Home > forced no spending day

forced no spending day

January 30th, 2006 at 05:59 pm

I was planning a trip out for errands, spending a bit on assorted things that have been on "the List" for weeks now...........but, when checking the calendar, discovered it's a no school day. Since I can rarely get my autistic kiddo in the car to go anywhere, and if I do, I wouldn't be able to concentrate..........we're staying home.
So, chalk up another no money day!
I did have to run the dishwasher due to extra folks here last night....but am consistantly remembering to use air dry & no heat.
Took a close look at one of the water heaters, it has a box on the top of it with dials, switches, etc. Was set on #3, lower temp. I moved it to #2 which says smart saver. #1 says Smart. Think I'll see what sort of change #2 makes, as this is the heater the water comes from for the kitchen.
Water heater number 2 has no box, so I presume it is operating under expensive & stupid (compared to the other one!!)
The heater is in a closet in the bedroom wing........I'll try to open the doors to it at night, since the closet is always quite warm. Have to wait until after C goes to bed, due to his compulsion to close doors.
Using half of yesterdays roast & making BBQ beef for tonight. Will package leftovers in meal size portions for the freezer. Just like money in the bank!!

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