Viewing the 'sewing & knitting' Category
July 17th, 2006 at 11:35 pm
Advertising takes it's sweet time, but I can see my efforts paying off. I have been an avid freecycler and every time I have picked something up, I have left a business card with a thank you. So far, 2 of those folks have called for sewing! I'm getting 2 calls per week on the ad, and 1 appointment out of those. So, the machines & I have become aquainted again after a gap of about 15 years! I'd forgotten how much I really enjoy sewing. My brain is playing some 'catch up' too, some things that should be no brainers, are taking me a minute to decide what to do! With practice, I'm hoping my brain cells line up and come to work on a regular basis here!
The part time foster parent recruiter job is turning out to be really fun! As an added task, they asked me to contact all the local law enforcement departments & arrange booth space for the National Night out Against Crime on Aug. 1st. I do feel like I'm going over the 10 hours a week at this point.......need to watch this, or I won't have time to sew!
Just stopped for a customer bringing draperies to hem. Nice easy job. I've got 2 other customers scheduled for this afternoon, one paying and another drop off & fitting. I need to get more organized here, as to where people go, fitting room, tables to lay things out on......Thinking it might be time to sacrifice the so called living room here.
Just realized by writing here, that I haven't placed the 2nd ad I had on my goal list. Will call on that right now.
Back to work!!!
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$ IN,
sewing & knitting
July 17th, 2006 at 02:58 am
The differences are amazing to me. I used to be wound up pretty tight I guess, trying to 2nd guess what the autistic wonder child was going to find irritating next.
Now, my days just flow smoothly. I can't even think of anything that is difficult or could possibly make me cranky.
I am so grateful for this new found peaceful state here. But, just to remind me of what I'm missing; the kiddo still calls at least 3 times a day. Today he is actually getting moved into an adult home, with 24 hour staffing, so perhaps there will be more going on and a call to me won't be his high point any longer. One can hope.
I turned on my favorite radio station (classical) today while sewing and I spent at least 4 hours of uninterrupted time! What a treat!
I guess my biggest irritant these days are the numerous flies that are invading my house. With it being hot, the doors are open and I don't have a screen on the front door.... Thus, the flies. Thank goodness that is the biggest problem I have, huh??
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sewing & knitting
July 9th, 2006 at 10:27 pm
As ridiculous as it sounds, I found my shoes. I was looking for my walking shoes to hit the road with as soon as I was free this week.........and I couldn't find them anywhere. Well, this morning, while loading up the tools in my van to take to my moms (heading over to her place for the week, celebrating her Birthday and continuing the work in her yard)..........there were my walking shoes, along with my good pair of garden clogs.
I guess I stuck them in the pump house since it was winter, I couldn't garden, and I sure couldn't get out of here to go walking. It is funny how excited some tiny little thing can make me!!
So, I'm packing the shoes, hoping to get a walk in with mom while I'm there this week. Money saved here too, as I was thinking I would be buying a replacement pair.
Dropping the van off at the shop in the AM for the electrical difficulties, praying it is a simple (cheap) fix. Mom is picking me up, and then we head to her place. I'm taking the chain saw, as she has some saplings coming up where they really shouldn't be and they are WAY too big to transplant. Also taking my big sprayer to take care of her fruit trees this time.
I've worked like crazy today here at my place, getting caught up and trying to get my chores done before I'm gone for a week. Watering and mowing and more watering!!! With luck it will rain while I'm gone and my garden won't wilt.
Taking the dreaded black sparkly blazer to my moms, will work on the tedious part of taking it apart while we sit & visit (and watch her beloved baseball games!!!)
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no $pending day,
$ IN,
sewing & knitting
July 9th, 2006 at 05:36 am
No spending and money in!! Gotta love days like this.
Got paid for one of my week end guys, and got a check in the mail for the new gentleman that is parking a van in my carport. Only $50 a month, but heck, it pays another bill! (I'm going to cover the monthly bills one way or another!)
Finished a sewing customers order this evening, had a fitting this AM on another order..... Both will pick up this coming week which means Money In again!
I'm able to use up all the leftovers with this combo of kids. Didn't have to cook yet this week end, just took meals out of the freezer! And, I'm picking salads out of the garden for every meal now,which is so great. Not very exciting salads just yet, but for my crew.......if it's green, it's salad.
