Viewing the 'gratitude' Category
October 28th, 2007 at 04:30 am
After an agonizing couple of days, I made the decision to put my little Chihauhau pal down yesterday morning. He was the best dog I've had the pleasure of sharing life with. I am grateful for the almost 10 years we had him.
I'm exhausted, but feel better now, after having made the decision and being without him.........than having him home and failing so quickly. What a week.
Being an animal lover, I can't imagine my life without a dog, so I'm waiting for the day I will get a new pal. Have to wait to see if we're moving first...wouldn't be fair to a dog to move here.....then move again.
So, I'm in that horrid state of thinking I hear my dog, or sense that he is around; all the while knowing he is no more. Only an animal lover who has lost a pet will understand this. I haven't been without a pet for hmmmm....25 years maybe?? I am pretty sure I haven't sat down here at home with out my dog on my lap for the last 10 years! I either need to not sit down or quickly get another dog!
Week end young man is here; fortunately he hasn't mentioned there being no dog here. I'm not sure I could hold that conversation if he did bring it up. Still a mess emotionally ......just pretty good at holding it together.
Sent moms tenants notices we were putting the property up for sale. Promised to honor leases and provide excellent referances. Commercial property will be listed as of Monday. Moving along on our plan to off load the real estate.
Posted in
October 23rd, 2007 at 03:37 am
Who would have guessed? The chihauhau now has exactly the same symptoms as my mom had.......so I dashed him off to the nearest vet this afternoon. (to the tune of $190.07....not even ER rates!)
He has the doggie version of Congestive Heart Failure. It was tough to watch with mom, and this was no easier!
Started on meds at the vets office, and came home with 2 prescriptions I have to figure out how to get down his teensy little mouth/throat starting tomorrow.
Pondering the old adage "God doesn't give you more than you can handle" this evening........and wondering just what the limit is here??? 
My aunt, who is still here........paid for the vet after she found out how much it cost. She said she was thinking of paying me anyway, for all the care she has been getting here since she fell a couple weeks ago. She has also fell in love with the dog, so felt like it was something she could do.
If this little guy wasn't spoiled enough before this episode.........now he will get to do anything he wants, whenever he wants!
Posted in
October 4th, 2007 at 07:47 pm
I'm pooped .... again... Seems to be my regular energy level these days.
Woke up to something during the early morning hours, finally came to, only to realize it was my mom calling for me! Gads, I don't think there is a feeling worse. Kids you expect it, parents, trust me, it comes as a shock.
I have no idea how long mom had been calling my name & I don't want to ask her. I just need to figure out another method of communication, and how to sleep with one ear & one eye open from now on.
Moms OK, I'm more than a little ticked at her. Seems the entire episode of shortness of breath, racing pulse, higher than the usual high blood pressure was brought about due to her just 'not taking some of her pills'. Some lame excuse about needing to wait til the ones I mail ordered came & she could be certain they were the right ones, and that she had enough. Pish Tosh. I'm now in charge of the meds. No need to go through this event again.
Her new supply was here over a week ago, we opened everything and went through them all (6 prescriptions). I have been stepping into her business as needed......rather than bulldoze my way in where she was still doing OK. Mistake on my part. I'll be more pro active from now on.
She is resting, meds are current and the treatment she got in the ER has made her feel downright perky. Almost disgusting, since I'm sooooo tired! And, I've got my first crochet class to teach this evening.... Since I'm supposed to keep an eye on her for the next 24 hours, I've called in #1 Grandson to sit with her for 3 hours this evening, just so we all feel better. I'm hoping for a shower and a bit of a nap prior to my class, or I'll not be able to make my brain tell my fingers what to do........let alone teach others!
I have worked for years in the health care field, in a nursing home situation.......but never truly understood the families side of things until lately. I do need to re evaluate everything here, in light of the medication situation. So much to do.....not alot of time to do it in.....and no real back up.
Grateful mom didn't have something really serious happen, and thankful for the wake up call for me........I will have to get busy figuring out what else I can/should be doing here.
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September 21st, 2007 at 06:58 am
Yes, yes, and yes.........our counter offer to the counter offer got accepted late this evening. Now, on to the hashing out the details stage so we can firm up the deal for the beach house!!! There will be sand in our toes, as well as everywhere else I imagine. (having never lived on a beach, I can only guess)
Parts of me can't believe the whole chain of events; and then when we think about it, everything seems to be flowing easily and we can picture life in the new house as easy as pie! So, it feels good; to both mom & I.
And, in the small world department, or it pays to be chatty department........mom has a hot prospect for the commercial property!!! Not even listed yet and we've got 3 people interested. She went today for her check up re; her nose injury from her fall. The DR had been asking her questions on her last appt, about where she lived etc. In passing, she mentioned the property in town and she said he got very inquisitive. Today, she told him the property was for sale.....he called here at home tonight and said he had already talked to his accountant & they were very interested. Passed him on to realtor/grandson person. Can you tell my mom is a retired realtor?? Never one to miss an opportunity!
I mailed off the packet of info to my potential buyer of the vacant land. He wanted plat maps & tax numbers.... said he is very interested. Hoping he steps up and makes an offer this week.
Some kind soul from freecycle dropped off a porch full of moving boxes today. I will repay the favor to someone when I'm finished with these. I'm off to gather up some more tomorrow.....when I envision packing up moms house it boggles my mind. She has been here since 62 when they built, and has not parted with a single thing since then! 
