December 27th, 2006 at 02:22 am
I've been gone & haven't posted since before Christmas.......it feels like ages. I think I'm enjoying the holidays more than in the past; it could have something to do with the fact I'm not dealing with all the kids that used to live with me (and their not so healthy parents). Christmas used to be my one and only DAY OFF during the year, with no kids..........so I usually spent the day in a tired sort of haze. All the work to get the kids ready to spend time with their families, typical holiday preparations, extra events, by the 25th.........I was all used up.
This year, I was gone most of last week, staying at my moms, just "playing", doing whatever we wanted. All the prep. was done, most of the gifts were already to go.....baking; done & in the freezer and the young couple that live here were cooking the big dinner.
I prefer this new version of Christmas, hands down! Most of my household limited or decided on no gifts at all.....so we could have the 'backyard people' join us for the day without them feeling guilty they didn't bring anything to the festivities. Worked out well. They were blessed with some truly useful & much needed gifts and the rest of us got to see how blessed we were in the process. Some pretty heavy stuff to take in for a holiday........ But, I think it was the most fun I've had and it certainly felt the best at the end of the day.
My only negative was not finding a gift I had ordered for my mom.......we were planning on using it for our New Years celebration .... I searched all over the place & it was nowhere! This house is not that big, I don't have that many places to put things, nor did I have to 'hide' it from anyone.......so I'm befuddled as to how this package could have walked away.
I had something else for my mom, so no one knows my slip up but me.....and the up side of all the searching is ALL my closets are cleaned and organized. (wouldn't reccomend this technique, but it did work)
Spending some time pondering life in general and more specifically my goals for '07. I have a personal tradition on New Years Eve.........I open up what I wrote last year to see how I'm doing on my goals and I add to the envelope with my plans for the coming year. Not sure how many years I've formally been doing this, but it is in the decades now. It is my favorite part of New Years Eve..... I'm not a party sort of person, hate to be on the roads that particular night, and I can write and ramble on like crazy (you already know that part, huh??) so, a formal, get it down on paper, enjoy the fire & some wine sort of night is exactly right for me.
Posted in
keeping track,
lifes' rules,
December 18th, 2006 at 08:29 pm
The older I get, the more I have to forget it seems. Even though I've earned the Gold Medal in List Making......I'm managing to forget things AND people this holiday season.
Got a phone call today & they will be coming over tomorrow......How could I have left them off the list? No idea! I won't see them prior to Christmas, so I'm pondering a few ideas today. Going shopping isn't an option
1) I hate it
2) I don't know what I'm looking for anyway
3) One of my week end boys will be here until after dinner
4) Did I mention I hate shopping?
So, it's going to be internet something or other.........and most likely Heifer.com with a gift in their name. Can't afford the top of the line any longer.........so, I think it will be fowl of some kind.
This brings up a beef of mine. This couple had talked with me a few years ago, about no gifts. They weren't even doing gifts for each other, etc. So, I did no gifts........and they show up with something for me. So, now I am back to gifts, but apparently, my brain was thinking no gifts when I made my list.
After reading recents posts from many of you.........I think I'll head into the kitchen too & make a double batch of truffles. Enough to add different flavors & make some variety. Now, if I can just remember where I put the Christmas plates & such?????
Posted in
December 18th, 2006 at 01:48 am
Watching the news (yes we have power!!), I'm continually reminded of all the reasons I have to be grateful here! Our power just flickered, but has been on continually.......amidst the Pacific NW storm of storms.
So many things I have that others are doing without this week........Basics like heat & food, etc plus all the other things that make life fun here. I wonder, with this huge wake up call, are people going to be getting themselves better prepared, once they get back into their homes and the power is restored? I am not putting any money on that one!
Power got restored to my moms; was out only 2 days, so she feels blessed. Invited her over here, but she is pretty well set for outages too........felt smart cooking on her wood stove! ( I think my household is just a tad too nuts for her to head this way if she has another choice!)
I feel a bit like this week has been one of those Universe Lessons ........I'm as prepared as I can get for most situations and nothing happened here on our street! Funny in a way........but what is/has happened here in WA isn't funny in the least. Reminds me of my mom telling me to always take an umbrella......then it wouldn't rain!
Posted in
no $pending day,
keeping track,
lifes' rules,
December 16th, 2006 at 02:18 am
I forgot to mention a piece of mail that came on the odd mail day here. I didn't recognize the envelope, it had one of those blind sorts of return addresses, no name, but it was addressed to me.
I opened it and become more confused, not less. There was a form letter from Payment Processing, with a check stapled to it. From me..........to my insurance company, for the amount of my last premium for the rental place. The form letter said to refer to the attached letter to see why the check was returned........ Wasn't made out to my mortage company was the reason.
Now, mind you.........the date on the check was Sept. 15, 05. I had received no call from the insurance co, letting me know I was behind.........so this was the first I'd seen of this difficulty.
Quickly heading to the phone, while grabbing my Bils Folder........I called the number on the letter, which stated I could call for more information. HA, was that an untruth. No one at that number could understand the problem at all. They just kept telling me to get in touch with my mortage company to see why they hadn't taken the check. Then, I'd be transferred to someone else. The only other person that would 'get it' would be my mortage company. They had the sense to send the check back.........it wasn't theirs. Duh.