Spent a few hours working at my 'new' job, entering clients info onto a data base. New stuff for me. I fought with Yahoo mail to set up a mailing list, but ended up back in my familiar gmail account sending them manually. Yahoo wouldn't let me send the whole list at once anyway, but wouldn't tell me anywhere what the magic number WAS! I'm going to have to speed things up to keep within the 10 hours a week I'm getting paid for! Hopefully, once I get going at this I'll be a tad more streamlined at the process.
Enjoying my what seems like Free Time, without the full time kiddo. A full week under my belt and I've been able to do SO much here. Started tearing my bedroom apart, laying out new window coverings, getting ready to remove the popcorn ceiling and prep for painting. Too fun!
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no $pending day,
$ IN,
sewing & knitting
July 6th, 2006 at 02:53 pm
For the 2nd time, the blazer didn't show up again. Hmmm, perchance the customer is realizing some of the difficulties might be of her own making & isn't going to require me to re do the order??? Please, Oh, Please????
Buying inferior materials does not allow for a top of the line end product..........
Buying a pattern that isn't what you want as an end result is a bad place to start.......
And, thinking a seamstress could do something to make a 4X not quite a 4X is futile..........
Maybe, said customer is mulling over this list too, and is having a hard time bringing the project back to me??
On the other hand, I had a return customer yesterday; and he is thrilled. Said he is sharing my info with others on his street.
Note to self: Stick to alterations, way more fun than new construction!
Ordered bags this week, such a great company. They are local, but service world wide accounts. What amazing customer support. I received a G/C yesterday for being a new customer (actually not, but since I had a new business, they gave me one! Nice) and they sent 3 referral cards, if someone else opens up an account, we each get another G/C. I can see why they have grown from 1 store to 4 since I've been using them.
Slowly remembering items I need to get the sewing business up and running again. It's been long enough I don't think of something until it smacks me on the head! Like the bags! Getting an order finished and then not having something to put it in, or put over the hangers....Duh!
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sewing & knitting
July 5th, 2006 at 11:57 pm
Well, the antique booth has turned into a great way to spend (waste) money, IMO. I'm going to give it July & Aug. and then I believe I'll be pulling out. It is fun, but not enough I want to pay for the priviledge.
Took more items in this AM, the booth looks great, but just not enough moving to pay the rent, let alone make any money.
Good thing the other items in my Making Money Column are working out! 2 sewing customers this afternoon........and the check is in the mail from the foster parent recruiter position.
I do have 2 LONG trainings to attend tomorrow & Friday, with some long drives too. But, as I understand it, they don't happen often.
Since it is July, wonder of wonders, the housemate person has begun to pay rent. She is planning on splitting the expenses for this home exactly in half......and pay me in 2 payments during the month. I have the first installment already in the bank today! We'll see how long this lasts! She also paid the last payment on her truck loan (that was in my name) today. Now, she owes me $3,000 and will start paying that back next month which will also help my balance here. Didn't even factor that payment in as income.....
This is the month for my vans tabs & emission test. First, I have to take it in for some electrical work. The lights on the dash always show "service engine now" and I can't get it tested with that on. It would be an automatic disqualification. So, money out for the van, times 3 this month. Crossing my fingers the electrical can be an easy fix!!
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no $pending day,
sewing & knitting
July 3rd, 2006 at 08:40 pm
Well, did I ever make out like a bandit. My housemate brought home sacks and sacks of shoes and 6 of them fit perfectly. I've got all sorts of new footwear now....and I think one pair will work for my event I've got to dress up for. Will have to check this out when I try on the outfit....I may need something a tad more summery, but I'm motivated to make this pair work.
I love deals like this! I even got shoes I wouldn't normally look twice at. And, a couple pair to use for walking shoes at least to begin with. I may want to invest in this area......but for now, I'm off, and hmmmm walking (not running)
The day is looking like a no spend day here, doing all the now normal things to keep costs down to the bare minimum here.
I've learned our water heaters are so well insulated I can even leave them off for a whole day & still have enough hot water for us. Usually I remember to turn them on an hour or so every AM.
Sent in a form to be considered for a test panel. If accepted, it says you receive samples and thank you gifts. I could live with that.
Also completed the survey on the freebie list today, for the $10.00 G/C to Amazon. This puts me up to $73.00 just for Amazon now; and I can get that number to go a loooong ways.
