June 13th, 2006 at 11:02 pm
Yumminess. The first strawberries are ripe. We had to share some with the birds I'm sure, but today we all got to pick & eat one! Totally delicious, and so worth the effort to keep the patch weeded & watered. (remembering to thank the person who gave us the plants!!!) Free food! Just can't beat that.
Also picking the first radishes today, they will jazz up the leaf lettuce we've been enjoying now for at least a week. Nothing like handfuls of this on a sandwich! Not exactly free, but the seed packets are about a dollar each and they will continue producing all the lettuce & radishes we can eat here for a few more weeks. I've got another planting in already and have seeds to continue through the growing season.
I can't imagine why everyone doesn't have some sort of veggie garden planted! Too much fun to have frugal food and get great (free) exercise at the same time.
Posted in
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
Frugal Gardening
June 13th, 2006 at 02:45 pm
Excited here.......... I just got an email saying "You're Hired". Woo Hoo..
I had received an email from a list I'm on locally, read it at moms over the week end, about a job opportunity. I quickly responded, as it was almost the same thing I've been doing for an organization here, but I've been volunteering. They had just had a staffing change, so in the shuffle, I had not been a top priority, but they are now sending me my application, etc so I can get paid. Not much, social services isn't ever a big money deal..........but it will be $400. additional a month and I'll be doing most of it from home.
I haven't seen the official job description yet, but it will be 10 hours a week, as a recruiter for foster parents here in my county. Attending local meetings, groups, etc.........speaking about foster care.... Using the computer to guide potential foster parents through the licensing process, and answering questions until they are on their own. Too easy! And fun!
I'm going to paste together an income here one way or another!!
Posted in
no $pending day,
June 12th, 2006 at 12:47 am
I've been enjoying the afternoon here at moms. We've been sitting outside on her patio, surrounded by the fruits of our labors........her great little garden space that's shaping up.
Feet up.......a good book.......and dinners simmering on the stove, so we don't have to rush in to cook. Delightful, absolutely delightful.
I've got one of my kids (term used loosely, he's 26, but pretty much a pre schooler....) Although this guy knows how to entertain himself and isn't hanging around ~or on~ me like the other one. And, this one really has great manners & behaves like a grown up, as he reminds me sometimes! 
So, relaxation is the name of the day here. We've finished all the work we are going to do......Feels good. The only demand is the chihauhau wants to be fed!
To top off the week end, it is a totally NO spend sort of week end. The best kind!
Posted in
no $pending day
June 11th, 2006 at 05:48 am
Yes, I'm at my moms' again, helping in her gardens while mine are busily getting ahead of me.
I have a good time here, since every little thing seems to make a BIG difference in the yard. The property has been rented out for 2 years, and has sort of gone back to the wild... Plenty of room for improvement!
I dug around in the back 40 and found a couple stepping stones my dad had made with extra cement from projects (ever the frugal guy he was). I set them into the gardens so mom can use them and think of dad. Looks good too.
Tomorrows plan, weather permitting.....more gardening. Working my way around the front of the house, trimming back about 7 years of neglect. Not sure I'm going to be able to keep up here as well as my place.... I'm trying to put things in that require absolutely NO care, so I'm not making more work for myself.
Posted in
no $pending day,
Frugal Gardening
June 10th, 2006 at 06:06 pm
I can't come up with a name for what I did this AM. I had appointments with a couple people as well as a stop at the recycle plant for our county......
Everything I picked up was free. So, it really isn't shopping....but what is it exactly? Certainly better than yard sales, as there was no money spent!
I got the back of my van full of paint, not exactly the color I was remembering it was, this seems darker. But, when something is FREE, it is amazing just how fast I can change my mind! This is exactly the color I want to paint my house. At least, I'm going to paint a sample swatch somewhere, and look at it for a bit. If it is really too dark, I'll mix some white into the whole batch. I also picked up a big bucket of white........as well as a great green to give some life to my bedroom.
I had a response re; my Wanted post for sheet rock, so stopped and picked up a couple half sheets. Now, I just need to collect the tape & mud stuff, as well as figure out how to texture the patches when they are finished. When this project is done, I'll head back to town and get some more of the FREE paint to liven up this all white place I bought.
Picked up my FREE plants too....... 2 huge sacks of Iris; plenty to share a bag with my mom this week end.
Heading to the garden, to get busy! No kids for almost 2 hours, an infrequent luxury for me!
Posted in
no $pending day,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
Frugal Gardening
June 10th, 2006 at 03:00 pm
I'm just hooked. Today I'm squeezing in another Freecycle pick up.....more free plants from the person I met with last week. One hook up can turn into a regular connection with gardeners. We've all got plants to share once we get started. Todays gift is to be Iris!
