Viewing the 'all things food' Category
April 17th, 2006 at 06:42 pm
Spent Easter week end at my moms, it really was a great break. (she does a nice version of a Bed & Breakfast!!) The weather was so horrible, we didn't do yard work like planned. We had thunder, lightening and even some hail again. Nasty for Easter.
The biggest job I did was hang all her pictures and what nots on her walls. She was nervous about putting holes in her new walls! Things look so nice at her place, she has done some great work there.
I used her computer to keep up with email & blog reading here, but wow, what a difference. I'm so spoiled. She has dial up and I haven't used that for a decade or so........I had time to do other things while waiting for pages to load!! I'm thinking a cable modem is going to be on my list of things to keep, not cut here!
We had some great talks about property, her wishes and plans........have the next bunch of meetings planned out, (starts tomorrow with a developer) so we did make progress, just not in the yard!
Mom sent home most all the food, so I won't have to cook today, or much of this week if I get my act together in the kitchen. Aiming for a kettle of split pea soup with the ham bone!!
My autistic kiddo is due back here any minute. He left Sat AM to be with his mom for the holiday. He had a total meltdown after his mom got here, physically & verbally abusive to both she & I. I needed the break from him even more so after that event.....There isn't enough money to be worth doing this full time. Here's hoping he will be good to go for a bit now.........I'm still too pooped to deal with the crisis mode again.
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all things food,
April 9th, 2006 at 04:36 pm
No matter what I did yesterday, I was going backwards. Didn't make progress, didn't get things off my TO DO list........
First off, the neighbors dead cow is still in their field, albiet....covered with a blue tarp now. They had someone come that I thought was going to remove the carcass but, no........they left. My autistic kiddo is on hyper alert, checking out the window, Oh, about every 5 minutes, asking "why dead?". I am getting more frustrated by the hour, I have no answers and not sure there are any.
So, with dead cow/autistic kiddo......needless to say, the jelly project never left the TO DO list stage. Fortunately we were having one of our "encore" meals, so there was no cooking needed.
I did manage to get a huge batch of bacon cooked ahead, love whoever I got this tip from. Layer a jelly roll pan with bacon and bake, (12 min in my oven) at 350. I drain, wrap in paper towel and then pop in a zip lock for the fridge. Makes for quick help at breakfast time, makes a BLT possible around here at lunch.........a good tip for me, even if I'm heating up the oven.
It's raining here, but a light spring rain, not one of our sky opens up sort of rain. My free strawberry plants are beginning to look a little more like plants and less like planted compost material! (see http://www.frugalgardening.com if you would like to get a free strawberry patch for yourself) I should take a picture now, so I can track the progress, I'm confidant I'll have a lush patch this summer! Small, but lush. Looking at the poor plants now, one has to have the imagination & vision of a true gardener, or they would bunch the project immeadiately!
I was the recipient of the coupon train yesterday. Spent the evening adding my stash and going through to pick out things that would be helpful to our household. I remember using coupons years ago, but just got out of the habit here, since I'm not the household grocery shopper. We have an "arrangement" here that I have worked out with my tenant person. She is on disability & gets food stamps. She doesn't cook however.....and shops poorly, even with a list. So, a few years ago, we came to an agreement....I'll do the cooking, she will shop for what I put on the list and we've been making this work ever since. I'm feeding the household (which is 3 adults during the week and either 4 or 5 on the week ends) for what she gets in food stamps. Usually, we don't use all the money, it gets added to the next month. She even has a "budgeted" amount of the $$ to use for her expensive snack type items. According to her, she can still use coupons with the food stamps........we ought to be doing well re; food expenses, she now has a handful of coupons, and is planning to organize them according to her favorite store. Hmmm, sounds like progress to me.
Long winded entry for not much happening. I'm off to make a few phone calls about how long one can leave dead livestock in your yard around here??
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all things food,
no $pending day,
Frugal Gardening
March 26th, 2006 at 09:46 pm
It has been a bad month for my NO $pend Days. Today is one, but they have been few and far between for March.
Still digging for paperwork for my tax preparer. (I know, should be doing those myself, but YUK, I hate numbers) I've got most of the purchase prices located, now working on collecting all the improvements to 2 separate pieces since buying them. Can't wait til I get this project done. I dislike having to do something by a deadline, and then when it involves numbers too......I can procrastinate better than most!
I've begun cancelling the first of the trial offers I signed up for & can't believe how persistant the folks are. I did have one that I got a second level offer of sorts, one more free month, they would send me 4 certificates to get my oil changed if I would not cancel yet. I did try this out........ The rest are difficult to get out of, but as long as I'm doing this while my kiddo is in school, I'm OK. Uninterrupted phone time is necessary.... I can see why they don't let you cancel on line....they want a fighting chance to convince me to give them my $14.95 a month for whatever.........