We got the lease signed tonight for the house rental. Made it only 6 months, in case the property sells right away.
Took my samples in to the parks & rec dept for the display there prior to my fall knitting classes. Need to order supplies tomorrow before I forget in all the real estate frenzy here.
Made a ton of phone calls, including a reminder to moms tax prep guy.....we're still waiting for him to finish up 05 and I'm crossing my fingers he has our paperwork for 06, as I can't find it anywhere here.
Tonight we received the first order of my moms meds, which is 3 months.....all FAXED in from the DR. Too easy. And, way cheaper than the 30 day prices with the local pharmacies. She was pretty impressed. Good thing we have 90 days worth, as neither of us will have the time to spend running to the pharmacy in the near future anyway! 
A good day, but a full one. Feels a bit like a week crammed into a day. Grateful things are working out, so I will be able to see mom sitting on her porch at the beach!
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no $pending day,
August 29th, 2007 at 06:08 am
It's all the chihauhaus' fault. At least that is moms story. She fell today, landing on her nose she says..... all because she picked up the dog and was going to set him on the sheepskin dog bed. (which the dog has so far refused to lay on)
After a couple minutes here, we decided together to call 911 for a professional opinion re; the major nosebleed mom had. Nothing else seemed amis.
Well, 7 hours later, we drove home, via the pharmacy.......after a stay in the ER. Nothing broken, just a small tear on the inside of her nose from smashing it into the floor. (the dogs fine! )
Through all this, both of us were just a tad concerned about the health insurance snafuu ongoing here. We did get it figured out, but while scheduling her regular Dr appointment this AM (before the acrobatics) mom discovered the health ins. card had a different DR listed. We called, and no, she couldn't use that card. Wait to schedule appointments until new card........not more than and hour later we were at the ER. So, the insurance bit is sure to be more complicated than necessary. She does have a supplementary plan, but I'll bet we're working on the paperwork long after her nose has healed up.
I had lots of knitting time, we learned lots about noses.......and after sitting in the ER, were very grateful we weren't dealing with some of the other crisis we saw playing out there.
Since this is moms 2nd fall since I moved in.......I will be watching her closely!
Mom promises not to pick up the dog....ever!
Posted in
August 15th, 2007 at 03:39 am
As I write, there are sounds of drills, saws and lumber being manipulated into the greatest raised garden bed I could have ever imagined. (my version was sort of stacking the largest timbers out back, and hoping I could pound something into the ground on the outside to keep them from coming apart)
My latest Craigs list friend has designed the planter and is starting the assembly of it this evening. In exchange, he is taking lumber from the many stacks out back to construct a small tool shed at his place, just 10 minutes away.
I have had so many more success stories from Craigs list connections, in fact....I can't really think of any negatives. What a great resource!
The frosting on the cake this evening is when this young man began telling my mom about a tradition/ceremony.....not sure what the word was he used, but it was about this week, in Japan. Spirits of ancestors visit I think?? He is difficult for me to understand, because my Japanese is ZERO. Anyway, I think the deal is he is thrilled to be using my dads wood, especially this week.....and to be making something for my mom with dads supplies. Apparently very good for family he says. I don't get the details, but I'm not questioning it!
I do know it feels great to be using some of what my dad spent decades salvaging. The alternative would be to just junk everything if/when the property is sold. That would make me way too sad.......so we're going to continue with my new friend Shin and see how much of this lumber he can use.
On other fronts here.......I did get my walk in today; around Greenlake. What a great day to be outdoors! Stopped on the way home to get gas (using moms car for most of my errands these days, so gas is a different deal for a mazda compared to my van!), and picked up a spreader for the lawn here. I've not done city type lawn care for years; leaving the lawn to the chickens, goat and the occasional equine escapee. There are sacks and sacks of product in the garage for the lawn, but no spreader.......so now I'm in business. Going to discourage some bugs first, then see if I can make a trade and get the moss out and let some real grass grow.
Each task here is connected to a couple others.......if I get the lawn stuff out of the garage, there will be room to move the freezer up from the basement so mom can get to it herself. It will be easier to unload from the car too. If I can get the freezer out of the basement, I will be a bit closer to clearing out a space to start painting the walls and getting a sheetrock ceiling installed. Way too many jobs to think about. Will go back to just tackling one at a time!
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$ OUT,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
January 7th, 2007 at 07:04 am
We finally got hit with some of the power outages that have been happening here in the Pacific NW. Last nights winds toppled a couple HUGE trees near our street; taking out the power, cable, phone and the road.
When this happens at our place, we have come to the conclusion the biggest difficulty is Flushing. That's right. We are on a well, so without power, we are without water. Without water, the toilets are pretty much just for decoration. We did have our rain barrel with 50 gallons in it, so we were running out to the barrel and hauling water in to fill the toilet tanks. Lessons learned included.....it's better to fill the tank BEFORE you have to go.....
We were out of power over 24 hours....felt very Little House on the Prairie-ish here.
With help, I got the generator up and running..........and yes, had it outside the house. (Seattle had multiple people die from having them indoors; although I can't imagine doing that, the noise alone would be too much for me!) Kept the food in the fridges and freezer at the proper temps....didn't run anything else off it this time. I discovered I need a different kind of plug in order to connect to the generator thingy that is wired into the house. Will pick up one of those this week...just to be ready for another outage.
Cooked on the wood stove.........fashioned "pans" from heavy duty foil, as I didn't want to put my good cookware on the stove. Did a variety of things, including soft tacos from leftovers.
