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April 3rd, 2006 at 07:26 pm
I've told my carpenter person (formerly the homeless man, that is now living in the back 40 here) that I just might move into the new coop he is building.
I've never seen anything so fancy for chickens! My last one was a very creative, artistic venture that had multiple helpers..........giving us a unique event for sure. The chickens didn't mind, but visitors would always ask "what is that?". Wasn't an obvious abode for chickens!
This new addition to the yard is an amazing deal, including an automatic watering system from the gutter to a rain barrel and then to the watering can. Roosts that hinge up for easy cleaning underneath, a concrete floor with a screen on the low side, so I can hose off the floor and out the screen the water goes. Eggs can be collected from outside the coop (no more chickens escaping), there is a top on the run even to foil the hawks and we've got a trench so the fencing continues under ground. HA, the critters will have to work really hard to invade this coop.
I'm getting this fancy coop built the year of the bird flu. Ironic. My usual sources for chicks are getting wet feet re; shipping birds. Not sure yet if I'm going ahead with this project when it gets done, or if I'll wait. Seems a shame to wait, I do enjoy my chickens!!
DAILY MONEY UPDATE: No spending day, and I should get the first of the checks for April this evening, so some $$ IN.
No clients here for dinner, so I can concentrate on just cleaning out the fridge, plenty in there for several meals.
Still gathering paperwork for the tax lady.
Starting to plug in numbers for the net worth project at the same time, it sort of overlaps with the tax figures.
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no $pending day,
$ IN
March 15th, 2006 at 04:28 am
I did it. Had the conversation I had been putting off since the move in Oct. I have an adult that lives in my home & the agreement was always she would help with expenses. It has got so loose, there was no help at all lately.
I now have the opposite problem, she is giving me her money to manage. Truly, she isn't good at this, is on a govt. disability, so there isn't much to manage anyway. But, I'm going to take the offer as it stands. It will make me less resentful, she might understand it takes money for her to stay here.........and the money will help pay the household expenses. During our conversation, she handed me $300. & said it was the 2nd half of her car insurance. (We have ours together, as it makes me qualify for a multiple vehicle discount.)With me handling her money, I can budget the payment & hold it, so she doesn't fritter it away on fast food; her major expense in life.
I also challenged her to come up with some creative ways to use the property & buildings here to turn this into an asset, instead of the liability it is.
So, my tough money subjects I have committed to dealing with are slowly getting handled. Only one more to go!
Feels good to be making progress on this catagory, Money Owed Me! I spend so much energy working up the guts to have these conversations........I wonder if any of these people think twice about the outstanding amounts & the agreements we have?
Did a new thing for me today; I bid (& won) on some yarn on Ebay. Nice price, including shipping. I think this will be my new way to shop for yarn, cheaper even than online or catalogs.
I'm also trying to figure out how to get pictures posted on line; I've got some items to list, but they really need a picture. So far, all I can do is email the picture to anyone that is interested. I've had this on my TO DO list now for as long as I've had my new camera!!! Feeling old & behind the times tonight!!!
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$ IN
March 14th, 2006 at 02:04 am
The #2 hot water tank feeds supplies the 2 bathrooms in the bedroom end of the house........#1 tank takes care of the laundry, kitchen & another bath.... In preparation for my annual license inspection here; I was testing the temp of the water from #2 & found it registers a tad over 150 degrees! Yikes. I had no idea it was that hot. Talk about a waste of money. Now, I can't seem to get it regulated any cooler. Even after showers today, it remains at 150 or above. The thermostat on the heater says 110. Have a couple more days to mess with it, but I need it to read 120 on Friday for the inspection.
I should be getting another small paycheck this evening.....but I paid out 50% of the labor for the carpenter putting up the coop & clothesline, still money to the plus side however.
Spent the day fine tuning the house for the inspection. Cleaned places that haven't been touched since we moved in, packed some things away so they could be locked up, and generally looked at the place through a strangers eyes. We have a dog and cats & it looked like we were covered in fur. I just get used to it, some gets cleaned up each week......but I love my animals more than a spotless house. We'll see how we fair at the exit interview. My job depends on this license, so we need to pass with flying colors.
Getting a glass of wine & putting my feet up for the evening.
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$ OUT,
$ IN
March 6th, 2006 at 03:36 pm
By a couple of my kids schedule changes, I ended up with the afternoon & evening off yesterday! This doesn't happen unless all the planets are aligned & I've been living right! I called my mom & headed to her place to check out all the work she has done on her new place. Then, we headed out to dinner, she paid!! Visited until I had to leave to pick up one of the kids at the train station..........but it was great to see her. Since I moved a bit further away, we just haven't connected as much. Talk on the phone more than daily however!
