Home > Back Up My Ladder

Back Up My Ladder

October 10th, 2006 at 11:09 pm

And, back to painting again. Had to take a break, so came in to sit down for a bit.....and get myself jazzed up to go out for the swing shift here!

On shed number 2, have 2 sides completed, (minus one trim board). Need to crack open the next 5 gallon bucket for the 3rd side. Seemed an excellent time for a break.

I'm grateful for the bonus nice days we've been having. Great painting weather in my opinion. I've even been too hot today! Who would have thunk?? October and I'm too hot!

Room mate person is over her funk and speaking again. She mentioned her Oct rent will be in to me by the week end, in addition to her surprise amount to add to the hunking property tax bill due on Halloween. It's always a surprise if she does manage any extra money towards these bills.........but I'll take whatever help she can muster up. I've kept her here at my place for decades when she wasn't able to pay anything.......or get herself out of bed for that matter. So, it's nice she can participate in the program here now.

Two more new sewing customers today... need to do some work this week in order to meet the deadlines I've set up. Everyone pays when they pick up their orders, so next week is shaping up well. Smile

A no spending sort of day usual sort of day. Did deposit some checks in the bank to help the balance along. Lovely leftovers tonight, so I'm not even cooking dinner. That means I can paint til I drop, or night fall.......whichever comes first.

Back to my ladder.

1 Responses to “Back Up My Ladder”

  1. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Me, I hate painting. You did have good weather and that makes life a bit less difficult. I am glad to hear your roomie is out of her funk. Be careful on that ladder.WinkSmile

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