When the power did come back on, the water started filling the toilet tanks........one of the best sounds of the day!!! I'm so grateful for automatic flushing toilets!!! What a treat....we were all way too excited about this!
Update on 2007 Goals (already!!!)
I did mail out the letters to the horse people, giving them 30+ days to move out
Have begun to do more research on going rate for boarding any animals.
And........amazingly, room mate person paid a chunk of cash towards her share of the rent. Woo Hoo.
A good day.........Lots of positive stuff amongst the people here today. Adversity does seem to bring people together. Lots of laughter re; the hauling water for the toilets...... Everyone was busy doing things requiring no power which was a nice change. All the Christmas decor got taken down and stored away, I got my bathroom painted and put back together.....and the week end boys got to pee on trees!! (saved a bunch of water hauling!!) They will have stories to tell their parents come Monday.
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$ IN,
keeping track,
January 4th, 2007 at 07:09 pm
Yes, amazing as it is.........today is my one year anniversary here!! Didn't post daily, but darned close I think. The taking myself to task on a regular basis is not a new thing for me, but doing it in front of others sure was.
The magical things that have happened due to the posts are too numerous to mention. They happen all the time (and yet, I forget the power of this little event & don't post things sometimes until I've tried everything I think!) Maybe 2007 will get me posting things before they really are tangible, more in the idea/wish stage.......it sure seems to get the universe moving around my place.
Looking back, I can see where not much changed and on the flip side EVERYTHING has changed. I'm still the frugal, cheap, allergic to spending money person I've always been, but my life has taken a turn I wasn't prepared initially. Hindsight being what it is.......I guess I was more prepared than I thought I was, as I'm still here, life is still humming along and there haven't been negative rammifications to me retiring so abruptly.
My goals for 2007 have been committed here earlier this week, and I've got them copied off and posted in front of me at the desk. I can feel the momentum picking up, my enthusiasm and creativity are bubbling away steadily here.... (I really love all the things involved in starting a business!!)
I'm still gleaning bits of information from everyone here who posts or comments. I read many of your blogs regularly and feel like I would know you if I happened to run into you personally! I can't stress enough how much ANY post you make helps the rest of us......even if it seems unrelated or you're still mulling around an idea........ Reading of others paths here has been so valuable & I know I'm not the only one thinking this way! I just want to say "Thank You" for giving me gentle reminders and encouraging pushes to keep moving, for being my coaches and my cheerleaders along the way. I appreciate having a friendly space to share what is a huge part of life!!
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no $pending day,
keeping track,
January 1st, 2007 at 02:28 am
Goals for 2007
1) Grow my new business so the income covers my half of the expenses here.
2) If………….. better make that WHEN I accomplish #1, continue pushing for new clients so I have enough income to make the changes to the house & property that I want to do with the bathtub in my room the top priority.
3) Put my physical self on the list.
4) Increase income from the property.
5) Legal stuff attended to (didn’t happen last year, although I made some progress in this area)
I think 5 is a good number………seems realistic. Each goal requires multiple steps to make it happen & I’d love to be writing next year at this time that I’d crossed all of them off my list, so don't want to get too enthusiastic in my goal setting.
Action steps necessary for each goal: (this is the important part)
1) Send in the new ad copy for the 2 papers I’m in currently. Add 2 other local papers as soon as possible. Remember to post my ad on Craigslist on a regular basis. Get signage for the van as well as a sign for the front gate. Order new business cards.
2) More of #1 in order to make this happen. Will get a bid on the items I want to get done around here, so I have a concrete figure to shoot for.
3) Walk 3 times a week. Continue to tell everyone I come across that I’m looking for walking partners so I can increase my chances of success on this one.
Finish up some serious dental work, including some cosmetic changes I’ve had on my list for ages. (appointments already made for Jan)
Get new glasses
Concentrate on eating more fresh food, less meat, sugar & white flour.
4) Give notice to the current horse boarding people. Let the pasture rest while advertising for a new renter. I’ve learned tons in this past year; not the least being I’m renting this space for pennies. I know I can find fewer animals for the space and double the income at the same time.
Keep looking & advertising for other uses for the property; ie parking vehicles, etc.
5) Meet with mom & the new attorney; primarily to get her trust tidied up and then get my will finished up so my affairs are just as in order as moms will be.
I will print this out and post in my office so I get daily reminders of where I want to be this time next year.
I will also do a monthly check in to keep me honest here.
I will celebrate all the small steps and not fret the setbacks. (old enough to know the reality of this much change)
I will fill my life with good things and good people, remembering to enjoy each and every day.
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keeping track,
December 27th, 2006 at 02:22 am
I've been gone & haven't posted since before Christmas.......it feels like ages. I think I'm enjoying the holidays more than in the past; it could have something to do with the fact I'm not dealing with all the kids that used to live with me (and their not so healthy parents). Christmas used to be my one and only DAY OFF during the year, with no kids..........so I usually spent the day in a tired sort of haze. All the work to get the kids ready to spend time with their families, typical holiday preparations, extra events, by the 25th.........I was all used up.
This year, I was gone most of last week, staying at my moms, just "playing", doing whatever we wanted. All the prep. was done, most of the gifts were already to go.....baking; done & in the freezer and the young couple that live here were cooking the big dinner.
