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Archive for July, 2006

Antique Booth Update & other misc musings

July 5th, 2006 at 11:57 pm

Well, the antique booth has turned into a great way to spend (waste) money, IMO. I'm going to give it July & Aug. and then I believe I'll be pulling out. It is fun, but not enough I want to pay for the priviledge.

Took more items in this AM, the booth looks great, but just not enough moving to pay the rent, let alone make any money.

Good thing the other items in my Making Money Column are working out! 2 sewing customers this afternoon........and the check is in the mail from the foster parent recruiter position.

I do have 2 LONG trainings to attend tomorrow & Friday, with some long drives too. But, as I understand it, they don't happen often.

Since it is July, wonder of wonders, the housemate person has begun to pay rent. She is planning on splitting the expenses for this home exactly in half......and pay me in 2 payments during the month. I have the first installment already in the bank today! We'll see how long this lasts! She also paid the last payment on her truck loan (that was in my name) today. Now, she owes me $3,000 and will start paying that back next month which will also help my balance here. Didn't even factor that payment in as income.....

This is the month for my vans tabs & emission test. First, I have to take it in for some electrical work. The lights on the dash always show "service engine now" and I can't get it tested with that on. It would be an automatic disqualification. So, money out for the van, times 3 this month. Crossing my fingers the electrical can be an easy fix!!

No Shopping for Me

July 3rd, 2006 at 08:40 pm

Well, did I ever make out like a bandit. My housemate brought home sacks and sacks of shoes and 6 of them fit perfectly. I've got all sorts of new footwear now....and I think one pair will work for my event I've got to dress up for. Will have to check this out when I try on the outfit....I may need something a tad more summery, but I'm motivated to make this pair work.

I love deals like this! I even got shoes I wouldn't normally look twice at. And, a couple pair to use for walking shoes at least to begin with. I may want to invest in this area......but for now, I'm off, and hmmmm walking (not running)


The day is looking like a no spend day here, doing all the now normal things to keep costs down to the bare minimum here.
I've learned our water heaters are so well insulated I can even leave them off for a whole day & still have enough hot water for us. Usually I remember to turn them on an hour or so every AM.

Sent in a form to be considered for a test panel. If accepted, it says you receive samples and thank you gifts. I could live with that.
Also completed the survey on the freebie list today, for the $10.00 G/C to Amazon. This puts me up to $73.00 just for Amazon now; and I can get that number to go a loooong ways.

I am a tad cranky with my sewing customer of the black sequined blazer fame. She called to say she can't wear it. Too big. Well, is a bit on the large side (could have something to do with the fact she is at least a 4X) but I made a mock up & she approved the exact copy isn't right. Drat. And, Darn. It will be just like starting over; except I need to take it all apart first.

Goals for July

July 2nd, 2006 at 11:13 pm

I'm slow on the goals & re capping these days....... Hoping to get this whole area a bit more exact.

I will have my last paycheck this month, which gives me all of July to see how close I get to that with all my part time jobs. Not hoping for miracles here, but at least half would be great. Will get the ad placed in the 2nd newspaper this month!

Aiming for at least half the days to be no spend days, but will have some expenses this month.
Car tabs & prior to that the emission testing and prior to that a bit of repair work, as my car has an electrical snafoo that the guys won't even put it through emissions with. Drat.
Need to purchase some supplies to have on hand for the Navy man (who is working for some of his rent starting this month) to actually work with. Sheet rock & supplies, moulding for the kitchen project, washers for faucets & the like. Have a couple G/C to offset some of these.

Getting a bin full of shoes from a friend today, hoping I can come up with some appropriate (FREE) footwear from this collection, otherwise, I need to buy 2 pair of shoes. My feet are going to complain; working at home is very comfy for feet.

I will add walking to the program here, so I can save money & not have to buy new clothing. Hmmmm what to commit to?? At least 3 times a week for this month...sounds doable. (do need those shoes however)

Thank goodness I can already feel a jump in my energy level. Only my 2nd day here and I'm just wired with the excitement of it all...... I had all my normal chores done around here before lunch!! Unheard of!

Did buy gas today..........otherwise no money OUT.

higher gas expenses for free things

July 2nd, 2006 at 07:06 pm

With my unencumbered life these days, I've begun responding to freecycle items right and left...........and getting some of them!
As I was off on another trip to pick up a soaker hose for my garden, I was thinking this is 2 days in a row that I'm on the road driving somewhere. I'm not sure what year it was when I ever did that!!! Smile

So, the gas expenses will rise a bit...although the prices are going down in our area. Under $3.00 these days, not by much, but no number 3 in the picture.

I do think the free items are still cheaper, even with the necessary gas to get to them, than actually going shopping. Coupled with the fact, I really HATE shopping, this is a good solution for me.

I also enjoy getting out of my house, I feel like I've been held captive or something! Plus, the network of others who think the same, want to control their spending and waste nothing, is a valuable idea in itself. I'm beginning to create a new circle of aquaintances who all enjoy gardening and are willing to share plants, tools and advice.

Zipped by the outlet bakery, but they were closed today. Poor planning on my part. The thought that I can just GO anytime here is a bit heady!! I'll have to remember to rein that in after a week or so! For right now, this is too fun to pass up.........


July 2nd, 2006 at 02:06 am

I'm so excited today. Every little thing I do seems so simple & I've made it through my TO DO list that was as long as my arm...

Without the autistic kiddo, I'm just roaring through projects. I even asked for some things on Freecycle & got them.......and I can go get them without having to figure out some sort of magical method to get the kid in the car.

I'm copying a planter birdbath combo I saw in one of my free magazines last month, & tonight I'm supposed to be getting 2 of the major pieces to this event. Plus, I got an email from one of last months new gardener friends, saying she had more plants for me. I could tell her I'll be over this evening and not give it a 2nd thought!! Too fun. This is what my life used to be like!

I'm off......... going to stop on the way home & park at a trail head.......and take a bit of a walk. Hoping it is cooler then.

I want to be able to blog that I walked at least a couple times a week this month. Let's see how I do!

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