August 19th, 2006 at 04:20 pm
Spent most of the week at my moms again, helping in the gardens as well as getting a few odd jobs off her TO DO list.
I did squeeze in a haircut and an evening of working at one of the part time jobs I seem to be collecting. I also checked out an antique mall in moms town and rented a booth starting this week.
We've got a pretty full house this week end......the young couple are still here, both respite young men are here and the Navy man is back from the trip to Oregon. His ship is now getting a make over so he hasn't got access to showers, etc on board, so we have one more using the bathrooms i& laundry. A quick meeting among all the folks and I think we have a workable bathroom schedule for the near future.
My lousy landlord skills are cropping up again, I've got folks that owe rent and I really, really don't like this part. I would rather not do anything and have them pay me when they could, than say anything. So far, money seems to be coming in at a rate that takes care of the bills, but it would be nice if all the parties paid up without a reminder. Makes me think about doing more retail rental types of investments?? Using a management firm??
Both are sounding inviting now.
Posted in
no $pending day,
keeping track
August 16th, 2006 at 03:01 pm
Adding up the Amazon gift certificates again here. I just got notification this morning; my reviews for Insider Pages got accepted and my $50.00 will be arriving in the mail shortly! TA DA! That was an easy do.
Just review businesses I have frequented and let Insider pages know when I was finished. I like the whole project.....I get to write, I get paid and in the process, I can let others know about some local businesses that could use the free advertising.
I think I might even use some of my Amazon money this week, I've got a birthday gift for the room mate person here to figure out. She's pretty easy to buy for, so I just need to find her something on Amazon & it's free to me!
Posted in
$ IN,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word
August 15th, 2006 at 07:45 pm
The Hunter Douglas survey I participated in is truly paying off. I had my doubts, and wasn't holding my breath for the package to arrive.........but arrive it did...this morning.
One more thing to go on the TO DO list, is to get these installed, then I can complete the survey about ease of installation. And, they are mine to keep if I like them, or return them for $50.00. I'm all done whining about surveys that don't seem to pay off!!!
I'll continue to do the silly little surveys to get entered into the "sweepstakes", which I never expect to win.....because, that's how I believe I got into this event with the blinds. I was sent an email on this one, it wasn't through the typical survey sites I have signed up for.
Whatever the reason, I'm excited to be getting free blinds, as that is the only price that would be in my current budget for something that isn't really a necessity here. (no window coverings on any windows here, as there is no one that can see in here anyway) But, blinds for the sun in my room would be a real treat. Gone with the white sheets here!!! 
Posted in
Free: My favorite 4 letter word
August 14th, 2006 at 03:35 pm
This is just too easy. I responded to a freecycle item over the week end, (a huge bolt of sheer fabric,) thinking it might work to finish out the window treatments in my bedroom........
And, as luck would have it, the fabric belonged to someone I've begun to sew for & she quickly emailed me saying I was first to respond and she would bring the "good" with her today when she comes for her order. (that isn't even started yet!!! Thank goodness it is just hemming drapery panels)
Nice deal and I don't even have to drive for it. I had enough sheer fabric to do my slider but nothing left over for the windows, so I'm hopeful this new bolt will be adequate. I'm going to tea dye both pieces so they are similar in color, just want an off white, creamy neutral sort of affair and the tea should do the trick & if course it is in my price range of FREE.
Coffee's done, I'm heading to work.....which consists of shuffling out to the sewing room where I can open up the big door to the gardens, have my coffee, listen to some great music and make money at the same time. Not a bad day "at work" at all.
Posted in
no $pending day,
$ IN,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
sewing & knitting
August 14th, 2006 at 04:06 am
While working at the Festival of the River today.......I splurged and bought a fillet of salmon and a slice of watermelon. I had sat there yesterday and smelled the smoke and the fish........as well as watched others gobble up the meals right and left...so today I succumbed.
I didn't get the whole meal, as it didn't look like I would enjoy working on corn on the cob, while manning an info booth.....so I just took the fish and the fruit. Paid $7.00 for that part of the meal and was looking forward to the fish especially.
It is so odd to me how deciding to spend the money for this 'treat' for myself made me so hyper critical. I didn't enjoy the fish as much as I had thought I would.....and will think before repeating a similar purchase. I had presumed it would be tasty & yummy......and it was a tad dry and would have to be called satisfactory. Not great.....in other words, not worth the treat. Blah!
