking fun at anyone cutting back on small items......saying there was no point. Jump right in to the big arena; investing & such. Well, I do some of that too, but if I didn't watch the little things, there wouldn't be as much $$ to manage. Makes no sense at all to me to not know where ALL my money goes.
A No Spend Day here..........did use a gallon of gas I imagine, when picking up my freecycle dresser. I'm only responding to items in my own community these days....limiting the gas I consume to pick up a "free" item. The dresser is great, it will clean up well & be close to perfect. I did pick up an office chair too, from the same freecycle woman....& it is going to be my "gift" to my mom for an early mothers day. We haven't been buying things for each other for years, but funny little things when they appear are more our style. Mom has been using a chair from her bathroom at her computer desk, wrong height, wrong color & no wheels obviously. With a little scrubbing, this new chair will do everything but enter info on her PC. It is pretty fancy, way better than mine. She will be jazzed.
I got paid from another client tonight, after just dropping a deposit off at the bank today. (naturally) Will take it on Wed, when I will be passing the bank on the way to moms.
Got paid from my first sewing customer too. Nice! She already has a 2nd job for me, most likely next Mon, as I'll be gone the rest of this week. Got the sewing room WAY more organized this morning; found I need a power strip, radio and a clock. Will poke around here, as I know we have all 3.
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no $pending day,
$ IN,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word
April 19th, 2006 at 02:26 am
Met with my mom & the real estate developer this AM........and we were both disappointed. Learned a couple things, but we were both surprised to find out this gentleman had only brought one scenario to the table (his). I could see my mom moving back away from the table during the meeting......she was in no way going to sell her property outright to this guy to let him develop it.
As it stands now..........we did make some progress. Mom will ask her renter to move, we'll fix up the house & the apt & see if we can rent them to a commercial sort of tenant. At least the house. Get them both rented so she has more of an income from both. She tends to rent really low, aiming to have renters in there for decades (which she has consistantly done)
Then, we're searching for our own builder to put up a big house on the back half of her primary residence property, then listing that FSBO.
In the meantime, I do think she will be keeping her ears open for a builder that would want to work with her, developing the downtown property. We did find out she could put parking and 1 retail unit on the bottom floor, then going up 2 more floors; holding a total of 4 condo units. She wants to do this so bad, it was totally disappointing to hear the gentleman this morning telling her she would find it to be too much work. He had no idea who he was talking to. I'll bet on Mom!!!
I did bring home a van full of plants from moms.........FREE plants. My absolute favorite. I've got them in the shade here & plan to get them all in their new homes tomorrow. Planted some flower seeds, started some more veggie seeds indoors.... Going to quit for the night & put my feet up! Thinking about money all day was exhausting!!!
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no $pending day,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
Frugal Gardening
April 8th, 2006 at 05:58 am
The mail was full of samples today; yes, I will have continued wrinkle free, smooth skin. It seems like the majority of freebies pertain to keeping me smooth!
But, there was also a package. Not one of the little ones that contains the teensy tubes of goodies, or the little mailer things with the packets of product, but a box. And, in it is a full size facial lathering cleanser........I'm to use it for 2 weeks and then fill out an email re; my experience. Now, I'll have Clean, wrinkle free, smooth skin! All for free. Also got a box with 2 candles for free. Love candles!
The mail also had 2 of those "checks" with offers attached. I haven't read them yet (I used to toss anything that looked like this), but now I'm thinking ..........Free $$.......Will research them tomorrow.
Got a check for the horse boarding, although it is late. This months rent is due this coming week........ I just can't push people for $$. I will talk to her & let her know I'm going to be counting on the "horse" $$ to make ends meet here.
FARM NEWS BULLETIN: Cow still alive, but hasn't stood up now for 2 days. Calf getting bottle fed. I'm not much of a farmer, but boy, would I have done a few things differently had these been my animals.
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Free: My favorite 4 letter word
April 3rd, 2006 at 01:35 am
I live on almost 5 acres, just moved here last fall..........and I tell you, there was 5 plants on the whole place and 7 trees. The previous owners must have taken a blade to it and just scalped the property.
I've been diligently planting since the ground unthawed here........and today I came home to a front yard full of plants. I had been telling everyone I knew about the flat........bland.......boring....plain yard I'm living in and all of a sudden (the sun was out here today, think that had something to do wtih this) several people had stopped by and unloaded pick up loads of plants. Full size plants. Free plants!
I've got my work cut out for me this week, getting all of them in the ground and off to a good start. I don't want anyone coming over and seeing I didn't appreciate their gift enough to get these planted! I had cleaned out my moms rhubarb bed too today, so have buckets of that ready to plant also.....along with a couple buckets of other assorted things from her place.
The problem with planting on a place this big is; Nothing shows!!! I think it will take me a couple years to make a noticable difference. Things just get swallowed up it seems.
But, at the end of this week, I should be sore to start with.........but there will be some beds that actually have plants in them! TA DA. Free for the asking, from other gardeners, anxious to share.
DAILY SPENDING: Just used some gas today, coming home from moms. We're seriously using the sleep over deal when visiting each other, so we can double up on our visit time, using half the gas. It would be fun to know the $$ value of the plants that were delivered today, but I'm not going to take time to do that. Over a couple hundred however, just as a rough guestimate.
FREE ENTERTAINMENT UPDATE: The neighbors cow just gave birth this morning. Calf watching has captured me... I have been watching them since I got home. Too fun!!! It wasn't there yesterday, so it is only hours old!
Sure beats TV!
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Free: My favorite 4 letter word