Home > Are You a Mustard Lover??

Are You a Mustard Lover??

August 16th, 2007 at 10:24 pm

Some people are into mustards, some aren't. I can tell the older I get, the more I enjoy mustards. Must have something to do with taste buds. I've never been into ketchup, maybe due to all the kids and seeing it used as a food group sometimes!

I'm going to be in mustard heaven since my box of 3 new mustards from Grey Poupon arrived today. Can't wait to start experimenting with them in some of my recipes.

Tonights meal is homemade pot stickers & rice, so mustard probably isn't going to make an appearance til tomorrow. My favorite recipe comes from one of my first kids. Round steak slathered with mustard, then lay in a spear of dill pickle.....roll up and wrap with a strip of bacon. Brown, then simmer for 3 hours. Tastes oh so good!

Since moms kitchen didn't have any mustards, these are a welcome addition!

5 Responses to “Are You a Mustard Lover??”

  1. miclason Says:

    I looooove mustards!

  2. jodi Says:

    I gotta admit, plain yellow is my favorite by far...but I do LOVE it. DH won't even touch mustard - he says it makes him gag. Imagine!

  3. baselle Says:

    I love mustard. Its also very very easy to make if you are willing to destroy a coffee grinder to grind up the mustard seed. (You don't want the coffee after you grind mustard).

    And there is the Mount Horeb Mustard Museum
    Sister always gives me their wickedest - mustard and horseradish. I now don't have sinuses; I feel my brain drip past my throat some days when the weather's bad. Big Grin

  4. boomeyers Says:

    Yummy! Those look soooo good!!

  5. fern Says:

    embarrassed to say i really like the bright yellow stuff best. i did buy some spicy mustard with horsesradish, though, cus i thought it would be good for me to try.

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