I finally hung up with Payment Processing and called my bank. Thought I'd try from that end...... Yikes. I misjudged there too. The young lady that took my call continued to push me contacting my mortage company again. Fortunately, my records showed I had called in to pay that months bills, since WAMU was having some bugs in their bill payer system. I knew the bill had been paid, had the confirmation number and knew the error had to be the bank staff person who somehow crossed the amount of the check with the house payment..... I know now how she did it, but that has to be it. My records have the correct addresses for both the insurance and the mortage......I checked first.
Bottom line was........I will have to wait 90 days for my money now. Never mind that it is my money in the first place. Never mind that the problem was bank generated. Never mind that the check never got cashed. I was so frustrated I didn't even know what to say.....and me speechless is truly amazing. I did authorize an investigation into the problem, she asked if I wanted one.......Well, gee.......no, let's just let it slide??? I think not. Yes, investigate the heck out of it. She said they would.......and to top it all off.....if I wanted to know what the answer was (presuming they have one), I will have to call later (couldn't tell me when) to see. They wouldn't be able to call me she said. Hmmm....they forgot how to dial perhaps??
I followed up this unproductive phone call with a quick call to my insurance co, and sent money off to them asap. Noted the error & told them a FAX was on it's way from my bank. (did get them to agree to send this off, taking responsibility for the mess up)
The whole thing makes me a bit unsure about the online banking bit.......not enough to stop using it, but enough I'm more than careful now when updating my hard copy records here. And, I think I'll keep my eyes open for local bank offers to see if there would be another one to try.
Posted in
keeping track,
December 15th, 2006 at 09:52 pm
Seattle was hit again yesterday and throughout the night..........rain, frozen rain (thought that was snow..??) and lots of WIND, then some more wind.........on and on.
Our place survived, the worst we have is some standing water on the property & the horse toys (who knew horses had toys?) are blown around the place.
Felt good to have the prep work done so I wasn't one of the people on the news at Home Depot, stocking up on batteries, generators, and the like. All the expenses over the years to get the emergency "kit" put together paid off. Didn't need any of them; but the peace of mind was worth any expense last night.
Best of all has been the water barrels, purchased mostly for the semi automatic water system soon to come for the chicken house. That barrel holds 50 gallons & has a hose hookup, as well as a faucet on it. So.........if we have no power & thus, no pump for the well, we have water stored for whatever. (comes in especially handy for flushing toilets!!)
Didn't bother with the generator, as our lights weren't out for more than 10 minutes total. We are totally blessed, as many in western WA are having a difficult time with the water and wind related problems. I've invited my mom and some old kids to come over, as they have been without power since yesterday. Totally grateful for all the extras power gives us!
And, lastly, a very Little House on the Prairie-ish moment here........I'm wearing my all wool socks I finished last night during the storm. So soft, so warm......toasty toes today!!
Posted in
keeping track,
December 14th, 2006 at 03:54 am
My mail was about as varied as it gets today.
On the plus side, I got my paycheck for one of my week end boys, 2 knitting students paid for a month of lessons each and room mate person paid towards her rent this month.
And, in the How Nice (but I won't use it) department, I got a gift box of meats & cheeses as a thank you for the extra care for one of my boys over the recent snow days. I can certainly share this with the backyard people.....they will love it.
Finally, there was an invite to 'train' as a mystery shopper. Included was a VERY large check. Anyone else have experience with something like this? There is a list of 5 tasks to complete after depositing this check into my bank (or just cashing it). After finishing all the tasks, there is still what I consider a large sum of money that would be my fee. I just can't imagine this is for real.....but I did call the firm & got all my questions answered. Haven't done anything yet, my favorite thing when I don't know what to do......Do Nothing.
Posted in
$ IN,
sewing & knitting
December 12th, 2006 at 09:38 pm
The chickens are big enough we took down the temporary section in the coop yesterday. Since we're experiencing a bit of mild weather, I've opened the door to the chicken yard ......but no one will go out voluntarily.

I tossed about 6 of the ladies out the door, hoping the others would follow, but no, still no takers for the extra freedom and treats.
I'll have to spend time this evening, wrangling chickens, to convince the 6 I tossed out......to go back in for the night. Usually takes about a week, then they start doing this on their own and all I'll have to do is close the little door at dusk.
Amazing to see how big they have grown, almost half size now I believe. Many different kinds in the mix, (since I bought them at a Year End Sale, I didn't order them by type).....I can spot what look like Rhode Island Reds, perhaps an Arucana or two???, maybe a Barred Rock and a Black Jersey Giant. Not sure on some of the smaller ladies, it will be a surprise!
Think of me this evening......I'll be in the chicken run, trying to get 6 chickens through a trap door in the coop! Who needs an entertainment budget anyway??
Posted in
keeping track,
December 11th, 2006 at 05:26 am
Most frugal gardening gifts require a head start........but here are a few ideas off the top of my head just in case you've still got a gardener on your gift list.
