Viewing the 'no $pending day' Category
November 12th, 2006 at 06:15 am
It seems like I've been packing 2 days worth of work into each day here......... Sewing has taken up most of the last couple days; I had a huge order that was to be finished by tomorrow. I worked on it all week, then today really didn't do anything but this order. The customer called, said he couldn't get here tomorrow, could he come tonight?? I said yes, sewed faster....and guess what? The time I gave him as the cut off tonight has come & gone & he isn't here, hasn't called....and I'm cranky. His total might go up on the bill before he gets here! He is a first time customer, but will be a regular, as he has a very odd body shape & isn't able to get clothes off the rack. (good for me, bad for him)
Maybe I'll be more tolerant in the AM, after a nights sleep....
Worked a bit the last couple days getting the house a little closer to Thanksgiving-ready. Cleaned, dunged out stuff & Freecycled most of it today. Yeah! Love when piles of "stuff" make their way down the road...
Grateful I am not living in a flood plain. With all our rain here, almost everyone knows someone who has lost their home or the contents of their home. Although I can't understand building where there is a risk of being underwater; I do feel sorry for the folks that are displaced.
Grateful Room mate persons truck is finally back from the body shop. Insurance did cover the repairs; no idea of the damage to our policy at this point. Said room mate person added another $150 to her rent due for Oct tonight. Glad to have something.......hope I live long enough to see her be able to pay her way on a regular basis.
Planning on an off day tomorrow. Not even going to venture into the sewing room. Thinking a yummy pot of coffee, the wood stove going and my knitting.... My version of contentment!
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no $pending day,
sewing & knitting,
November 6th, 2006 at 02:47 am
It's been 3 full weeks & here's the updated picture, taken today.

Today was also moving day for the chicks, as they have outgrown this tub they are in. Got some much needed assistance & created a contained area of the coop for them, so they are no longer crowded. (somehow forgot how quickly they grow)
They are old enough to be eating all the kitchen scraps now, in addition to their grain. Nice that they earn their keep!
Thankful the weather has warmed up, or I'd have to be knitting chick sized blankies or something to keep these little ladies warm. Have a heat lamp on all the time, as they are still too little to generate much body heat. Just getting their grown up feathers now....and looking way less cute & fuzzy.
I either counted wrong, or we were sent an extra chick....... I ordered 24, they advertise they send a Fancy Breed Chick along with each order........which would make 25. One was dead in the box when it arrived, so I assumed I was down to 24......and when I transferred them to the new abode, I counted 25 again. (never have been good with numbers!!)
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no $pending day,
keeping track
November 3rd, 2006 at 02:06 am
I started my day with a moral question and veered off the straight and narrow to tell a small fib........lie..........white lie.....whatever you call it. Not quite the truth, but if I just let the day happen, I wasn't going to like it either. Now that the day is almost over....I think I made the right choice.
I had scheduled the repair person that was referred to me by my old furnace man for mid morning today. Only to find out last night that the couple living in the travel trailer out back......had a friend in the heating business that was volunteering to come fix the trailers aged heat system.... AND, they would come inside & take a look at the house furnace too. Fixing it if they could....
So, this AM, I left a voice mail for the scheduled appointment and asked if I could re schedule it.........Then, this evening the "volunteers" took a look at the offending hulk of a furnace...only to be stumped. He did get the pilot light lit on the propane fireplace, so I've got an emergency, back up to the wood stove if needed now.
I'll call tomorrow & set up the furnace company again.......But, I'm OK with the chain of events today. I would have felt awful if the furnace was fixed this AM, and then the guys came in tonight to find I had already handled it.
Sort of a save face kind of event..... And, we're not freezing, the temperature has gone back to a more normal 40 something and wet & rainy.
I did learn more about furnaces.....and I do think I could light the pilot light by myself now......so it was a good day. No money spent on this project yet , however, no heat either! Will start again in the AM.
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no $pending day
October 31st, 2006 at 05:31 pm
What a beautiful day..........as long as I don't have to spend much time outside! Yikes it's cold here. We're up to a crisp 27 now, but it was 21 when I first got up. I thought I was the only one who had a wood stove cranked up and sheets on the clothesline.....but I read Thrifty Rays' entry this week and she did the same thing!
I am truly looking forward to the dried outside sheets on the bed tonight.......just hope they don't freeze & break into chunks when I take them down! 
Finally got an email re; selling a book!! It had been months and months since I have had a sale. I did take everything off half.com and re list them all on Amazon. Bingo. A sale. Shipped it yesterday. Since the books are free to me, this is a great addition of free money to the account.
I've got enough points in MyPoints again to turn in for something substantial. Need to think of this for Christmas ideas..... and redeem it pretty soon as I always forget how long these take to receive.
Knitting classes this AM and then off to pick up another freecycle find. Hoping todays run takes care of my kitchen table dilema. Moms offering hasn't worked out well as the table still has no legs! Also have 2 free vintage baby carriages coming this week; which will be great at the antique booth.
Looking forward to another no spender here today............I'll get my classes & errands done, then I'm hoping to curl up near the wood stove and knit. (current project; socks for ME)
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no $pending day,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
sewing & knitting
October 29th, 2006 at 05:13 pm
This should be the last month I'm having to withdraw funds from savings to pay monthly bills. I hate this..........
I'm actually paying November bills this week and looking forward to the first of December.......as the tenants in the other house will start paying rent then. Still feel like I made a good decision on this rental, but I'm definately excited to not have to "carry" this bill myself.
Everything is up to date, bill wise, and the dreaded property taxes have been paid. Sewing and knitting business is picking up.....it's a slow climb, but it is on the way.
Rental monies: Not good this month. Room mate person has only contributed half of her half so far......due to her vehicle accident. Plus, she didn't assist with the property taxes like promised either. Crummy situation, but I'm unable to think of an alternative. Everyone else has paid their little bits and done their part to keep us moving forward.
