Archive for April, 2006
April 10th, 2006 at 05:31 am
Yes, the neighbors dead cow is still in the field. Still draped with the blue tarp. This is going to get gross pretty darned soon. I am so thankful it is raining here.
I did some research today, found out WA state has a law saying dead livestock must be properly disposed of within 24 hours. Gads, we're going on 48+ at this point. The difficulty is, no govt offices are open until tomorrow.
On a totally different topic........I've been thinking of mentioning this site to a couple friends, but haven't. (and keeping my mouth shut isn't one of my best skills) I'm enjoying having a confidential place to track progress, or lack of, in addition to letting my ideas form and finally gell.
I have considered myself fairly open & honest, but there is no way I would share the things I write here with any of my local friends. So, they are out of luck. I did share with my mom, absolutely sure she will never visit the site. (although, she sure wants me to ask questions for her, giving her feedback from the group)
RE; my mom, or parents in general. I'm wondering if anyone else is in a position to be inheriting from parents, and including that in your retirement plans? I've worked for years with my parents, & now my mom.......setting up a trust and working on their finances with them. Don't get me wrong, I'd trade anything to have my dad alive again......and I'm not counting the days til mom dies; but.........the thought does cross my mind about the estate they have been able to put together........
A no spend day today........staying home will do that! But, I have no trouble not spending money; it's easier for me than spending it.
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no $pending day
April 9th, 2006 at 04:36 pm
No matter what I did yesterday, I was going backwards. Didn't make progress, didn't get things off my TO DO list........
First off, the neighbors dead cow is still in their field, albiet....covered with a blue tarp now. They had someone come that I thought was going to remove the carcass but, no........they left. My autistic kiddo is on hyper alert, checking out the window, Oh, about every 5 minutes, asking "why dead?". I am getting more frustrated by the hour, I have no answers and not sure there are any.
So, with dead cow/autistic kiddo......needless to say, the jelly project never left the TO DO list stage. Fortunately we were having one of our "encore" meals, so there was no cooking needed.
I did manage to get a huge batch of bacon cooked ahead, love whoever I got this tip from. Layer a jelly roll pan with bacon and bake, (12 min in my oven) at 350. I drain, wrap in paper towel and then pop in a zip lock for the fridge. Makes for quick help at breakfast time, makes a BLT possible around here at lunch.........a good tip for me, even if I'm heating up the oven.
It's raining here, but a light spring rain, not one of our sky opens up sort of rain. My free strawberry plants are beginning to look a little more like plants and less like planted compost material! (see http://www.frugalgardening.com if you would like to get a free strawberry patch for yourself) I should take a picture now, so I can track the progress, I'm confidant I'll have a lush patch this summer! Small, but lush. Looking at the poor plants now, one has to have the imagination & vision of a true gardener, or they would bunch the project immeadiately!
I was the recipient of the coupon train yesterday. Spent the evening adding my stash and going through to pick out things that would be helpful to our household. I remember using coupons years ago, but just got out of the habit here, since I'm not the household grocery shopper. We have an "arrangement" here that I have worked out with my tenant person. She is on disability & gets food stamps. She doesn't cook however.....and shops poorly, even with a list. So, a few years ago, we came to an agreement....I'll do the cooking, she will shop for what I put on the list and we've been making this work ever since. I'm feeding the household (which is 3 adults during the week and either 4 or 5 on the week ends) for what she gets in food stamps. Usually, we don't use all the money, it gets added to the next month. She even has a "budgeted" amount of the $$ to use for her expensive snack type items. According to her, she can still use coupons with the food stamps........we ought to be doing well re; food expenses, she now has a handful of coupons, and is planning to organize them according to her favorite store. Hmmm, sounds like progress to me.
Long winded entry for not much happening. I'm off to make a few phone calls about how long one can leave dead livestock in your yard around here??
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all things food,
no $pending day,
Frugal Gardening
April 8th, 2006 at 07:13 pm
Nothing exceptional today, it's my Tuesday.........working for my $$ today.
I did make an exceptional batch of orange marmelade; I always feel Oh So Frugal when I can something. Since I've got everything out, and my kitchen is a sticky mess......I figured I might as well keep going. I've got berry juices canned, that will be heading to the jelly kettle this afternoon. (if all goes according to plan)
Have another load of laundry out on the line........read someone's recent post on how much energy it takes to run the dryer for an hour & I feel great each time I hang laundry outside. Rather use my own energy on this task, thank you very much.
Will be paying out $15.00 for my local teen to hang out with my autistic kiddo this morning. Still think this is money well spent........noting that it is one more expense I won't have afer June.
The rest of the day is free of expenditures......