My dinner here, when I got home was oh, so much better. I wonder when I will KNOW this lesson, and how long it will take me to learn it? If I had of known any of the people I was working with today, I should have asked them for a taste of their fish.....and I wouldn't have bought any for myself.
So, money out today.......with nothing coming in. Can't get myself jazzed up to head to the sewing room tonight, so will need to be up at dawn tomorrow to get an order ready for a customer coming at noon. I'm more of a morning person anyway.....lucky for me!
Posted in
$ OUT,
sewing & knitting
August 13th, 2006 at 08:03 pm
Off to another day at my part time job, which today......will mean sitting in the shade at a riverside park, talking up Foster Parenting.
Not a bad deal at all. And, I can take my knitting & finish a project or two for another of my "ventures". I'm going to supply some hand knit & crochet items for an ebay store just to see if there is a market for this type of thing.
So, outdoors........knitting and chatting.......and get paid. Doesn't get much better than that!
The new boarders will start dinner & I will help when I get home......This live in help is very handy.
Posted in
no $pending day,
$ IN
August 13th, 2006 at 03:44 am
This could get very, very habit forming. I had to dash off to work for my part time job today........and came home exactly at dinner time to find the young lady had cooked a full course meal....and baked a peach cobbler to boot.
She had the fan on so the smell was wafting outside when I got here. Yummy, totally yummy!
She had done laundry, he had dug a trench for the compost near the garden plot.......he is washing dishes and she is sweeping.
I really have no idea when someone did the dinner here for me. Either it's been decades ago, or I'm too old to remember anyway!
They had even bought me flowers and a card.........I told them I was paying someone to go rent their apartment out from under them so they would HAVE to stay here! I could get sooooo used to this!
Posted in
August 11th, 2006 at 03:36 pm
Well, the new couple moved in last night and so far, all's well. They get up at 3 something to get themselves to work (only 1 vehicle, so lots of driving for her).
Forgot to mention the best benefit of this entire arrangement.........she is a massage therapist, licensed in CA, but here she needs to go back to school for additional hours. But, she is bringing her table tonight and offered to share her talents!!! I'll have to bite my tongue or I'll let her have the room here for nothing!!!
This is sounding like my deal with the horses........I get to have them here on the property and don't have to pay for them...Oh, wait....the horse lady PAYS ME.
This is sounding sort of similar...but it is temporary! I did ponder the idea of going to rent their apt. they are waiting for, so they would have to stay here and I could get my massage here while they PAY ME. (seeing a trend here........???)
Anyway, Day 1 of the temp. people and at this point, I like them both. Very fun couple and funny too. Animals lovers, gardeners and gone most of the time. I need to find something they want/need to trade for my massage now...... Will keep my ears open & see if we have something on their list.
Posted in
$ IN,
August 11th, 2006 at 12:01 am
Well, the renting out of the spare bedroom didn't actually work out with a full time person...........but, we've got the room rented out for the next 17 days. At almost the same rate we had it advertised for too!
This will be interesting, I felt like we could do anything for 17 days. It's a young couple that thought they had an apt. sewed up, but can't get in it until Sept 1st, due to some painting & carpeting work. They were going to camp in a local park, but advertised on Craigs list since they have a cat & didn't know how well that was going to work 'camping'.
They both work and have a long commute, so I doubt we'll see much of them. I'm so used to having other people in my house, it won't make a bit of difference to my daily life here.
If all goes well..........it should be a win/win situation. They have a place to stay and I get some help with the bills this month. Works for me!
Posted in
$ IN
August 10th, 2006 at 09:44 pm
My efforts at the $20.00 Challenge began with renting space at a local antique mall here...........and stocking it with 'free to me' items to sell.
Just one catch. Most of it isn't doing that.........selling that is.
So, today I gave my notice and I'm pulling out at the end of August. Admitting failure on this front......but not giving up totally. I like doing this so much, I'm going to give it one more try in a different city, hopefully one with more foot traffic.