-Bundle up a couple landscape/gardening magazines from your stash (or the thrift store) and include a coupon for an afternoons help in their garden.
-If you've gathered seeds from your garden, include some in an envelope or waxed paper packet with a photo of the plant & directions for planting in their garden come spring/summer.
-Cuttings from your houseplants make great gifts, either rooted in water or potted. Be sure to include any specific care directions.
-Home made certificate or coupon for an afternoons outing together, visiting public gardens in your area.
-A gift of membership to their local garden club, usually a very modest fee.
-A framed print, using a photo you took in their garden.
-A custom stepping stone (or stones) using broken dishes, glassware or shells. Only cost; a bag of quick set concrete!
-Divide up a plant from your garden & pot up either in a nursery pot or something more creative like an old boot, a teakettle or bucket.....use your imagination.
Posted in
Frugal Gardening,
December 11th, 2006 at 02:00 am
Talked to mom re; the 2 cc's left over from the sister person and the nasty business of 2005. The decision is to pay off the balance on both of them this month. Mom will foot the bill on these, coming to the rescue yet again.
I've paid on them for a couple years, so it isn't as though I've not pulled my weight on these....... And, truly, they aren't my bills. Both are made up of charges the sister person made after the business break up & the agreement to hold the line on any spending. (translated to sister speak; spend freely until caught)
Feels good to have made the decision, I know it will be nice not to see the bills come across my desk each month. I am trying hard to erase the nasty mess from memory & this will help.
No other money news..........No spending, no income. Anxious to get to work this week!
Posted in
no $pending day,
keeping track
December 9th, 2006 at 05:02 am
My home away from home.......yes, back at moms for a few days. Staying long enough this time to get things done AND have some time to just do fun things together. (we've packed so many things in the past couple days, we're both exhausted tonight!)
Have the yard all cleaned up for her, patio furniture stored and the lawns mowed for what I hope is the last time this season. Moved her furniture so the arrangement is more convenient for her and hung the pictures we just matted and framed.
I got my haircut (finally.....put it off due to the snowstorms & I was really getting cranky!) and used a coupon on it's last day......so a $7.95 haircut this time! Nice. Also managed to fit in a Trader Joe trip (none by my house) & use my $50 g/c from October. Also nice.
We did dinner out, just for fun & then home. Since my mom doesn't enjoy putting up a tree any longer, I just did a few little things throughout her house, so it still looks a bit holiday-ish for her.
Had a money discussion tonight, but not re; the cc payoff. I asked if her one mortage is at a good interest rate....and her comment was 'should she pay it off or take the money in question and add to her annuity fund account?' Told her I have no idea. When it comes to comparing apples to oranges I'm no good. She will talk to her accountant to see if he can shed light on this one. It is the question of income vs. interest being paid or something like that....... I just wanted to know if she had the best rate on the loan.
Will aim for the cc discussion tomorrow. Also need attorney meeting and some much needed changes to her trust account, etc, etc ........ We always seem to have things that need attention. Grateful we can talk about anything and everything!
Posted in
$ OUT,
December 5th, 2006 at 02:28 am
I too, have no budget. I've never had one. And, as far as I can remember, my parents didn't have one either.
I'm awful with numbers, so it isn't likely I would do anything with them unless someone held a gun to my head.......and I'm WAY more inclined to save than spend, so a budget really never crossed my mind.
I have read here, during the past year of others working over their detailed budgets, being over.......being under.......and couldn't relate at all.
At any given time, I can state how much I have in savings, and the approx balance in my checking account. (I've never had a bounced check) I'm also pretty aware of the totals in any investment account, as well as the value of current real estate.......So, I'm not blindly heading down my financial road here.
But, month to month.......item by item isn't the way I work my money in.....money out situation. I just know what comes in, and I hold the expenses to well within that every month. I'm frugal to the point of cheap most of the time (although I've long ago reached the stage of having everything I need, so there isn't much spending going on)
I know the expenses too.....and have charted them in my Bills Folder for years. Seeing them in black & white is a big part of my Finance Plan (for the lack of a better word).....I think the key to my plan has to be in the Knowing. Knowing what comes in when, and knowing what has to go out when. Making sure the in is more than the out each month is just about it in a nutshell.
Anything left over at the end of the month just stays in the normal checking account and if the total gets above an imaginary line I have......I auto transfer it into my savings account. Then, from there it makes its' way into investment accounts. The reverse is also true, if I am going to need more in the checking, back the money comes.....
Which brings up the common thread throughout my Financial Plan....knowing without a doubt if an expenditure is a need or a want. I don't have much these days that falls into the want catagory, so the entire Plan is pretty painless and almost without a thought these days.
No Budget........It works for me.
Posted in
keeping track
December 4th, 2006 at 03:14 am
This is a Non List for me.......although I've enjoyed Thrifty Rays' topic and the start of some interesting posts here.
For decades now, I've had other peoples' kids in my home, (up to 6 at a time).....and frequently other adults too for that matter.
I knew it was important not to instill all of MY ideas into holiday celebrations, so would start around Halloween asking kids what they would like to see included at our house for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
So, consequently, over the years.....we've tried to incorporate the suggestions which gave us some unique foods, different music, gifts on different days, and some VERY odd guests. I guess the "tradition" was that everyone who lived there at the time, felt like they were a part of the planning as well as the actual holiday.