Another positive step with the latest electric bill...... They lowered my monthly average bill again!! TA DA. Even with all these extra people who don't know all 'my rules' yet. We're down to $105 per month now......... Started at $150, so we're making progress. This is the lowest I've ever had this bill, for as long as I've been keeping records which dates back to the 70's. Now it gets really challenging........we'll have to get pretty darned creative to cut it any further. (I'm willing to try however!)
Crossing my fingers that this next month I'll be able to generate enough money to cover expenses and start putting funds back INTO savings instead of making another withdrawal.
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no $pending day,
keeping track
October 27th, 2006 at 03:58 pm
Yes, I'm at my moms again this week......taking advantage of her "Bed & Breakfast" and a little peace & quiet compared to my 3 ring circus at the 'ranch'.
We've had a fun time, as usual.....and getting a couple things off the infamous TO DO list here.
I had decided to bite the bullet and take my good watch (seems to be my only watch too these days) in for a battery to see if that would make it GO. Come to find out, it didn't need one, it just needed to be kick started or something.....it's running now, at no charge. Nice surprise. I had to do something, as I'm finding a need for a watch when in knitting class, so I know when to wind things up....HA....Pun intended I guess! One location has no clock and I get too into the knitting, teaching and conversation and could end up keeping students there til the next day I think!
Also got a haircut, so I'm a brand new person.....at least it feels that way to me. I've got short hair, and that extra, too long 1/2" makes me fairly cranky; so it was definately time for a trim. Prices seem to fluctuate at the shop I visit. This time it was $14.00, used to be $13. but it is still 5 lower than around my house...... Will have to scout around for more coupons like I had last month.
Pulling a zero on the new to me table and chairs here at moms. She is positive they are all in her basement, but so far, I've got the chairs, 2 leaves and a table ........TOP. No legs for this event. Pretty sure we'd find this inconvenient!! Will give the search another try today before I head home. I'm determined to get a serviceable table, with 4 matching chairs......without paying for them of course! Where would the challenge be if I just went shopping??
Almost done with the knitted scarf to exchange for another massage tomorrow. I could get very used to this deal and I'm a speedy knitter, especially when it comes to this kind of knitting. I call it my 'idiot knitting' except when teaching a beginning class! Wouldn't do there........ But, it is just stupid straight knitting...I can do it while doing several other things at the same time! (very grateful I'm not forced to knit at the same time as running a household like women in previous generations had to do..... there is a device I've only seen in photos, of a 'wing' event, a needle that was held under a womans arm, enabling her to knit with one hand, while keeping up with her other chores.)
Time for breakfast I hear....... I'm so spoiled. Coffee, toast & home made jam of course.....and I smell bacon too. Is there anything more yummy than that? Especially when someone else does the cooking!!!
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no $pending day,
sewing & knitting
October 25th, 2006 at 05:06 am
I don't think I crossed off more than 2 things from my list today. I was like a train that kept de-railing..........all day long. The positive thing was; it was a no spender.
I did have a relaxing morning, which was a good thing, because there was no stopping once I got busy. Went to teach a private knitting lesson; and wonder of wonders, this woman has finally 'got it'. I was so pleased & she was just WAY excited. Very fun to have a part in this.
Stopped at the bank to make a decent deposit and while waiting in line had an Oh Gads moment........I had a sewing customer coming in 30 minutes. Headed straight home........and almost made it.
Rounding one of the last curves on the way home, the truck in front of me suddenly stopped (so I did too), the driver jumped out and ran ahead, already on his cell. I got out.........followed him to find a young man, face down in the road. By this time, we had another young man join us......but both guys were scared to approach the guy on the ground. Just because my drama quota wasn't filled yet, I volunteered. Found out the guy was definately alive, conscious and then started talking to him. Obviously, he was a bit disoriented, told me he was following Gods' plan & he was listening for direction. Told him, so was I........and we were both supposed to be moving to the shoulder, asap.
After about 30 minutes, with no response from the sherrif, I get the guy to the side of the road. Someone shuts off my van, I get a guy with a big truck to block my van, as I'm totally in a blind corner all this time....... Actually we all were......this kid was so lucky he wasn't killed.
Then, my customer drives by, slows down and opens his window..........Says my name & has this dazed look on his face as he takes in the situation.... Must have been something! Anyway, I told him to go back to my house, go in and get his order......he reported back to me that he had & that he made another 911 call, since we were obviously still having a "situation".
We got the guy sitting up, then he decided he needed to continue on with his walk........so I headed home to call 911 again, we were out of all of our reception areas at this time...and the driver #1 followed the young man with his flashers on.......
I heard from a neighbor, that the aide car & sherrif were coming up the road a bit later, so hopefully, they got this guy a room for the night and an evaluation of some sort.
By the time I got back here, I was SOOO cold, since I hadn't dressed for the event. Started the wood stove and then had another Oh Gads moment........ I had a customer coming in the early AM and I didn't have her order even started.
Flying to the sewing room........I grabed my notes and the supplies and started in. This was a one of a kind, never done it before, didn't know if it would work sort of job. Just the ticket for the afternoon I didn't really have my wits with me. But, I think I've got a possible successful attempt here....... I told the woman I would give it a try, then she would have to see if it worked..... Crossing fingers for this one.
I'm done for the night. Certainly not done with my TO DO list for the day; good thing I get a brand new day tomorrow!
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no $pending day,
sewing & knitting
October 24th, 2006 at 04:12 am
Not a ton of money, but there was some to the good column here today. The dog sitting event netted $60.00 which was a nice surprise! I earned it, but it was still a surprise, since I was doing it as a favor.
Had company almost all day........sometimes they overlapped which made it feel like we had a sign posted somewhere that said "Come On Over..." These kinds of days make me tired. No reason to be pooped, but I am.
I did make a few people sit in my sewing room to visit, so I could keep working, as I have some orders that need to be ready for pick up tomorrow. (that means money in tomorrow too...love that feeling)
I need to bite the bullet tomorrow and send off the payments for the 2nd half of the property taxes. I've waited as long as I can without missing the deadline of the 31st. Have them all set up for online payment, so it's a snap.