I am a tad cranky with my sewing customer of the black sequined blazer fame. She called to say she can't wear it. Too big. Well, yes......it is a bit on the large side (could have something to do with the fact she is at least a 4X) but I made a mock up & she approved that.........now the exact copy isn't right. Drat. And, Darn. It will be just like starting over; except I need to take it all apart first.
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no $pending day,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
sewing & knitting,
June 30th, 2006 at 05:10 am
I had occasion to drive a long ways (for me at least) today, with my autistic kiddo. During the time, we went past his most recent high school as well as the old school, which he attended for the previous 3 years.
Conversation isn't really conversation with him, but he actually TOLD me something and I had a huge moment of comprehension. (which, considering the traffic both ways, and his constant little self was amazing all by itself)
He started asking me if I liked shopping. I told him I hated shopping. He said "me too". I knew all this, we had done this conversation a thousand times.......but the connection here was the old school. They insisted on taking the special ed kids shopping at least once a week, in addition to going out to eat once a week with a window shopping trip thrown in. (lunch budget was a suggested $15.00 per kiddo)
The new school, which my kiddo absolutely loved, didn't push shopping. In fact, neither of us can remember any shopping trips, or lunch outs this past year.
I think the pieces are fitting together, as to why this guy liked the new school. There were no mandatory mall excursions!!
And, I was perplexed as to how the old school district put so much emphasis on shopping as entertainment and an activity.
What in the world were they teaching these kids? I protested as much as I could during the years I was in that district, we didn't do the $15.00 per person lunches by any means..... This latest kiddo just stayed home on the mall/lunch days as he hated them so badly.
Even tho I don't have a positive impression of this years school & how they ran their program, I now have something I think they were doing right.
The kids got to participate in activities this past year that truly don't have to cost anything (or could be really cheap), like simple woodwork projects, all sorts of arts & crafts activities and cooking all the time!
It was interesting to have this AH HA moment brought to me by the autistic wonder boy..... which proves, he really was my teacher these past 4 years.
On another front here..........the first speaking event went off without a hitch. I love it. The driving and the traffic were the negatives, but getting up in front of people again was great. And, I'm getting paid for it, can't beat that!
And, the other front......The Amazing Blazer is now finished and covered with sequins (hand sewn mind you) and the bill is just waiting for her to come by after she gets off work in 30 min.
Got paid for another alterations job this afternoon, in addition to the dog watching which I was really doing as a favor, but got a nice little payment!
And, there is one more order to be picked up tomorrow afternoon.........still to be started, truth be known. Getting up early to get this out of the way.
I feel like I'm an understudy in the circus, trying to learn how to twirl all those plates on sticks!!!! Going to read some entries here til my customer comes, then head straight for bed!
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sewing & knitting
June 29th, 2006 at 08:17 pm
Since I started my 2 part time jobs before my full time job was over........naturally, there would be some overlap. Well, call today Overlap Thursday!!
I've still got my full time kiddo, (until just before dinner tomorrow, which is a bummer since the state only pays for the day if they sleep here)
Then, tonight is the pick up appointment for the blazer (which isn't decorated with sequins yet) from part time job #1
And, just to top it all off....today is an opportunity to view someone else handling one of the meetings I will be in charge of with Part Time Job #2.
Plus, since I'm heading to the meeting (with the autistic kiddo) and I'll be just a stones throw from the "mommy" to the dog I've been caring for........we're taking the dog with us too.
Dash back home after the meeting, get dinner for the kiddo one last time (already done & in the fridge) and then off to the sewing room for hours of hand sewing sequins on this jacket. I knew I was cutting the timing close when I took this job on, but the money looked too good to pass up. She will pay me tonight, but said already........I'm not supposed to cash the check til after she gets paid on Sat. (Please let me never be in a situation where I need to ask someone to hold my check!!!)
I have learned some things........or remembered some things, not sure which. Too old to know the differenct these days!
I need to remind customers I can't create something wonderful unless they bring me wonderful materials. The things for this job are all from Wal Mart; I had no idea they even sold fabric. Poor quality, the wrong zipper, missing notions, and the wrong type of sequins. Even doing my best is going to look peculiar due to all the corners the customer cut prior to coming to me. Not sure how to explain this to future customers.....mulling possible ideas over in my head.
I need to remind customers to bring all their own supplies & notions......I'm not going to carry all the stuff here, most definately not enough room.