Our local Freecycle group only allows Wanted posts on Saturdays, so today I'm asking for sheetrock and any supplies to do some repairs/patching with. Hoping to have a stash of free items for my Navy guy to repair the holes in my walls here when he gets here. I'm in the process of removing an old intercom system from this house, so each room will be left with a small hole by the door.......... Oh, so attractive.
I've got one more stop when I'm at the free plant house........it is near our county recycling offices. They give away great paint, and I'm hoping to load the van with 5 gallon buckets of my favorite blue/gray color. I've got housepainting on my list this summer & there is no better way than with FREE paint!
Off for a day of no spending, other than the gas to get back & forth.
Posted in
no $pending day,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
Frugal Gardening
June 10th, 2006 at 02:18 am
A nice surprise this evening when someone knocked at my door. (doesn't happen often out here in the country)
It was the young man from a neighboring piece of property. He had a case of sparkling cider as a peace offering of sorts. He owns a paint ball field and tomorrow he is going to be having a huge event & wanted to let me know the noise level would be up a bit.
In the midst of the visit, he asked if I was the person advertising sewing in the paper?? He has slacks needing hemming! I never counted on a walk in customer base, but here he was! We set an appointment for a time when I wouldn't have my kiddo clammoring for attention.
Sparkling cider; definately not on my shopping list, a treat for sure here.
Posted in
Free: My favorite 4 letter word
June 9th, 2006 at 06:39 pm
I've had kids living with me for the last 33 years.......and today is the last day I'll have to set my schedule to match the school bus. Can't think of a celebration big enough!!! 
For the last decade, I've had special ed kiddos, so I needed to be outside to put the kids on the bus, as well as in the driveway when it pulled up in the afternoon, to receive the kids. I'll bet I have spent more time on or near my front porch than most of you!!
As I logged in to my email this AM, I found another book had sold at Half.com. That finishes off a series of books I had posted. I'll have to take it to the post office today, as the schedule is going to be unpredictable until my kiddo moves, now that school is out.
Got a phone call too this AM, one of those congrats types, I have won a stereo system & a week end at my choice of 4 resorts....IF I listen to a presentation on the resorts. Since I don't have to go more than 10 miles for the thing, or spend more than 2 hours and since I know I won't buy anything, I set up an appointment. After July, I could actually go away for the 4 days they are offering.......
Got 2 more pre survey questionaires this AM......says they will contact me if I'm chosen for the product eval, as well as a paid survey. Would be nice if these come to pass.
Posted in
no $pending day,
keeping track
June 9th, 2006 at 05:22 am
Feel like my sewing business is beginning........finally. Had a fitting today & it was perfect. Good to know I haven't lost ALL my brains this last 4 years with my Autistic Wonder Child!
Another fitting next Thurs, beginning to get into a routine here with the sewing.
Worked a bit in my sewing area....can't call it a room yet, as I'm carvng out space in the double garage. I added the power strip today, which enabled me to plug in more lighting, the clock so I know what I'm billing......as well as a radio for some company when I'm out there. Have a new to me book shelf so I unpacked a few more boxes that didn't have anywhere to go before.
Made a deposit, paid a couple bills online and got the baby gifts to the new daddy. He shared a bunch of pics with me which was fun. Baby dealing with a touch of jaundice; perhaps looking at a short hospital stay for this.
Sent an email reminder to my tenants at the other house; their rent is due here in 2 days. Got a reply this time, they promised the check would be mailed tomorrow. They also confirmed they were still planning on staying at the house, even with the current licensing difficulties they are having. I had asked about the status of the outdoor spaces & they chose not to answer that question. Will send it again as soon as I receive the check.
Participate in my first real survey; have $15.00 now in that account. Need $50 for distribution. I was beginning to think I was never going to qualify for anyones' survey! Did another online and received a $10 Amazon G/C. Nice.
I find it interesting when sitting down to write here; there isn't much that goes on in a day that doesn't relate to my finances in some way. I'm positive I do a better job of managing my funds when I'm really tuned in to them....so writing daily is a good tool for me.
Posted in
$ OUT,
$ IN,
sewing & knitting
June 8th, 2006 at 09:42 pm
Freecycle......it's my kind of 'shopping'. I unloaded my new desk I had picked up last week & is it ever great. I think it is going to work to streamline my office area. I haven't shopped for office furniture for a few years, but this thing must be over $500. Very nice.......and totally free.
Today, I picked up a couple boxes of iris, as well as a handful of perinneals in pots. Again, a freecycle item! Since this person was a gardener, I left them some of my squash starts, they said they hadn't found any yet.......So, it turned out to be a nice trade. Think there is more coming from this connection too.......they have asked me to stop by again Sat, as they are digging up more plants & dividing.