All meals out of the freezer or pantry today..........makes me feel frugal & self sufficient. Can't hardly wait til I can go out to the garden in the morning and pick the days produce!!! Fresh salads; a reason to put in a veggie garden!!!
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all things food,
no $pending day
March 20th, 2006 at 03:49 pm
I'm still stuck on assets & liabilities after hearing whoever the author is of Rich Dad, Poor Dad.... His point about a home being a liability has really put me on a different track here, although that wasn't the point of his PBS program. I do see the basic problem, houses TAKE money. Seems like all the time!
I'm trying to come up with ways to make this one even out the equation, if just a little bit. I have always used my home as my job in a way, taking clients into my home and getting paid for it. Couldn't do it without the house.......so I'm probably not as far off the mark as it feels. Will continue to keep this idea in mind however; and try to come up with more ideas to MAKE $$$ with the house & property.
A no spend day today......staying home, eating off that same roast from Friday. (not to worry, I stuck chunks of it in the freezer) Soft tacos tonight with shredded beef, home canned salsa....even have a touch of sour cream left. Yum.
Trying to justify my house cleaner in my attempt to shave the expenses in preparation to quitting my job in June. I've still got this expense in the KEEP column........not much justification yet, other than I love having someone else clean my house ..........and hmmmm...he brings all his own supplies, so I don't need to purchase cleaning equipment or supplies??? I could switch to 2X a month, since the house won't be getting such a workout without the full time client here. Possible.
Love that it's Spring! Even looks like spring here, although it is 28 degrees this AM......supposed to be 55 today. Daffodils from the garden here on the desk, trees blooming......delightful.
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all things food,
no $pending day
March 19th, 2006 at 03:01 pm
If change is truly good, I ought to be in great shape here. I have changed so many things in the past 48 hours and I can see God meeting me more than half way here.
I made a decision, started doing what I could do..........and voila, things are beginning to fall into place. Love it when that happens!!
One more call to make, cancelling the chicken coop project, the chickens were mostly entertainment & chores for the boys here. I never did consider them a money saver..........maybe we broke even. Eggs will be cheaper in the store. With the bird flu scare, my usual source to order the chicks has started having difficulties already with regulations, etc. Perhaps this is the right time to put this project on hold anyway. Will have the contractor finish the clothesline however, since that will save money for the rest of my stay here at this place.
The other adult that stays here (this is really a convoluted deal......she hasn't paid rent, let's call it subsidized housing) has given me cash towards expenses now, twice this week. Totals almost 1000. Nice........very nice. Now, to keep this regular, that will be the trick. Her income is rather hit and miss.
Also planning on speaking to one of the parents of my part time clients, letting him know I'm available for more hours, a different, creative plan for his son..... This is a private pay client, and money is truly no barrier to them. An area I plan to tap into. Better care for their son, less hassle for them and increased income for me. Win, win and win.
A no spend day here, up to 6 now for the month if I remember right. And, I did manage to get a picture posted on Craigs list, advertising the refrigerator in my living room. Posting pictures was a goal of mine, since I've got this unending supply of stuff I could sell....but pictures are imperative. So, did it once........TA DA!!
Listed 17 books online last night. Sure wish I had a crystal ball to know what other people are wanting to buy. Again, I have books that cross my path on a regular basis, no charge to me. Last night was an odd combo, some poetry, history, mystery and a couple coffee table type books. (the shipping on those might kill me, but I thought I'd see if there was an interest)
Very frugal couple of days food wise here. The roast, rice, gravy and brocolli from Friday has been transformed into a great meal of fried rice, another of stuffed acorn squash, a kettle of beef barley soup and for tonight, beef for soft tacos. Cooking a roast is like having someone fix the meals for the next couple days!! Comes out to pennies per serving too.......if I was any good at math, I'd figure it out!
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all things food,
no $pending day
March 11th, 2006 at 03:27 pm
I love details.........and organization.........but I'm overwhelmed with the paperwork this week. I've got my annual state inspection for my license this Fri and then Tue & Wed of next week....in addition to my appt on Wed for my taxes. I'm working on the license bit first, since after the first meeting on Friday, the rest are more like exit interviews....so, I'll work on collecting the paperwork/documentation for the tax meeting over the week end.
I didn't get to choose the scheduling for these, which is probably making me a tad more negative.
The tax meeting will be one more hurdle to cross re; the closure of the business last year. Can't wait til all the hurdles are in my past.