Spending some time this AM getting a couple boxes of items cleaned up and priced for the antique booth. (my $20.00 Challenge) Nothing that is terribly valuable or collectable this time, but it's free to me, so the price was right. Can't complain.
My current roadblock to getting my taxes finished up.........finding numbers related to real estate, back to the 80's. Yuk. Have my files all organized now, but still have to get some figures from the county re; property taxes for 89. I think the real roadblock is I HATE numbers and I know I'll be paying tons this year on capitol gains re; the sale of the property.
FARM BULLETIN: The neighbors' cow did die. As we predicted. They finally came out this AM and threw a blue tarp over her.........which is causing my autistic kiddo to obsess as to what they're going to do with the cow & who is going to do whatever??? I'd really love for the neighbors to do whatever they're going to do.....Quickly!!!
Posted in
no $pending day
April 8th, 2006 at 05:58 am
The mail was full of samples today; yes, I will have continued wrinkle free, smooth skin. It seems like the majority of freebies pertain to keeping me smooth!
But, there was also a package. Not one of the little ones that contains the teensy tubes of goodies, or the little mailer things with the packets of product, but a box. And, in it is a full size facial lathering cleanser........I'm to use it for 2 weeks and then fill out an email re; my experience. Now, I'll have Clean, wrinkle free, smooth skin! All for free. Also got a box with 2 candles for free. Love candles!
The mail also had 2 of those "checks" with offers attached. I haven't read them yet (I used to toss anything that looked like this), but now I'm thinking ..........Free $$.......Will research them tomorrow.
Got a check for the horse boarding, although it is late. This months rent is due this coming week........ I just can't push people for $$. I will talk to her & let her know I'm going to be counting on the "horse" $$ to make ends meet here.
FARM NEWS BULLETIN: Cow still alive, but hasn't stood up now for 2 days. Calf getting bottle fed. I'm not much of a farmer, but boy, would I have done a few things differently had these been my animals.
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Free: My favorite 4 letter word
April 7th, 2006 at 07:29 pm
Depending on the circumstances here....and those can change minute to minute due to having an autistic kiddo here, I've filled in the blank with all sorts of words and feelings.
I can think change is a great thing, exciting new possibilities ahead
And, I can think this was a really stupid move, to retire before I had my act together (but, would I get it more together???)
The number of decisions seems to be immense, should I try to stay here, cutting expenses to close to nothing?, should I keep looking for another job?, should I bunch the whole affair and move in with my mom (who has graciously offered) Too many things to concentrate on and still deal with day to day life here.
So, the plan for today is:
1) place the new ad in the local paper TODAY, paying for it month by month
2) I asked for placement in a local church newsletter today, most likely, I'll advertise there too
3) placing ads on Craigs list daily, room for rent, RV parking available, and this dumb fridge I'm still trying to sell.
4) cutting back on things I can, although I need to keep many of the services until my kiddo moves. Then, I can cancel lots of things......
It looks to me like I'm deciding to try this here.........but I'm not willing to use up my savings to stay here, so......
We'll see how things look by the time the paychecks end the first week in July. Then, if I've got additional income I'll give this a shot for 3 months at a time..........
No matter what happens after my guy leaves here in June, I know I will heave a huge sigh of relief. Yesterday was a trial every time I turned around (spring break here, so he's home until Monday).
Not living life at the brink of a crisis will be amazing! We've been at this level now.....for 4 years!!!
DAILY $$ TRACKING: No spend day, cooked a huge turkey roast yesterday, so meals are a snap for a few days. Pantry & freezer holding up well.
For those who are tracking the daily
FARM NEWS: The neighbors' cow is still down, their vet just visited again, the calf is getting fed by it's human mommy.
I did get to talk to the neighbors over the fence.....asked for a phone number, they told me they would have to do that.
(not feeling optomistic on this one)
Posted in
no $pending day,
keeping track
April 7th, 2006 at 01:54 am
I noticed my neighbors cow going down this AM (early) and watched her struggle, trying to give birth. These are neighbors that have the gate between the properties chained & padlocked, as well as a gate with alarm and keypad at the front. I've only waved at them, they have made no effort to introduce themselves since Oct.
I had to watch this cow today without knowing what to do..........(and really not knowing much about cows) But, this cow got herself lengthwise in a drainage ditch of sorts and couldn't move. So, my take on it is.......she couldn't help with labor, and it took forever.
I noticed the female neighbor (now know her name is Carolyn) out with the cow around 3PM, helping birth the calf. I asked if she wanted help.......it was fairly obvious she could use some, even if inexperienced. She said No, she had some boys that were coming. Along came a couple boys and they tried to pull her (the cow) out of the ditch. They didn't get her out, but did get her more upright.