This might work out better, since it will be in the town my mom lives in. We can fiddle with the booth together and I'll be a little more attentive to the space, since I'll be at moms anyway. Could end up being a fun thing to do together too...although she hasn't shown any interest so far (and when I started this venture a few years ago, it was originally to sell her things for her.......she didn't wnat a garage sale but needed to clear out 60 years of stuff)
Bottom line...........My Challenge cost me money. I only made rent and a profit one month. The other months, I paid for the privilege of displaying my collectables for other to LOOK AT, not buy. So, a definate money out sort of day here, as I paid the last months rent..... Good thing we're not talking BIG money here, but I the whole experience ended up in the red.
Posted in
$ OUT,
keeping track
August 10th, 2006 at 02:35 am
I don't even watch the 6PM news usually, but tonight I was by myself for dinner here, and didn't have a book to read so turned it on to find a neat little morsel of info.
A gentleman who was tired of reaching companies customer service departments and getting lost in the continual loop of voice mail called erroneously; Customer Service...........set up a website called gethuman.com
I have checked it out and saved it for the next time I want to call a company for any reason; I know there will be a next time......I'm getting better and better about this, thanks to many of you here.
He has indexed the companies and listed the prompts you need to key in at each opportunity, in order to by pass the recorded messages and truly, get a human.
TA DA. What a great service!
I almost can't wait to have an instance to try it out....the website list of companies looked massive. I've been ticked off at the automated voice commands too, but can't imagine coming up with a solution to the entire problem.
Posted in
August 10th, 2006 at 12:13 am
I don't even remember this one exactly......I'm just getting too old to keep all the details straight on the things I'm signing up for. (thank goodness I quit the trial offers that needed to be cancelled, huh??)
I got an email just now, saying Thank you for your participation. Amazon gift card info enclosed. This one is for $10.00 and has to do with a cell phone survey. All I can think of is it must have looked like one of the surveys & an entry in a sweepstakes.....which I have been doing a few of....and it turned into this. Nice, however it happened.
So, now I'm up to $125 at Amazon. For just some emails and a couple surveys. I will be filling out more of these surveys at this point!! Pretty habit forming when they actually start producing something other than "thank you, your name has been submitted into the Whoop de do Sweepstakes"
Posted in
$ IN,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word
August 9th, 2006 at 03:25 pm
Amazing but true........it's raining here in WA state, at least where I live. I can't remember what month it was when it rained last.
The skies are cloudy, no sun in sight, and there is that wet stuff coming from the sky. I had to take a walk around the yard as soon as I got up this AM, just to feel the rain! ( A true Seattlite here) Barefoot, in my robe, with my coffee........enjoying the rain.
The Chihauhau, however........hasn't stepped off the mat at the door yet. He's not from Seattle I guess!
I can't even relate this weather to finances, as I water the yard with well water, so no savings there..... We don't have A/C to turn off & save money there either......... So, I guess it's raining purely for my enjoyment, which as the commercial on TV says; Priceless.
Posted in
August 9th, 2006 at 05:10 am
I've passed from an Insider to a Guru tonight at InsiderPages.com. I have completed 50 reviews this past week, don't have to have them completed until the 14th, so I'll do a few more just for insurance.
Don't want my offerings not meeting the criteria by just a few and missing the $50 Amazon G/C. Way too good to pass up.
Since I've lived in the same county most of my life ........this seems like such an easy task to me. I did have to work tonight to find the last 5 businesses......especially since there is a list of catagories that qualify for this campaign.
So, I'll review the list during the next couple days and see if there are any I've missed. (also will my eyes peeled for ideas as I'm out running errands tomorrow)
Since I'm opinionated and I like to write, this project seems to be just the ticket!
Can't wait to have the gift certificates to use for Christmas shopping.....Shop from home and not even spending my own money, it doesn't get much better!!!
Posted in
Free: My favorite 4 letter word
August 9th, 2006 at 01:17 am
Unheard of these days for me...........but, I did spend money this afternoon. I didn't even shop around, just whipped into Lowes' and bought 3 outdoor light fixtures. All on sale, hopefully, they will work for my project here.
Getting the supplies here, so when our Navy man gets back in port next week, he has all the stuff he needs to get to the next TO DO list.
Our outdoor lights have been a constant problem for me since we moved in a year ago almost! (can't believe that) They are all sensor lights, with no override switch, so you can't do the simple thing of turning on your porch light. I needed to wait until someone made their way to the porch in the dark, then tripped and fell on the step.......triggering the motion detector and then the light would go on..........for 30 seconds.
