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What A Difference A Day Makes

August 6th, 2006 at 04:45 pm

Boy, do things look different to me this morning. With the rental issue resolved, (months of work left to do, but we have a PLAN) I slept for almost 8 hours and feel like a new person....maybe not new, but at least a well rested old person! Smile

Have been up for hours, make breakfast for the natives here, cleaned the kitchen that didn't get cleaned after the cooking marathon of yesterday..... did the rental meeting instead of cleaning up.

Have a kettle of applesauce simmering and the house smells delicious. If I'm making applesauce, fall has to be on the doorstep here. Meals are all a snap today, due to mass food prepared yesterday. Love that.
Will have several meals to put in the freezer tonight too....I'm doing a fair job of keeping the kitchen freezer just for my ready to heat & eat meals. Helps with the organization and I get a more constant update/reminder of what there is to use, as well as what needs replentishing.

The day might even get capped off with a paycheck this afternoon. It is the first week of the month already........and both my kids families owe for Aug now. An uneventful day here...just like I like them! No spending, no going anywhere, just enjoying a day without a schedule.

3 Responses to “What A Difference A Day Makes”

  1. ima saver Says:

    I am so glad things are going better for you!

  2. Carolina Bound Says:

    Nothing like a good night's sleep for a new outlook!

  3. boomeyers Says:

    A day without a schedule is a beautiful thing.

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