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My first product to test!

April 8th, 2006 at 04:58 am

The mail was full of samples today; yes, I will have continued wrinkle free, smooth skin. It seems like the majority of freebies pertain to keeping me smooth!

But, there was also a package. Not one of the little ones that contains the teensy tubes of goodies, or the little mailer things with the packets of product, but a box. And, in it is a full size facial lathering cleanser........I'm to use it for 2 weeks and then fill out an email re; my experience. Now, I'll have Clean, wrinkle free, smooth skin! All for free. Also got a box with 2 candles for free. Love candles!

The mail also had 2 of those "checks" with offers attached. I haven't read them yet (I used to toss anything that looked like this), but now I'm thinking ..........Free $$.......Will research them tomorrow.

Got a check for the horse boarding, although it is late. This months rent is due this coming week........ I just can't push people for $$. I will talk to her & let her know I'm going to be counting on the "horse" $$ to make ends meet here.

FARM NEWS BULLETIN: Cow still alive, but hasn't stood up now for 2 days. Calf getting bottle fed. I'm not much of a farmer, but boy, would I have done a few things differently had these been my animals.

3 Responses to “My first product to test!”

  1. Frugal Momma Says:

    You are doing great with freebies. I love them as well! I post a lot of freebies on my blog each Friday.

  2. flash Says:

    I'm testing a cleanser too! Just started. I love the full size products they send. The only problem is, if you love it, you won't know what it is (until you get the freebie and recognize it!)

  3. contrary1 Says:

    Yes, the full size is great. I'm not sure I would buy anything after the test phase even if I did like it. I have a pretty short routine here, not much but a little soap & water. The new stuff would have to be nothing short of miraculous!!

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