Picked up a fabulous find on freecycle today. I had asked for a wooden headboard......and I got one. When I got it home & see it in the daylight......It is soooo much better than I imagined it. I'm so excited to start working on this project; it will be the centerpiece of my room if it turns out half as good as I can visualize it in my head. I will need to buy the foam, and whatever else I think it needs to make it cushy, but it won't end up being anything close to the $800. bid I had from the decorator last winter. And, the cheaper a project ends up being; the better I end up liking it. There is a definate connection between the two.
Knitting a scarf to barter for another massage. Wonder how many scarves she can really use?? 
Sold a $100 table at the antique booth today....that will help get the numbers up this month. Can't wait to see how it's doing......heading there on Thursday. I've got the mini van almost full of new items; let's hope there is room to stuff them into the booth.
Spent nothing today. Ate leftovers from the week end. Got rid of 2 more boxes of excess stuff on Freecycle. Got lots of help on the TO DO list from the new couples....we are starting to look clean & spruced up wherever you look. Good to have all this help & I'm going to be sure to add more things to the list every week. (no dummy here!) 
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no $pending day,
$ IN
October 20th, 2006 at 01:06 am
We're full to the rafters here........all beds that is. Actually, we're out of beds and using the aerobed.
Found another couple, or they found me to be more exact. They are in the boys room until the week end. In the meantime, they are going to move the vintage travel trailer out from the overflow parking area and set it up as theirs in the back forty. No septic hook up, so they will be inside for bathroom & laundry........plus anything else they need. I love these two. Less than 24 hours after arriving, they have done things off my TO DO list already! What a treat for me.
Mom was here this AM, amidst the morning activity of all my new people heading off to jobs..... Good thing my mom is a go with the flow kind of lady! After the crowd thinned out, I gave her a perm and haircut, after which she promptly handed over a new 100 bill. Teased her about needing to get a perm more often!
Room mate person still dealing with car accident & paperwork (not her best thing). Truck out of the storage yard but not before a $700 fee. She just refuses to "hear" me when I mention things like how much it is costing per day for the vehicle..... Good thing she had the money; and unusual for her too. A few years ago, she would have had to let the vehicle just go. So, I guess there is progress. No word yet as to any impact this is going to have on me. Room mate person has pledged to cover any increase in our insurance premiums......It will be touch and go as to whether she CAN cover any increases.
Another no spender here for me. Also started a dog sitting event/favor for this week.....I know I'll get paid for this one too. Silly really since I already have a dog to walk, this one is no more work. But, I'm not going to argue when the doggies mommy hands me money next week!
I'm getting close to caught up on the sewing orders.......they were creeping up on me earlier in the week. Spent some time yesterday making organization from chaos in the sewing room too, which has helped my attitude. The nicer my space is, the more I love working in it. Funny how that works!
Made another "bed buddy" for my mom, hers was getting worn out and ugly. Simple white tube socks, (I put one inside another) fill with white cheap rice and sew shut. Heat in the microwave and toss in a cold bed while you're brushing your teeth.......absolutely heavenly to crawl into an already warm bed!! They are also nice to put around your neck, or on your lap. Saves turning the heat up sometimes.
Time's almost up here before everyone starts to return home. I truly love a full house!
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no $pending day,
$ IN
October 18th, 2006 at 03:10 am
As I was headed home from a new knitting class I've booked today........I started thinking about how today was another No Spend Day for me. That started me thinking about how that works, why it works and just how I end up living this way and not minding it at all. (I get more than a few questions from friends about my lack of spending)
I think the first thought has to be mulling over whether something is a need or a want. Those are pretty easy for me, as I am old enough I've easily got all my needs taken care of (or I should by now) and things are in the want catagory.
Once I have defined the need/want issue.....then the rest isn't as organized. I know I think hard about if I could do without whatever it is......or could I make it?........could I barter for it? Do I know someone else with one & do they still need theirs??
Obviously, I run through Craigslist and Freecycle to see if I could pick one up for the price of the drive....
And, there is the question about cost vs. payoff. Does the new item save money in the long run? Can it make me money all by itself? This is the area where I'm most likely to spend any money if I do spend.
At the end of the day; NOT spending money makes me more content than spending money. And, I haven't always been this way. I used to love shopping, clothes and things for my house........ These days I get just as jazzed with a box full of baby chicks or a van full of free downspouts!
Here's to chalking up another no spender here!!
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no $pending day,
lifes' rules
October 16th, 2006 at 04:28 pm
My 2 tables I picked up yesterday were terrific. Particularly love the rattan topped sofa table. All oak! And another end table, also oak.......plus the gentleman had found another table by the time I got to his house, so I got 3 gorgeous tables for a bit of a drive. What a savings! I've been furniture shopping with my mom the past few months and can't believe the price tags! This was WAY more my style.
Not even sure where I'm putting these....but they will all find homes either here or at my moms.
Todays freecycle deal is more downspout and gutter material, aiming to get it in my mini van since I don't have a reliable person with a truck around here. With the Navy mans help, we'll get gutters hooked up to the outbuildings and make my 2 rain barrels functional before next garden season.
It's a no spend day here....as is typical.
I'm planning to spend the bulk of the day in the sewing room. I've got clients coming towards the end of the week; for some reason 3 of them all with draperies needing hemmed. Easy jobs, but boy......have they taken up the space in the sewing room. Piles and piles of draperies!
The new little couple in the 4th bedroom is soooo young and soooo in need of almost everything. They make me so grateful for my parents. I can't imagine parents that would just not be there for kids like these. Anyway, they are safe, dry and happy to be here. The last 3 months they have been staying in one of the Seattle areas Tent Cities, so this place looks pretty good to them. Hopefully, they will take advantage of the situation & make some headway towards getting their lives on track. They have 2 interviews and a medical appt set up for today, so it looks like they are moving forward.