I prefer this new version of Christmas, hands down! Most of my household limited or decided on no gifts at all.....so we could have the 'backyard people' join us for the day without them feeling guilty they didn't bring anything to the festivities. Worked out well. They were blessed with some truly useful & much needed gifts and the rest of us got to see how blessed we were in the process. Some pretty heavy stuff to take in for a holiday........ But, I think it was the most fun I've had and it certainly felt the best at the end of the day.
My only negative was not finding a gift I had ordered for my mom.......we were planning on using it for our New Years celebration .... I searched all over the place & it was nowhere! This house is not that big, I don't have that many places to put things, nor did I have to 'hide' it from anyone.......so I'm befuddled as to how this package could have walked away.
I had something else for my mom, so no one knows my slip up but me.....and the up side of all the searching is ALL my closets are cleaned and organized. (wouldn't reccomend this technique, but it did work)
Spending some time pondering life in general and more specifically my goals for '07. I have a personal tradition on New Years Eve.........I open up what I wrote last year to see how I'm doing on my goals and I add to the envelope with my plans for the coming year. Not sure how many years I've formally been doing this, but it is in the decades now. It is my favorite part of New Years Eve..... I'm not a party sort of person, hate to be on the roads that particular night, and I can write and ramble on like crazy (you already know that part, huh??) so, a formal, get it down on paper, enjoy the fire & some wine sort of night is exactly right for me.
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keeping track,
lifes' rules,
December 18th, 2006 at 01:48 am
Watching the news (yes we have power!!), I'm continually reminded of all the reasons I have to be grateful here! Our power just flickered, but has been on continually.......amidst the Pacific NW storm of storms.
So many things I have that others are doing without this week........Basics like heat & food, etc plus all the other things that make life fun here. I wonder, with this huge wake up call, are people going to be getting themselves better prepared, once they get back into their homes and the power is restored? I am not putting any money on that one!
Power got restored to my moms; was out only 2 days, so she feels blessed. Invited her over here, but she is pretty well set for outages too........felt smart cooking on her wood stove! ( I think my household is just a tad too nuts for her to head this way if she has another choice!)
I feel a bit like this week has been one of those Universe Lessons ........I'm as prepared as I can get for most situations and nothing happened here on our street! Funny in a way........but what is/has happened here in WA isn't funny in the least. Reminds me of my mom telling me to always take an umbrella......then it wouldn't rain!
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no $pending day,
keeping track,
lifes' rules,
December 15th, 2006 at 09:52 pm
Seattle was hit again yesterday and throughout the night..........rain, frozen rain (thought that was snow..??) and lots of WIND, then some more wind.........on and on.
Our place survived, the worst we have is some standing water on the property & the horse toys (who knew horses had toys?) are blown around the place.
Felt good to have the prep work done so I wasn't one of the people on the news at Home Depot, stocking up on batteries, generators, and the like. All the expenses over the years to get the emergency "kit" put together paid off. Didn't need any of them; but the peace of mind was worth any expense last night.
Best of all has been the water barrels, purchased mostly for the semi automatic water system soon to come for the chicken house. That barrel holds 50 gallons & has a hose hookup, as well as a faucet on it. So.........if we have no power & thus, no pump for the well, we have water stored for whatever. (comes in especially handy for flushing toilets!!)
Didn't bother with the generator, as our lights weren't out for more than 10 minutes total. We are totally blessed, as many in western WA are having a difficult time with the water and wind related problems. I've invited my mom and some old kids to come over, as they have been without power since yesterday. Totally grateful for all the extras power gives us!
And, lastly, a very Little House on the Prairie-ish moment here........I'm wearing my all wool socks I finished last night during the storm. So soft, so warm......toasty toes today!!
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keeping track,
December 9th, 2006 at 05:02 am
My home away from home.......yes, back at moms for a few days. Staying long enough this time to get things done AND have some time to just do fun things together. (we've packed so many things in the past couple days, we're both exhausted tonight!)
Have the yard all cleaned up for her, patio furniture stored and the lawns mowed for what I hope is the last time this season. Moved her furniture so the arrangement is more convenient for her and hung the pictures we just matted and framed.
I got my haircut (finally.....put it off due to the snowstorms & I was really getting cranky!) and used a coupon on it's last day......so a $7.95 haircut this time! Nice. Also managed to fit in a Trader Joe trip (none by my house) & use my $50 g/c from October. Also nice.
We did dinner out, just for fun & then home. Since my mom doesn't enjoy putting up a tree any longer, I just did a few little things throughout her house, so it still looks a bit holiday-ish for her.
Had a money discussion tonight, but not re; the cc payoff. I asked if her one mortage is at a good interest rate....and her comment was 'should she pay it off or take the money in question and add to her annuity fund account?' Told her I have no idea. When it comes to comparing apples to oranges I'm no good. She will talk to her accountant to see if he can shed light on this one. It is the question of income vs. interest being paid or something like that....... I just wanted to know if she had the best rate on the loan.
Will aim for the cc discussion tomorrow. Also need attorney meeting and some much needed changes to her trust account, etc, etc ........ We always seem to have things that need attention. Grateful we can talk about anything and everything!
Posted in
$ OUT,
November 27th, 2006 at 07:26 pm
Paid bills on line (as usual) today, so it really isn't a no spender here. Scary to see the amount of money it takes each month to keep this place going.
I did notice this months cable bill has jumped up, must have had some sort of special for a year when I moved in. Have the bill out & on the TO DO list to see if I can get it reduced. Will make some other calls or check out a few websites, so I have some numbers on hand for other providers. I have all 3 services with the same company, so we should be able to come up with something a bit more budget friendly.