Our truly odd tradition involved opening the bulk of the presents. My kids usually had some type of family locally & most spent at least part of Christmas day with them. Many spent the entire vacation with relatives.........making my house sort of vacant for anyone left back. We let kids enjoy their Stockings on Christmas morning, but kept the tree & the gifts until all the kids were going to be home for Our Christmas. One year, this wasn't until February! (very bad year that year, but we hung in there! Got to be pretty funny actually)
We put carols on, made hot chocolate and pulled out Christmas cookies from the freezer........sat around and DID the Christmas gifts as a group whenever we could get the bunch together for the first time.
One of my personal traditions was to Un Schedule the household for the month of December. With the type of kids I had, they all came with a miriad of appointments, meetings and therapy sessions. I wouldn't make any of them for December......allowing us to take a break from the routine and enjoy the holidays. Otherwise, there wouldn't be a free day to stick in even a trip to town to see the lights. Pretty sure none of the kids were even aware this was orchestrated; but it was a hard and fast rule with me.
I'm so laid back now with holidays......ours can take on a new life each & every year. This year is no exception! I'm just along for the ride!
Posted in
keeping track
December 2nd, 2006 at 04:52 am
Blast. A power surge, failure, bleep, whatever......but it was exactly as I pushed save & publish here with a current entry.
Was pondering the fact we are in December already, with just over 3 weeks til Christmas. Enjoying the low key approach this year, and the head start I have re; preparations.
Ventured into the sewing room today, since the weather was much warmer. (I'm in the garage, with no insulation & a space heater!) Got most of the work done on a couple Bed Buddies (rice filled sock affairs, to warm in the micro) to use for presents, plus a couple to use for back ups in case I need an extra gift somewhere. Frugal note here: I find I save money & time if I do multiples, no matter what it is.
Made a deal with the 2 young women that are staying here ........they wanted to know if I decorated for Christmas & I told them they could both do whatever they wanted to this year. I'll just watch! They were thrilled, as neither of them has ever had a house, nor a yard to decorate. The catch is they need to pick up, clean up and pack things away before New Years Eve. Sounds like a good deal to me!
I have tickets for a Holiday performance of a local chorus tomorrow night, planning on taking my mom & her sister to it as their Christmas gift from me. This is a gift to me too.......as I've not been able to do things like this with all the kids over the years. I had to limit my holiday things to stuff the kids would be appropriate at & then I really didn't get to enjoy much of it anyway with trips to the bathroom, meds & you name it. Can't wait for tomorrow....only adults! And a gift that 'fits' is the 'right color' and won't add any clutter around the house.
Only the first of December and I'm enjoying the holiday season more than ever. Think I'll dig out the Christmas CD's, sit back & knit and watch the decorations going up this week end. What a deal.
Posted in
no $pending day,
keeping track,
sewing & knitting
December 1st, 2006 at 06:40 am
I'm struggling with a situation pertaining to the last 2 cc bills from the business I used to have...........which is connected to the sister who caused the entire thing to end so badly....
My mom was asking me about my finances, and since we are truly pooling some of our funds at this point, I shared with her my need to pay off the final 2 bills from the business. She called today & said to be sure to write the check from the joint account (definately more her funds than mine at this point). As much as I would love to have these paid for, it certainly isn't my moms responsiblity. Although...(I can argue both sides quite well with myself here), she was the one who asked me to just give the business & inventory to my sister when the whole thing got nasty. So, following her directions, I ended up with WAY more in bills than I was expecting, as well as having no retirement plan to speak of and having to sell a piece of property & buy another and move.........and the list goes on and on.
So, the question remains, how often do I let my parents, (now, just my mom) bail me out? They have always been there, but I have always paid them back....this would be next to impossible unless we're talking lottery & I don't even play.
IF I write the check from moms account, that would mean I have no cc debt, except the one I keep for online purchases & pay off each month. Monthly bill no more than $250 these days, often times WAY less than that. I would love to have these gone....... Seems like I'm leaning more this direction all the time. Heading to moms for a few days next week, will have a decision by then.
Posted in
no $pending day
November 29th, 2006 at 09:55 pm
I had to go tend the chickens, but not before running back in to get the camera to share my view from the kitchen window here at our "ranch". Breathtakingly beautiful. I was cold & almost didn't care.

Forgot to take the camera to the coop with me, which is silly, since I had to go back & forth several times just to get the 'ladies' all taken care of today.
All the chicks are still alive, but no thanks to me & my so called system here. Their water container had frozen, the fresh food was of course frozen and the heat lamp had sheared off right at the fixture....so no light, no heat either. Needless to say, they were pretty excited to see me come to visit!
Chipped all the ice out of the water container & added some warm water.....told them all to drink fast before it froze again! Chipped out the frozen food, gave it to the birds outside......and dumped in pumpkin innards for the chicks, again telling them to eat up.....before it is a pumpkin popsicle again. Then, tackled changing the light fixture situation. Out of heat lamps here, so just put in a BIG lightbulb. Couldn't read how many watts, but it seemed like it was putting out some heat. Hopefully it will work. Have never had a light break from the cold........but can't figure out how this could have broken off this way otherwise???