And, I still need to work on the space here at the house. I'm not satisfied with the changing area, nor the mirror situation. Actually, there isn't anything good about the space yet. My sewing room is fine, but I usually don't have people changing in there.........need to do some drastic re arranging of the house to make this work well.
Thinking of Wild Blue Yonder (Fern) today.......as are many of us here. Hoping her surgeon is playing the requested selections during surgery!! 
Praying for a successful surgery as well as a restful recovery period!!
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$ IN,
sewing & knitting
June 24th, 2006 at 11:33 pm
Yes, there is an end to my foster parenting. I now have the schedule for the week....not a good schedule but I have something to work with.
Monday, he will be back with helpers & a moving truck..........need to have him almost packed. He will leave with the truck Monday night.... Returning by bus on Tues and staying with me til Friday night. I'm holding back a cars worth of his stuff, so he will be comfortable here during the week......... this is a kid that has to save all the bread tabs, pop tabs, bottle caps, empty water bottles.....and surround himself with them. So, I'm not looking forward to a week without his own bed, his own TV, and on and on.......... but, he will be moving out by Friday night!! Thank you Jesus!!
Somehow, I need to finish the customers sewing orders I have this week too....My machines are back from their overnight in the shop & run so smooth now... Waiting til tomorrow before I get to work on projects. Most important is a sequined blazer for the horse show woman this coming week end.
One kiddo this week end, my super easy guy too. Feels like a vacation already.
Just did my moms hair, so she can go to the ocean a week......and am dog sitting her best friends dog so she can go too. So far, her dog & mine are doing just fine.
A no spend day.........other than personal energy. I've been up since 5, and busy the entire time. Can't wait til I can go to bed!
Just got a notice I "won" something on Freecycle today........a planter of some sort, so I'm off later this evening to pick that up. Thinking it might work well for one of my moms free plants for her birthday next month.
We're having a bit of hot for us weather here in WA........supposed to hit 90 the news said, but we're only 73 here at my place so far. Heading out to water the gardens and walk the new dog.
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no $pending day,
Frugal Gardening,
sewing & knitting
June 21st, 2006 at 04:41 pm
It's that age old question, "do I need this, or do I just want it?"
Since I started sewing again for others....and am trying to build up a little business here, my sewing machine situation has risen to a NEED. I thought I could limp along with what I had picked up through Craigs list, but it has become apparent, I can't.
I called around yesterday & found a local repair person that has agreed to work on my machines in one day, so I can get right back to work here. Nice. One only needs to be given a regular maint. check, as it is the antique Viking machine I got for $50.00. It hasn't sewed for years, & I'm having a time convincing it to come out of retirement! The other is my serger that I have so many arguments with. If they have a rebuilt serger I'll just pick up another one; if not, he can overhaul this old one again.
I know the purchase and repairs on both of these will fall into the catagory of Pays for Itself. I can get it to move to the Makes Money catagory too, without much work. Love expenses like this one actually.
Even tho I really WANT a new sewing machine (or 2 or 3) I know I don't need them. Continuing to baby the ones I have is the way to go, just like my old van. I do NEED the machines I have to work without a hitch however, so there is money to be spent this week. The plan is to have someone else take the machines in to the shop today with a long note from me........and then I'll pick them up tomorrow or Friday, depending on timing here.
I also made a decision to buy more compost. Fine line on this expense, Need or Want. Hmmmm I want to continue gardening, I want the house & yard to look nice.......... I have been picking up van loads of free plants & putting out the word I'll take more; but planting them is such a waste without great soil. And, I'm all out. So, this expense sort of shimmied over to the need column here too. A truckload of compost is being delivered tomorrow morning! (we'll smell like a dairy farm for awhile) I just wasn't willing to put all the work into the garden, without having great dirt to work with.
Both of these Needs/Wants, Wants/Needs are going to end up being helpful to the bottom line here. I think that is the criteria for me; when looking at the long haul, is the expense going to pay off? Coupled with some serious shopping tactics, I can pay both of these bills this week, knowing they were both good decisions.
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keeping track,
Frugal Gardening,
sewing & knitting
June 15th, 2006 at 03:51 pm
We are having an impossible time renting out our bedroom that will be vacated July 1st. I've had some great possibilities, then they call to let me know they have found something else. We must be just too weird.
I know we're further out than most people can handle....but I'm advertising it that way in the first place, you would think they wouldn't respond unless The Country was appealing to them.