Success yesterday.......the largest rent check was in my mailbox.....on the day it was due! My reminder emails/FAX and voice mails worked; I think it was the bcc to the exec dir that actually made the system work. Either way, the money was on time. Nice, finally. I was getting tired of the excuse that they didn't get paid on time, so then their check was late. Too bad, figure out a different system.....
Deposited the 2 checks I had yesterday & did get my haircut. Also forgot to use the Target gift cards, just not a shopping person.....plus I had my autistic young man with me; so I should be glad I got home with the items on my list....(and absolutely nothing else!)
Just forgot to use the free money......I need to remember to write FREE MONEY on the list next time, maybe that would help?
Spending just $15.00 today.....It's helper day here......the young man I've hired to spend 3 hours with my autistic kiddo comes this morning, so I get a little reprieve. Enjoying this, the boys are still pretty shy, there isn't much interaction, but I get a break and that is what the goal was in the first place. Now, I just need to clone this kid and pull someone in a couple days after school too.
Home made clam chowder for dinner tonight.....it's freezing here, so that should be a good choice. We've got everything it takes, (but I never start out to cook something that I am missing parts for....) I'm not one to know how much a recipe costs, but this has got to be pretty darned cheap. I buy the bacon in bulk, use dried milk, have the clams in the freezer and using up potatoes that are at the bottom of my bin..... I'll make a huge pot too, so it will cover us for lunches tomorrow too. Aiming for a soup meal at least weekly here.
Got 2 samples in the mail yesterday; each time I say thank you to those of you who kindly post the addresses here.
Each offer individually, doesn't seem like much, but I've begun to see that I can run my dishwasher this week for free, wash clothes for a couple weeks also free in addition to the benefits that add up from each days new goodies in the mail. ( I should be looking years younger soon too......due to all the creams/lotions I've received ) 
Enough here, back to collecting documents and organizing paperwork. I'll put on my CD I got from the library yesterday (Dave Ramseys, Total Money Makeover) & maybe it will make the job less of a job.
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all things food,
$ OUT,
March 8th, 2006 at 05:31 pm
I just found a small stash of PC games (one new even) that we don't use at all........so started to list them on half.com. Came to a halt, when I keep getting a note to enter the proper UPC code? I'm doing just that........ the number is now etched in my brain, but not coming up as a valid UPC. Anyone have pointers for me on this??
I followed up with my CC company & found out the nasty co. that has been calling for payment had already charged my account. I am going to save their FAX from yesterday demanding the same payment again, by check. I have the record now of closing the account, but I'm paranoid re; things like this. I haven't had anything even close to this in my life for decades. Gave up the husband person and magically, the money difficulties never returned.
Spending like crazy today; it's cleaning day here, so I'll pay for my month of that service, in addition to paying him for cleaning my moms house this month too. The building supplies get delivered today for the chicken coop and clothesline projects ....Yeah! Finally!
So, will need to write checks for that too.
My state inspection has been moved up to the 17th, so I'm working hard on getting all the little details finished up here. There will be expenses for this too; I plan to get one more fire extinguisher prior to the 17th. I will wait & just take notes on what the state needs me to change/add........rather than going overboard on things I might not have to do. First time being licensed as an adult facility, I hear it is different than foster care licensing......so I'll be learning new regs & requirements. The only fun part to this will be watching the 3 inspectors try to get any info from the autistic young man that lives here! I know he won't talk to them, nor will he understand their questions.
Expecting snow here today & tomorrow, so I'm holding off on taking my new load of goodies to the antique booth. Anxious to get more in the space, as well as see if anything sold. I'm hoping people just won't be able to live without the things I'm selling!
Baking a couple loaves of my Friendship Bread this afternoon, first time for this starter. I decided to get better at providing home made snacks here......so it's apple cinnamon and a choc chip for this afternoon. Should smell yummy right about school bus time!
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all things food,
$ OUT,
February 27th, 2006 at 06:05 pm
Trying to fit in a banking run between interviewing contractors again. I've got the rental check (finally) that needs to go in along with the cash for the stove. (the fridge appt. didn't happen yesterday, she said it would be today for sure----crossing fingers).
Made one call to the tenant, couldn't reach her, will try emailing the exec dir of the program, she is more responsive, but not involved in the finances. But, it is a step for me.
Haven't done any of the other contacts either re; monies owed me. Horrible on this. The most I did is locate the blog of one person, he is working now, so that is a good sign. Have 2 others to still deal with too. March goals perhaps? If the money all came in, it would be just a little over $7000, so it is worth me getting the lead out here.