Also picked up a big box of picture frames and bulletin boards from another freecycler.......I am planning to use the frames for some of my calligraphy pieces for gift this coming year. Again: Free!
So, a little gas and about an hours time gives me many dollars worth of goods. And, it's so much more fun than any other kind of shopping to me. Garage sales run a close second!
Posted in
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
Frugal Gardening
June 8th, 2006 at 01:30 pm
This month will be packed with dozens of transitions for me. As I phase out of my job, which I've been doing for the last 33 years, things are coming up on a daily basis. I realized I've only got today and tomorrow to get up at the crack of dawn to get someone on a school bus......Pretty sure that habit is formed & I will still be an early riser, but to not HAVE to be linked to a bus schedule is going to be huge.
I've got my last full paycheck here on the desk today; one more partial check due the first week of July. I think I can get the income back up to speed as well as be able to cut costs since I won't be maintaining a license here & dealing with all the requirements that involves. As I pay bills this month, there are several that are for "the last time".
Transitioning leads to reflection, which isn't a bad thing. Pondering where I've ended up after working in social services for 3 decades.....not exactly rolling in cash here, but I do feel good about what I've accomplished.
The upcoming decades however, I think I'm going to practice some selfish behaviors and see that I'm a little higher on my infamous TO DO list here. After attending a retirement seminar this week, I've got plenty of new inspiration to get my assets beefed up before I'm too old to be able/or want to work. Best get to crackin'!
Posted in
keeping track
June 8th, 2006 at 01:08 am
After 4 days at my moms, I'm rejuvinated & ready to put in some work here at my house. Her place is looking good, but mine looks like I've been on a vacation!
I came home to find my $50. G/C for Amazon in the mail.......Nice!.......as well as finding out I couldn't get online. Worked with Comcast & for the first time, they were really nice. Could have something to do with the fact the difficulties were theirs this time.....they had done some upgrades & since I have their phone service too, they couldn't automatically re set my modem without me being here. Anyway, obviously, we're back up and running.
During the same Comcast call, I found out my mom can switch to comcast phone......saving her about $20. a month and saving me $17 that I pay for her to have long distance each month. Again, a nice surprise. She'll handle the switch next week, so both of us will be getting a little break on her phone bill.
3rd surprise upon coming home was finding out my autistic kiddo is expected at the train station Sat AM for another camping trip. Was I free to take him to the train??? E-Gads, Yes. So, another couple days with him gone. I'm winding down with him, but still don't have a day for him to move out.
No news about our families new little baby, and I'm not calling their house in case anyone is getting a chance to nap. I figure they'll keep me in the loop if anything is new news. Heading up to see the little guy as soon as I'm fancy free in July.
Also in todays mail, the assessors office paperwork on the real estate values. Each piece has gone up in value approx $100,000. Not sure what numbers I should be using for the net worth, but if it's these........it just went UP!!!
Off to the gardens here.......they are looking unkept.
Posted in
keeping track
June 7th, 2006 at 06:20 am
Busy day. Still working at my moms, but we're staying close to the computer, getting updates on the new baby all the time. Pictures as well as emails from the parents. So far, all is well.
Worked in moms gardens all morning, then she remembered her bank was offering a retirement seminar for women so we quickly cleaned up and headed for town. The afternoon was great. Free (wonderfully catered) lunch, great speakers and a nice workbook to figure assets/liabilities and net worth. The theme was "growing your retirement". The featured speaker was a landscape archetect. Great slides, the garden theme seemed odd at first, but since we barely had the dirt out from under our nails......we got used to it.
Went directly from there to a store, my mom had to buy baby gifts. (I had my hand made gifts done already, so no money on my part today) Mom was getting jazzed up re; her gardens after seeing our work this AM, then the slides this afternoon, she bought a ton of plants.
Got most everything planted when we got home, she cooked dinner, I dug, planted and watered. Things look soooo nice. Hope to have pictures before I leave tomorrow. The water feature we planned, didn't happen. The old container wasn't water tight, so we ended up planting in it instead.
Thanks everyone for the good grandma wishes re; our new little guy. I'm so used to working with kids having kids, this is a new venture. A couple that has been married now for a few years, has a home, their own business, a foster license with other kids placed in their home........and now a planned for baby. Pretty fun to watch when it's all in the proper order.
Posted in
no $pending day
June 6th, 2006 at 06:26 am
Our baby really rushed things and arrived this morning at 3:05AM........a full month early. So far all's well, but they will be in the hospital a couple of days just to make sure.
It was an exciting day, as the baby decided he was going to be born during his parents trip to Canada for a week end away! HA, ended that in a hurry, with an ambulance and all sorts of drama.
They did make it back to the states and all the way to their hospital and Dr of choice prior to the birth. Not sure I would have done things that way.....