The calf thinks my neighbor is her mom, the cow hasn't paid any attention to the calf and the whole thing looked bad to me.
The vet is now at my neighbors, it's almost 6PM. The cow hasn't moved. I can't imagine the cost for a farm visit.......and if they had been monitoring the cow in the first place, or if I had a way I could have reached them...........Blast & darn, I will feel so bad if this cow dies. The calf should make it since there is another cow with a calf born on Sunday.....A foster calf of sorts??
Frustrating day here. I feel like a nosey neighbor, but like I said......what a waste if this cow dies just because she needed help and there was none.
Since I stayed home however........it has been a no spend day, one positive.
Posted in
no $pending day
April 6th, 2006 at 04:53 am
The new addition here at the ranch.........a 19something or other travel trailer. (with pink appliances, no less) I'm hoping we can put it to use, housing someone that needs a safe, cozy and dry place to stay. (that likes pink!!)
It really is cute & has been taken care of well. Everything but the oven works.
I want to be able to tell the next person that comes across my path, here's the keys, you get the cute unit out back there. I've always had to tell people I had space, but they needed to scare up their own trailer/RV. This should help.
None of this is bringing any $$ into the coffers, but it feels right. I couldn't turn this down, it was FREE. And, it got hauled here, leveled and has a title. Couldn't ask for much more. I guess this qualifies as one of my LIFES' RULES:
When someone offers me something for free, it would be a shame to turn it down. It usually means I'll be needing it soon anyway!!!
Here's hoping it gets used well.....
Posted in
lifes' rules
April 5th, 2006 at 03:53 pm
OK, I'm not doing a bunch of things right here. I've been giving this gift card deal a try, with a couple that were noted here on the site and they just don't seem to be working like everyone else says they do.
I have found a better way for me to track these deals (before getting charged for any of them too!), but when I call to cancel, I get yet another "offer" and on some, the trial period extended. Those I get. Those I have taken.
The ones that are confusing to me are the ones that get close to the 30 day period and I call to cancel, (without having received the GC) and then they tell me they will send me my gift card if I want to keep the account active. Anyone else having this little hiccup in the process?? I thought the offers arrived in the 30 day period??
I admit I am pretty confused on these, when I started, I thought I could keep track of who was sending what. Duh! Not a chance. So, I have no notes as to what is supposed to be coming. (I have changed my ways here and now note it in my Deal Busting Notebook!) I've only got 2 now in limbo land, the rest is all sorted out, offers coming and nothing but the $1 charges on my account. I even got the $10.00 credit to my CC account for trying some sort of bank offer. I didn't see that this month, so I called to check on it, it snuck in just after the billing cycle. Free money.......I don't care how it got into my account, as long as it got there. Will call & cancel that offer now that I confirmed the money.
spending today for housekeeper for my house & my moms. It is Wed & he will be here.........we'll be sparkling by this afternoon, but it is a big chunk of $$.
No other expenses, a stay at home day. Spring break here so I'm really working!
Dried clothes outdoors yesterday for the first time this season, saved $$ finally.
Posted in
April 5th, 2006 at 03:05 am
I think I'll soon be living in a tent city here! Anyone else have communities where the homeless are banding together and forming tent cities?
I woke up really early this AM (probably due to daylight savings time and my internal clock being out of whack). Went outside to walk my fierce chihauhau and was thinking we were all by ourselves, like usual. Just strolling down the driveway (pretty slow, chihauhau's don't go very fast!) and there was a pick up parked just behind the pump house, out of view from the house. Since the truck belonged to my carpenters helper, I'll presume he didn't have a place to stay either and has decided this would be an OK place to camp out.
This certainly solves my problem of night time vandals taking the fencing down & letting the horses out. Now, I've got people in the front and in the back, coming and going all the time. Who knew this would be the solution??
Word is getting out about the new place here. I used to always have a "person in need" staying at my old house. We're just picking up steam here. I was contacted by an old friend today, offering us a free travel trailer for the next "person in need". We'll see how this shapes up. Never boring here, that's for sure!
Posted in
April 4th, 2006 at 06:17 pm
My autistic kiddo will be back this afternoon; I can feel myself gearing up for the tension. The 3 days he has been gone, found myself thinking on the EEK side of what I've done in retiring without a plan. By tonight, I know I'll be fine with it, the stress will point out I just might not live through this TO retire, if I don't just jump ship.
Still have a couple huge safety nets in that several family members have approached me with offers of help. I must come across as fairly pathetic.....or, I can look at it......I've been living below my means.