Cooking Note: Thanks to others here for continual inspiration to concoct new meals from existing items. We had a delightful Thai Braised Chicken dish last night...using up one of the many cans of coconut milk I have for some reason. Totally yummy. Fun to create and nice to get out of my cooking rut here.
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all things food,
no $pending day,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
sewing & knitting
October 15th, 2006 at 05:28 pm
I need to start moving faster, earlier and working longer days I guess. Where in the world have I spent half of October already?
I have more days in the month WITH sewing & knitting appointments than without. That is a step in the right direction. I am quoting and charging more money than I have before.....I typically don't charge enough for my time. Current jobs are almost laughable, when I'm working on them and then know what I'm going to write on the bill... I don't want to get too high, but so far, customers have been eager to pay what I'm quoting, so it must be pretty close to right on. There really isn't much competition out there to double check my prices, unless it's a dry cleaners.
The back 40 RV-ers have moved on already....one month rent from them and then we came to a mutual decision it wasn't working out. Have advertised this again.
The extra bedroom situation: I have a young couple coming this evening to move in for approx 3 months. I won't be making a ton of money on this deal, just enough to let them know they have to pay for housing. But, they are going to work on my TO DO list with/for me. With the new paint job here & my mind set changing........there are some projects I would love to get done. These are the perfect kids to do them.
RE: Room mate person....... Will continue to hold the line re; her paying half the expenses here at the house. Also hold her to paying off the personal loan from me for the now crunched truck. Also will drop her from the insurance if this effects my total bill in any way. (we have had our insurance together for decades now, as it was so much cheaper than each having insurance seperately) She has a great driving record, but I'm not willing to keep her on my policy if this accident turns out nasty. Will dole all this info out to her in teensy pieces, so she doesn't have a meltdown.
Will meet with horse people re; the winters use of the pastures here. They aren't making any steps to put in a sacrifice area, need to let them know I'll be watching for signs the pastures are going to pot and then give them their notice to move. I have learned I'm not charging near enough for the boarding......could actually be making some money on this part of the property.
It's another no spend day, with a pick up of a couple freecycle pieces of furniture. I'm working on outfitting the living room here as my knitting class area.......(currently is just a room with a fireplace) Love free stuff! Hopefully the 2 pieces I'm getting today will fit in somewhere here or at moms.
Dinners planned......finally using up a can of coconut milk (have no idea why I've got so many of these) in a Thai inspired chicken dish over rice. Should be yummy and totally out of the pantry & freezer.
Chick Update: All 24 doing well. Chirping and scurrying around and then napping in a pile of fluff. Too cute!
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no $pending day,
keeping track
October 14th, 2006 at 07:16 pm
I heard that saying years ago from a therapist who was working with some of my kids.........he didn't explain it, other than to say it. Over the years, I've thought of the saying often and today, it's playing out here again with The Room Mate Person.
I had to let the little dog out this AM (early!!!) and noticed room mate persons vehicle wasn't in the driveway. Hmmmm
Then, saw their wallet and a traffic ticket on the counter......Hmmmm
This AM, I find the rest of the story includes totalling the truck, room mate person is OK, did spend the night in the ER, still don't know the whole chain of events....but the bad stuff just lurks behind every corner for this person.
Of course, every step of this new development will cost money. (none of it mine......directly) I know bills here will take a back seat while new transportation is acquired. Work will take a back seat to court dates & more medical appointments. So, in the long run........I take a hit or two finance wise.
I have been holding a hard line re; bills & such and this event just gives me more to work with. I will not give in. I won't help with a new vehicle. I will hold this person to the original agreement that we have on the now crunched old vehicle. (loan paid off, but money still owed to me that was used for the down payment)
I have to give credit to the magnet for Bad Stuff theory.......... I would be writing for weeks if I were to list all the negative stuff this person collects. I don't know if it's attitude, or other people this person chooses to be with or what. I've never known anyone that continually has what some term "bad luck" that lasted for decades and decades.
Since nothing I've done over the years seems to make a whit of difference as to what happens to this person.........I'm going to stick with 'doing nothing' this time. I've learned not to rush in and Fix Everything, although it is tempting. I don't have enough $$ to solve this situation; and wouldn't if I did. So, I'm an observer....... I'll try to keep my mouth shut and practice being grateful for all the positive things in my life.
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no $pending day,
lifes' rules,
October 14th, 2006 at 02:30 am
The chicks are doing well......chirping away, starting to eat the food and definately drinking water. (must have been parched after 3 days in a box!) Heading out to the coop soon to tuck them all in for the night.
Had a couple sewing customers that came to pick up their orders.....Money IN. Love that! Both happy, both promise to return with more work. Got pro active and asked them each to tell someone else and also mentioned the knitting classes & group forming. (not usually so In Your Face with my work........but that is free advertising, I'm not passing it up!)
Respite kiddo here already........will have 2 this week end. Cooked ahead already, so not much involved meal-wise for the 3 days. Spent time in their room today & moved furniture....it's a better set up now. We dealt with the not so good lay out for a year.....Gads, am I lazy or what? The movers clunked the stuff down and that's where it stayed! Looks better now, and both boys have more space.
It was a no spending day here......nothing novel in that for me. Only went out at 5AM for chickens.....not much else going on at that time of day to spend money on anyway!! 
Hung clothes outside; they almost got dry. I think they will feel dry once they warm up inside. I'm NOT going to run the dryer!
Going to bed REAL early, since I was up with the chickens before dawn today. They may be full of energy, but I wound down about 5 tonight........ Need to keep my eyes open long enough to dispense meds and get the kiddo into bed.
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no $pending day,
$ IN,
sewing & knitting
October 11th, 2006 at 12:09 am
And, back to painting again. Had to take a break, so came in to sit down for a bit.....and get myself jazzed up to go out for the swing shift here!
On shed number 2, have 2 sides completed, (minus one trim board). Need to crack open the next 5 gallon bucket for the 3rd side. Seemed an excellent time for a break.