The rental bit is not an increase, other than the agreement we signed included a daily late fee, which they have never paid. And, they have never paid on time. I am a lousy landlord. If I really didn't need all the monies from the rental to cover costs of the other house, I would turn this account over to a mgmt firm.
It's a no spend day here, meals are all done, thanks to the bulk cooking session yesterday. I still have some packaging to do today too; "banked" 6 meals for the freezer, in addition to the meal for tonight. Easy way to get ahead on my cooking chores..........prep while I'm already cooking one meal, if I have to be in the kitchen, I want to make my time count!
After closely monitoring my spending since joining here; I've discovered my largest expense in the loosely labeled Misc catagory is gifts for others. I really enjoy this, so don't plan to quit. I am extremely frugal with this too, shopping for best deals, etc.. And, I rarely give a Thing......but a service or experience. I have no other vices or expensive habits, so plan to continue this as it is too fun to surprise someone, or better yet, gift them anonomously.
Found out the horses that are boarding here, were let out by someone messing with my fencing. We couldn't find a break in the fence anywhere, but did find all 3 hot wires unhooked at the insulators & laid back so the horses could just walk out. I have no plan or ideas for a plan as to how to counteract this sort of nastiness. We're going to wire the spot closed, so they will need wire cutters to do the same deed again. The horses are moved to the back of the property for a week or so.......but who in the world would do this?? And, it has messed with my naive little view of my corner of the world here.... which I am totally ticked off about. I'm on a dead end street, no teenagers, 6 other homes, all but one retired couples or singles. Makes me want to move further out in the bushes!
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all things food,
no $pending day
January 30th, 2006 at 05:59 pm
I was planning a trip out for errands, spending a bit on assorted things that have been on "the List" for weeks now...........but, when checking the calendar, discovered it's a no school day. Since I can rarely get my autistic kiddo in the car to go anywhere, and if I do, I wouldn't be able to concentrate..........we're staying home.
So, chalk up another no money day!
I did have to run the dishwasher due to extra folks here last night....but am consistantly remembering to use air dry & no heat.
Took a close look at one of the water heaters, it has a box on the top of it with dials, switches, etc. Was set on #3, lower temp. I moved it to #2 which says smart saver. #1 says Smart. Think I'll see what sort of change #2 makes, as this is the heater the water comes from for the kitchen.
Water heater number 2 has no box, so I presume it is operating under expensive & stupid (compared to the other one!!)
The heater is in a closet in the bedroom wing........I'll try to open the doors to it at night, since the closet is always quite warm. Have to wait until after C goes to bed, due to his compulsion to close doors.
Using half of yesterdays roast & making BBQ beef for tonight. Will package leftovers in meal size portions for the freezer. Just like money in the bank!!
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all things food,
no $pending day
January 29th, 2006 at 05:44 pm
I made pancakes this AM for the bunch & found out I was all out of my pre measured sacks of dry ingredients for pancakes.........so, I just finished up 7 of them for the cupboard. What a time saver that is. I can be half asleep & still make pancakes!! Refuse to pay someone else to measure out the dry ingredients for me!!! These taste better anyway. I would love to experiment with different flavors & add ins, but the kids are stuck with choc chip & banana.....so we just alternate. Boring for the cook! I did sneak in an apple cinnamon day when I had a dab of applesauce leftover!
Roast in the crock pot with tons of garlic, the house is going to smell great soon....... Home made split pea soup thawing out for kids lunch. So, again, all 3 meals from scratch....and we'll have plenty of the roast beef for several other meals this week.
I read other posts here & am struck by how many people eat out so often. Makes me realize how much money I'm saving by cooking at home.
I discovered this AM I have a secret weapon re; electricity used here....... the autistic young man that lives here is obsessing lately about turning out the lights. (I've got the energy saving bulbs anyway) He does a few other things obsessively too that drive me nuts, but I decided to be grateful today about the lighting!
I have some outdoor lighting to switch to the new bulbs, but for the life of me, I can't figure out how to get the fixture apart to get to the light bulb. They are all on timers too.......which is good I guess, but so far, I can't figure out how to turn the lights on & have them stay on....there are some times I would love to do that! Will have to move outdoor lighting to my February TO DO list. I loved someones post here that picked one thing to focus on for each month..........that will be my February focus. Outdoor lights! I've got several big flood lights too, on timers, but I don't know if they have replacements that would be more energy efficient, will have to research.
The idea of being proactive re; my finances has really taken hold with me. I'm an avid list maker, love to research & am addicted to seeing progress in paying bills off.
Here's to another no spending day!!
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all things food,
no $pending day