We're full to the rafters here........all beds that is. Actually, we're out of beds and using the aerobed.
Found another couple, or they found me to be more exact. They are in the boys room until the week end. In the meantime, they are going to move the vintage travel trailer out from the overflow parking area and set it up as theirs in the back forty. No septic hook up, so they will be inside for bathroom & laundry........plus anything else they need. I love these two. Less than 24 hours after arriving, they have done things off my TO DO list already! What a treat for me.
Mom was here this AM, amidst the morning activity of all my new people heading off to jobs..... Good thing my mom is a go with the flow kind of lady! After the crowd thinned out, I gave her a perm and haircut, after which she promptly handed over a new 100 bill. Teased her about needing to get a perm more often!
Room mate person still dealing with car accident & paperwork (not her best thing). Truck out of the storage yard but not before a $700 fee. She just refuses to "hear" me when I mention things like how much it is costing per day for the vehicle..... Good thing she had the money; and unusual for her too. A few years ago, she would have had to let the vehicle just go. So, I guess there is progress. No word yet as to any impact this is going to have on me. Room mate person has pledged to cover any increase in our insurance premiums......It will be touch and go as to whether she CAN cover any increases.
Another no spender here for me. Also started a dog sitting event/favor for this week.....I know I'll get paid for this one too. Silly really since I already have a dog to walk, this one is no more work. But, I'm not going to argue when the doggies mommy hands me money next week!
I'm getting close to caught up on the sewing orders.......they were creeping up on me earlier in the week. Spent some time yesterday making organization from chaos in the sewing room too, which has helped my attitude. The nicer my space is, the more I love working in it. Funny how that works!
Made another "bed buddy" for my mom, hers was getting worn out and ugly. Simple white tube socks, (I put one inside another) fill with white cheap rice and sew shut. Heat in the microwave and toss in a cold bed while you're brushing your teeth.......absolutely heavenly to crawl into an already warm bed!! They are also nice to put around your neck, or on your lap. Saves turning the heat up sometimes.
Time's almost up here before everyone starts to return home. I truly love a full house!
A Full House
October 20th, 2006 at 01:06 am
October 20th, 2006 at 01:35 am 1161304508
October 20th, 2006 at 01:57 am 1161305844
October 20th, 2006 at 02:38 am 1161308283
October 20th, 2006 at 05:26 am 1161318377
October 20th, 2006 at 02:48 pm 1161352089
October 21st, 2006 at 04:36 am 1161401773
October 21st, 2006 at 04:43 am 1161402207
These make such great gifts.........very cheap, very useful. Can't beat that combo!
The reverse idea in a gift works well too, making little pouches that fit over ones eyes, filling with lavendar and flax seed......... Pop these in the freezer and put over your eyes for a refreshing little break. Very nice & spoiled feeling. One of my kids gave these to people on her gift list one year..........she was quite the hit with them. She used scraps of silk fabric from my sewing room so they looked and felt very elegant.