I must really be getting old; excitement and drama are two things I tend to steer clear of!
Posted in
June 5th, 2006 at 06:09 am
I'm gathering up my brain cells after a horrid week end with the autistic one. Have escaped for some R & R at my moms house........No phone, no cooking, it must be heaven.
We've got our TO DO list pretty packed again, but it is all different stuff than I would be doing at home, so it is a break.
I'm giving my mom a perm tomorrow AM. I've been doing this for her since I could barely reach the top of her head when she was sitting down. She really wanted to save some money!!!! To teach me how to do her hair ...I must have been about 6??? we figure. Anyway, it has been decades now, and I'm pretty good at it these days. I should figure out how much money she has saved over the years! Too bad she never learned how to cut my hair, now that would have been a deal.
We're off to the thrift stores again tomorrow afternoon, mom got a bunch of bargains last week end and she is anxious to try again. We're searching for some odd things to put in her new gardens...... Garden art sorts of stuff.
We're using my entertainment book and planning to go out to dinner tomorrow night... just haven't decided where yet. Then, Tuesday, we have an appt with the financial advisors at our bank, to discuss where she should/could put the procedes from the 2 lots she just sold.
If the weather cooperates, a little gardening is on the agenda too, hoping to set up a tiny water feature for her. If so, I've got my camera & will post pics. She is pretty wow-ed when it comes to seeing any of her garden on line. Too fun!
Going to continue to take total advantage of my break.....don't need to be back home and at work til Wed noon. (I do need to get a jacket cut out and basted while here....a customer is coming for a fitting right away on Thurs morning.)
Posted in
no $pending day,
Frugal Gardening,
sewing & knitting
June 4th, 2006 at 10:49 pm
I'm exhausted. Too shot to drive to my moms.........so I'm taking a time out, going to have something to eat, then head over to her place later this evening when I've calmed down.
We've been in meltdown mode since yesterday.........crisis mode all week (which is a step or two just before a total meltdown).
Thought this AM was going to go OK, but nope........I was so wrong. Kiddos mom came to pick him up for a 3 day visit and on his way out, started to hit & swear like a street fighter. I get a break until Wed noon. It will take me all of that to recover. Todays event was the first time he had done this in front of the other 2 guys.......they were great, followed directions and stayed in their rooms when I needed them to. But, they were scared.
I'm so glad we're not going to have to go through this too many more times before this little guy finds his new abode. I'm just hoping the new place is set up for dealing with this out of control kid, not just the cute little guy that will be coming to visit them on Tues.
Having no money would be preferable to continuing on this same road. I'll manage retiring just fine, this week has been a horrid reminder of why I need to quit. I do wish it wouldn't have been with quite such a show of fireworks however. A simple good bye and thanks so much would have sufficed.
I don't envy the bio mom today. She had him in her car, screaming and biting........and had a couple hour drive ahead of her!
There is a nap in my immeadiate future, then 3 days at my moms. Hoping to be a normal person again one of these days.
Posted in
June 4th, 2006 at 04:04 am
Found yet another benefit here....... I needed another book of checks in my checkbook, after writing the last one Wed. When I got the next book out, it had the familiar Reorder Form on the top. From habit, I dropped this into my bill folder here on my desk.......thinking I would handle it when I paid bills the next time.
But, I took it right back out when I realized the 2 books of checks I have left will last me 10 more months at the rate I'm writing checks. Needless to say, I tossed the re order form, making a note in my daytimer WAY down the road to look into some more checks.
When I meet with the financial advisor at the bank next month, I'll ask about free checks, can't remember if I've seen that offered at the new bank or not.
I've always had a thing for my checks, it is hooked to my addiction to stationary and writing utensils I believe. But, since I only write 4-5 checks a month now, I think I can drop the special checks. Just as long as I have my duplicate copy, I'll be happy.
So, with the obvious savings on postage and time........fewer checks are also going to end up giving me more money IN the account.
Posted in
keeping track
June 3rd, 2006 at 05:30 pm
I've been trying to figure out a mysterious happening in my front yard now for a couple days......and finally, this morning, I had one of those AH HA moments. Ended up being one of those situations where it was something I had actually done, didn't realize it and it's turning out to be a good thing.
My front yard at the new place was not even close to a yard........so I ended up having fill dumped in front all winter. Finally got the dozer out and got it all graded, tilled and such. Before my dozer friend left, I had asked him to help with a HUGE favor....a horribly icky job. The previous owners had 2 black plastic earth machine things in the front yard....and I wanted them gone. With the dozer, my friend tipped them over, scooped up the crud and put at the edge of the new graded area. He tilled the stuff under and then graded it again, so the mess was all cleaned up.... What a friend, this was a nasty job.