Making turkey enchiladas today with leftovers.......have all the rest of the ingredients either in the freezer or pantry. Cheap AND Yummy, can't beat that.
Still pretty much snowed in today.....with approx 12" on the ground. Beautiful! I'm so grateful we still have power, as many in our county don't. No power would mean no water for all of us with wells, so I'm very happy we're still flushing without thinking here!
My week end young man is going to stay over, as his mom is really no good in the snow, so technically, still working here. Also spending time finishing up a large sewing order, should be able to call the client & arrange a pick up time (which means a paycheck too) for anytime after the snow melts.
Might do some fine tuning on my Christmas list here today.........cashing in on My Points account, using some gift certificates, etc. Have a couple ideas of things to make for a few people, might even get to cracking on those. Definately in the Christmas spirit here, my classical radio station has begun to play carols and with the weather outside; I do feel like getting busy. Might even set up the 'wrapping station' here.........& start with the gifts I've already finished or stashed around here.
Grateful I'm ahead of the gift game, grateful I've never had a Christmas on Credit and grateful I've got friends and family who don't keep track of gifts, costs, etc. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Christmas!
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keeping track,
November 12th, 2006 at 06:15 am
It seems like I've been packing 2 days worth of work into each day here......... Sewing has taken up most of the last couple days; I had a huge order that was to be finished by tomorrow. I worked on it all week, then today really didn't do anything but this order. The customer called, said he couldn't get here tomorrow, could he come tonight?? I said yes, sewed faster....and guess what? The time I gave him as the cut off tonight has come & gone & he isn't here, hasn't called....and I'm cranky. His total might go up on the bill before he gets here! He is a first time customer, but will be a regular, as he has a very odd body shape & isn't able to get clothes off the rack. (good for me, bad for him)
Maybe I'll be more tolerant in the AM, after a nights sleep....
Worked a bit the last couple days getting the house a little closer to Thanksgiving-ready. Cleaned, dunged out stuff & Freecycled most of it today. Yeah! Love when piles of "stuff" make their way down the road...
Grateful I am not living in a flood plain. With all our rain here, almost everyone knows someone who has lost their home or the contents of their home. Although I can't understand building where there is a risk of being underwater; I do feel sorry for the folks that are displaced.
Grateful Room mate persons truck is finally back from the body shop. Insurance did cover the repairs; no idea of the damage to our policy at this point. Said room mate person added another $150 to her rent due for Oct tonight. Glad to have something.......hope I live long enough to see her be able to pay her way on a regular basis.
Planning on an off day tomorrow. Not even going to venture into the sewing room. Thinking a yummy pot of coffee, the wood stove going and my knitting.... My version of contentment!
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no $pending day,
sewing & knitting,
October 27th, 2006 at 03:58 pm
Yes, I'm at my moms again this week......taking advantage of her "Bed & Breakfast" and a little peace & quiet compared to my 3 ring circus at the 'ranch'.
We've had a fun time, as usual.....and getting a couple things off the infamous TO DO list here.
I had decided to bite the bullet and take my good watch (seems to be my only watch too these days) in for a battery to see if that would make it GO. Come to find out, it didn't need one, it just needed to be kick started or something.....it's running now, at no charge. Nice surprise. I had to do something, as I'm finding a need for a watch when in knitting class, so I know when to wind things up....HA....Pun intended I guess! One location has no clock and I get too into the knitting, teaching and conversation and could end up keeping students there til the next day I think!
Also got a haircut, so I'm a brand new person.....at least it feels that way to me. I've got short hair, and that extra, too long 1/2" makes me fairly cranky; so it was definately time for a trim. Prices seem to fluctuate at the shop I visit. This time it was $14.00, used to be $13. but it is still 5 lower than around my house...... Will have to scout around for more coupons like I had last month.
Pulling a zero on the new to me table and chairs here at moms. She is positive they are all in her basement, but so far, I've got the chairs, 2 leaves and a table ........TOP. No legs for this event. Pretty sure we'd find this inconvenient!! Will give the search another try today before I head home. I'm determined to get a serviceable table, with 4 matching chairs......without paying for them of course! Where would the challenge be if I just went shopping??
Almost done with the knitted scarf to exchange for another massage tomorrow. I could get very used to this deal and I'm a speedy knitter, especially when it comes to this kind of knitting. I call it my 'idiot knitting' except when teaching a beginning class! Wouldn't do there........ But, it is just stupid straight knitting...I can do it while doing several other things at the same time! (very grateful I'm not forced to knit at the same time as running a household like women in previous generations had to do..... there is a device I've only seen in photos, of a 'wing' event, a needle that was held under a womans arm, enabling her to knit with one hand, while keeping up with her other chores.)
Time for breakfast I hear....... I'm so spoiled. Coffee, toast & home made jam of course.....and I smell bacon too. Is there anything more yummy than that? Especially when someone else does the cooking!!!
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no $pending day,
sewing & knitting
October 20th, 2006 at 10:34 pm
My house is a study in gratitude this week.
Couple #1 (the young kids) aren't grateful for a thing, at least that's the way they act. Fortunately, they aren't at the house much. Praying they get a permanent situation real soon! 
Couple #2.....Grateful for every little thing and tell me so often. Very helpful around here, always keeping their eyes open for things that need doing.