I'm grateful for the bonus nice days we've been having. Great painting weather in my opinion. I've even been too hot today! Who would have thunk?? October and I'm too hot!
Room mate person is over her funk and speaking again. She mentioned her Oct rent will be in to me by the week end, in addition to her surprise amount to add to the hunking property tax bill due on Halloween. It's always a surprise if she does manage any extra money towards these bills.........but I'll take whatever help she can muster up. I've kept her here at my place for decades when she wasn't able to pay anything.......or get herself out of bed for that matter. So, it's nice she can participate in the program here now.
Two more new sewing customers today... need to do some work this week in order to meet the deadlines I've set up. Everyone pays when they pick up their orders, so next week is shaping up well. 
A no spending sort of day here....my usual sort of day. Did deposit some checks in the bank to help the balance along. Lovely leftovers tonight, so I'm not even cooking dinner. That means I can paint til I drop, or night fall.......whichever comes first.
Back to my ladder.
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no $pending day,
sewing & knitting
October 10th, 2006 at 04:32 am
Lots of extra people here today to celebrate my entrance into the official ranks of being a Senior Citizen! Apparently, I can rake in all sorts of benefits now. We'll see; I don't usually spend much money anyway......I'll have to keep my eyes open for Sr. Specials.
Very enjoyable day. Everyone else brought parts to a wonderful dinner, other people did the cooking, there was lots of wine.........yummy bread dipped in olive oil mixtures to begin with....and a 3 layer cake with pineapple filling and whipped cream; totally yummy.
Fortunately, I did get up and get moving this AM, took my walk before breakfast and was "good" all day, so I did splurge with wine, bread, etc at dinner. Back to normal eating tomorrow.
A definate no spend day, plus I picked up a couple freecycle items. Got a dual action stationary bike, which will give me a trade off from the treadmill when it is too wet & icky to walk outside here......as well as a couple downspouts and pieces of gutter material to finish off the coop (keeping the chickens from getting too wet & icky). Love freecycle; and love the people that participate. Always nice to run across anyone that thinks free is a good word!
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no $pending day,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word
October 8th, 2006 at 12:09 am
If I had another 6" or so, I wouldn't have had to climb up and down the ladder so many times today! But, drat.........I'm getting shorter all the time. So, up and down I went all day.
I do feel like I had a work out while I was getting shed #1 completed. TA DA. ALL DONE. Even the trim. My arms, shoulders and legs all feel USED. Not used up, but definately used. I quit early today.....there is an easy shed to do tomorrow, no windows, and a sliding door set up, so no cutting in whatsoever. I'll tackle it the next dry day, which may not be tomorrow as I look at the weather report.
The Navy man has torn out some tacky looking wainscoating in my kitchen. Fed the burn pile with it straight away. Even not finished, the kitchen looks so much better! Can't wait til he starts working on the sheet rock and the window trim projects. Then, I can paint all winter indoors! Oh, to get some color in my world here........
I've received a handful of responses to my Craigslist ad re; starting a knitting drop in group. Now, I just need to grab one of them, pick a day and START.
I did get a new customer in this AM; she will be a regular. The potential tenant for the extra room is an absolute no go. After speaking to him about his dogs, he continued to let them romp through my gardens. I love dogs, but just like kids, I like them lots better when they behave!
It's another No Spend Day here; I did have random thoughts of calling the painter & having him come back to finish the sheds....but I resisted. Saving money is hard work around here!
Posted in
no $pending day,
sewing & knitting
October 7th, 2006 at 03:51 am
I pulled in one of the phone calls & have a new customer.........a fairly easy job as soon as I match some thread/yarn to the existing trim on a sweater. Have a week to accomplish this one.
Got a great email & phone call from the ad for another tenant/room mate person. The gentleman is coming tomorrow AM for a walk through/interview. Praying this works out, he said he is willing to pay the price I asked. This would be another temp situation, he only needs a place til Spring.
My sewing ad seems to be working better now that summer is over.....maybe everyone is going through their closets!! I will need to spend some time this week end finishing up the jobs I currently have...I'm a firm believer new jobs won't come in if I'm behind here.
And, lastly, an odd little tip I got in my email this past week or so. A cooking tip. I don't know about you, but when I'm cooking from scratch all the time, especially baking.... I end up with extra egg yolks occasionally. I do what my mom told me to do which was put in a small dish, cover with water and seal up in the fridge. Then, the catch was to remember to use them in something; the best I could do was french toast or something......and I usually forgot to do that. Well...the tip I'm going to use next time is to just pop them in a little boiling water & cook them to a hard boiled stage. Then refrigerate and use as grated egg yolk on salads. I think I'll be much more likely to use them up rather than tossing them out with this tip.... proving I'm never too old to try something new!
Posted in
all things food,
no $pending day,
sewing & knitting
October 6th, 2006 at 05:57 pm
The weather finally caught up to me and I'm rained out of my painting job. (rained IN is more exact!)
I decided it was time to finally unpack the leftover boxes of stuff that had made it into the closets of my bedroom. What a collection of stuff.
I've got a continuous line up of freecycle folks coming today to help move the excess out of here. Gotta love this Freecycle bit. Just a quick post on line and then keep track of the responses........bag, label and sit on the porch. Whoosh.......Stuff finds new homes quicker than I can say "Out Of Here!
My room and bathroom are looking better already. I found a curtain rod that fit the bathroom window, so I might gather up a bit of my bedroom fabric and fashion a window covering event before I finish up in there. (I striped my windows when I moved in and haven't done anything to them yet)
It's another no spending day here........however, making no money either. I do have a new customer scheduled, so there will be work to be done....kind of like money in the bank.
Placed a group of ads on Craigs list; advertising the empty room again as well as the sewing & alterations business and I'm trying a new knitting group idea out to see if I can drum up some interest.....
Hoping to see my email box full of new ideas by this evening.
Back to closet cleaning & de-cluttering!
