Goals for 2007
1) Grow my new business so the income covers my half of the expenses here.
2) If………….. better make that WHEN I accomplish #1, continue pushing for new clients so I have enough income to make the changes to the house & property that I want to do with the bathtub in my room the top priority.
3) Put my physical self on the list.
4) Increase income from the property.
5) Legal stuff attended to (didn’t happen last year, although I made some progress in this area)
I think 5 is a good number………seems realistic. Each goal requires multiple steps to make it happen & I’d love to be writing next year at this time that I’d crossed all of them off my list, so don't want to get too enthusiastic in my goal setting.
Action steps necessary for each goal: (this is the important part)
1) Send in the new ad copy for the 2 papers I’m in currently. Add 2 other local papers as soon as possible. Remember to post my ad on Craigslist on a regular basis. Get signage for the van as well as a sign for the front gate. Order new business cards.
2) More of #1 in order to make this happen. Will get a bid on the items I want to get done around here, so I have a concrete figure to shoot for.
3) Walk 3 times a week. Continue to tell everyone I come across that I’m looking for walking partners so I can increase my chances of success on this one.
Finish up some serious dental work, including some cosmetic changes I’ve had on my list for ages. (appointments already made for Jan)
Get new glasses
Concentrate on eating more fresh food, less meat, sugar & white flour.
4) Give notice to the current horse boarding people. Let the pasture rest while advertising for a new renter. I’ve learned tons in this past year; not the least being I’m renting this space for pennies. I know I can find fewer animals for the space and double the income at the same time.
Keep looking & advertising for other uses for the property; ie parking vehicles, etc.
5) Meet with mom & the new attorney; primarily to get her trust tidied up and then get my will finished up so my affairs are just as in order as moms will be.
I will print this out and post in my office so I get daily reminders of where I want to be this time next year.
I will also do a monthly check in to keep me honest here.
I will celebrate all the small steps and not fret the setbacks. (old enough to know the reality of this much change)
I will fill my life with good things and good people, remembering to enjoy each and every day.
Goals: And.... My Plan to Reach Them
January 1st, 2007 at 02:28 am
January 1st, 2007 at 03:42 pm 1167666174