Home > No Spending as a Habit

No Spending as a Habit

August 1st, 2006 at 02:27 am

As a matter of course now, there was no spending again today. With my change in work status, (30 days today) I decided to really tighten up on everything until I could figure out how much I was able to make. Still can't tell what the money in aspect is going to look like, too early to guess too.....need to give my ads probably 6 months to be accurate.

So, no spending it is. I can do this. I've done it before out of necessity, and later on by choice for different reasons each time. So, nothing new. Spending money is truly what is out of character for me. It does show me I have all I need, and then some. Blessed indeed here and more than content.

All meals out of the garden and freezer these days. Yummy home made burgers this evening with a fresh salad and steamed new green beans. Add to that; most of the condiments for the burgers were home canned too, or fresh from the garden. Again, I'm stumped when I continue to run into people that don't garden, never have and don't want to. Even when they complain about the price of groceries they won't entertain the option of planting anything themselves.... Seems like one of those simple solutions to a problem to me!

Worked in the yard today and set up a free to me bird bath in a new garden. Looks it just needs some plants. Will keep an eye out on freecycle for something suitable, or put in a wanted post next Sat.

Last day of the month, I think I've done what I'm supposed to have done re; the part time job and their data base. The only time I find out any info is when I've done something wrong, or omitted something....... There are no directions, or templates to follow. What a silly way to run a business. I know if I've done something outside the lines, I'll get an email tomorrow.........I'm saving the emails, making myself my own procedure book of sorts.

Goals related to $$$ for August

#1 had better be, get the rental RENTED.
#2 continue building the sewing business
#3 send emails to local home schooling groups, advertising the sewing and knitting (thanks to a fellow blogger here for that tip & reminder)
#4 shop and purchase the supplies for the projects the Navy man is going to be taking on this fall.

I would be thrilled if I get that short list completed......

5 Responses to “No Spending as a Habit”

  1. Bookie Says:

    That's remarkable, that you are able to manage your situation with such effective care.

    You make those of us who grumble about our circumstances lool like the slackers we really are.

    Well done. Smile

  2. boomeyers Says:

    Sounds like a workable list.
    Are you sending the homeschooling groups flyers about teaching sewing and knitting? Cause if that is the case, do'nt forget the girl scout groups. Leaders always need something like this and you can get the guidelines for what is needed to earn a patch and offer classes to earn it for a few dollars per girl and viola, everyone wins!

  3. flash Says:
    1154647866 peaches and apricots are pretty ripe...and I'm wondering the same, why not?

  4. flash Says:

    And you know...I'm trying to figure out WHAT to do with all this fruit...maybe that's a barrier for some people...some years I get all excited and can and freeze and make jam and jelly, some years I just let the deer have them. Unlike the stuff from the store, if I dont' get AROUND TO IT, nature takes care of it.

    Nature takes care of it in my frig, too...but it isn't a pretty, or sweet smelling, method Smile

  5. ann edwards Says:


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