I'm still attempting to give this a go here, although there have been no obvious doors.........or windows......opening to me. Staying alert to possibilities, keeping an open mind and telling everyone I come across........I'm ready to start the second half of my life.
DAILY NOTES: Off to the antique booth, have a few items ready to add to it, hoping for big, blank spaces where things have sold. No spend day, other than the gas for the 23 miles.
Eating from the freezer & pantry ( we could do this for a couple months and not even notice )
Posted in
no $pending day
April 3rd, 2006 at 07:26 pm
I've told my carpenter person (formerly the homeless man, that is now living in the back 40 here) that I just might move into the new coop he is building.
I've never seen anything so fancy for chickens! My last one was a very creative, artistic venture that had multiple helpers..........giving us a unique event for sure. The chickens didn't mind, but visitors would always ask "what is that?". Wasn't an obvious abode for chickens!
This new addition to the yard is an amazing deal, including an automatic watering system from the gutter to a rain barrel and then to the watering can. Roosts that hinge up for easy cleaning underneath, a concrete floor with a screen on the low side, so I can hose off the floor and out the screen the water goes. Eggs can be collected from outside the coop (no more chickens escaping), there is a top on the run even to foil the hawks and we've got a trench so the fencing continues under ground. HA, the critters will have to work really hard to invade this coop.
I'm getting this fancy coop built the year of the bird flu. Ironic. My usual sources for chicks are getting wet feet re; shipping birds. Not sure yet if I'm going ahead with this project when it gets done, or if I'll wait. Seems a shame to wait, I do enjoy my chickens!!
DAILY MONEY UPDATE: No spending day, and I should get the first of the checks for April this evening, so some $$ IN.
No clients here for dinner, so I can concentrate on just cleaning out the fridge, plenty in there for several meals.
Still gathering paperwork for the tax lady.
Starting to plug in numbers for the net worth project at the same time, it sort of overlaps with the tax figures.
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no $pending day,
$ IN
April 3rd, 2006 at 01:35 am
I live on almost 5 acres, just moved here last fall..........and I tell you, there was 5 plants on the whole place and 7 trees. The previous owners must have taken a blade to it and just scalped the property.
I've been diligently planting since the ground unthawed here........and today I came home to a front yard full of plants. I had been telling everyone I knew about the flat........bland.......boring....plain yard I'm living in and all of a sudden (the sun was out here today, think that had something to do wtih this) several people had stopped by and unloaded pick up loads of plants. Full size plants. Free plants!
I've got my work cut out for me this week, getting all of them in the ground and off to a good start. I don't want anyone coming over and seeing I didn't appreciate their gift enough to get these planted! I had cleaned out my moms rhubarb bed too today, so have buckets of that ready to plant also.....along with a couple buckets of other assorted things from her place.
The problem with planting on a place this big is; Nothing shows!!! I think it will take me a couple years to make a noticable difference. Things just get swallowed up it seems.
But, at the end of this week, I should be sore to start with.........but there will be some beds that actually have plants in them! TA DA. Free for the asking, from other gardeners, anxious to share.
DAILY SPENDING: Just used some gas today, coming home from moms. We're seriously using the sleep over deal when visiting each other, so we can double up on our visit time, using half the gas. It would be fun to know the $$ value of the plants that were delivered today, but I'm not going to take time to do that. Over a couple hundred however, just as a rough guestimate.
FREE ENTERTAINMENT UPDATE: The neighbors cow just gave birth this morning. Calf watching has captured me... I have been watching them since I got home. Too fun!!! It wasn't there yesterday, so it is only hours old!
Sure beats TV!
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Free: My favorite 4 letter word
April 1st, 2006 at 04:29 pm
That's what was on the back of my deposit slip from yesterday. I normally don't pay much attention to them, honestly........I usually toss them. But, the back was facing me as it fluttered out of my bag & onto the desk and it said "Realize Your Dreams!" I was hooked and read on..........
*Home Equity Loans
*Personal Line of Credit
*Personal Loans
*Credit Cards
*Education Loans
That was it. No mention of saving in any form. Disappointing. I need to remember banks aren't about saving $$, like my mind says they are supposed to be........but they are about making $$.
A good reminder, my money shouldn't get too comfortable at the bank. I'll start thinking of it as a holding area prior to putting it to work!
I wonder what would happen if the bank started printing off a Daily Money Saving Tip on the backs of the receipts? Would people notice? Is it possible if enough people paid off CC debt and got themselves in the black that banks could no longer stay in business as we now know them?
spending $15 today for the young man I pay to hang out with my autistic kiddo. I get 3 hours of relative quiet this AM, I still supervise, but from afar, getting some much needed respite from interruptions every 5 min.
I get my moneys worth from this $15.00!
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$ OUT,