Home > Chick Report

Chick Report

December 12th, 2006 at 09:38 pm

The chickens are big enough we took down the temporary section in the coop yesterday. Since we're experiencing a bit of mild weather, I've opened the door to the chicken yard ......but no one will go out voluntarily.

I tossed about 6 of the ladies out the door, hoping the others would follow, but no, still no takers for the extra freedom and treats.

I'll have to spend time this evening, wrangling chickens, to convince the 6 I tossed go back in for the night. Usually takes about a week, then they start doing this on their own and all I'll have to do is close the little door at dusk.

Amazing to see how big they have grown, almost half size now I believe. Many different kinds in the mix, (since I bought them at a Year End Sale, I didn't order them by type).....I can spot what look like Rhode Island Reds, perhaps an Arucana or two???, maybe a Barred Rock and a Black Jersey Giant. Not sure on some of the smaller ladies, it will be a surprise!

Think of me this evening......I'll be in the chicken run, trying to get 6 chickens through a trap door in the coop! Who needs an entertainment budget anyway?? Smile

8 Responses to “Chick Report”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    Sounds like fun!

  2. Bookie Says:

    "With a cluck, cluck here, and a cluck, cluck there"

    Hey, I'm old enough to remember the joys of chicken wrangling. They think herding cats is an impossibility; they need to wrangle chickens.

    Lots (and lots) of luck.


  3. marymara Says:

    The best things in life are the simple things. The older I get the more I believe it.

  4. frayed buckeye card Says:

    My father raised chickens, first in an incubator in the garage, then a coop in the way back yard. This was done in an up scale community, but it was the Big War and rations were slim, so he got away with it. Actually those days are happy memories as I was so young.

  5. contrary1 Says:

    Update...........Dusk here & all the chickens are in the coop. Two found their own way in and I convinced a friend the wrangling bit was going to be "fun", so I had a helper. No sweat this time. They were already nesting under the ramp set up to the we just positioned ourselves at both sides of it. I grabbed chickens & my friend just covered the other side.

    They will start venturing further out in the run, which will make it more difficult to get them through the little it will get more difficult before they learn to go in themselves. But, for this evening, mission accomplished!

  6. LuckyRobin Says:

    They are so cute! How old do they have to be before they start laying eggs?

  7. fern Says:

    Nice that they are 'free range.'

  8. fairy74 Says:

    I love your updates on the chicks, they are growing into very nice looking ladies Smile

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