Home > Soxx Appeal

Soxx Appeal

July 20th, 2007 at 04:27 am

That's the name of the new yarn I just received in the mail. And, the best part is I didn't pay for it!!! I was chosen to be a test knitter for a new yarn from Knit One, Crochet Too.

I've got one sock already on the needles as you can see from the picture. Yummy yarn. (no one but another knitter will understand how yarn can be 'yummy') The colors are perfect, couldn't have chosen better myself. The yarn is a superwash Merino wool (which means it's washable) with a tad of nylon and an even smaller amount of elastic. Should make up into great socks. (which I get to keep)

Doesn't get much better than this for a knitter!

7 Responses to “Soxx Appeal”

  1. littlemama Says:

    The colors are beautiful. I want to see pics of the finished product.

  2. boomeyers Says:

    Nice yarn! I have a friend that is going to teach me how to knit when the summer is over, so I am up and running for a winter time hobby! Believe me, I will be picking you brain about this later! Once the growing season is over! Wink

  3. Ima saver Says:

    Really nice looking yarn.

  4. monkeymama Says:

    I like it!

  5. Helene Rush Says:


    Glad you are enjoying the yarn (I am the president of Knit One, Crochet Too). Feel free to "brag" to your socknitters "sisters" about the yarn. We think we have a terrific yarn, and wanted you guys to try it out to make sure you all agree. Spread the good word! ;-)

  6. Marion Says:

    I am another of the lucky recipients of this yarn to test. The color I received is a beautiful medium blue. I am making the popular Broad Ripple pattern. It is coming out beautifully and I love working with this yarn. I am on the foot of the second sock now and expect to be finished today. I will be purchasing this yarn for future socks.

  7. contrary1 Says:

    I agree, the colors of my sample here had to be a random pick.......but they would be my first choice if given a whole room full of yarn!

    Marion: You're flying on your pair! I was too excited to get a ripple/lace patterned sock of Fixation off my needles first.........I sat & knit on that last sock while looking at the new yarn to come up with my pattern (at least that is what I told myself!) Smile
    Helen: The more I knit with this........the better I like it. Can't wait to get the pair done & try them on. Two days of solid knitting time coming up this week; that should just about do it! Anytime you've got new yarn ......Please pick me!!!! Smile

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