Frozen solid by this time, I hiked my way back inside for some knitting by the woodstove. Almost finished with my first sock of a 100% wool pair for me. This weather is pushing me to finish these & quick!!
Posted in
sewing & knitting
November 29th, 2006 at 02:46 am
Our snow is still here. Not just a little dusting, but a whole bunch of the white stuff.........everywhere. And, there is no thaw in the immediate future.
We're dipping into the teens tonight for our overnight temps....brrrrrr......... Cancelled one knitting class today and already cancelled the one for tomorrow.....hoping to get out of here by Thursday as I'm in bad need of my monthly haircut (which I have a half price coupon for & really want to use)
Week end kiddo still here, as his mom can't/shouldn't be driving in this weather, so still "working". Have almost caught up on my sewing projects too, with this enforced house bound situation.
Received several freebies in the mail today, along with $25.00 from a survey site. Did cash in MyPoints for a gift card for my sons' Christmas gift. Have some baking & sewing type gifts to work on, but I believe most of my purchasing is already done. Retailers had better not be counting on me to help their totals!
Chick update: All of the chicks are doing well, even under extreme weather conditions. Lowered their heat lamp and have been feeding them tons of food. They are all feathered out now, and are starting to look like grown up chickens, just in miniature. When the snow melts I'll get another picture...
Dreaming of spring, gardens, hanging clothes outside, walking the dog, sitting outside on the deck with a cup of tea watching the sun come up......
Posted in
no $pending day
November 27th, 2006 at 07:26 pm
Paid bills on line (as usual) today, so it really isn't a no spender here. Scary to see the amount of money it takes each month to keep this place going.
I did notice this months cable bill has jumped up, must have had some sort of special for a year when I moved in. Have the bill out & on the TO DO list to see if I can get it reduced. Will make some other calls or check out a few websites, so I have some numbers on hand for other providers. I have all 3 services with the same company, so we should be able to come up with something a bit more budget friendly.
Making turkey enchiladas today with leftovers.......have all the rest of the ingredients either in the freezer or pantry. Cheap AND Yummy, can't beat that.
Still pretty much snowed in today.....with approx 12" on the ground. Beautiful! I'm so grateful we still have power, as many in our county don't. No power would mean no water for all of us with wells, so I'm very happy we're still flushing without thinking here!
My week end young man is going to stay over, as his mom is really no good in the snow, so technically, still working here. Also spending time finishing up a large sewing order, should be able to call the client & arrange a pick up time (which means a paycheck too) for anytime after the snow melts.
Might do some fine tuning on my Christmas list here today.........cashing in on My Points account, using some gift certificates, etc. Have a couple ideas of things to make for a few people, might even get to cracking on those. Definately in the Christmas spirit here, my classical radio station has begun to play carols and with the weather outside; I do feel like getting busy. Might even set up the 'wrapping station' here.........& start with the gifts I've already finished or stashed around here.
Grateful I'm ahead of the gift game, grateful I've never had a Christmas on Credit and grateful I've got friends and family who don't keep track of gifts, costs, etc. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Christmas!
Posted in
keeping track,
November 27th, 2006 at 02:58 am
We don't usually get many snow days here in Western WA......at least where I live, but tonight we're getting blanketed! I'm not sure how one is supposed to measure snow, as it packs down as it lands....but it seems like we're in the 6" range right now and it's still coming down.
I've got nothing on the schedule for tomorrow, so it's fine by me. Will keep the fire going and finish some sewing projects (that's IF the power doesn't go out).
My gardens are all covered, the trees are dressed for Christmas and my yard never looked so good. One benefit of a great snowfall...........everything looks like perfection, no matter what it looks like on it's own...
Posted in
no $pending day,
Frugal Gardening,
sewing & knitting
November 25th, 2006 at 11:16 pm
I just received my usual reminder call from my mom (used to be from my dad when he was alive), giving me the run down on all the things I should be doing for the cold snap we are expecting tonight and tomorrow night. Had some of the things done, but she pushed me into action:
I just came in from unhooking all my hoses.......even the ones from the "back yard people". So, no water for them until the thaw. Covered all the faucets & wrapped them against the lower temperatures. Too cheap to buy those insulated little cap things.....just make my own with old towels, plastic & some twine. No money out....AND, mine stay on all winter without blowing off.
Turned the lights on in the pump house, hoping to raise the temp in there a bit during the day........note to self to get a small space heater out there over night too. The Navy man has already cut & installed covers for all the windows in the building, so no need to jury rig those this time....Nice! The idea of my pump or it's parts freezing doesn't sound like a good time at all.
Will leave a slow drip of water in my faucet furthest from where the water comes into the house overnight..... Also leaving all the under sink cabinet doors open overnight, so the pipes stay warmer.
My faucets in the back are those fancy kind that have a valve or something in them, keeping the water below ground I think, so it won't freeze back there. Will double check to see that they are all closed before it gets dark here.
