Home > Private Knitting Student Scheduled

Private Knitting Student Scheduled

August 28th, 2006 at 03:07 pm

Too exciting here. My ad came out in the monthly newsletter for the first time in August and I already have a private student!

This is a smallish newspaper, published monthly & mailed or handed out at local churches. I know the editor and others that were advertising using this little paper & it seemed to work for them.......and I already can tell the increase in calls here.

I'll dig in my supplies to come up with a beginner "kit" for this woman, as I don't like making new folks buy something right off the bat. My frugal genes rearing their heads here.....but if she doesn't like the craft, or is really all thumbs, no money out but my lesson fees. Makes me feel better about teaching.

Since this woman has a small kiddo, I'm meeting her at her place (usually pick a public space, but we're trying nap time at her place). I can see the universe aligning here........ Her house is on the same street as the property in the possible trade/sale deal I wrote about last week! What are the odds?? It's also in the city my antique booth is in that I need to move out of.....

So, antiques, real estate and a knitting class all rolled into one day!

I'm thinking how handy it is to know how to do many things...........and what a bonus it is if others will PAY me to teach them how to do something! Fun, fun, fun!!!

3 Responses to “Private Knitting Student Scheduled”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    How fun! I am no expert at knitting, but I was able to teach a friend the basics as I understood them and we have spent a little time since knitting was such fun!! Enjoy sharing your craft and earning a little in the process!

  2. boomeyers Says:

    Wow! It is amazing how things work out for the best sometimes!

  3. ima saver Says:

    That is great!

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