Me: Can't imagine being in either couples shoes. I have all my needs covered oh so well........and have many of my wants met too. Blessed indeed.
(I'm also grateful I only have 1 dog....the extra dog this week is truly a hassle some times!!!)
Room mate person: So into herself she isn't even aware of the needs of both of these couples. Granted she has a full plate this week, but she has been in these peoples shoes.......I guess I just expected more awareness from her.
Chalking up another no spending day, but will have a huge chunk of change going out this coming week.........2nd half of property taxes coming due on Halloween. Yuk. I've got the funds, I just hate to spend them on so much that I don't agree on!
Back to work..........more drapes to hem. I'm beginning to think that is all I've got in the sewing room.
Posted in
October 14th, 2006 at 07:16 pm
I heard that saying years ago from a therapist who was working with some of my kids.........he didn't explain it, other than to say it. Over the years, I've thought of the saying often and today, it's playing out here again with The Room Mate Person.
I had to let the little dog out this AM (early!!!) and noticed room mate persons vehicle wasn't in the driveway. Hmmmm
Then, saw their wallet and a traffic ticket on the counter......Hmmmm
This AM, I find the rest of the story includes totalling the truck, room mate person is OK, did spend the night in the ER, still don't know the whole chain of events....but the bad stuff just lurks behind every corner for this person.
Of course, every step of this new development will cost money. (none of it mine......directly) I know bills here will take a back seat while new transportation is acquired. Work will take a back seat to court dates & more medical appointments. So, in the long run........I take a hit or two finance wise.
I have been holding a hard line re; bills & such and this event just gives me more to work with. I will not give in. I won't help with a new vehicle. I will hold this person to the original agreement that we have on the now crunched old vehicle. (loan paid off, but money still owed to me that was used for the down payment)
I have to give credit to the magnet for Bad Stuff theory.......... I would be writing for weeks if I were to list all the negative stuff this person collects. I don't know if it's attitude, or other people this person chooses to be with or what. I've never known anyone that continually has what some term "bad luck" that lasted for decades and decades.
Since nothing I've done over the years seems to make a whit of difference as to what happens to this person.........I'm going to stick with 'doing nothing' this time. I've learned not to rush in and Fix Everything, although it is tempting. I don't have enough $$ to solve this situation; and wouldn't if I did. So, I'm an observer....... I'll try to keep my mouth shut and practice being grateful for all the positive things in my life.
Posted in
no $pending day,
lifes' rules,
September 29th, 2006 at 03:12 pm
Days like this remind me to get to the freebie list and start signing up for things! They also spur me on to slog my way through a survey or two on a daily basis.....even tho' I feel like hitting the delete button!
Today I received a FREE coupon for a package of Green Giant veggies, which was supposed to be something on a website....Can't remember exactly how this happened, but I remember contacting the company because the site wouldn't load for me or something. Got a nice letter AND the coupon! Pays to follow up on things!
Also received a $5.00 check for participating in a survey.....no notation on it as to which one; but 5 dollars is 5 dollars!!
Also got the $35.00 check for a freezer I recycled through our local electric co. Wasn't sure I was going to get this one, as there was much confusion with the freezer issue here last winter.
And, last but not least, I got diaper samples for grandbaby and natural sleep aides for me! Not a bad haul.... 
I took sample sizes of almost everything we needed on our little "camping" trip this week too. Thought about the ease of using them, how they cost me nothing but a tad of time here & there....and how they were so nice to just slip in when packing.
Grateful for all the folks that post the sites to send in for all these little bonuses. I still have no idea how they come up with all of them, but I'm glad they do!
Excited to start my day here........I'm on Day #2 of taking a morning walk!! (this is a huge TA DA for me... Now, to just keep it up) Also have a new client coming this AM to firm up a sewing order for the holidays, a returning client to pick up an order AND drop off more work to be done...nice. And, I've got a private knitting student this morning too. Top off all that and the house painters start prepping today, and the job will begin tomorrow. I'm way past being excited about the paint job! A year of looking at this partially done house, with the horrible color is way too long!
Posted in
no $pending day,
$ IN,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
sewing & knitting
September 23rd, 2006 at 01:47 pm
The high point to my week will be the massage today! I am new to this massage thing and I've found it to be one of the best things out there!
The temporary renter people will be back this AM, one to work out back and the other for me to give her a hair cut (after the perm I gave her last week) and then.........she will give me a massage. She is sooooo good.
My only problem is coming up with things I can do in trade for her! Her hair won't need doing for years she says, her perm lasts that long! Drat. I might have to break down and appropriate some money to actually PAY her! 
She has been baking again this week, and plans to bring us "treats" today. I do need to make a run through the kitchen and toss what didn't get eaten from her visit last Sat. I'm always at a loss for the right thing to do in situations like this. Her baking truly isn't inspired. Sometimes someone will eat something here from her.......but then most of it just sits until I feed it to the birds. Many things taste like she cuts back or leaves out the salt and sometimes her recipes just aren't that good. I can't tell her at this point, I don't believe anything positive would come of it. These are the sorts of lies my mother taught me that really are better just left alone. Lying by omission I guess is what I'm doing.
So, I'll slick up the kitchen and be grateful she shares her hobby with our household........ Trim her hair and then gratefully, get ready for my massage! Such a deal. If I'm ever just wondering what to do with extra money; having a therapist scheduled here on a regular basis would be a perfect idea!! That and my clean sheets (hung outside) every night and I'd be in absolute heaven.