Anyway.........I've got the best crop of cucumber vines now starting up in that area. Can you say salad & veggies for free all season?? A pleasant surprise for sure. It looks like that is all that's going to come up, but how nice??
I would never have got the grass seed in this season anyway, so a front yard of cucumber vines sounds just perfect!!
Posted in
Frugal Gardening
June 3rd, 2006 at 01:08 am
After spending time listing my assets & liabilities.........and knowing I needed to list the CC balances, I've come to a conclusion.
Since I've got the cc's on zero interest for now.......I'll not be racing to pay them off. Duh, I wonder what sized timber needed to hit me over the head for this decision? (for those of you shaking your heads here, try- just try living with an autistic young man for the last 4 years and see if you remember your own name???)
I do have the funds to pay off the cards, but I'll be happy to leave them in an interest bearing account until the cards need to be paid off. Until then, I'll make the minimum payment on both cards that absorbed the debt from the business/sister situation last year.
The personal cc will continue to get paid off each month. I'm still hassling over the 4 identical charges, on the same day last month.......that aren't mine. The company couldn't find the charge either, but so far, they haven't cried 'error' either. The 4 charges total a tad over $100 so I'm not giving up. I did get the trial membership charges taken off, as I had cancelled these within the 30 days. (note to self....don't do these again, at least until life here has settled down)
So, the decisions re cc's include:
-leave the big balances where they are, until the last minute, then pay them off.
-this leaves the cash in my accounts until the last minute......working at adding up interest income.
-keep a close eye on the personal cc account statements, not filing them until I have reviewed each line item.
-realized I am not a cc spender, I can actually make money with this situation.
Posted in
$ IN,
keeping track
June 2nd, 2006 at 02:05 pm
Since I'm headed in to my bank for a complementary meeting with the financial advisor ............I thought I should review my assets/liabilities so it sounds like I know something when I go in.
I started last night and got totally waylaid with the miriad of online banking accounts. Checked in with all of them, as well as the Paypal and Sharebuilder accounts and came away miffed that ING has such poopy interest rates compared to the others. Of course, ING is where I've got the most money as well as the auto deposit. So, I made some changes.
I finished the asset info and then moved on to liabilities. Found some glitches in this area too, with the recent bill for my personal cc. Gads, what a mess. I am still being billed for a couple of the trial offers I have already cancelled. I couldn't work on them, as the whole world was closed by the time I got to this project. Will do that this AM. Also found 4 charges that aren't mine, added that number to the TO DO list for today. And, in the process of working on this one bill........found a late charge. GASP. I don't do late charges. First off, checked the online bill payer history and sure enough, the amount was there, but AGAIN, the bank had tried to put it through to my kiddos social security account (also in my name). Called the cc customer service dept & explained my saga, got the late fee waived, paid the balance of the account and felt like I had done enough for one night.
Today, I will continue working on getting charges reversed on this cc, which will give me a credit for the upcoming month. I use this card for some ongoing bills like Netflix, etc. So, nothing goes on here that isn't already in the Master Plan for the household.
I will also finish up the Income section of this overhaul, so I don't sound so lame when the Bank Person asks me my monthly income. Not sure she would think my faith based system here would hold water!!
Bottom line on my situation.........
~ I'm pleased with my emergency fund, it could handle a disaster sized emergency.
~ My investments are fairly diverse, feel like they are almost balanced, but am looking forward to having them reviewed.
~ Income needs to be beefed up. Will do this as I get closer to July 1st, when my time consuming kiddo moves out.
~ I need to schedule regular times to review the online banking accounts, or combine them, or something different. I put money in and forgot them. Not sure this is in my best interest.
Posted in
keeping track
June 2nd, 2006 at 05:14 am
Since Jeffrey requested interested members to assist with sister sites, I've been having a great time with the site pertaining to frugal gardening.
Because gardening is such a visual art, and since I just moved to a new place with virtually NO gardens worth a picture.........I'm advertising for some help here! I've been placing the following ad on Craigs list, but thought I'd run it past everyone here too.
Want to share pictures of your gardens on line? www.frugalgardening.com is accepting pics right now for our new garden photo of the week feature.
Anything related to gardening qualifies~ but I’m especially interested in gardens created with hard work and creativity rather than those that had big budgets & a team of gardeners.
We need pictures of gardens, or individual flowers………..water features or garden art, even the container garden on your deck.
Here’s your chance to share your creations with others, just email photos & descriptions if you like to:
Info@savingadvice.com and they will be added to the website in the order they are received.
Check back often to view the new info going up each week and to see when your garden shots go “Live”.
The site also has an area for garden tips, which is at this point, just one lonely tip from Flash. I know there are others here that are gardeners, how about sharing some of your wisdom with the rest of us???
