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Another New Customer

September 21st, 2006 at 11:08 pm

I'm getting busier with the sewing and knitting.....finally! The ad comes out on Thursday and the phone has been almost busy today. Got the one new student and set up several appointments for next week already.
Like money in the bank for October! Nice.

Got contacted today by the Neilson company....I apparently had inquired about something ages ago, as I'd forgotten what this was about. They are sending something and a free gift card (didn't ask for where or what, as I had another call coming in), but it was a positive something or other & it wasn't going to cost me anything. That much I did understand.

Working tonight and tomorrow afternoon at my foster parent recruiter job.........sure wish I knew if it was going to continue or not.... I hate not knowing and not being on top of things. Plus, it is truly difficult not knowing what to tell clients. What I do know is I've got one more for sure paycheck from this source. Still praying and lighting candles ........and bowing to the east and typing with my fingers crossed. Really want to continue doing this job, it is just too much fun!

1 Responses to “Another New Customer”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    Congrats! :-)

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