Posted in
no $pending day
October 6th, 2006 at 03:28 am
After my 2 FULL days, I'm back home and I know I'll appreciate my own bed & pillow. Moms is great....but there is sure something to be said for your own room, your own things ..... everything that means "home".
Did my weekly visit with the autistic kiddo...my service project at this point. I hate where he is living, so this makes me feel better. I picked up the ladder from mom, so I can finish the last side of the shed the next dry day.......
I had my interview, and think I've got the job, but I've decided not to take it. They took out all the parts I liked doing, and made it impossibly boring to me, plus, they can't tell me the salary til Tues.... And, they left a message here today that there is a training I'm expected to be at tomorrow. No one has hired me yet. I know I made the right decision.
I had 3 messages from new clients & have 2 of them set up already... Nice. Praying this fall weather brings wanna be knitters out in droves!
Didn't spend any money today, but have made a decision to. Since my new house here ended up not having a furnace, and the one it does have is a dead duck.....I'm going to get some bids and have a replacement one put in before the snow flies. Another of those expenses to bring this property up to snuff....just like the paint job outside. The wood stove works fine, but for those times I'm not going to be home & just want some heat for a bit.....a furnace would sure be a luxury.
Good to be back here........heading to my room to find my jammies and make a cup of tea!
Posted in
no $pending day
October 3rd, 2006 at 04:11 am
I've been blessed with another week of sunny weather here in WA state.....so, the painting project continues. I've now got 2 sides of the shed totally finished, but I ran into a swarm of bees under the eaves of the 3rd and 4th sides... So, I had to move on to a different project and wait til sundown to spray the critters.
Spraying finished, many dead bugs on the ground and I'm ready to tackle the last bits of the shed tomorrow. (I think) I've discovered I don't have a ladder type event and I'm just a tad short. So, I've got plans to meet up with mom one day this week and borrow hers.
In the process of playing with the trim color on one of the lower windows, the Navy man got home and decided I wasn't being accurate enough. So, he volunteered to paint the trim if I bought him a little skinny roller. Says he can do all the windows in "a flash". Guess what I'm buying tomorrow? If I finish up the 2 sheds and all their windows, doors and trim.........I'm more than happy to share the window trim job with the Navy.
What looked like a daunting task a couple weeks ago, is now looking so great.....and I can see the end. My outlook towards this house has almost taken a turn around. I'm almost liking the place now! 
Didn't have time to spend any money today. Worked all day long, but the place is looking fantastic. Considering how tacky it looked before, anything would be an inprovement..... I can feel the value creeping up!
Finished off the cover letter and have all my ducks in a row for the interview happening on Wed. This will be for the part time position with the new agency that has been awarded the contract with WA state, regarding foster parent recruiting. I know both people I'm interviewing with, although the entire process seems odd since I haven't interviewed/had to present a resume or anything for decades. If I don't get the job, at least I've polished up some skills that had gone totally dormant! Will have to scare up some sort of outfit suitable for an interview, but again, I know both of these women, and have sat in meetings with them frequently....their idea of work attire is pretty attainable with my current wardrobe situation. Think I'll be OK...certainly not going to buy something for this event. Take me, or don't take me.......As Is.
Bottom line is I'm not sure I'm going to take the job if it is offered to me, as no one seems to know the salary or the entire list of duties yet. The preliminary email I got includes tons of responsibilities and no mention of compensation....so I'm not willing to jump up and down yet. Taking a wait & see sort of approach to Wed and the meeting.
Going to go scrape the paint off me and rest up for another day of painting tomorrow.
Posted in
no $pending day
October 2nd, 2006 at 03:32 am
I'm finding out just how out of shape I am these days. I've begun walking in the AM, before breakfast and am on day 4 I think it is..... Doing OK with that, other than I can feel my shins are a tad cranky...and my feet and legs are ready for bed just as soon as dinner is over!
But, in my enthusiasm about the house painting venture here........I jumped right into Shed Painting today, and now my arms and shoulders hurt too!
While waiting for the high noon sunshine to cool off a bit, so I could paint without passing out..... I decided I had just enough time to mow the lawns.... And, even tho it is a riding mower.........that makes me pooped too! (don't laugh, it can be some work since there is no power steering) I've got probably an acre to mow these days, but absolutely none of it is a flat, normal lawn like event. In, around, through, edges and more edges....there is no just sitting and vegging out with this yard.
Beginning to ramble on..... Very tired, but a good tired. I took some tylenol for my sore self, and stood under a hot shower for a looonngg time.......& I'm hoping a nights sleep makes me a brand new woman (albeit a brand new OLD woman) by tomorrow morning. I'm going to tackle the last 2 sides of the shed, and I'm going to rig up a drag affair behind my tractor mower and see if I can get the gravel spread out any better than it got done from the truck... (it is sort of like a series of speed bumps out back)
Doing these kinds of jobs myself, certainly eliminates the need for a health club membership. Cheaper too, just as long as I don't fall off the ladder or something while I'm painting! Definately a no spender here today!
Posted in
no $pending day
September 30th, 2006 at 12:52 am
My part time job officially ends tomorrow.....but the whole deal closed up shop today. At 3PM to be exact. I was on line checking email when I got home after classes today.......to find I had new clients to enter into the data base. Also a note re; some last minute changes I was to make to about 12 of the files.
I had time, so I started working on the list when I received the email about the data base shutting down at 3....I had only 12 minutes to go. I begged for a bit of time and finished at 3:09. Whew! I was a little cross eyed at first, trying to hurry. Because, of course........you all know what happens when one hurries?? I suddenly developed a case of several extra fingers and everyone that could, came to my door. (even a neighbor with their horse, wanting to borrow a pasture for a few hours!)
But, it's over, and I think I finished all that I could do. Certainly enough to warrant them paying me for Sept.