Posted in
no $pending day,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
August 28th, 2006 at 04:07 pm
Too exciting here. My ad came out in the monthly newsletter for the first time in August and I already have a private student!
This is a smallish newspaper, published monthly & mailed or handed out at local churches. I know the editor and others that were advertising using this little paper & it seemed to work for them.......and I already can tell the increase in calls here.
I'll dig in my supplies to come up with a beginner "kit" for this woman, as I don't like making new folks buy something right off the bat. My frugal genes rearing their heads here.....but if she doesn't like the craft, or is really all thumbs, no money out but my lesson fees. Makes me feel better about teaching.
Since this woman has a small kiddo, I'm meeting her at her place (usually pick a public space, but we're trying nap time at her place). I can see the universe aligning here........ Her house is on the same street as the property in the possible trade/sale deal I wrote about last week! What are the odds?? It's also in the city my antique booth is in that I need to move out of.....
So, antiques, real estate and a knitting class all rolled into one day!
I'm thinking how handy it is to know how to do many things...........and what a bonus it is if others will PAY me to teach them how to do something! Fun, fun, fun!!!
Posted in
lifes' rules,
August 25th, 2006 at 03:53 pm
I have tried some of the pay to read sites, along with some of the survey sites but haven't paid much attention to them actually. They do seem easy here, if I'm on hold for something, I can click my way through a list of them pretty quickly. But, I truly was doing it mindlessly until yesterday.
I got an email asking if I wanted a pay out.....and when I checked a pay out of what....I had $23.00. A pleasant surprise for sure. Of course I said yes, a check would be just dandy.
The things I've learned on this site range from huge to tiny little things like reading emails for pennies! But, my little mindless on hold activity has now added $23.00 to the coffers here. Not bad!
Thanks to all here that continue their generous sharing of tips, ideas and websites. Never think "we" out here aren't paying attention. I thought I was pretty frugal prior to starting to read the blogs here, but wow, I truly was just starting out compared to some of you. It would be fun to know just how much I've saved and how much money I've earned directly related to this site........but nope, that's not an exercise I would do. (numbers make my brain fry) But, I can see by yesterdays surprise that the pennies truly do still add up!
Posted in
$ IN,
August 25th, 2006 at 03:02 am
OK, this one was even too weird for me. Parts of his stories didn't jive with what he had already emailed me and the reasons he needed to move were sounding a bit off too.
The whole visit here was sort of painful... well,not really.....but I sure couldn't wait til he was out the door, then down the road.
The roommate person was more than a little afraid I had already told this gentleman (use that term loosely), he could move in. The current temp tenant was almost laughing out loud at me as I tried to be polite, but usher this man to the door.
I'm still way ahead on my Craigslist folks however..........this guy isn't going to make me quit advertising or answering ads there. Not by a long shot. He was certainly good for some dinner conversation however....and quite a few laughs. I'm pretty sure I've never met someone who was wearing sooo much fake hair. He would scratch his forehead and the whole thing would move around. I'm grateful my parents taught me to be polite in any situation....and today gave me a chance to practice my skills. 
Posted in
no $pending day,
August 24th, 2006 at 04:25 pm
I can't believe it is already feeling like fall here in WA state.......a tad foggy/misty like this AM and chilly enough people are searching for slippers here.
August has been interesting here:
-did pull in rental for the extra room
-I had the disaster from the old tenants at the other house, but am already seeing a huge leap in value there, due to the work & money the new tenants are putting in. I am grateful there were no down days at that place.
-did find out the part time recruiter job is ending Sept 30th. Will continue to search out who is awarded the new contract for this & contact them asap
-Jobs are getting tackled & finished, thanks to the Navy man staying on the property! (and he pays rent, can't beat this!...plus he is great to have around, nice, funny, patient with my DD kids)
-room mate person has paid entire amount of her half of the rent!!!!! Can't tell you what a first this is.
-Sewing business is becoming a bit steadier. Advertising now in 2 places regularly. Forget to put it in on Craigs list....dumb when that is free.
-Antique booth, already better at new location, will pull out of old one this next week and be in one place. Should be able to make rent and a profit at the new place the first month, much more traffic.
Think that's it for August.......mainly it's been busy, which feels so odd for me not working full time. I see that it takes more time to paste together these part time efforts of mine, than it did to do the full time job.
Looking ahead to fall here...........
-I've got the room rented til Sept 7th at this point, and a potential new person coming today to talk about the coming year here. Fingers crossed
-I will have to pay the mortage on the other house until Dec, as that was the agreement with the new tenants. But, in trade, I'm getting all the supplies and work done for the remodel over there. I am getting the work done, which I couldn't have done myself, and if I had to pay someone, it would have been WAY more than 4 months mortage. It will be a huge nice house, or 2 smaller nice houses when it's done. They are adding a kitchen to the downstairs, which was never finished, just plumbed in and they are putting a laundry room upstairs so there will truly be 2 entire houses. One 2 bedroom and a 3 bedroom upstairs. Nice. It could almost double the rental income possibilities.
-When the new tenants do start to pay rent at the first of the year, the number we have worked out pays for the monthly mortage, insurance and taxes so there shouldn't be anything I am coming up with in addition. That will be nice.
-And, then there is the possiblity of selling/trading this place to the previous owners. I'm having fun already looking at new properties! Nothing on the horizon that sparks my interest, but I'm actually looking forward to moving, which is soooo totally out of character for me!
