Home > Shameless Plug Here..........

Shameless Plug Here..........

June 2nd, 2006 at 04:14 am

Since Jeffrey requested interested members to assist with sister sites, I've been having a great time with the site pertaining to frugal gardening.

Because gardening is such a visual art, and since I just moved to a new place with virtually NO gardens worth a picture.........I'm advertising for some help here! I've been placing the following ad on Craigs list, but thought I'd run it past everyone here too.

Want to share pictures of your gardens on line? is accepting pics right now for our new garden photo of the week feature.

Anything related to gardening qualifies~ but I’m especially interested in gardens created with hard work and creativity rather than those that had big budgets & a team of gardeners.

We need pictures of gardens, or individual flowers………..water features or garden art, even the container garden on your deck.

Here’s your chance to share your creations with others, just email photos & descriptions if you like to: and they will be added to the website in the order they are received.

Check back often to view the new info going up each week and to see when your garden shots go “Live”.


The site also has an area for garden tips, which is at this point, just one lonely tip from Flash. I know there are others here that are gardeners, how about sharing some of your wisdom with the rest of us???

And, finally..........if any of you have ideas of articles we should be including, please let me know. I work so much better with a plan!! Smile

5 Responses to “Shameless Plug Here..........”

  1. jeffrey Says:

    The tip section is my fault...there are more, I just haven't had the time to get them up. One of many points on my growing list of things to do...

  2. wixx Says:

    The best form of frugal gardening would be growing vegetables or herbs that will save you money in the long run. I think a nice patch of herbs surrounded by snapdragons would look beautiful, and the herbs would pay for the entire layout once harvested.

  3. contrary1 Says:

    Thanks wixx...........I agree, veggies in the garden make so much sense it has me pondering why everyone doesn't do this??? Takes almost no money, some things just come up and produce without much effort...and the thrill of producing free stuff for the table is just the kind of high frugal folks are looking for!

    In our area, people have plant sales sort of like garage sales. So, the herb idea could end up not only paying for itself, but actually bring in some income... Hmmm another point to ponder!

  4. flash Says:

    Well, I did give you a plug in the forum where people were asking about people no longer's a great way to save and even sell.

    I'm surprised how many people think you need a farm to raise fruit trees, when the dwarfs do well... I've got quite a few things set on. And blueberries, I gave them away to everyone who would come pick last year. They are set on but not yet blue...I'll try to remember to take some pics, if you write the article around it!

    The veggie garden, well, I can send you a nice picture of dirt and's our too do list. Maybe that's another tip...plan, but break it down into projects. We did the blueberries one year, the trees another, and the veggie garden sits between waiting for it's turn. Garden's don't have to be done all at once, and it's cheaper not to.

    Oh, and trees go on autumn clearance...which is actually the best time to plant...

  5. contrary1 Says:

    Thank you Flash! I've not thought about the fruit tree area yet.........I've always had some, so it just feels like everyone should I suppose.

    I am missing my blueberry bushes this year.........definately a yes on the pictures & the article for splicing food producing shrubs/trees/plants into ones landscaping will be added to the TO DO list.

    Any pictures, always.............. Just submit them to Jeffrey whenever you have time. Thanks much!!!

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