Worked on the resume project yesterday; what a challenge this is turning into. I am only guessing at the dates, as I'm too old to remember them! I'm thinking now, I might be able to just write up a simple page of experiences & see if this qualifies?? They have already hired me, they said they just need the resume for the file. It is a good example of one of the difficulties with the whole foster care system.........we're asked to do things that most people wouldn't find difficult. But, factor in one of the tough kiddos here all the time and the task becomes impossible. No wonder they are hiring people to recruit foster parents!! It is an impossible job!
Received the HUGE coupon train yesterday. Will start going through the catagories today. Not sure when I can get it to the post office.....one more little detail to figure out with my kiddo home.
Sewing customer coming this AM, her jacket is ready for a fitting. She is aware of the autistic kiddo home here, and said she was OK with him. We'll see. Good thing I haven't got tons of people yet, as any change in the day here could make for an unpleasant event.
Not sure what else I can do on the room mate situation. Have pondered this one to death here.
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no $pending day,
sewing & knitting
June 14th, 2006 at 03:07 pm
We have a visit scheduled with the new grandbaby boy today........also get to see my foster dtr. She lived with me since she was 11, so she's pretty much mine! Looking forward to seeing her & the baby......even if I'm not really a baby crazy person.
We're going to have to squeeze the visit in here, as it is Happy Houskeeper Wednesday here at our house...........and school is out, so the autistic wonder boy is home too.
Fortunately, this young lady of mine is very familiar with the craziness of our house....in fact, hers looks pretty much like this now!! (I find that facinating, but I feel honored she is using my life as a map of sorts. )
No spending today............I do need to head to the sewing room when it calms down here, as I've got a fitting tomorrow to get ready for. So, there is money 'in the bank' so to speak. Will get paid for this job before the end of the month, as she needs to wear it on July 1st.
Still no Move Out Day on the calendar for the autistic kiddo. I'm soooooo tired of the constant drain here. He's only been back from his camping trip since yesterday & I'm already feeling like I have no reserves. Not Good. Tried to get a date yesterday when I talked to his mother, but no, there is nothing concrete yet. I was hopeful & thought a real number on my calendar would help. Not to be yet.
Better get a move on here..........I've got more than a days worth of work to do & just one day to do it in!!!
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no $pending day,
sewing & knitting
June 9th, 2006 at 05:22 am
Feel like my sewing business is beginning........finally. Had a fitting today & it was perfect. Good to know I haven't lost ALL my brains this last 4 years with my Autistic Wonder Child!
Another fitting next Thurs, beginning to get into a routine here with the sewing.
Worked a bit in my sewing area....can't call it a room yet, as I'm carvng out space in the double garage. I added the power strip today, which enabled me to plug in more lighting, the clock so I know what I'm billing......as well as a radio for some company when I'm out there. Have a new to me book shelf so I unpacked a few more boxes that didn't have anywhere to go before.
Made a deposit, paid a couple bills online and got the baby gifts to the new daddy. He shared a bunch of pics with me which was fun. Baby dealing with a touch of jaundice; perhaps looking at a short hospital stay for this.
Sent an email reminder to my tenants at the other house; their rent is due here in 2 days. Got a reply this time, they promised the check would be mailed tomorrow. They also confirmed they were still planning on staying at the house, even with the current licensing difficulties they are having. I had asked about the status of the outdoor spaces & they chose not to answer that question. Will send it again as soon as I receive the check.
Participate in my first real survey; have $15.00 now in that account. Need $50 for distribution. I was beginning to think I was never going to qualify for anyones' survey! Did another online and received a $10 Amazon G/C. Nice.
I find it interesting when sitting down to write here; there isn't much that goes on in a day that doesn't relate to my finances in some way. I'm positive I do a better job of managing my funds when I'm really tuned in to them....so writing daily is a good tool for me.
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$ OUT,
$ IN,
sewing & knitting
June 5th, 2006 at 06:09 am
I'm gathering up my brain cells after a horrid week end with the autistic one. Have escaped for some R & R at my moms house........No phone, no cooking, it must be heaven.
We've got our TO DO list pretty packed again, but it is all different stuff than I would be doing at home, so it is a break.
I'm giving my mom a perm tomorrow AM. I've been doing this for her since I could barely reach the top of her head when she was sitting down. She really wanted to save some money!!!! To teach me how to do her hair ...I must have been about 6??? we figure. Anyway, it has been decades now, and I'm pretty good at it these days. I should figure out how much money she has saved over the years! Too bad she never learned how to cut my hair, now that would have been a deal.