And, finally..........if any of you have ideas of articles we should be including, please let me know. I work so much better with a plan!! 
Posted in
Frugal Gardening,
June 2nd, 2006 at 02:14 am
Looking back through the paperwork for May, as I noted, I wrote very few checks and kept the receipts for all cash purchases. Neither brought any surprises. This month I don't think I can do any better, I will still have to pay the few bills with checks as they aren't set up to do bill payer. I will most likely spend even less with the cash, as I won't be able to go anywhere pretty darned soon.
My kiddo was supposed to go to school until the 15th (which would give me free time during the day).....but as of today, it looks like a week from today will be his last day. Can't figure out a school district that can't come up with a difinitive Last Day. Drat! Anyway, this will put me at home with him, until he moves. His mom is actively looking for his next home......but has rejected them so far (as has my kiddo). Don't tell anyone, but he's spoiled! Been here with me for 4 years.....prior to that with his mom; so it is going to be a tough sell no matter what.
I asked the housemate person for summer shoes for me.......and by this afternoon, here they were. From one of her auctions....a new pair of Birkenstok sandles. Nice. Absolutely WAY better than what I was going to buy for myself. And, FREE....my favorite word.
So, one more thing off my list here.
For June, I'm going to continue sewing for a few customers, hoping to fit them in between autistic events here with the kiddo home. And, I'll try to pack anything he will let me, so he will be ready to move. Last time, he wouldn't allow any packing to be done until the truck was in the driveway, so not feeling very optomistic on this one.
I'll have my sewing ad all ready paid for in the paper to the north of me....don't want to start that until July, as I wouldn't be able to keep up until I've got my days to myself here...but, I'll be ready for it to come out the first issue in July.
New customer coming tomorrow morning. Big job........actually easy, but big money is more accurate. She can't buy what she wants in ready made, and she needs this garment.......Glad to oblige and relieve her of some of her money! 
Finished my reviews for InsiderPages and got my confirmation already (same day) of the $50.00 g/c for Amazon.com. Will watch MyPoints for any offers through Amazon and see if I can start putting together gifts for Christmas & birthdays this year.
I've added another "job" to my list here. I'm taking some items from the housemates auction stash and listing them on Craigs list. Been more than busy answering emails and showing the 'merchandise' to buyers. And, taking money!!! The best part.
No shortage of stuff to sell here; that is a good thing!
Posted in
keeping track,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
sewing & knitting
June 1st, 2006 at 03:14 pm
I'm sure I would have quit work this month anyway, but with the experience of the $20 Challenge, I am doing it with a different frame of mind I believe.
Since brainstorming about the original Challenge, trying to come up with ways to make money outside of what I was doing at the time..........I had a whole list of things I was capable of doing. So, retirement and choosing to just go it on my own was the obvious choice to me.
Without the Challenge & the thought put in on it, I'm not sure how this would have felt. A bit like taking a trip without knowing if I should head to the airport, the docks........or stick out my thumb! I'm grateful for the timing of it all. Finding this site, the Challenge itself and the last 5 months I've had to get things in order to make this change.
I'm fairly confidant I can pull off this life change here; my list of income producing possibilities is growing and things seem to be falling into place. I am aiming to stay here at my home, work for myself and still have plenty of time to tackle the rest of the items on my Do Before I Die list.
All this, thanks to the $20 Challenge. But, as I retire, it makes sense to retire the Challenge too.........as it has now become the Official Retirement Plan here!
Spending today, as rent is due on the antique booth. I've got a few things ready to take in. Hopefully, there is a paycheck waiting for me!!
Posted in
June 1st, 2006 at 02:47 am
For the first time in my life, I've kept receipts for everything I've purchased this month. Also kept a tight rein on the checks written....
Paid the normal bills online, and wrote 5 checks for the month of May. Spent a total of $792.98 between checks and cash expenditures for the month. (the largest bill is the housekeeping, which I pay for my moms too) So, not bad at all. Didn't have any receipts for things that didn't have a purpose, nothing I couldn't account for.
I did learn that I need to close off the file of receipts each month, I have been tossing them in a folder on my desk for the last 4 months, and that wasn't the easiest method. I don't think I need to repeat this exercise, as there isn't any out of control spending, nor money disappearing, etc. My receipts should just go in the to be filed section, and put in the proper places during the month. It was nice to know that my 'feeling' about what I was spending, was right on.
I'll still continue to pay bills online, as that is one of my favorite things this computer does for me. I'll write fewer and fewer checks each month, as I add regular bills to the online account. And, I'll continue to cash one of my smaller paychecks each month, using that money as cash in my pocket. I always have most of it left by the end of the month........and either make a deposit with the extra or choose to not cash the next check.
