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B & B for some R & R

October 27th, 2006 at 02:58 pm

Yes, I'm at my moms again this week......taking advantage of her "Bed & Breakfast" and a little peace & quiet compared to my 3 ring circus at the 'ranch'.

We've had a fun time, as usual.....and getting a couple things off the infamous TO DO list here.

I had decided to bite the bullet and take my good watch (seems to be my only watch too these days) in for a battery to see if that would make it GO. Come to find out, it didn't need one, it just needed to be kick started or's running now, at no charge. Nice surprise. I had to do something, as I'm finding a need for a watch when in knitting class, so I know when to wind things up....HA....Pun intended I guess! One location has no clock and I get too into the knitting, teaching and conversation and could end up keeping students there til the next day I think!

Also got a haircut, so I'm a brand new least it feels that way to me. I've got short hair, and that extra, too long 1/2" makes me fairly cranky; so it was definately time for a trim. Prices seem to fluctuate at the shop I visit. This time it was $14.00, used to be $13. but it is still 5 lower than around my house...... Will have to scout around for more coupons like I had last month.

Pulling a zero on the new to me table and chairs here at moms. She is positive they are all in her basement, but so far, I've got the chairs, 2 leaves and a table ........TOP. No legs for this event. Pretty sure we'd find this inconvenient!! Will give the search another try today before I head home. I'm determined to get a serviceable table, with 4 matching chairs......without paying for them of course! Smile Where would the challenge be if I just went shopping??

Almost done with the knitted scarf to exchange for another massage tomorrow. I could get very used to this deal and I'm a speedy knitter, especially when it comes to this kind of knitting. I call it my 'idiot knitting' except when teaching a beginning class! Smile Wouldn't do there........ But, it is just stupid straight knitting...I can do it while doing several other things at the same time! (very grateful I'm not forced to knit at the same time as running a household like women in previous generations had to do..... there is a device I've only seen in photos, of a 'wing' event, a needle that was held under a womans arm, enabling her to knit with one hand, while keeping up with her other chores.)

Time for breakfast I hear....... I'm so spoiled. Coffee, toast & home made jam of course.....and I smell bacon too. Is there anything more yummy than that? Especially when someone else does the cooking!!!

3 Responses to “B & B for some R & R”

  1. LuxLiving Says:

    Got to love R&R at Mom's house!! Nice!

  2. JanH Says:

    I used to wake up at Grandmother's house to the smell of biscuits and bacon or sausage cooking! Yum!

  3. sarah Says:

    WowKinitting one handed. That must have been some trick. It sounds very very difficult.

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