I have all day free today too, the young man that is usually here wasn't able to come this week, so I've actually got alone time! My list of what to do is getting longer, not sure I can accomplish it all today!
One paycheck came in, so banking is on the list........as well as getting my first book that sold mailed off.
Would love some advice from those of you that sell books on Half.com.....how best to package these?? Ideas? Suggestions?
I am inspired by all the posts here re; weight loss.........I'm throwing my hat in the ring and going to begin making some changes in this regard. I picked up a treadmill on freecycle, it's time I began to use it daily. It would definately be cheaper to be able to wear the clothing I have, rather than needing to buy a bigger size.........which is the crossroad I'm at right now.
Gardened this week end, the huge box of strawberry plants are now an organized patch....and I know more plants are coming. (need to clear another patch of ground) Got at least half the trees in the ground, (approx 70) we look like a nursery in some areas outside. One more bucket of little trees to get in the ground.........
Keeping to my plan of sending for at least 2 freebies a day...it is sure starting to pay off. Got a very nice clock on Sat, added it to my care box for my son.
Off to tackle my TO DO list here, as well as get another stack of books listed at half.com. As everyone else is off to their Mondays.........I'm enjoying what is my version of a week end!
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$ IN
March 4th, 2006 at 03:21 pm
Exciting little things are beginning to happen from the work I've put in already as well as just being WAY more attentive to my money in general.
I received my first notice a book I listed on half.com SOLD! Too fun. I have an unlimited source of free to me books, although not all are in great shape. The ones I've listed are New!
I applied for another gift card, thinking I have got this canceling thing down pat now.....I hope.
I thought I should update my Paypal account, with the new address, etc.......& was surprised to find $150. in the account. I had forgotten about getting paid for an auction item!!! Requested they put the money in the interest acct, and just left it there.
I will be spending a tad today, I pay a 14yo boy to help with my autistic kiddo on Saturdays........ My guy is on a weekend with his mom, so the 14yo & I are going to plant trees. A good $15.00 spent, since I've got over 100 seedlings to get in the ground.
Also using gas, but I'm picking up a van load of free fabric (freecycle), so it should even itself out eventually.
I got blessed with a huge box of strawberry plants today.... Free things are so exciting! That will make the berries taste even better!!
Paychecks start coming in tomorrow, I'm anxious to get another round of payments on the CC's, being mindful of saving out enough for the property taxes in April....2 months to go to round up enough for this bill. I had thought it was going to come out of the money set aside for the remodel, but with that bid so high........I'm going to need to save more &/or get a lower bid.
Advertised on Craigs list for bids, got one guy to answer & he actually came the same day! Let's hope he gets back to me.
I got my utility bill yesterday, & figured out I'm paying $3.36 per day for electricity. Covers lights & the pump, we don't have elec heat. They won't lower my average payment until I've been here a year & can prove I won't have spikes in my use. Wait til they see the bill next month........I've been hyper careful here.
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$ OUT,
$ IN
February 16th, 2006 at 04:21 pm
I've got the car running, it hasn't gone anywhere yet this week & it's 20 something outside!!! I've got a training to attend, or I wouldn't be going anywhere yet! The training will fulfill 6 of my 10 required hrs, it's free and they provide lunch. It will take up my whole day..........but, I'm taking a new knitting project (and my business cards!) so I'll feel like I'm getting something done besides just listening.
The topic is one I've already had many trainings in, so I'm not expecting any real breakthrough moments..........I can always make notes as to the "little things" I can do re; budget & finances while in class!!
Planning a grocery run to an outlet/ restaurant supply store on the way home; usually runs about $100 but lasts a couple months. I'm hoping to get better at keeping records; some of the other posts here have made me aware how lacking I am in this food & household piece of the budget.
Got my 2nd check in payment for the horses boarding here. Nice!! I'm absolutely enjoying the horses, they are so fun to watch; even if they belong to someone else. More enjoyment BECAUSE they belong to someone else!!
I am getting to know the woman who owns the animals & am seeing someone who doesn't have their finances in order. I see how much money it takes to keep the horses & have to just wonder. I'm pretty sure I would have sold my horses if I was in her position.
Hoping the car is warm & toasty.......After today, I'll only have 1.5 hours left of cont. ed to finish in 06. Not bad for it only being Feb.
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$ IN