Home > Is it Going to be Sand Between Our Toes???

Is it Going to be Sand Between Our Toes???

September 21st, 2007 at 05:58 am

Yes, yes, and yes.........our counter offer to the counter offer got accepted late this evening. Now, on to the hashing out the details stage so we can firm up the deal for the beach house!!! There will be sand in our toes, as well as everywhere else I imagine. (having never lived on a beach, I can only guess)

Parts of me can't believe the whole chain of events; and then when we think about it, everything seems to be flowing easily and we can picture life in the new house as easy as pie! So, it feels good; to both mom & I.

And, in the small world department, or it pays to be chatty has a hot prospect for the commercial property!!! Not even listed yet and we've got 3 people interested. She went today for her check up re; her nose injury from her fall. The DR had been asking her questions on her last appt, about where she lived etc. In passing, she mentioned the property in town and she said he got very inquisitive. Today, she told him the property was for sale.....he called here at home tonight and said he had already talked to his accountant & they were very interested. Passed him on to realtor/grandson person. Can you tell my mom is a retired realtor?? Never one to miss an opportunity!

I mailed off the packet of info to my potential buyer of the vacant land. He wanted plat maps & tax numbers.... said he is very interested. Hoping he steps up and makes an offer this week.

Some kind soul from freecycle dropped off a porch full of moving boxes today. I will repay the favor to someone when I'm finished with these. I'm off to gather up some more tomorrow.....when I envision packing up moms house it boggles my mind. She has been here since 62 when they built, and has not parted with a single thing since then! Smile

We got the lease signed tonight for the house rental. Made it only 6 months, in case the property sells right away.

Took my samples in to the parks & rec dept for the display there prior to my fall knitting classes. Need to order supplies tomorrow before I forget in all the real estate frenzy here.

Made a ton of phone calls, including a reminder to moms tax prep guy.....we're still waiting for him to finish up 05 and I'm crossing my fingers he has our paperwork for 06, as I can't find it anywhere here.

Tonight we received the first order of my moms meds, which is 3 months.....all FAXED in from the DR. Too easy. And, way cheaper than the 30 day prices with the local pharmacies. She was pretty impressed. Good thing we have 90 days worth, as neither of us will have the time to spend running to the pharmacy in the near future anyway! Smile

A good day, but a full one. Feels a bit like a week crammed into a day. Grateful things are working out, so I will be able to see mom sitting on her porch at the beach!

7 Responses to “Is it Going to be Sand Between Our Toes???”

  1. LuxLiving Says:

    Wow - a beach house, I am SOOOOO jealous!! Congrats to you and Mom both - a new chapter awaits.

    Praying that all your RE transactions go smoothly! Woo-hoo, a beach house. Color me GREEN, GREEN, GREEN!

    Enjoy it for the both of us, eh??

  2. Ima saver Says:

    I am so excited for you!! Remember to invite me when you throw your first beach party!!

  3. fern Says:

    That's wonderful news!! I'm so happy for you.

    How about some pix?

  4. homebody Says:

    You lucky dog you! I just got back from NC visiting my youngest and we drove through a town called Swansboro which is only about 15 minutes from their house, the houses on the water made me so envious!

    What are your plans for gardening?

  5. littlegopher Says:

    What great news! Maybe life on the beach will be a bit more relaxing...well, you never know. Best wishes!

  6. JanH Says:

    Wow, that's great! Take a picture of your first sunset over the water for us!

  7. contrary1 Says:

    Thanks all for the good wishes.........hoping the rest of the transaction goes well. We're in the title search stage now, as well as a loan app process. (since nothing we have will sell & close soon enough to tie up the house)

    Didn't even picture beach parties Ima, but if there is one.......come on over! I will be brushing up my clam digging skills after we get there!

    We're sure hoping things will calm down for both of us after the move. Certainly things can't get more busy!

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