I think that's it. I do all these religiously, not sure which combo of them prevents my pipes from freezing....but I'm not about to mess with the program. All I need is a plumbing problem! The thought spending money to fix something I neglected to handle when I could ......makes me nuts. I'll stick with my cheap fixes; even tho folks here think I'm being obsessive. (none of them would be responsible for getting things back to normal, so they aren't nearly as interested in all this as I am)
Off to add wood to the fire & brew another cup of tea.....Going to daydream about spring and better weather!
Posted in
no $pending day,
lifes' rules
November 25th, 2006 at 04:35 am
My week end is beginning to wind down......which is nice. I love the work leading up to the holidays and I truly love the company; but it is so nice to not cook and have a turkey sandwich all by myself with a book & some quiet music.
I am so blessed, my family doesn't have 'issues' like so many I know. There are never incidents or personalities to work around. We have a terrific time, yesterday being no exception.....laughed so hard, played some great games of Upwords, scrabble and even rummy. Lots of free fun.
Grateful everyone enjoyed the conversation, food and fun and didn't care one whit about the mismatched corelle ware, dinner served right off the stove or the Freecycle table & chairs. The important things truly weren't 'things' at all.
Grateful that our Christmas celebration is as low keyed........so I've got no hurdles to leap, no entertaining/decorating/gift giving contests to participate in prior to 12/25. Looking forward to another house full of guests, great food and more of that free fun my family is used to.
Posted in
no $pending day,
keeping track
November 23rd, 2006 at 03:58 am
Living in the Pacific NW, I'm used to rain; but this is getting way past the ridiculous stage now. We've just shattered our own record of the wettest Nov. on record and there are days left in the month.
My yard is so wet I'm beginning to question how septic tanks work when the ground is so saturated. (Having it not work is not a pretty alternative) Hoping by some magic, the system still functions even tho we are all building arks here.
Beyond the rain, life continues here. I got paid for another months private knitting lessons, in addition to taking on an Emergency hemming job so someone could wear new slacks to their family dinner tomorrow. I had assumed my ad wouldn't pull anyone in this week due to the holiday, but it has been the busiest so far. Nice.
I'm up to speed for the dinner tomorrow, as well as the overnight company. Hoping to get to sleep early so I can be up with the chickens (literally) & get the pies in the oven before the cheesecake has to go in.......then the turkey, and on and on. Just need to get the clean linens on all the beds & I'll be good to go.
Sold another book on Amazon........plus received another invite to evaluate a product I had answered a survey about. Love those.
Did get the battery charged on the new Sonic Care toothbrush system & wow, I've never had cleaner teeth. What a deal this is. Even came with a travel case.
Hope everyone that will be observing Thanksgiving has a blessed day indeed!
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all things food,
no $pending day,
$ IN,
sewing & knitting
November 21st, 2006 at 06:15 pm
I am usually ready to add more potatoes to the pot, and set out more plates.....round up a couple extra chairs (we don't have dishes OR chairs that all go together...who cares anyway??), but today I'm doing a mini dinner; BEFORE the holiday. A new one on me.
Got a call last night from a friend who will be picking up the Autistic Wonder Child who used to live here, then they will both be coming here for of all things.......haircuts and the Mini Thanksgiving meal.
Fortunately, with a pantry & freezer up to par here, I set out a mini turkey tenderloin roast to thaw....and I've got oodles of pumpkin for a Pre Holiday pie. Can't imagine dealing with life without my well stocked larder here. Makes the odd seem almost normal. Anyone else offering hair cuts with their pies??
Knitting student cancelled today, so I have more time than usual.....love when things just seem to work out! I'm crossing things off the Master TO DO list and have time to spare. Heading to the sewing room for the afternoon while the pie is baking, have an order due next week, 20 small cushions for hand made rocking chairs from a local craftsman.
Back to work here............
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all things food,
no $pending day,
sewing & knitting
November 21st, 2006 at 01:40 am
I've been playing a long game of "Catch Up" here, and I'm not winning! Seems I get more behind each day/week.....
Spent a couple days last week at my moms, getting some BIG things off her list, but not making any headway around here. I'm having a Thanksgiving dinner, plus overnight guests here for the week end, so this week is pretty booked.
Started last night.......during the middle of the night. I couldn't sleep, so I got my tablet & started making lists. Shopping, TO DO, what to cook when sorts of lists. Finally got to sleep around 4AM. (can't wait for lights out here this evening!!)
Did the shopping for the week today, and have a couple of the menu items started already. (gotta love things like frozen salads, etc.......a do-ahead dream)
Sold a book on Amazon yesterday, so got it mailed today. Would love to see this little venture a tad more active. Not going to get rich with this one. But, no expenses on this either.
Did have to spend money today, on a new feeder for the chickens. They had quickly outgrown the chick feeders and needed to graduate. I have no idea where the feeder is from the old house, so this was a stupid expense, replacing something I already have......had??? Should last the rest of my lifetime however. Plus, I now have it set up so I won't need to fill grain containers 2X a day! Nice.
Picked up fabric for a customers order, re lining slacks.......which is such an easy do, but people are willing to really spend on this repair.... Should get this done & be paid the first week in Dec.
