Amazing but's raining here in WA state, at least where I live. I can't remember what month it was when it rained last.
The skies are cloudy, no sun in sight, and there is that wet stuff coming from the sky. I had to take a walk around the yard as soon as I got up this AM, just to feel the rain! ( A true Seattlite here) Barefoot, in my robe, with my coffee........enjoying the rain.
The Chihauhau, however........hasn't stepped off the mat at the door yet. He's not from Seattle I guess!
I can't even relate this weather to finances, as I water the yard with well water, so no savings there..... We don't have A/C to turn off & save money there either......... So, I guess it's raining purely for my enjoyment, which as the commercial on TV says; Priceless.
What is This? Could It Be Rain??
August 9th, 2006 at 02:25 pm
August 9th, 2006 at 02:55 pm 1155135341
I am jealous! I want rain. I do water my lawn, though I have cut it down to only twice a week! Yeah, clouds, big deal....all looks and NO ACTION! :-(
August 9th, 2006 at 07:32 pm 1155151927
Still cloudy, no blue sky.........feels so much different than what we've had lately.
August 10th, 2006 at 12:55 am 1155171325