I paid bills today, giving another payment to the 2 zero interest CC accounts. The balance was just over 10,000 when I started with the two (nasty leftover business/sister situation)............and todays total for the 2 cards is $8663.17 I am making progress! With the huge cut in my income this summer....I'm not going to see major changes in this total, it will still be going down, but not by much each month. Frustrates me to have something so negative hanging around....but, I see no other way.
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no $pending day,
keeping track
May 31st, 2006 at 03:14 pm
The planets must have been alligned right last night, as we've had a financial 'awakening' here at my house. The person that shares my house.....not the bills.......has just agreed to cover half the expenses for the house each month. Good thing I was sitting down. Good thing I don't suffer from a weak heart or something. I am stunned....and impressed with her....Finally!
So, my share of money to magically make appear by the first of every month is approx $1300. I can do that. If we could just find a 3rd person to add to the mix here, it would be even nicer. I continue to advertise & tell everyone I run into.
Along the lines of monthly expenses & this housemate person .........we've started a new habit. She is the one that goes to the storage unit auctions and has just mountains of stuff she sells. But, she has never really got off the couch to do much active "selling". She was more the wait til some prospective buyer just happened to come to the door type....
So, the new deal is.........every morning, we have our coffee at my desk and I read the Craigs list WANTEDS to her & respond to all the posts that match some of her junk. I've got her so busy, the couch thinks she's moved. And, her cell phone battery did die for the first time she said! This weeks hot items are a collection of 70's era speakers and a bunch of tires! Who knew?
Aiming for a no spend day today, I've been gone for a few days so there is a bit of a back log on my TO DO list here. Gardening of course........and getting the van packed with things for the weekly re stock trip to the antique booth.
And a big TA DA..... I've got leaf lettuce mature enough to pick to add to the salads tonight. Makes my day to pick free food. The cost of the seeds, under a dollar, we've got our own water......didn't need to fertilize, so it adds up to pretty close to free food in my book. Now, I just need to remember to sow some more salad greens every other week to keep us in greens for the remainder of the summer.
Off to preview the Wanted posts on Craigs list...........time to see who is "shopping"!!
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no $pending day,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word
May 31st, 2006 at 02:41 am
I jumped right back to work this AM after leaving my moms........had 3 days there, getting waited on and spending almost nothing.
Picked up a freecycle item.........free chicken wire for the on going coop project here...then, got a MUCH needed hair cut from my sewing customer. She has referred my name & number to more people over this holiday week end too....yeah. And, she does a fine haircut too!
Then, I was close to the bank & thought I would swing in & make a deposit and see if I could check with their financial advisors to get a better deal on some money I have in their platinum savings account. I know it isn't in the wisest place, but I rarely have time with no kids.........so this was my first oportunity. Listened to some info, took a self evaluation thing to see where I fall on the risk assesment....(Very risky, I am!) I knew that from the last time someone walked me through those same questions. Anyway, bottom line, the person I needed to speak to only works Wed, Thurs & Fri.........in the afternoons. Of course. So, that means I can't get anything different done with this money until July, unless something odd happens to my schedule.
I didn't have to do anything to get the interest rate increased on the accounts I do have. The bank person just changed those, said I qualified for a special deal due to the number of accounts & $$. Wonder how long I was missing out on that??
I will meet with the person when schedules permit, but I'm just not all that comfortable with someone else telling me what to do with my money. Mom & I talked about putting our accounts together & having a bigger sum, wondering if that would be any help?? Just thinking and wondering at this stage, but both of us feel we're not in the right place with these little pots of money.
Mom's going to a finance seminar for women this coming week, I can't go, so I told her to take great notes & we would look at them together next chance we got.
Did some work getting an apartment of moms cleared out........now ready to get new toilet set, carpets cleaned and then a day with my Oh So Great Housecleaner!! She will be ready to rent the apt then........for more money than she ever has too. Way to go Mom! She is also going to rent the garage seperately I think, as I've been sending her Craigs list postings, & she has seen how dear garage space is around her area....she could ask lots more than just offering it as a bonus to the tenant......for nothing.
It will feel good to sleep in my own bed, but I'll get a rude awakening tomorrow AM when I'm back to cooking here!
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no $pending day
May 30th, 2006 at 06:43 am
Yes, I went shopping, at a real store, not a thrift store, or garage sale. Spent actual money too, not a g/c. I had to meet my week end kiddos mom and as the schedule went, we were hours early. So, not being near my home, we headed to a store with a garden dept & I picked up some more veggie starts I didn't have.
Since shopping isn't a vice for me, I had a hard time wasting enough time in the store & we ended up almost an hour early at the pre appointed meet up site. (I had already taken said kiddo for a walk at the track)
I always have a tablet & writing utensil with me, so I spent the hour writing a couple articles and ideas for articles for www.frugalgardening.com Better use of time than staying in the store, in my opinion.