I managed to come up with a letter from a sort of supervisor person, got it emailed to the proper person (had to do that before Mon; got the request today) and I'm scheduled for an interview on Wed. (no location, no time yet)
Firmed up the parks & rec job, faxed all that paperwork in..........doubled the commitment to 2 classes, which will only be a whopping 4 hours; but it's a start with a totally new connection. I might be able to pull some private students from that pool too.
All in all..........a VERY busy day. We are feeling fogged in, as all the windows have been taped & plastic-ed for tomorrows paint job. I have 2 boys for the week end, I'm busy doing my impression of Betty Crocker as I type here.....cooking enough so I won't have to be in the kitchen much over the week end....... And, the last RV renter is being moved out. His surgery didn't go well, so he isn't able to come back here; so there are cars & trucks coming & going all the time.
It was a no spender & I even made some money today at knitting class!
Posted in
no $pending day,
$ IN
September 29th, 2006 at 03:12 pm
Days like this remind me to get to the freebie list and start signing up for things! They also spur me on to slog my way through a survey or two on a daily basis.....even tho' I feel like hitting the delete button!
Today I received a FREE coupon for a package of Green Giant veggies, which was supposed to be something on a website....Can't remember exactly how this happened, but I remember contacting the company because the site wouldn't load for me or something. Got a nice letter AND the coupon! Pays to follow up on things!
Also received a $5.00 check for participating in a survey.....no notation on it as to which one; but 5 dollars is 5 dollars!!
Also got the $35.00 check for a freezer I recycled through our local electric co. Wasn't sure I was going to get this one, as there was much confusion with the freezer issue here last winter.
And, last but not least, I got diaper samples for grandbaby and natural sleep aides for me! Not a bad haul.... 
I took sample sizes of almost everything we needed on our little "camping" trip this week too. Thought about the ease of using them, how they cost me nothing but a tad of time here & there....and how they were so nice to just slip in when packing.
Grateful for all the folks that post the sites to send in for all these little bonuses. I still have no idea how they come up with all of them, but I'm glad they do!
Excited to start my day here........I'm on Day #2 of taking a morning walk!! (this is a huge TA DA for me... Now, to just keep it up) Also have a new client coming this AM to firm up a sewing order for the holidays, a returning client to pick up an order AND drop off more work to be done...nice. And, I've got a private knitting student this morning too. Top off all that and the house painters start prepping today, and the job will begin tomorrow. I'm way past being excited about the paint job! A year of looking at this partially done house, with the horrible color is way too long!
Posted in
no $pending day,
$ IN,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
sewing & knitting
September 28th, 2006 at 05:13 pm
It feels good to be home.........but I've had a 4 day break from the day to day routine here. Our little vacation was so easy, lots of fun and had the bonus of the wonderful weather Western WA is having lately.
Who knew I'd be sitting by the pool, lounging about at the end of Sept?? We actually got too warm a couple times!!
I did spend extra on gas this week, and I did pay for 2 nights accomodations, but both of those were expected expenses. I also left the deposit here for the painters. (the house has been washed and with our 0ver 80 degree days lately, I'm sure it has dried.....so painting should be commencing soon!!)
Today is a sewing day; customers lined up starting tomorrow..........so no money in or out today; but income on the horizon.
The part time recruiter job I've been doing all summer will be coming to an end on the 30th. I have been invited to submit my resume (a pretty dusty document) to the new agency that will be handling the clients for the state. The job description looks WAY more detailed, like it would be a full time affair, and no where is there a salary mentioned. Lots more travel, more meetings, more of everything..... I'm having 2nd and 3rd thoughts about even throwing my hat into the ring. I love the clients, but I love the ability to work the job around the rest of my life. Not sure I want to have my life have to work around this new job.
Need to decide quickly, as the interviews are supposed to be happening today & tomorrow.
Which brings up another point. The woman I was working for, has the director position now with the new agency. She isn't a very organized person & that has been hard for me to work with/for. Not sure if I want to step deeper into that situation.
Did hear from the agency that is interested in leasing property from me...we're setting up a meeting for next week. I have been searching out houses that would be appropriate; just to have info for the mtg. Can't reach my lender person, will try again. Interested to see if I could pull off purchasing something without selling anything; and leasing it for more than the cost of the payment, insurance & taxes as well as upkeep and repair. There will be some sort of fine line there as to how big the house is, what kind of license we can get, how much income we can generate for the size of the house, etc. Not being a math whiz, this sort of boggles my brain cells, but perhaps this is the route I need to go, not the recruiter route???
Life is such a series of questions, choices and crossroads isn't it? How I sort info, make decisions and move forward is just so interesting to me. My style has developed over the decades; I gather info and then sort of wait it out.......until something feels so right I can't NOT make a decision. I take risks, but they're well thought out risks!!! 
Posted in
no $pending day,
lifes' rules
September 24th, 2006 at 05:00 pm
Heading out on my little vacation this afternoon. Taking my mom & her twin, as well as one of my disabled young men.... so, it isn't really a vacation, will still be working ..........but working in a different place. The change will be good, the drive should be gorgeous today (we're being blessed with a 73 degree day today, all blue sky....not typically Seattle, that's for sure)
Won't have phones, net or TV, which will be fun for me. I'll see how addicted I've become! Taking a small TV & VCR for the young man, as he gets a bit frustrated if things don't move as fast as he wants some times........so a disney movie on his TV should do the trick. That will give the rest of us some time to play cards, visit or get the meals on the table.
Will actually be a no spend day for me......I will even up with my mom later, & pay my share (or more) of the fees for our "camping" unit. Tomorrow I'll have to get gas, but the whole week will be pretty low key as far as money goes. We're a cheap bunch to entertain! Walks on the beach, a stop at Peace Arch park (a tradition for my kids .....to stand on the border) and we're pretty much taken care of.
My young man that is joining us is so excited he was up most of the night. When I got up to walk the dog at 4-ish, he was standing in the hallway, his room light on.......& he asked if I was happy! He was beaming. Just getting to go with us again has made his year!!! And, he's making the dinner tonight. He is beside himself with that!
