Home > It's a Job Offer

It's a Job Offer

July 18th, 2007 at 06:41 am

I had an email last week, inquiring if I would ever be interested in taking on another young person as a long range sort of thing... In our area, this is called Companion Care, what I retired from a year ago June.

Anyway, today the "packet" arrived in the mail, with a contract all ready for me to sign and an envelope to return it in! Gads, a tad presumptuous I think.

I was pretty sure it wasn't going to turn out to be anything, as it took so long for info to get to me and now that it has, I'm totally unsure of what to do.

I did run the email past my mom, so she is in the loop. She wouldn't be licensed, but the house would, and I would. Depending on the person, mom would be fine with it she said. (neither of us is willing to go the autistic route again)

I need to read the packet in the daylight & when I'm not it seems like a definate NO tonight. This kid is just 21, still in high school and has "eloped" 7 times from his previous foster home. (can't wait to see who filled out the form here & ask them about all the spouses!!) They must mean runaway??? And, my policy has been to not take runaways back. Leave my place & you're out. With a kid that is delayed however, I just don't know.

This would certainly up the income here, from nothing to a whole bunch. That would be nice.
Having this sort of placement here in this house, in this neighborhood has the potential to really cause havoc. Moms neighbors all have "help". (for everything!)
Mom has been hinting around to get licensed and have babies here, temporary sort of placements......but babies none the less. (I'm not fond of little kids, so I haven't pursued that with much gusto)

Teens are more my style. Will call tomorrow and at least set up a meeting with this gentleman before spending anymore time weighing pros & cons. Just laying eyes on him might make my decision for me.

The rest of the day has been interesting too.........the mail also brought a denial letter from moms health plan. Apparently she has signed up for another plan and was turned down from her primary one. I've spent so much time on the phone my ears wore out. Tried on line, but the websites weren't helpful, just basic info.... Have details from both plans coming in the mail, will come up with one plan before August.

The little details like the health plan make me realize I needed to be asking more questions of mom alot sooner. So far, nothing is horribly serious, (but the income tax bit for the trust is a little scary) and we're making progress....but I no longer assume mom has everything in order.

Can't wait til morning. I'm going walking again (have been lazy while it's been so blinking hot here), and everything always looks clearer to me in the mornings.

5 Responses to “It's a Job Offer”

  1. Carolina Bound Says:

    It sounds like this young person has a lot of problems. Could be a BIG job! Of course, it's totally up to you if you are up to the challenge. There's no denying our society needs people who are willing to help.

  2. Ima saver Says:

    You stay so busy, I don't see how you would have time for anything else.

  3. fern Says:

    I guess it depends on what your responsibilities are in terms of the kid. Just what would you be required to do?

    From what I've learned of your home and lifestyle, it seems like it could only have a positive effect on a troubled teen, but as CB said, this could be a whole lotta work. Then again, seems like you have previous experience with this sort of thing.

    You'll learn a lot i bet if you meet him.

  4. boomeyers Says:

    I have some teens for you!!!! Smile
    Do you really want to commit yourself to something??

    Have fun on your walk!

  5. LuckyRobin Says:

    You might want to go back and reread your old entries from when you quit doing all the care of people you were doing before. I remember the remarkable decrease in your stress levels when you stopped and the relief it gave you to not have to deal with it so much anymore. Do you? You might want to remind yourself of it before you take something like this on.

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