Anxious to try my new SonicCare toothbrush system from BzzAgent. Just got it in the mail today & will set it up this evening. Probably needs to charge, now that I think of it......
Also got an invite from a food co, to participate in a survey. I'd requested a sample from the freebies pages here ages ago. There was a list of thank you gifts they will send when I complete the 20 minutes..... Nice!
Timers' ringing, means I'm due back in the kitchen. Hope everyone is up to speed on their Thanksgiving prep....
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all things food,
November 14th, 2006 at 04:07 am
My "Little Dinner" is getting bigger it seems. We were 5 adults which seemed small compared to previous years, but was just about right for the house I thought.
So much for what I thought. 
I learned that my one guy that comes on the week ends, didn't have his usual place to go on Turkey Day as he calls it. So, it would be just he & his mom, in their apt. (she can't cook, they don't really have a functional kitchen either) So, tonight I asked them if they would like to come for dinner then my guy can just stay for a long week end, so his mom still has to do just the 2 trips to my house. With about 5 seconds, she replied....."Sure!" They're bringing the beverages; so one more catagory crossed off.
Next, I get a call from my mom & yes, her twin is coming too. Early in the day to help with dinner & they will bring a salad, fresh veggie & 2 pies. (reminded them there were just 7 of us!!) They then asked if they could stay overnight......so we'll bump the kiddo out of his room, toss him in the living room on the aerobed and have the twins in the bedroom. Too fun. But, now we've got meals to plan for Friday!!!
So, my one little dinner has spread out to a couple days, several meals and we're up to 7 adults. (still haven't got a commitment from the new couple out back in the trailer.....planning in my head for 9, just in case.)
Love the pantry & freezer for holidays....as I've got many of the items I'll need already put away here. I will be spending some for the food, but nothing over the top. All my baking ingredients are already in the pantry, bread has been set aside for the dressing, other people are bringing items.........so I think I'm getting the turkey roast and whipping cream. Not bad!
Located the staple gun & received a free to me battery operated drill..........so I can finish the Re-Do on the Freecycle table event before Thanksgiving. I have free fabric too....the cushions are in great shape, so a little work and the set will be all ready to go. I actually LOVE the table & chairs .......couldn't have found anything new that I like as well. Gotta love it when that happens!
Fortunately, no one I know expects anything but a fun day here; so I'm not compelled to pit myself against Martha. We'll be reasonably cleaned up, the food will be outstanding & plentiful and everyone won't have to worry about a think. We don't stand on ceremony, or which fork to use...or any of that. (although I would love to set a formal table once before I die... )
So, it's looking like a no to low stress day.........plus I'm feeling really good about having others here that wouldn't have somewhere to go otherwise.... I used to think I'd like to go help serve holiday meals at the mission in town or something, then I finally realized I do that......just at home! (on a tiny scale)
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all things food,
no $pending day,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word
November 13th, 2006 at 04:17 am
Wow, did I not get what I planned today!
I said yesterday (or early this AM....can't remember anymore) that I was going to take a lazy day today. The fire going, leftovers all ready for the day.......and me; knitting on my 2nd sock!
I just now got some knitting time in........and I did light the wood stove.......but the day was just as busy as ever.
Started out with sewing customers this AM and they just kept calling. Good, but not helping the knitting time! Took in the most money since starting the sewing/knitting business back up.
Drop in company.......took advantage of them & had them help me move furniture, so we're ready for Thanksgiving. (they are the ones moving back in, so they will be here for the Big Dinner) We got the Freecycle headboard moved to my room, so that meant I needed to do some real rearranging to get it in.... (think REALLY heavy......very big) Might as well clean & organize since the bed had to be moved, right? Can you see where my day was headed at this point??
And, for some reason, the planets were all alligned or something........several of my freecycle & Craigslist posts brought people out of the woodwork today, so I was busy rounding up the items & helping load pick ups! Again, nice........but hard to knit while loading trucks! 
So, the theme here is going to be ......no telling anyone that I plan on taking some ME time. Not ever.
Posted in
lifes' rules,
sewing & knitting
November 12th, 2006 at 06:30 pm
So much for relaxing the entire day ....I just couldn't resist getting a few more pumpkins roasted up and in the freezer.
I did one yesterday and am feeling compelled to get the rest of them cooked up and in the freezer before we get another freeze & I loose them all.
Just chop in hunks, (saved all the insides for the chicks....they love all the gooey stuff) toss in the oven & roast til tender. Scrape off the rind and cool.......(saved the rinds for the chicks too). Put in zip locks, label and toss in the freezer.
So, the ovens chalk full of pumpkin & I haven't even made a dent on the pile at the front porch. At this rate.....perhaps I'll be done at Christmas! 
I think all my pumpkin is going to be headed to the soup pot, as we have a new favorite soup here Creamy Pumpkin/Curry Soup. It's a lick-the-bowl sort of event!!