In WA state, we really do have lots of dark days in the fall & winter.....and I like to have the outdoor lights on when expecting either company or a customer. I was actually glad Mr Navy couldn't fix the lights in a way.......because at least I knew it wasn't just me being stupid with the electrical stuff. They really didn't work right!
So, money out........but necessarily so in my book. Each light was on sale from 20 something to 9 something, so it won't break the bank here.
I've kept my receipt as I'm notorious for finding the ONE item at the store that doesn't work, or is already broken in some way......... I'm almost expecting to have to take at least one fixture back. Hopefully, they will all go up without a hitch and we'll be lit up with a switch instead of people tripping up the walk!
Posted in
August 8th, 2006 at 02:23 am
Finally got accepted and made it through the pre question sort of stage for not one, but 2 surveys. Both happened today.
Got paid $4.00 for watching Good Morning America today.......at least 30 minutes of it, (which was easy, since I usually watch this while slicking up my room) Had to log in and answer a dozen questions anytime today prior to 10PM. Done, easy. Way easy.
2nd one, was a whole lot longer. Tons of questions earlier in the week. Can't even remember them specifically, because in my mind, they were both the same survey. Got all the way to this afternoon before I realized there were two of them.
Had to log in at a certain time this afternoon, not as easy as it sounds. I had qualified for one from the same company last week and I didn't get logged in in time, so they told me Thank You Very Much & I was done. I started earlier on this one, had to make quite a few adjustments to my PC in order for the thing to load. Was interactive this time, about food, which was hard since it was right before dinner for me.......and it made me really hungry!!! Lots of pictures of yummy food. Anyway, 60 minutes.......which flew by actually, and $20.00 for this one.
Now, if the new blinds actually show up from the Hunter Douglass survey, I'll really have a good month for this catagory of money making. I was beginning to think I was way too old, didn't buy near enough stuff or something......I haven't qualified for a survey since I started filling them out 5-6 months ago. Good thing I'm not easily discouraged, huh??
Also squeezed in a sewing customer among the events of the day....and she is bringing another couple jobs when she picks this current one up next Monday. Love these kind. Repeats before I even get the first order done!
Posted in
no $pending day,
$ IN,
sewing & knitting
August 7th, 2006 at 09:22 pm
I just returned from a walk through of my rental property. I didn't cry. Tears would be warranted, that's for sure. Also, tearing out of hair, screaming to the heavens, all sorts of ranting & raving would be totally appropriate when I saw the condition of the place. All the work, as well as the money, I can't even think about it right now. This is one of the times to just close that book and open a new one, otherwise nothing beneficial would happen. I will be attentive through all this, and learn what I can from the experience.
On the flip side, I did take a helper, empty pots & shovels, and did take the time to fill the van with plants. The gardens weren't as bad as the house was; only a bit overgrown, not too many weeds due to the way the beds have been planted with ground covers. The ponds are dry, no one cleaned or kept them filled.........the veggie garden has been allowed to go back to blackberries....
Fortunately, the 2 sets of contractors that have rented it now, had been in the place for 48 hours..........working their tails off. They had removed all the ruined carpets, emptied the trash out (will fill a 20 yard container I'm having delivered on Wed) and started cleaning before I got there this AM. I do owe these folks something huge as a thank you for dealing with this mess.......it isn't theirs, truly isn't mine and we are both left dealing with it.
I will be keeping my eyes & ears open for ways to bless them as we get to know each other over the next couple years.
Adding the entire experience to my 'hard lessons learned'.
Posted in
August 7th, 2006 at 02:43 am
You know all the jokes about zucchini...and the instructions to leave them on strangers porches, ring their doorbell & run... 
Well, I'm almost to that point again this year. I go along great for a few weeks in early summer, picking the tiny little veggies to chop and eat fresh in green salads and anxiously await the time when I let one get big enough to slice & fry for the yummiest of appetizers.....and then it hits.
I've somehow missed a couple veggies on my ONE plant and I've now got 2 that are a great size to stuff with sausage & onions and call "Zucchini Dinner Boats" and 2 more that are approaching the size of baseball bats.