-Keeping my resume out there, looking for something else to do (with all my free time) to add to the income stream here.
So, life's full........I'm enjoying this retirement bit and bills seem to get paid. Not sure how, since there really has been a decrease in income as of July, but I'm not going to argue!
Posted in
no $pending day,
keeping track,
August 20th, 2006 at 05:38 pm
My no spend days are stringing together, I think I am almost at a no spend month sort of stage. I did buy light fixtures this past month, and I did pay the monthly bills, but that's it as far as money out. (at least as far as my memory goes)
I am so comfortable with this no money lifestyle, it doesn't even cross my mind until I read something in another blog or article about tightening their budgets, etc.
I read the 101 cost cutting measures Jeffrey had highlighted in a recent blog entry that was given to airline employees being laid off........and had to just chuckle.
101 ideas and some of them I would consider living High on the Hog as we used to say. Made me really look at my lifestyle here. Am I really THAT cheap? Are there things I'm not doing that are so detrimental they have a negative effect on my life??
Nope. Nothing's amiss here. I like things just like they are and even daydream of being even more self reliant than I am. So, no changes on the horizon; I'll keep up the pace here to increase the contentment factor with no questions about am I missing something lurking in the back of my mind.
Posted in
no $pending day,
August 14th, 2006 at 03:35 pm
This is just too easy. I responded to a freecycle item over the week end, (a huge bolt of sheer fabric,) thinking it might work to finish out the window treatments in my bedroom........
And, as luck would have it, the fabric belonged to someone I've begun to sew for & she quickly emailed me saying I was first to respond and she would bring the "good" with her today when she comes for her order. (that isn't even started yet!!! Thank goodness it is just hemming drapery panels)
Nice deal and I don't even have to drive for it. I had enough sheer fabric to do my slider but nothing left over for the windows, so I'm hopeful this new bolt will be adequate. I'm going to tea dye both pieces so they are similar in color, just want an off white, creamy neutral sort of affair and the tea should do the trick & if course it is in my price range of FREE.
Coffee's done, I'm heading to work.....which consists of shuffling out to the sewing room where I can open up the big door to the gardens, have my coffee, listen to some great music and make money at the same time. Not a bad day "at work" at all.
Posted in
no $pending day,
$ IN,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
sewing & knitting
August 13th, 2006 at 03:44 am
This could get very, very habit forming. I had to dash off to work for my part time job today........and came home exactly at dinner time to find the young lady had cooked a full course meal....and baked a peach cobbler to boot.
She had the fan on so the smell was wafting outside when I got here. Yummy, totally yummy!
She had done laundry, he had dug a trench for the compost near the garden plot.......he is washing dishes and she is sweeping.
I really have no idea when someone did the dinner here for me. Either it's been decades ago, or I'm too old to remember anyway!
They had even bought me flowers and a card.........I told them I was paying someone to go rent their apartment out from under them so they would HAVE to stay here! I could get sooooo used to this!
Posted in
August 11th, 2006 at 03:36 pm
Well, the new couple moved in last night and so far, all's well. They get up at 3 something to get themselves to work (only 1 vehicle, so lots of driving for her).
Forgot to mention the best benefit of this entire arrangement.........she is a massage therapist, licensed in CA, but here she needs to go back to school for additional hours. But, she is bringing her table tonight and offered to share her talents!!! I'll have to bite my tongue or I'll let her have the room here for nothing!!!
This is sounding like my deal with the horses........I get to have them here on the property and don't have to pay for them...Oh, wait....the horse lady PAYS ME.
This is sounding sort of similar...but it is temporary! I did ponder the idea of going to rent their apt. they are waiting for, so they would have to stay here and I could get my massage here while they PAY ME. (seeing a trend here........???)
Anyway, Day 1 of the temp. people and at this point, I like them both. Very fun couple and funny too. Animals lovers, gardeners and gone most of the time. I need to find something they want/need to trade for my massage now...... Will keep my ears open & see if we have something on their list.
Posted in
$ IN,
August 9th, 2006 at 03:25 pm
Amazing but true........it's raining here in WA state, at least where I live. I can't remember what month it was when it rained last.
The skies are cloudy, no sun in sight, and there is that wet stuff coming from the sky. I had to take a walk around the yard as soon as I got up this AM, just to feel the rain! ( A true Seattlite here) Barefoot, in my robe, with my coffee........enjoying the rain.
The Chihauhau, however........hasn't stepped off the mat at the door yet. He's not from Seattle I guess!
I can't even relate this weather to finances, as I water the yard with well water, so no savings there..... We don't have A/C to turn off & save money there either......... So, I guess it's raining purely for my enjoyment, which as the commercial on TV says; Priceless.
Posted in
August 6th, 2006 at 05:40 am
I'm doing a major happy dance here in my little corner of the world.....I've just met with the new tenants of the other house, and we signed a one year lease, with the hopes they will be there 2 years.
I will sleep better tonight, knowing there is a team approach now, to fixing the place up. Just got an email from the previous tenants, letting me know they have it as good as it's going to get.....so Monday morning is the day I go to see the nasty place. The new tenants have all taken a week off starting Monday and are going to work with me, so it feels less overwhelming tonight. Thank goodness.......
We've set a goal to have it back up to par by the first week in November. With 5 of us working and a couple of my friends ...I think it's possible.
I think I've still got one beer thats cold, and I'm thinking my name is on it!
I'm done for the night!
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