We're off to the thrift stores again tomorrow afternoon, mom got a bunch of bargains last week end and she is anxious to try again. We're searching for some odd things to put in her new gardens...... Garden art sorts of stuff.
We're using my entertainment book and planning to go out to dinner tomorrow night... just haven't decided where yet. Then, Tuesday, we have an appt with the financial advisors at our bank, to discuss where she should/could put the procedes from the 2 lots she just sold.
If the weather cooperates, a little gardening is on the agenda too, hoping to set up a tiny water feature for her. If so, I've got my camera & will post pics. She is pretty wow-ed when it comes to seeing any of her garden on line. Too fun!
Going to continue to take total advantage of my break.....don't need to be back home and at work til Wed noon. (I do need to get a jacket cut out and basted while here....a customer is coming for a fitting right away on Thurs morning.)
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no $pending day,
Frugal Gardening,
sewing & knitting
June 2nd, 2006 at 02:14 am
Looking back through the paperwork for May, as I noted, I wrote very few checks and kept the receipts for all cash purchases. Neither brought any surprises. This month I don't think I can do any better, I will still have to pay the few bills with checks as they aren't set up to do bill payer. I will most likely spend even less with the cash, as I won't be able to go anywhere pretty darned soon.
My kiddo was supposed to go to school until the 15th (which would give me free time during the day).....but as of today, it looks like a week from today will be his last day. Can't figure out a school district that can't come up with a difinitive Last Day. Drat! Anyway, this will put me at home with him, until he moves. His mom is actively looking for his next home......but has rejected them so far (as has my kiddo). Don't tell anyone, but he's spoiled! Been here with me for 4 years.....prior to that with his mom; so it is going to be a tough sell no matter what.
I asked the housemate person for summer shoes for me.......and by this afternoon, here they were. From one of her auctions....a new pair of Birkenstok sandles. Nice. Absolutely WAY better than what I was going to buy for myself. And, FREE....my favorite word.
So, one more thing off my list here.
For June, I'm going to continue sewing for a few customers, hoping to fit them in between autistic events here with the kiddo home. And, I'll try to pack anything he will let me, so he will be ready to move. Last time, he wouldn't allow any packing to be done until the truck was in the driveway, so not feeling very optomistic on this one.
I'll have my sewing ad all ready paid for in the paper to the north of me....don't want to start that until July, as I wouldn't be able to keep up until I've got my days to myself here...but, I'll be ready for it to come out the first issue in July.
New customer coming tomorrow morning. Big job........actually easy, but big money is more accurate. She can't buy what she wants in ready made, and she needs this garment.......Glad to oblige and relieve her of some of her money! 
Finished my reviews for InsiderPages and got my confirmation already (same day) of the $50.00 g/c for Amazon.com. Will watch MyPoints for any offers through Amazon and see if I can start putting together gifts for Christmas & birthdays this year.
I've added another "job" to my list here. I'm taking some items from the housemates auction stash and listing them on Craigs list. Been more than busy answering emails and showing the 'merchandise' to buyers. And, taking money!!! The best part.
No shortage of stuff to sell here; that is a good thing!
Posted in
keeping track,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
sewing & knitting
May 25th, 2006 at 10:17 pm
I feel like I'm back in business today. I've already had one sewing customer this morning, a new one.....and I've also completed her job. She will be returning this afternoon to pick it up.
Just got a call from new customer #2, she is on the way, got a little lost. She will be waiting for her order, or leaving postage so I can mail it to her when finished.
And, my first customer in this new venture is coming to pick up another order this afternoon.
So, 3 people in one day. TA DA. Feel like I'm on the right track. The ad has been in the paper 6 times at this point, 2 of todays people are from that ad and the other is from Craigs list, so I need to continue with that too.
Just getting back to this entry, have had customers all day! So fun! And I get paid for it. Gotta love that. And, I didn't have to go anywhere, nor did it cost me anything. All good things. And, I met some very great people in the process.
One more pick up this afternoon for an order that is all finished, then I can call it quits and get started on the "other" job for the day...my kiddo's bus will be here in 15 minutes.
Just tossed a loaf of banana bread in the oven, getting my kiddo ready to go camping this weekend, and buying treats is out of the question. Have cookies done already.......now we just need to get him packed this evening and I get 3 whole days without him. Can't hardly wait.