What to do? Put Zucchini in the cake! Yes, that's right. It makes a delicious addition to dessert, however I confess I don't tell many people here what's IN the cake!

I've included the recipe here, just in case there might be one or two of you who have let your zucchini plant get away from you again this summer!
Zucchini Chocolate Cake
(one 13 X 9 inch cake)
1/2 cup margarine
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 3/4 cups sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup buttermilk
2 1/2 cups unsifted flour
4 Tablespoons baking cocoa
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon cloves
2 cups finely diced zucchini (Be sure to chop, NOT shred this)
1/3 cup chocolate chips
Cream margarine, oil & sugar. Add eggs, vanilla & buttermilk. Beat with electric mixer until well blended.
Sift dry ingredients together & add to batter. Beat until well blened, then stir in zucchini
Pour batter into greased & floured 9 X 13 pan. Sprinkle top with chocolate chips. Bake in preheated 350 degree oven for 40 -45 minutes or until it tests done.
Posted in
all things food,
Frugal Gardening,
August 6th, 2006 at 05:45 pm
Boy, do things look different to me this morning. With the rental issue resolved, (months of work left to do, but we have a PLAN) I slept for almost 8 hours and feel like a new person....maybe not new, but at least a well rested old person! 
Have been up for hours, make breakfast for the natives here, cleaned the kitchen that didn't get cleaned after the cooking marathon of yesterday..... did the rental meeting instead of cleaning up.
Have a kettle of applesauce simmering and the house smells delicious. If I'm making applesauce, fall has to be on the doorstep here. Meals are all a snap today, due to mass food prepared yesterday. Love that.
Will have several meals to put in the freezer tonight too....I'm doing a fair job of keeping the kitchen freezer just for my ready to heat & eat meals. Helps with the organization and I get a more constant update/reminder of what there is to use, as well as what needs replentishing.
The day might even get capped off with a paycheck this afternoon. It is the first week of the month already........and both my kids families owe for Aug now. An uneventful day here...just like I like them! No spending, no going anywhere, just enjoying a day without a schedule.
Posted in
no $pending day
August 6th, 2006 at 05:40 am
I'm doing a major happy dance here in my little corner of the world.....I've just met with the new tenants of the other house, and we signed a one year lease, with the hopes they will be there 2 years.
I will sleep better tonight, knowing there is a team approach now, to fixing the place up. Just got an email from the previous tenants, letting me know they have it as good as it's going to get.....so Monday morning is the day I go to see the nasty place. The new tenants have all taken a week off starting Monday and are going to work with me, so it feels less overwhelming tonight. Thank goodness.......
We've set a goal to have it back up to par by the first week in November. With 5 of us working and a couple of my friends ...I think it's possible.
I think I've still got one beer thats cold, and I'm thinking my name is on it!
I'm done for the night!
Posted in
August 5th, 2006 at 06:51 pm
Thanks to my dad & his years of hauling other people's excess lumber home; I've now got a stack of Free To Me lumber for the Navy man to create wonders with.
We went scrounging in the back forty of my parents home, an acre of stuff I just can't adequately describe here. Anyone remember the TV show, Sanford & Son?? Think that, but switch from auto parts & junk to lumber, anything wood and then some junk. All in piles, all covered, all in great shape.......and after 40-50 years, all really difficult to get to.
We worked hard for FREE this time. But, the lumber was in great shape, albiet covered with spiders & occasional critter droppings...the price was right.
The first item getting built here is a work bench for the garage. The framework is done, supposedly the top gets cut and attached this afternoon. I've got the vice and a grinder that will get put on and then we will be ready for inspection I think! Even the bolts for this event are from Dad's stash......we also poked around all of his shops and workbenches!!
My dad would be pleased to know some of his items are getting put to good use. He was a great one for 'seeing' the possibilities in found objects and just putting them away for later. No matter how long he worked each day of his life, he never did make it to the end of his TO DO list. We used to joke about it often!
It's going to feel good to use this work bench, long after the Navy gets done with his stint here..........
Posted in
Free: My favorite 4 letter word,
August 5th, 2006 at 01:21 am
With the day I've had.......heck with the last couple weeks, I could stand a few hours of intensive therapy sessions. But, instead.....I headed to my garden for a bit of meditative weeding!