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all things food,
Frugal Gardening
November 12th, 2006 at 06:15 am
It seems like I've been packing 2 days worth of work into each day here......... Sewing has taken up most of the last couple days; I had a huge order that was to be finished by tomorrow. I worked on it all week, then today really didn't do anything but this order. The customer called, said he couldn't get here tomorrow, could he come tonight?? I said yes, sewed faster....and guess what? The time I gave him as the cut off tonight has come & gone & he isn't here, hasn't called....and I'm cranky. His total might go up on the bill before he gets here! He is a first time customer, but will be a regular, as he has a very odd body shape & isn't able to get clothes off the rack. (good for me, bad for him)
Maybe I'll be more tolerant in the AM, after a nights sleep....
Worked a bit the last couple days getting the house a little closer to Thanksgiving-ready. Cleaned, dunged out stuff & Freecycled most of it today. Yeah! Love when piles of "stuff" make their way down the road...
Grateful I am not living in a flood plain. With all our rain here, almost everyone knows someone who has lost their home or the contents of their home. Although I can't understand building where there is a risk of being underwater; I do feel sorry for the folks that are displaced.
Grateful Room mate persons truck is finally back from the body shop. Insurance did cover the repairs; no idea of the damage to our policy at this point. Said room mate person added another $150 to her rent due for Oct tonight. Glad to have something.......hope I live long enough to see her be able to pay her way on a regular basis.
Planning on an off day tomorrow. Not even going to venture into the sewing room. Thinking a yummy pot of coffee, the wood stove going and my knitting.... My version of contentment!
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no $pending day,
sewing & knitting,
November 9th, 2006 at 02:22 am
I found a break in the weather over the week end and spent the time outside doing the not-so-popular end of season chores in my garden.
I don't know about the rest of you, but after the rush of spring planting and watching things sprout and grow...........and then the fun of harvesting and cooking with the things I've grown; I'm just about done with gardening.
So, it was with no enthusiasm whatsoever I headed outside. Pulling out spent flowers & vines, harvesting the last of the squash and cleaning up the weeds that had the nerve to come up in the garden.........I'm not done, by any means....but I'm DONE for this season.
If I could figure out a way to make a layer of leaf mulch on top of my garden beds I would, but with the wind blowing so hard; it would be futile. So, the beds are cleaned up, weeded and raked smooth; ready for spring. What a good feeling! I'll start next season with a good top dressing of compost and be off and running to do the same thing again!
Note to self: Do this end of season clean up marathon BEFORE the first freeze of the season. Afterwards, the vines & such get really slimy!
End result for the work........no money spent, good exercise (also free) and the great feeling that I'm already a step ahead for spring. Can't beat any of that!
Posted in
Frugal Gardening
November 8th, 2006 at 03:23 am
I didn't think this Bzz Agent thing was going to turn out to be anything at all, but the last 30 days have shown me to be wrong.........again!
I'm involved in 4 campaigns now & am finding it to be fun, informative and the freebies don't hurt either.
First off, there was the paint......which is going in my bedroom (slow project here) but it is going to be great. And, the product seems to be just as advertised. Says it only takes one coat; which isn't a problem here as I'm covering white walls.......but the no odor is pretty cool. I can work in here during the day and still sleep in the space at night. (this is pretty significant, given how many other people are staying at my home...there are no empty beds for me to move to!) Successful all round on this one. Since I have so many people in and out of this house, there is no shortage of folks to chat with re; the paint.
Number 2 is the Swiffer all in 1 duster deal. I was waiting for this, as I was hoping it would work on my piano. And, it does a bang up job. Good thing too, as my housekeeper is out of the country on a missions trip for a month. Good Gads, we're doing our own cleaning here. Thank goodness for the novelty of the All in One........Everyone wants to dust!! (works for me!!)
Number 3 was just waiting for me I think.......an American Express Business Card account..........which I do believe I am going to open for the new sewing/Knitting business........which now has a name..........- - -Stitches- - -
Don't know enough about this account yet to share info with other small business owners I come into contact with. Soon......
And, just today, I got signed up for a sonic care toothbrush system. There won't be many areas of my life that aren't Bzz-ing pretty soon.
Since I'm an overly chatty person anyway.......and I do come into contact with many people, this Bzz-ing activity seems to be pretty darned normal to me. I have to remember to log in the conversations, etc.......because I just seem to have them, not schedule them or anything. All in all........a fun way to try new products and services!
Posted in
keeping track
November 6th, 2006 at 02:47 am
It's been 3 full weeks & here's the updated picture, taken today.

Today was also moving day for the chicks, as they have outgrown this tub they are in. Got some much needed assistance & created a contained area of the coop for them, so they are no longer crowded. (somehow forgot how quickly they grow)
They are old enough to be eating all the kitchen scraps now, in addition to their grain. Nice that they earn their keep!
Thankful the weather has warmed up, or I'd have to be knitting chick sized blankies or something to keep these little ladies warm. Have a heat lamp on all the time, as they are still too little to generate much body heat. Just getting their grown up feathers now....and looking way less cute & fuzzy.
I either counted wrong, or we were sent an extra chick....... I ordered 24, they advertise they send a Fancy Breed Chick along with each order........which would make 25. One was dead in the box when it arrived, so I assumed I was down to 24......and when I transferred them to the new abode, I counted 25 again. (never have been good with numbers!!)
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no $pending day,
keeping track