I was amazed at the stuff for sale in the store. Not sure when the last time was that I was in something that qualified as a store......definately last year. Been years, plural, since I've done anything close to a mall. Felt like I was wandering in another country.
I'm spending one more night at my moms, then heading home in the AM. Stopping on the way to pick up a load of chicken wire (thanks Freecycle) and then getting my much needed haircut. (my first new sewing customer is a hair stylist, so I'm going to her......needing to remember to thank her, she has already sent referrals my way!!)
Posted in
$ OUT,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
Frugal Gardening
May 27th, 2006 at 04:25 pm
I'm heading to my moms again, for a 3 day break. I will be taking one of my "boys" with me, but he is an easy guy to be with.
So, the biggest treat of all, is the no cooking feature! Mom loves to cook & I don't do any of that when at her place. I trade and handle all the little things that cropped up on her TO DO list.... Still working on the touch up paint project there.....just can't seem to get that tackled.
Also helping her come up with a formal letter for one of her tenants she wants to have move. We need to do some research into the landlord/tenant act, so we follow the law with timing, etc. Her tenant knows this is coming, and has mentioned it to my mom, so it isn't going to be a nasty situation, but we still need to follow guidelines, etc.
Will also help get her apt. spiffed up to rent. She had some work done this week & is ready to put the sign up. I think I've got her convinced to ask the going rate for her rentals for the first time in ages. She has always been WAY under market on these, but now she has to hire any repairs done (dad used to do them) and the property taxes are so much higher.........she needs to make the rent cover the costs.
We have plans to go walking with friends over the week end and a short trip to the beach just for fun. Also, a shopping trip to the local thrift stores; we're looking for clothes for mom and yard art for her new garden area we're putting together. Mom says she can never find anything at the thrift stores, but LOVES a good bargain, so I'm going with her to see what the glitch is.
I've also got an outdoor job to finish up there, some drain tiles I had removed a couple weeks ago to find a clog in the system .... Cleaned it out, but didn't put everything back. Need to finish that up.
So, a change of scenery, no autistic kiddo, someone else doing the cooking.........sounds like heaven.
Not coming home til Tuesday!!!
Posted in
no $pending day
May 26th, 2006 at 06:06 pm
Love online bill paying. Usually. I am over being ticked at the mix up with the house payments last month. Gads, what a snafuu.
The changes the online bank helper & I made to the multiple accounts has shown up and seems like it has solved the difficulties.
Noticed a direct deposit to my checking account of $93.00 but I have no idea who the money is from. Love added funds, but would like to know from where??? Couldn't get more info from online, will have to look into it some other way. Money from half.com is regularly making it's way into my checking account, not going to support myself with these deposits, but I like them anyway.
Not as anxious to pay off the cc balance since the whole amount is at zero interest at this point. Funny to me. I have the money in other accounts, but here I am paying monthly to cc. Guess I'll go along like this til the increase in interest moment....then pay it off. Might as well earn interest on the money until then. I am paying 3 times the minimum anyway.
Just another tidbit to add to my odd bits about me........I love paying bills. Just like I love ironing. Something about a routine activity & seeing results of my efforts I think. I can turn bill paying into an "Activity" here. Favorite music, cleaned off desk space, flowers, candle .......the whole shebang. Even when I didn't have enough money to go around. Even when the list of those who wanted my money was WAY longer than my dollars available, I've enjoyed paying bills. Go figure.
Posted in
May 25th, 2006 at 10:17 pm
I feel like I'm back in business today. I've already had one sewing customer this morning, a new one.....and I've also completed her job. She will be returning this afternoon to pick it up.
Just got a call from new customer #2, she is on the way, got a little lost. She will be waiting for her order, or leaving postage so I can mail it to her when finished.
And, my first customer in this new venture is coming to pick up another order this afternoon.
So, 3 people in one day. TA DA. Feel like I'm on the right track. The ad has been in the paper 6 times at this point, 2 of todays people are from that ad and the other is from Craigs list, so I need to continue with that too.
Just getting back to this entry, have had customers all day! So fun! And I get paid for it. Gotta love that. And, I didn't have to go anywhere, nor did it cost me anything. All good things. And, I met some very great people in the process.
One more pick up this afternoon for an order that is all finished, then I can call it quits and get started on the "other" job for the day...my kiddo's bus will be here in 15 minutes.
Just tossed a loaf of banana bread in the oven, getting my kiddo ready to go camping this weekend, and buying treats is out of the question. Have cookies done already.......now we just need to get him packed this evening and I get 3 whole days without him. Can't hardly wait.
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no $pending day,
$ IN,
sewing & knitting