Digging in the dirt is FREE, compared to paying a therapist to listen to me whine & complain about my current situation. Plus, I can see actual progress here, I get fresh air and exercise and I also brought in FREE veggies for dinner.
So, another benefit chalked up for those of us who put in gardens. Frugal Gardening as Therapy. Works for me.
Posted in
Frugal Gardening
August 4th, 2006 at 11:06 pm
I am so full of mixed emotions; ranging from sadness to rage. Disappointment to fear. The whole gamut all at once.
My rental (which was to be vacant as of Sunday the 6th) is in such awful shape, I can't even imagine what the tenants did to trash it to the current state. I'm beyond being mad, anxious enough about the entire project to have not slept well for a few nights and feel like getting a ticket to another country and forgetting I know the place exists.
After ranting and fuming here to myself.......I figure Monday will be the day I take the camera to the place & at least get a visual record in case there is anything I can do to recoup some of the losses. (I know what my avenues are, so pleeeease don't remind me! But, the company isn't going to be able to come up with money, I would be wasting mine to take this that direction)
I have some interested folks, who want to rent the place..........and they have been inside and aren't scared to pieces. They are young, energetic and really think they can get it back into shape. Two families, unrelated both guys own their own construction companies (which will be very handy, considering all the damage!)
We're meeting on Monday to see if we can hash out a deal we can all live with, while the work is going on. They need to be out of their homes (which they have sold to the new mall developer here in our county) by the 14th of this month, so they are willing to work with me......for me......however we decide to move on this.
I feel like taking an ad out in the Seattle Times and putting in pics of the home and sharing the previous tenants name & company with the world. I do know she still has a couple adult homes, as well as a couple bed & breakfast inns here in WA state. I would like to at least prevent others from ending up in my particular pickle here!!! But, I won't.
I really don't mind hard work, in fact, I like it. But, work from others leaving things un done and poorly done is just nasty. We've already scheduled a big wine tasting party on the grounds when we get the house & property back into shape. Hopefully, it will be this year!!! 
I'm hoping the planets re-allign pretty darned soon, so my life starts moving in a different direction.............or, I am going to get that ticket to some other country and head to the airport straight away!
Posted in
August 4th, 2006 at 05:45 pm
You know the saying, "when a door closes, there will be a window that opens" or something similar relating to opportunities....???
I had another door close here yesterday. Opened my email to find a message saying the non profit co I just started working for part time, is NOT going to be pursuing the contract with WA state, so my brand new job will be done Sept 30. Drat & Darn. I was just getting so I knew what I was doing on my own. And, I confess, I'm not too jazzed about doing a bang up job for the next couple months when I'm not getting to continue. Granted, the reasoning is good, the company didn't think the money was good enough for their independant contractors, so they just passed. We will get to apply to whomever is awarded the new contract...and at this point, I do think I'll do that......but there is no guarantee there will be someone who wants to apply... So, only 2 more paychecks from this source.
As I said, I'm searching for the other opportunity to show up ....now that this door is closing.
Posted in
August 3rd, 2006 at 06:42 pm
I needed a thank you for an aquaintance & cashed in enough MyPoints to get a $25.00 G/C for Home Depot for the gentleman. He was thrilled, so it was just the ticket.
That left me with a meager number of points, however..........last night my aunt called & asked me to order flowers for her on line... Well, having learned from other MyPoints junkies, I did a simple deal of ordering the posies through 1-800 Flowers, off the MyPoints site. Whoosh........just like that, my point total is looking better and definately on the way back up.
I remember thinking "5 points for reading an email....that will amount to nothing!" when I started this venture. HA. I'm a convert.
Just the G/C for others is a painless little deal here. I can zip through my email list while taking phone calls, or updating lists for work....Like making money for just sitting here. Too easy. No gas to use up, I don't have to go shopping.......just easy money.
I'm no where near the advanced sort that some of you are on here, with the triple sorts of deals & the multiple site savings plans for things..... But, I don't do much shopping in the first place. I'm more than satisfied with my little place in the scope of things and will happily await my next total for another gift card!! 5 Points adds up fast....it's amazing how ones perspective can change.
Posted in
keeping track,
Free: My favorite 4 letter word
August 2nd, 2006 at 04:41 pm
Good thing I don't have anything I have to do, using my van. As of yesterday, it doesn't have current tabs.
