Home > The Details of Personal Finances

The Details of Personal Finances

September 21st, 2006 at 05:35 pm

Success IS in the details, isn't it? I'm a devout list maker and it seems like most of my daily TO DO list is composed of items that either save me money, figure out how best to spend my money (if there is an expenditure on the horizon) or how to continue my money making efforts here.

Each item alone isn't too much of a big deal (at least in my little financial world), but put together as a list, I can make an impact on my finances every day! I do need to get busy on my list every day if I want to see continued progress.

Todays list started off with recording one more little check for one of the tenants out back...........(now only one pesky little one left for Sept) And, while I was recording this check, the phone rang & I signed up another private knitting student, to begin tomorrow! Woo-Hoo...

I've also made a decision to get some help in getting my house painted. I haven't had to do this at my old place because I made a huge leap years ago and put vinyl siding on it, saving $$ over the years I know. But, this new place has a miserable paint job on it, ugly color, new trim around new windows that have never been painted or treated........and it is making me cranky to see it in such nasty shape each time I think about it (which seems to be often). So, I'm calling for bids today & will spend some money on this place.

A few more phone calls, all relating to taxes & possible money for another house as an investment and I can see todays TO DO list is totally related to my finances.
Not really surprising, just interesting how my days activities are all connected to spending, saving or making money. Call me driven, obsessed or whatever.... At least I'm focused! Smile

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