I set up all my bill payer items for the time that I'm gone; so everything will happen on time. I've had such a time with Washington Mutual bill payer the last few months, I'm crossing my fingers everything happens like I planned.
My house will still be full of people when I'm gone, that is one benefit to having others here. There is always someone to handle pets & get the mail. I need to pack up my last minute things like a book and my knitting........then it's just waiting for my mom & aunt to show up; and we're off......
Posted in
no $pending day
September 23rd, 2006 at 11:41 pm
Well, now I've gone on a bona fide knitting emergency call. I've always told my students to call me, as there are many occasions I can offer assistance over the phone if they didn't want to wait until the next class..........
But, my brand new student (of yesterday) had left a message saying she needed help...and when she called again this AM, she had something I couldn't guide her through on the phone. Her cat had attacked her knitting, and removed the needles.......then drug it around several rooms of her house. Needless to say, as a brand new knitter, she couldn't figure out what way was up, let alone get it going again. (and I had cast on for her, as I don't like to have brand new beginners cast on AND learn to knit the first lesson)
So, I packed up my knitting supplies and off I went.... She paid me for another lesson, as I did stay the whole hour. Knit her off a piece of my work, and left her with more practice yarn on her needles. She actually knit 5 or 6 rows while I was there.....with no more than 1 error per row, which isn't bad, considering how hard she has to work to knit. It's definately not coming easy for her.
But, it's a money in day for me, as she paid me for a months worth of lessons today. Nice. And, a new concept for me re; how to bill for classes.
I'm gathering up items for our "camping" trip tomorrow, clothes out on the line, pantry items grouped together in the kitchen and perishable food listed so I won't forget them. I'm only in charge of the meal for the first night and then the drinks for the 4 days....so it's super easy for me. My goal is for the disabled young man I'm taking with me, to make the dinner......so it's going to be prepped, & ready, he just needs to assemble and take the credit. I know we'll be hearing about the dinner menu for years to come; he will be so excited to have participated. This is for sure one of those things that doesn't cost much; but will end up being priceless. Way more fun for me than buying something, that's for certain.
I'm having a terrific day here, everyone on the property is getting along, most everyone is working their tail off and I can see items getting chalked off the master TO DO list here. Love days like this. Productivity; gotta love it.
Posted in
no $pending day,
$ IN
September 23rd, 2006 at 01:47 pm
The high point to my week will be the massage today! I am new to this massage thing and I've found it to be one of the best things out there!
The temporary renter people will be back this AM, one to work out back and the other for me to give her a hair cut (after the perm I gave her last week) and then.........she will give me a massage. She is sooooo good.
My only problem is coming up with things I can do in trade for her! Her hair won't need doing for years she says, her perm lasts that long! Drat. I might have to break down and appropriate some money to actually PAY her! 
She has been baking again this week, and plans to bring us "treats" today. I do need to make a run through the kitchen and toss what didn't get eaten from her visit last Sat. I'm always at a loss for the right thing to do in situations like this. Her baking truly isn't inspired. Sometimes someone will eat something here from her.......but then most of it just sits until I feed it to the birds. Many things taste like she cuts back or leaves out the salt and sometimes her recipes just aren't that good. I can't tell her at this point, I don't believe anything positive would come of it. These are the sorts of lies my mother taught me that really are better just left alone. Lying by omission I guess is what I'm doing.
So, I'll slick up the kitchen and be grateful she shares her hobby with our household........ Trim her hair and then gratefully, get ready for my massage! Such a deal. If I'm ever just wondering what to do with extra money; having a therapist scheduled here on a regular basis would be a perfect idea!! That and my clean sheets (hung outside) every night and I'd be in absolute heaven.
Posted in
no $pending day,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
September 21st, 2006 at 11:08 pm
I'm getting busier with the sewing and knitting.....finally! The ad comes out on Thursday and the phone has been almost busy today. Got the one new student and set up several appointments for next week already.
Like money in the bank for October! Nice.
Got contacted today by the Neilson company....I apparently had inquired about something ages ago, as I'd forgotten what this was about. They are sending something and a free gift card (didn't ask for where or what, as I had another call coming in), but it was a positive something or other & it wasn't going to cost me anything. That much I did understand.
Working tonight and tomorrow afternoon at my foster parent recruiter job.........sure wish I knew if it was going to continue or not.... I hate not knowing and not being on top of things. Plus, it is truly difficult not knowing what to tell clients. What I do know is I've got one more for sure paycheck from this source. Still praying and lighting candles ........and bowing to the east and typing with my fingers crossed. Really want to continue doing this job, it is just too much fun!
Posted in
no $pending day,
sewing & knitting
September 21st, 2006 at 05:35 pm
Success IS in the details, isn't it? I'm a devout list maker and it seems like most of my daily TO DO list is composed of items that either save me money, figure out how best to spend my money (if there is an expenditure on the horizon) or how to continue my money making efforts here.
Each item alone isn't too much of a big deal (at least in my little financial world), but put together as a list, I can make an impact on my finances every day! I do need to get busy on my list every day if I want to see continued progress.
Todays list started off with recording one more little check for one of the tenants out back...........(now only one pesky little one left for Sept) And, while I was recording this check, the phone rang & I signed up another private knitting student, to begin tomorrow! Woo-Hoo...
I've also made a decision to get some help in getting my house painted. I haven't had to do this at my old place because I made a huge leap years ago and put vinyl siding on it, saving $$ over the years I know. But, this new place has a miserable paint job on it, ugly color, new trim around new windows that have never been painted or treated........and it is making me cranky to see it in such nasty shape each time I think about it (which seems to be often). So, I'm calling for bids today & will spend some money on this place.
A few more phone calls, all relating to taxes & possible money for another house as an investment and I can see todays TO DO list is totally related to my finances.
Not really surprising, just interesting how my days activities are all connected to spending, saving or making money. Call me driven, obsessed or whatever.... At least I'm focused!
Posted in
no $pending day,
keeping track,
sewing & knitting