Not because I didn't get right on the license issue the first of July, by taking the van in for some necessary work (or the emission crew wouldn't test me).........and then ran directly through the emission test....and then mailed the fee and paperwork off the next day......... No, not because I was trying to be on time, no.....a little early actually.....
None of those things had anything to do with the tabs not being here yet, more than 3 weeks later! I called the licensing dept yesterday & they checked on my paperwork. Yes, it is all there, no, there is nothing missing, nothing wrong with anything.......... But, the state is running a couple weeks late on tab requests and it could be another couple weeks until they get to mine.
I was told I could either have them mail me a 3 week extension, or go pick it up. Knowing my luck with stuff like this, I opted for her mailing it! Hoping it comes today, as I'm scheduled to do some driving tomorrow. The best laid plans often go amuck is the theme for this entry. I couldn't have started the process sooner than July, as I didn't have the freedom to go without the van for the couple days it took to order parts & work on it. As I said, it is a good thing I work here, and have no need to drive.
If the state were a privately owned & operated business, this type of customer service wouldn't be tolerated. I guess this is why I voted for a business owner for governer last time.....and I guess this is the result from him not winning the election.
Posted in
August 1st, 2006 at 03:27 am
As a matter of course now, there was no spending again today. With my change in work status, (30 days today) I decided to really tighten up on everything until I could figure out how much I was able to make. Still can't tell what the money in aspect is going to look like, too early to guess too.....need to give my ads probably 6 months to be accurate.
So, no spending it is. I can do this. I've done it before out of necessity, and later on by choice for different reasons each time. So, nothing new. Spending money is truly what is out of character for me. It does show me I have all I need, and then some. Blessed indeed here and more than content.
All meals out of the garden and freezer these days. Yummy home made burgers this evening with a fresh salad and steamed new green beans. Add to that; most of the condiments for the burgers were home canned too, or fresh from the garden. Again, I'm stumped when I continue to run into people that don't garden, never have and don't want to. Even when they complain about the price of groceries they won't entertain the option of planting anything themselves.... Seems like one of those simple solutions to a problem to me!
Worked in the yard today and set up a free to me bird bath in a new garden. Looks great......now it just needs some plants. Will keep an eye out on freecycle for something suitable, or put in a wanted post next Sat.
Last day of the month, I think I've done what I'm supposed to have done re; the part time job and their data base. The only time I find out any info is when I've done something wrong, or omitted something....... There are no directions, or templates to follow. What a silly way to run a business. I know if I've done something outside the lines, I'll get an email tomorrow.........I'm saving the emails, making myself my own procedure book of sorts.
Goals related to $$$ for August
#1 had better be, get the rental RENTED.
#2 continue building the sewing business
#3 send emails to local home schooling groups, advertising the sewing and knitting (thanks to a fellow blogger here for that tip & reminder)
#4 shop and purchase the supplies for the projects the Navy man is going to be taking on this fall.
I would be thrilled if I get that short list completed......
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all things food,
no $pending day,
keeping track,
Frugal Gardening
July 30th, 2006 at 08:21 pm
I've always been pretty particular about my house and yard, but with the "Navy" now here, I've discovered I'm very, very lax about everything. I guess having the kids here for decades has worn me down to a frazzle and most things just didn't matter; except making it through the day til bedtime!
Our Navy man has been working since 9AM today, and has finished little things from the list and is now re arranging the pump house to put up shelving. He has reviewed the plans for the pump and is going to be changing my filter for the well, which I had no idea how to do. (tried to get some local well co, to come do it and teach me, but never got someone to agree to the job)
I'm going to need to do some brain storming to come up with enough projects to keep this guy busy. He comes in and sits in my office when he has completed all the items on the list (that we can do currently....some jobs are waiting for winter, as they are better suited to indoor time) I also need some supplies for him to work with, so there is going to be $$$ out in the near future. Since I'm not paying for labor, and most everything will help bring this property up in value, I think it's a good plan to spend money in this area. We are making a trip to my moms next week end to raid her lumber pile and permantly 'borrow' some of my dads tools. That should help keep costs down, as well as assist with cleaning up around her place.
Eating out of the garden, veggies for every meal here, and enough for stashing some in the freezer occasionally.