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no $pending day,
$ IN,
sewing & knitting
May 24th, 2006 at 05:37 am
I've got another sewing customer!!! I've been on the phone and have the appt set up to meet & get started on a custom riding blazer, with sequin trim no less. Too fun. ( I used to design & manufacture dance costumes, so this won't be much of a stretch!) Feel like I'm getting into familiar territory, since this customer was a referral from my first customer already. Nice. Can't beat that word of mouth advertising.
Have a customers order half done this week, need to finish tomorrow as she is picking it up (and paying for it) on Thursday.
It's been so long since I've been able to sew; either for myself & the household.....or for others professionally, that I have almost forgotten how much I love doing this! Getting very excited about building this up! One of the phone inquiries I got today was from someone in Seattle, quite a drive from my place, but she said she hadn't been able to find anyone closer. I was concerned about how far off the beaten track I am these days.....
Again, I'm grateful I have a skill that is marketable. And, for the woman I worked with decades ago at a Singer retail store in Seattle. She told me how she had earned enough money to pay her way to America from Switzerland as a young woman, all with her sewing skills. Then, she convinced me to try the same thing! I did & quit the Singer company pretty darned quick!! Loved being able to sew enough each month to pay for my bills.........and then have free time too. Looking forward to capturing that same feeling again.
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sewing & knitting
May 18th, 2006 at 03:26 pm
As a rule, I'm not fond of surprises......unless they are like finding a beautiful waterfall when coming around a bend on a trail. Those are great.
This morning I found out there is a half day of school tomorrow. Definately not on the district calendar, no notice sent home in the daily journal, nothing. Just an off the cuff comment this AM from the bus driver. Gads, I have appointments scheduled tomorrow, and now I've got my kiddo home. (we just don't do half days here, it is too big of a schedule snafuu for him...easier to skip it and stay home)
So, gearing up today for a 3 day session with all 3 boys home. Better haul out a big chunk of some sort of animal from the freezer........ Going to hold off on baking for one more day, to get it a little cooler in here.
Have my repeat sewing customer today, and the rest of the day is mine. Planning on no spending, unless I can locate some more veggie starts at a local nursery. Didn't get to that yesterday & could still use some more plants.
Have a rental check that is getting to be WAY too late for comfort. Have left voice mails & a couple emails with no response. This is on my TO DO list today to actually speak to a person re; this. Hate this part of rentals.
Heading to the garden, still fairly cool out this AM. Have a new outlook for my gardening these days.........it feels like money in the bank the more I work out there...realizing the harvest will be almost free food. Just the cost of the seeds & starts. Gotta love that!
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sewing & knitting
May 8th, 2006 at 03:40 pm
I'm off to pick up a dresser from Freecycle this AM.......it is supposed to be a "project" dresser the ad said. Just perfect for what I want. Freecycle; better than any mall in my opinion. If I was a gambler, this would be a great substitute for my vice...it is a gamble of sorts when I reply to a post; will I get it or not??? Hopefully, I can clean this piece up and haul it in to the antique booth as a display piece for my antique linen "dept". I have them scattered about now, but they look so much better sort of spilling out of drawers.
Since I have to go out for the dresser, it is automatically "errand day" also. A run through the bank and library are on the list.....and a hardware store to continue my quest for the little peg things to hold up shelves in a book shelf that somehow lots its pegs during the move. I need somewhere to store my books I have listed for sale online and the huge bookcase is still peg-less...no help at all organizing my stash.
Still need to do my customers order for this afternoon..........heading to that project right away. Usually keep things about a week, giving me time to work on them, but I'm leaving for 3 days this week, so crammed her in today. Being able to leave is such a different thing for me; haven't been able to do this for decades.
Lots on my list today; none of which gets done when I'm sitting here!!! Off to work!
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sewing & knitting
May 7th, 2006 at 07:26 pm
That is it for this week end. With the 3 guys here this week end (all with special needs) it has been non stop cooking, then cleaning up and planning the next meal while still up to my elbows in the kitchen sink.
One leaves this afternoon, giving me a break....then I'm on the downhill side and it gets easier.
Found an almost done meal in the freezer; cooked, seasoned turkey taco mixture.....hamburger buns too.....which equals Turkey Taco Burgers for dinner. The kids are wow-ed. Doesn't take much imagination to float their boat!! Lunch is leftover spaghetti & meatballs with Italian Dunkers (toasted garlic butter hot dog buns!!) Can you tell I've found all the odd bits in the freezer for the week end??
