Called the DR this AM and yes, wonder of wonders, the faxed referral for mom to see the specialist had actually come through.......
So, off to Seattle we headed to have her nose checked out by the DR that came to the ER this week. She is breathing better now, but we have another routine of stuff to do for her nose, so a stop by the grocery store to restock the kitchen and a quick run through the pharmacy.......not even sure how many dollars that was, but we figure we're set for the week end now.
Came home to find moms twin sitting in our driveway....she was due to come late this evening, but she was here by noon something. She just had eye surgery and has fallen and fractured her wrist.
Getting the idea my weekend is filling up by the minute here??
Just as we were getting everyone settled, my week end young man was dropped off. Now all 3 rings of the circus are full here! He is pretty taken with the twins, and loves to just look at them. Hopefully they won't get to creeped out as he can get to be a bit much when you're feeling great.....not to mention when these two are feeling a little less than chipper!
We've got 2 weeks now before mom needs to go in for a nose check up......and Tues I'm taking the twins for matching glasses frames. Hopefully I will have time to pick a new pair out for me too. (can't forget one of my goals for 07 was to do things for me!!!) My young man will be back home by then, so it should be easy enough.
I'm tired and getting a touch cranky. If someone asks me what I did on the holiday week end..... I'm not going to be responsible!
And Another Dr Visit
September 1st, 2007 at 05:44 am
September 1st, 2007 at 06:53 am 1188626036
September 2nd, 2007 at 06:51 am 1188712275
September 3rd, 2007 at 05:24 am 1188793444