And, the best thing of all today.......I woke up to RAIN. Lots of rain. It rained last here on July 4th, not even enough to measure......and then really hot & dry since then. My gardens are almost talking to me they are so thrilled with this weather! Now the sun is out, but it is just 61, which feels like heaven to someone who has lived most of my life here in WA state.....Damp and cooler, my climate of choice...that is for sure.
Another no spend day here at our place.
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no $pending day
July 30th, 2006 at 04:15 am
Just a quick update........had an entry almost ready to post and my PC decided it needed to update Firefox all by itself and bleeped me out of my blog. Drat. Too old and too tired to re do it totally.
Was at moms. Worked for a couple days canning and freezing my produce from the tiny garden here as well as her apple trees.
Lots of food "put up" as it used to be called.
Got home to find most of my pesky little TO DO list items were finished....The Navy has arrived!! He came running in the house when he found out I was home, as he was BORED he said and needed more to do. Glad to oblige, as I really hate seeing able bodied people just sitting around.........we tackled the garage and have him a place to build a work bench now. In the down time, while I was trying to figure out where to put everything, he slicked up the pump house, figured out how the pump works, taught me how to turn the water off to the house and created a TO DO list for tomorrow. I'm going to have to do some serious thinking in order to keep up with him! We're only on Week #1 of 52 weeks!
Mowed lawns, finished an order for a customer a day early so they could come this evening & pick it up.........which they did.......so $$$ IN today and no money spent. Nice!
I did treat my mom to dinner out last night, as we had a coupon for one dinner free.......and we had worked at cooking type tasks for 2 days, it felt good to let someone else cook.
We got to see the new grandbaby too yesterday, he now weighs 11 lbs and is doing pretty well. Still using an odd car bed thing, as he tends to stop breathing in a normal sit up type car seat....looks sort of like a baby bathtub.
Time's up. I've worked so hard today, sitting down isn't a good plan.......I'm falling asleep here at my desk. A very productive couple of days...
Posted in
all things food,
sewing & knitting
July 27th, 2006 at 04:20 am
OK, it wasn't a true square foot gardening plan, with a grid and all. But, it was close, in that it is a very small area, bordered by sidewalk & driveway on 3 sides and gravel parking area on the 4th side.
I took old sod out, prepared the soil by adding many wheelbarrows of compost (OK, I had one of the kids do it!!!) and then I started by just setting in a couple of the perinneals I had brought from the old house.
Then, spring arrived and it was time to think veggies. With no where else to put the flowers, I set in the zuchinni plants, put in a couple rows of bush beans, added in a row (now 2)of sugar peas and everything was coming along just fine for awhile. I had extra space & picked up a couple dozen onion sets and they filled up any extra space around the edges. Oh, and don't forget the flower seeds I put in on the end of the whole affair, Cosmos and sweet peas.......now beginning to look more like a hedge, lovely......but quite substantial.
Lately, it is hard to find any soil. Plants have run amuck. I can still reach in and harvest most everything (the beans are going to be interesting) and it is really easy to keep it all watered and weeded. Vines are beginning to creep out on the sidewalks....
I think I do this on purpose, I have always loved gardens that seem to be overflowing. I'm happy with this one, just wish it was bigger now!
I'm posting a picture, in an attempt to show that it doesn't take a BIG garden to grow a garden. There has been much discussion on Flash's blog re; my initial question "why doesn't everyone grow a garden??"..... this is an attempt to address one concern that was raised. Not enough room.

My area is approx 10' X 10', right outside my front door. It was the easiest piece of ground to clear when we moved in last fall. Definately a lazy persons garden, it takes me a minute or so every couple days to pull a weed that has the nerve to come up.......about 15 minutes a day to water, or no time if I just let the hose drip slowly overnight. Can't tell how long it took me to plant the whole thing as it's been a work in progress, but it can't be 2 hours total.
And, if you don't have 10' square to work with........notice the planters behind the garden? They are each my 'salad' containers, planted with mixed greens and bush peas. They would fit on a deck or porch and you could have fresh salads all summer.
Hopefully, this can help some of you cross not enough space or time off your list of excuses!!! If not, let me know here.
Still thinking on the lack of confidence as a reason not to garden........Ideas forthcoming!
In the meantime, check out the sister site from Saving Advice, at
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Frugal Gardening,