I'm melting dipping chocolate now, going to dip a bag of pretzels for dessert.
Mixed up a quart of Cream of Whatever soup mix (I don't buy Cr. soups for recipes)
As long as I've got to be in the kitchen anyway, I'm going to make my time count. I've searched the freezer & pantry this week end and come up with quite a few meals & projects.......I always get a frugal shot in the arm when I do this, so it's good for me!
As soon as the meals for today are on auto pilot, I'm headed to the garage to do some re-claiming work. I had my sewing room pretty well functional.......but other peoples things have been encroaching.
Looking forward to Wed, Thurs & Fri.....heading to my moms again, for our ahead of schedule Mothers day visit. (I have to work next week end too) I'll be working on her house & yard, but she does all the cooking so I get a delightful break from the kitchen duty.
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all things food,
no $pending day,
sewing & knitting
May 5th, 2006 at 04:12 pm
Going to be a busy day here at our little ranch. There is a huge one day sale planned here, (the attempt my 'room mate' is making at coming up with money to pay here way here). So, the place will be full of cars & extra folks all day.
I had to give my homeless gentleman notice to move out last night. He didn't take it well........started being almost nasty. Hopefully, this morning will cause him to look at my letter differently. I don't know if the sale today will diffuse his attitude or cause him to have an audience. Hoping for the former.
And, if all goes smoothly with #1 & #2, I have my van packed to head to my antique booth. Time to pay rent and see if anything actually sold last month.
So, I won't be making any money today, WILL be spending some for my booth rental and it will be a crazy day here no matter what. My occasional week end kiddo comes this week end too, so I'll have all 3 boys home the whole week end. Gads! This is definately my Monday!!
If I can scrape up any spare time today..........I need to head to the garage, where I have attempted to set up half of it as my sewing room. Funny thing with empty space.......Stuff multiplies, things crawl in on their own accord, and all sorts of odd items are now cozying up to my sewing area. I won't want to work out there if it isn't all cleaned up......
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$ OUT,
sewing & knitting
May 4th, 2006 at 10:22 pm
OK, after my first new client here, I found another expense item (or 2).
I will need the plastic film bags, like dry cleaners use.........as well as hangers. Forgot those in my planning here. Been awhile since I've done this, I won't need to have them all at once, but do need to add them, as it makes the finished product look nicer. There is a full length mirror somewhere here, so that is just needing to be found & hung, not a cash outlay.
Will search out the bags locally, as shipping would kill me, a roll of those weighs an absolute ton.
I forgot how much I really enjoy sewing for others. My first customer will be a forever customer. She really can't get her clothes to fit. Too small of a waist. Size 2 are too big, there aren't many 1's out there she says. She will be great advertising too, as she cuts hair in a local shop.....(guess where I'm going for my next hair cut?)
The job will take maybe 15 minutes, so 45 figuring the fitting and the pick up time......... And, the total will be $20.00 + tax. Priced low enough she will be able to return, and enough so I can see some income. If she starts sending me clients, I'll be happy to do her things for half. Cheap advertising!
Feeling very energized, which is good, I've got 10 minutes left til the bus drops off my kiddo. Have a 6 hour "shift" with him now........not nearly as much fun as sewing!!
Posted in
sewing & knitting
May 4th, 2006 at 03:37 pm
Feeling confidant my first customer will be here at the appointed time today....
I used to sew for a living, and am hopeful this will make up the difference between the part time income I will have and the monthly expenses it takes to stay in the current home here.
I love staying home, I like being creative and I am so spoiled about working when I want and how much I want....so this just might work. My only expense will be the continued advertising. Customers bring everything else. I do have a couple things I will need to do as appointments pick up. I didn't bring my full length mirrors (had them permently attached to the walls at the other house), so I will need to get something set up here. Also might need some signs once people get to my address, to direct them to the proper door.......... But, for now, I'm set.
The idea of not having my full time kiddo here is making me almost giddy with anticipation. He can use me up and wring me out in something like 10 minutes. Day after day of that level has me pretty much done in. Spending time in my sewing room, listening to music (of my choosing) and looking out the big picture window to the horse pastures and gardens sounds pretty close to heaven at this point. Gads, I can make money doing all that!!! Too fun!
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no $pending day,
sewing & knitting